How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Game of Salem 1692!

Hey there! Are you ready to dive into the intriguing world of Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1692? Prepare yourself for an exciting experience full of mystery, deception, and witchcraft.

Before we begin, let’s take a look at the rules for this thrilling game. I’ll guide you through everything you need to know so you can start playing like a pro.

The Objective

The goal of the game is to uncover the witches among us and bring them to justice. As a diligent townsperson, it’s your responsibility to identify these individuals and protect Salem from the wicked influence of witchcraft.

Game Components

You’ll need a few things to play this game:

  • A deck of 44 playing cards, including 6 witches, 6 witches’ familiars, and 32 innocent townspeople.
  • A game board depicting the town of Salem, divided into various locations.
  • 24 life counters to track each player’s health.
  • Action cards, used to perform special abilities.
  • A black bag to hold the life counters.

Setting Up the Game

First, each player should receive a life counter and place it facedown in front of them. Shuffle the playing cards and deal each player one card face up. This card represents their initial role in the game.

Next, the remaining playing cards are shuffled and placed face down, creating a draw pile. Each player then draws two action cards.

Finally, the game board is placed in the center of the playing area, and that’s it – you’re ready to begin!


During each turn, you’ll have different options:

  • Move: You can move your character to an adjacent location on the game board.
  • Investigate: Visit a location to investigate clues and gather information about other players’ roles.
  • Accuse: If you believe someone is a witch, you can accuse them. Make sure you have enough evidence to convince the other players!
  • Use Action Cards: Action cards can give you special abilities or help you gather more information.

Be careful, though – some players may be witches, and they will try to deceive you and the other townspeople. Stay vigilant and trust your instincts!

The Endgame

The game ends when all the witches have been identified and brought to justice, or when the witches outnumber the innocent townspeople. If you manage to rid Salem of its witch problem, congratulations – you’ve won!

Now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your friends and prepare for an unforgettable adventure in Salem 1692. Trust no one, be clever, and good luck!

How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine yourself transported back in time to the year 1692 in the quaint town of Salem, Massachusetts. But beware, for in this town, evil is afoot, and you have a sneaking suspicion that some of your fellow townspeople may be witches!

In this game, your goal is to strategically draw and play cards to accuse those you suspect of being witches, and to support those whom you believe are on your side. But be careful, as the deck of cards is limited, and when the Night card is revealed, the witches will try to eliminate an innocent player.

If you find yourself in possession of a Witch Tryal card at any point during the game, you are one of the witches, and your objective is to eliminate all non-witch players. On the other hand, if you never receive a Witch card (in other words, you are a Townsperson), your aim is to expose all the Tryal cards that bear the dreaded label “Witch.” Beware, though, as the Conspiracy card will shuffle the Tryal cards around, turning trusted allies into potential witches right before your eyes.

Listen up! Time is running out, and if you don’t act fast, you’ll find yourself in a town dominated by wickedness and mayhem. Picture this: a place where you’re the only good soul left, surrounded by darkness.

How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Getting Started with Salem

  1. Choose the most experienced player to be the Town Crier. Their job is to manage the opening and closing of eyes during the Night rounds.

If your group is new to Salem, if someone wants to sit out, or if you have a large group, it’s a good idea to use a Moderator instead of a Town Crier. The Moderator will oversee the game without participating as a player.

How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Okay, here’s what you need to do: first, grab the right number of Tryal Cards from the table below. Make sure you have enough for everyone playing. Any leftover cards can go back in the box. Then, shuffle those Tryal Cards really well and hand them out face-down to each person. Take a sneaky peek at your cards and line them up in front of you, face-down. If you got a “Witch” card, congratulations, you’re a Witch for the whole game! But if you got a “Constable” card, you’ll be the Constable during the Night phase. Oh, and just so you know, you can be both a Witch and the Constable. As the Constable, your job is to try and save someone during the Night. Good luck!

