How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Runes & Regulations Game Rules!

Hey there! I’m here to help you dive into the world of Runes & Regulations. This game is all about strategy, luck, and a touch of chaos. So, let’s get started and explore the rules together!


The game board consists of a central area and two player areas. Each player gets a starting deck and a player board. Shuffle the cards and place them in two stacks in the central area. These are the Market Deck and the Incident Deck. Draw five cards from your deck as your starting hand. You’re now ready to play!


Your goal in Runes & Regulations is to collect points by building magical spells, collecting artifacts, or causing chaos in your opponent’s area. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!


On your turn, you can take various actions, such as playing cards, casting spells, or activating artifacts. You can also buy cards from the Market Deck using your coins or draw cards from your deck.

To play a card, you need to pay its cost in coins. Some cards have immediate effects, while others stay on the table as an ongoing spell or artifact. Spells and artifacts can give you special abilities or disrupt your opponent’s plans.

When you cast a spell, you need to follow its instructions and resolve its effects. Sometimes, you can cast spells on your opponent or yourself, so choose wisely! Artifacts, on the other hand, stay on the table and can provide continuous benefits or hinder your enemies.

You can also choose to activate an artifact or a spell already on your table. These abilities can help you gain an advantage or mess with your opponent’s strategy. Keep an eye on the cards in play, as they can greatly impact the game!

Ending the Game:

The game ends when one of the following conditions is met:

  1. All the cards in the Market Deck and Incident Deck have been drawn.
  2. One player reaches the maximum number of points, as indicated by the Point Track.
  3. One player collects all four unique artifacts.

When the game ends, calculate the final score based on your collected artifacts, spells, and chaos cards. The player with the highest score wins the game!

Now It’s Your Turn!

Alrighty, now that you know the rules, it’s time to jump in and start playing Runes & Regulations. Grab a friend, shuffle those cards, and let the chaos begin! Remember, strategy and luck are key, so make your moves wisely. Good luck and have a magical time!

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

RUNES & REGULATIONS is an awesome game that combines strategy and card play. Here’s the deal – you and your friends will enter a magical world where you can cast amazing Spells and bring Mythical Creatures to life.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess


Let’s dive into the different parts that make up this important topic.

[INTRODUCTION] When I think about components, I envision the building blocks that create something bigger and more significant. Similar to how we use bricks to construct houses or Lego pieces to build complex structures, components are the essential elements that come together to form a whole. [BUILDING BLOCKS] Just like with any structure, components contribute to the stability and functionality of the final outcome. Without the right components in place, the entire system could crumble. They work together, complementing each other’s strengths and compensating for weaknesses. Each component has a unique role, making it vital to the overall success. [VARIETY] Components come in all shapes and sizes. They can be simple or complex, basic or intricate, tangible or intangible. Some components are easily recognizable, while others may be hidden beneath the surface. They can be physical objects like gears in a watch or invisible forces like gravity that affect our everyday lives. It’s fascinating to consider how many different components exist and how often we encounter them without even realizing it. [INTERCONNECTION] Components rarely exist in isolation. Instead, they interact with each other, forming a network of relationships. One component’s behavior or performance can impact others, creating ripple effects throughout the system. It’s like a delicate dance where each component has a part to play, and a change in one can send reverberations through the entire system. Understanding these connections is crucial for unraveling the complexity of the whole. [PURPOSE] Components serve a purpose, a reason for their existence. They fulfill specific functions and contribute to the overall objectives. This purpose gives them meaning and value. Without components, the whole would be incomplete and lack functionality. They are the gears that make the machine turn, the puzzle pieces that form the picture, and the ingredients that make a recipe delicious. [SYNERGY] The real beauty of components lies in their ability to work together, creating something greater than the sum of its parts. When components collaborate harmoniously, they can achieve remarkable results. Synergy is the secret sauce that transforms individual components into a powerful collective force. It’s awe-inspiring to witness the magic that happens when components unite their strengths and align towards a common goal. [CONCLUSION] Components are the puzzle pieces that fit together to create the big picture. They provide structure, form, and purpose. Without components, everything would crumble, leaving chaos in its wake. It’s astonishing to think about the vast array of components all around us, each playing its part in building our world. So next time you encounter a component, take a moment to appreciate its role and recognize the interconnectedness that makes everything possible.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • I have 39 Spell Cards
  • And 24 Rune Cards
  • Not to mention 50 Creature Cards
  • Additionally I have 17 Regulation Cards
  • Plus 4 Reference Cards
  • There are also 15 Shrub Tokens
  • Now, let’s not forget about the Spinner
  • I also have 4 Fences
  • Oh, and of course there are the Instructions

The Game’s Objective

Here’s the deal: the first player to gather five mythical creatures on their lawn is the winner!

How to Set Up

To kick things off, you and I need to set up our Fences, which will hold our precious Runes. Remember, a good Fence makes for a good neighbor!

Now, the space in front of your Fence is called your Lawn. Throughout our game, we’ll be SUMMONING Creatures onto our respective Lawns. Your Fence and Lawn together make up your play area.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get started! First, we’ll shuffle the Main deck and give each player five cards. These cards will be your hand. Now, place the rest of the Main deck in the middle of the table. Make sure to leave some room on the left side for the Main