How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • To start the game, let’s shuffle the Town Hall cards and hand one to each player. Keep yours face-up in front of you. Now, listen up as I read your character’s ability to the group. If we have 7 players or less, I’ll deal two Town Hall cards to each player. You can choose to keep one and put the other one back in the box.
  • We need to remove the Black Cat, Night, and Conspiracy cards from the deck. Then, let’s shuffle the playing deck and deal 3 cards to each player. After that, we’ll shuffle the Conspiracy card back into the deck, put the Night card at the bottom of the deck, and set the Black Cat card aside.
  • Let me walk you through the setup of this game. First, place the Gavel token in the middle of the table. If you’re using a Town Crier, take the black Kill cards that match the Town Hall cards of each player and stack them on the table. Put any remaining Kill cards back in the box. If you’re using a Moderator, return all the Kill cards to the box.

    Now it’s time for the Dawn phase. Dawn only happens at the start of the game. During this phase, the Witches secretly give the Black Cat card to one player. This card allows the Witches to know who each other are and lets them choose a player to place the Black Cat card on. They can even put it on themselves to throw others off.

    If you have a Moderator, they will guide everyone through the Dawn phase using the Moderator Script on page 12.

    If you’re using a Town Crier, here’s what happens: The Town Crier takes the Black Cat card and places it on top of the playing deck, face-up and perpendicular. This makes it easy for the Witches to find. Then, the Town Crier tells everyone to close their eyes. If anyone has a Witch card, they can open their eyes and choose a player to give the Black Cat card to. The Town Crier keeps their eyes closed, unless they are a Witch. The Town Crier counts down slowly from 10, and then tells the Witches to close their eyes. Finally, everyone opens their eyes. The player who received the Black Cat card puts it face-up in front of their Tryal cards. From that point on, the Black Cat card is treated just like any other Blue Card. It can be discarded or moved by certain cards, and if it is discarded, it can be shuffled back into the deck and played later in the game.

    Let’s Play the Game!

    Alright, it’s time to have some fun! If you’re the lucky one who has the Black Cat card, guess what? You get to go first! From there, we’ll go in a circle, moving clockwise.

    Now, here’s what you need to know about your turn:

    1. Option 1: You can choose to draw 2 cards. That’s it! Simple, right? And once you’ve done that, your turn is over. But wait! If, by chance, you happen to draw a BLACK Card, hold on to your hat because you have to reveal it and play it right away! Talk about excitement!


    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to Play an Accusation Card Game

    Let me tell you about a super fun game called Accusation Card Game. It’s a game that is suitable for everyone to enjoy and can be played with a group of friends or family members. Here’s how you play:

    1. First, gather all the players and make sure everyone understands the rules of the game.
    2. Each player will be given a deck of cards, consisting of three different colors: green, blue, and red.
    3. On your turn, you have the option to play at least one card on any other player. But don’t worry, you can play as many cards as you want during your turn!
    4. When you play a green card, it gets discarded after use.
    5. If you choose to play a blue card, it stays in front of the player you played it on. It will remain there until that player is out of the game, or until another card is used to move or discard it.
    6. Red cards are a bit more special. They also stay in front of the player you played it on, but they don’t get discarded easily. They will remain there until that player has a total of seven accusations against them. Once they reach the seventh accusation, the player who played the seventh accusation gets to reveal a Tryal card in front of the accused player. All the red cards in front of the accused player are then discarded.
    7. Keep playing until someone wins or until you decide to end the game.

    So, there you have it! The Accusation Card Game is not only incredibly fun but also easy to understand and play. Now, gather your friends or family, grab a deck of cards, and let the accusations fly!

    When I’m playing the game of Salem, there are a few ways I can end up biting the dust. Let me break it down for you:

    1. If all my Tryal cards are revealed, game over for me. Bye-bye!

    2. If any of my revealed Tryal cards has the dreaded “Witch” written on it, I’m a goner.

    3. Finally, if those pesky Witches decide to take me out during the Night, I won’t be waking up for breakfast.

    Now, here’s what happens when I do kick the bucket. I take all the cards from my hand, as well as any blue cards in front of me, and toss them into the discard pile. Then, I have to reveal the rest of my Tryal cards, making sure to be honest about whether I ever had a “Witch” card or not. No lying allowed!

    But wait, there’s more! Let me introduce you to the 5 Laws of Salem. These are the rules that everyone has to follow:

    1. Rule number one: I can never play a card or use the Gavel token on myself. Nope, not allowed. I can’t do anything that directly affects me, like giving myself Piety or Alibi, forcing someone to hand over cards from Robbery, or using Scapegoat to bring cards to me. It’s all about fair play, folks.

    And that’s the lowdown on the final moments in Salem. May the odds be ever in your favor!

    1. Once you let go of a card while playing, you can’t take it back. So, if you forget to use your special ability when it’s your turn, tough luck! You missed your chance.
    2. If you take too long to make your move, it’s time to flip the hourglass. Once the sand runs out, you have to draw two cards (unless you’ve already played some) and end your turn.
    3. You can secretly rearrange the order of your Tryal cards, but remember, everyone should be able to see them. Keep them in plain sight!
    4. When you die, you get to say three “last words” before going silent. Don’t try to communicate through words or actions once you’re dead – it’s against the rules!

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Magic of Black Cards

    Hey there! Guess what? I have some fascinating insider knowledge about Black Cards that I simply can’t wait to share with you. So, here’s the deal: when you come across a Black Card, it’s like opening a hidden treasure chest – you have to reveal it right away! And let me tell you, the effects of these mysterious cards are enacted immediately, adding a burst of excitement to your game.

    Unveiling the Secrets

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let’s talk about the Conspiracy card in the game. When you draw the Conspiracy card, something interesting happens. Everyone will get a face-down Tryal card from the person sitting on their left. But here’s the fun part: if you happen to receive a “Witch” card, you become a Witch yourself!

    Now, let’s break it down step by step:

    1. If the person who drew the Conspiracy card sees that someone has the Black Cat card in front of them, they will choose one Tryal card and reveal it to that player. However, if nobody has the Black Cat card, we can skip this step.
    2. After the first step, it’s time for everyone to choose a face-down Tryal card from the player on their left. Make sure to keep it a secret and put it with your other Tryal cards in front of you.

    When we start a game of Tryal, each player gets a set of cards. The cards have different roles, like “Witch” or “Constable.” It’s important to look at these cards carefully. If you get a “Witch” card, you are now a Witch. You join the team of Witches. If you lose your “Witch” card, you’re still a Witch, but only during the Night. You’re still on the team of Witches. If you get the Constable card, congratulations! You’re now the Constable. During the Night, you can use the Gavel token. But if you lose the Constable card, you’re not the Constable anymore. And during the Night, you shouldn’t open your eyes as the Constable.

    Now it’s time to talk about the Night phase.

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When night falls, the Witches come alive. They have a dark mission – to eliminate one of the players. It’s a dangerous game they play, and sometimes they even plot to deceive each other by pretending to be victims. Meanwhile, the Constable has a different role – to protect someone from the clutches of the Witches.

    But here’s the twist – what if the Constable is secretly a Witch? In that case, the Constable may intentionally save the wrong person, throwing everyone off balance and adding to the mystery.

    Now, during the Night phase, the Black Cat card does not come into play. If there are any spectators or if a player has already been eliminated, it’s a good idea to involve them as the Moderator instead of a Town Crier.

    If you choose a Moderator, this person will guide the players through the Night phase using the dedicated section of the Moderator Script.

    If you prefer a Town Crier to fulfill this role, here’s what you need to know:

      First, I’ll rewrite the text without the HTML markup for easier manipulation, and then I’ll add it back in later.

      Place the Kill cards that match with the Town Hall characters still in the game face-up in a stack. Place this stack perpendicular on top of the playing deck. This will make it easier for the witches to pick up this stack quietly during the Night.

      The Town Crier will instruct all players to close their eyes.

      The Town Crier will instruct the Witches to open their eyes and place any Kill Card face-down away from the other Kill Cards and place the remaining Kill Cards in a face- down stack. The Town Crier will count down from 20, and then instruct the Witches to close their eyes (the Town Crier should keep his or her eyes closed, unless he or she is a Witch).

      Now, I’ll rewrite the text in a simpler and engaging manner, while keeping the essence of the instructions intact.

      Alright, here’s how we set up the game: take the Kill cards of the Town Hall characters still in play and put them face-up in a stack. Now, place that stack perpendicularly on top of the playing deck. This way, when nighttime comes, the witches can quietly grab the Kill cards without anyone noticing.

      Once we’re all set, it’s time to start playing. I’ll be the Town Crier, so I’ll give you all the instructions. First, close your eyes. We want to keep it fair for everyone.

      Now, all the witches, open your eyes. Take one Kill Card, and place it face-down away from the others. Put the rest of your Kill Cards in a face-down stack. Alright, now close your eyes again. We’ll count down from 20, and then you can close your eyes as well, Town Crier included, in case one of us is a witch.

      Finally, I’ll add back the HTML markup to match the original text.

    1. Alright, here’s how we set up the game: take the Kill cards of the Town Hall characters still in play and put them face-up in a stack. Now, place that stack perpendicularly on top of the playing deck. This way, when nighttime comes, the witches can quietly grab the Kill cards without anyone noticing.
    2. Once we’re all set, it’s time to start playing. I’ll be the Town Crier, so I’ll give you all the instructions. First, close your eyes. We want to keep it fair for everyone.
    3. Now, all the witches, open your eyes. Take one Kill Card, and place it face-down away from the others. Put the rest of your Kill Cards in a face-down stack. Alright, now close your eyes again. We’ll count down from 20, and then you can close your eyes as well, Town Crier included, in case one of us is a witch.

    As the Town Crier, I will tell the Constable to open their eyes and place the Gavel token next to any player except themselves. I will count down from 10 and then tell the Constable to close their eyes. I’ll also keep my eyes closed unless I’m the Constable.

    Now, I will instruct all players to open their eyes. If you choose to “Confess,” you can reveal one of your chosen Tryal cards. In return, you’ll be immune from the Kill cards. Remember, you must make this decision before the hourglass runs out.

    Next, we reveal the Kill card that was separated from the others. If a player has the matching Town Hall card, they die and must flip over all their remaining Tryal Cards. However, there are exceptions:

    – If the player was given the Gavel token by the Constable

    – If the player has an Immunity card

    Once the Kill card is resolved, we move on to the next round of Tryals. So, keep your wits about you and play strategically!

    During the game, there is a moment called the “Night Phase,” where everyone closes their eyes and the Mayor calls out the different roles, such as “Doctor” or “Werewolf.” Each player with a special role will secretly perform their action based on their role’s instructions. For example, the Doctor can choose to “Save” a player, while the Werewolf can choose to “Kill” a player. After the Night Phase, everyone opens their eyes, and the Mayor announces who was saved or killed.

    There are two ways to determine which players were saved or killed:

    • That player chose to “Confess” before the Kill card was revealed. OR
    • That player has the Asylum card in front of them.

    After the Night Phase is over, shuffle the discard pile to re-form the deck, placing the Night card at the bottom. You will then continue playing where you left off.

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Moderator Script


    • “Okay, everyone, close your eyes.”
    • “Witches, it’s your turn to wake up. Point to any player, including yourselves, to give the Black Cat.”
    • “Witches, go back to sleep.”
    • “Now, everyone, open your eyes. The player who the Witches pointed to will have the Black Cat card in front of them.”


    • “Alright, everyone, close your eyes.”
    • “If you have a Witch card or have ever had one, it’s time to wake up. Point to any player, including yourself, to Kill.”
    • “Remember who the Witches pointed to.”

    Witches, it’s time to shut your eyes. Everyone, please listen carefully. I am about to reveal the next step in our game.

    Constable, open your eyes now and choose one player to receive the Gavel token. Remember, you cannot pick yourself. Once you’ve made your selection, point to that player.

    Now, Constable, close your eyes again. Good.

    We’re making progress, and soon we’ll be one step closer to the truth. Stay focused and keep your wits about you. The game continues.

    Hey there! Pay attention, folks. I’ve got something juicy to reveal. But first, let me tell you about a little game called “Salem 1692.” This game is all about intrigue and deception, where anyone can choose to “Confess” before I unveil the victim. Confessing means you get to flip one of your own Tryal cards and score immunity from the dreaded Kill Cards. But here’s the catch: the sands of the hourglass determine how long you have to make your decision. Tick-tock!

    Once the hourglass runs out, I’ll spill the beans and let you know who the Witches targeted. And let me tell you, that poor player is in deep trouble, unless they’ve got the Gavel token, chose to confess, or have the Asylum card shielding them. After that, we reshuffle the discard pile to recreate the deck, with Night going back at the bottom. Ready? Let’s jump right back into the game where we left off.

    Now, let’s talk about some of the finer details. Don’t worry, you can refer back to these as needed:

    – Take a look at this image for a visual guide: [insert image link]

    Paranoid about those Black Cards? Don’t be! They’re a crucial part of the game’s mechanics. They add a dash of uncertainty and chaos that makes the whole experience even more thrilling. Trust me, you’ll love it!

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you draw a Black Card, it counts as one of the two cards you’re allowed to draw on your turn. If you happen to draw it out of turn due to a character’s ability, don’t worry. Just resolve the Black Card immediately and then pick up where you left off in the game. Oh, and if you happen to draw a Black Card when there’s only one card left in the deck, don’t worry about that either. You can go ahead and draw a second card after the Night phase is over.

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Did you know that Witches have a clever trick up their sleeves? Contrary to the 1st Law of Salem, they can assign themselves the Black Cat card during the Dawn phase to throw suspicion off their trail. But once Dawn is over, the Black Cat loses its special powers and becomes just like any other Blue Card. It can be discarded through a Curse or moved around with the help of a Scapegoat.

    If the Black Cat is discarded, it can be drawn again and played just like any other Blue Card. However, there’s an interesting twist if the owner of the Black Cat draws a Conspiracy card. They get to choose which of their Tryal cards is revealed, adding to the mystery and intrigue of the game.

    Blue Cards

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When there are only two players left, we get rid of all the Blue Cards. And if you happen to be one of those two players, when you pick a Blue Card, put it aside and draw a different card instead.

    The Policeman

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    So here’s the deal: I, as the Constable, can’t play with the Gavel token. It’s like this mystic object that’s off-limits to me. But get this, if I happen to be a Witch too, then I’m what you would call an “evil” Constable. And in that case, I can totally use my power to help out the Witches. Pretty sneaky, right?

    But hold on, let me fill you in on something. If someone finds out that I’m the Constable, it’s not game over for me. Nope, I stay in the game, but my role as Constable is out the window. So, I can’t do Constable stuff anymore. Bummer, huh?

    Martha Corey

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When Martha and I play our game, we each have a special power. First, John gets to choose a card from the ones that the dead player left behind. Then it’s my turn. If I had been using Cotton Mather’s power and he dies, any evidence cards I have in front of me suddenly count as 3 points against me. It’s a tricky game, but a fun one! ♠️♥️♦️♣️

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you put both Matchmaker cards on one player, they get thrown out. If one of the Matchmaker owners is killed at night, they both die, even if the other person “confessed” or was saved during the Night. If a player is matched with Mary Warren when she dies, they still die, even though Mary is not affected by Matchmaker. If Matchmaker kills the last non-Witch and the final Witch card at the same time, consider that the matched player dies right after the person who was killed to determine the winning team.


    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Have you ever heard of the term “scapegoat”? It refers to a clever strategy in the game where I can transfer Red cards from one player to the player with Piety. Think of it as a way to shift blame onto someone else.

    Now, let me introduce you to Will Griggs. He has a special card called Alibi, which he can use as a Witness card against the player with Piety. This means that he can defend himself and counter any accusations made against him.

    Red Cards

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you accuse a player in the game of Red Cards, you don’t have to place the red card directly in front of a specific Tryal card. It can be placed on the player instead. For example, if you accuse someone with six accusations by playing an Evidence card, the excess accusations won’t carry over to the next Tryal. If you have enough accusations to reveal two Tryal cards for the same player, you should play the cards one at a time.

    Scapegoat and Robbery

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Did you know that according to the 1st Law of Salem, I can’t use the Scapegoat or Robbery cards to manipulate my own cards or get extra cards? Nope, those cards can only be used between two other players. This means I can take cards from one player and give them to another, but I can’t benefit myself. But here’s the thing, if there are only two players left in the game, it’s a whole different story. In that case, I can’t use Scapegoat or Robbery at all. Nope, they should be treated just like the Blue Cards.


    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you play the Stocks card, keep it in front of you until you get skipped. Once you’re skipped, discard the Stocks card. If someone plays a Scapegoat card on you while you have the Stocks card, move the Stocks card as well. If you end up with two Stocks cards, you’ll be skipped twice in a row.

    Meet Thomas Danforth and George Burroughs

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If I’m playing accusations against George, I have to place 7 accusations to uncover one of George’s Tryal cards. It’s like a game of strategy, where I need to carefully consider which accusations to make. Each accusation moves me one step closer to discovering George’s secrets. It’s an exciting and suspenseful process.


    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If Tituba decides to move the Night card higher in the deck, she is allowed to do so. This means that when the deck is played, it should be shuffled only when there are no more cards left. Tituba also has the option to rearrange the deck and draw cards in the same turn.

    Witch Cards

    End of the Game

    The game comes to an end in the following situations:

    • Townspeople who have never had a “Witch” card throughout the game win when they reveal the final “Witch” Tryal card. They don’t need to kill all the Witches, just reveal all the “Witch” Tryal cards.

    How to play Salem 1692 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let me tell you all about the thrilling game of Witches. You ready?

    • In this game, Witches emerge victorious when there are no surviving non-Witch players left in the game. Any player who currently possesses a “Witch” card or had one at some point during the game is considered a Witch.

    On the flip side, Townspeople win the game once all the “Witch” cards have been revealed. It’s their chance to triumph!

    Advanced Rules and Tips

    To keep your moves hidden during Dawn and Night: Create distractions while the Witches carry out their wicked deeds. You can do this by stomping your feet, tapping the table, initiating eerie music, humming, and so on.

    It’s also beneficial if everyone stands up before the Night phase begins so that each player has easy access to the Kill cards. Smart, right?

    When the first player perishes, they can take on the role of the Moderator and fulfill the Town Crier’s duties. This way, the deceased player stays involved and movement is concealed more effectively.

    If you want to up the difficulty level of the game:

    When the Conspiracy card is drawn, you usually take Tryal cards from the player on your left. To make things more challenging, you can take a Tryal card from the player on your left, put it in the middle, have the Town Crier or Moderator mix the cards, and then deal a Tryal card to each player.

    This will make it harder to figure out where the Witches are.

    You can also play a variation where players don’t have to reveal if they ever had a Witch card when they die.

    In 4-5 player games, you can use 2 Witch cards, and in 6-12 player games, you can use 3 Witch cards.

    To make the games longer: When a player has 4 or 5 Tryal cards left, instead of revealing one Tryal card, point to 2 of them. The player who is accused gets to choose which one to flip over. Pay attention to their reaction and focus, it might give something away!

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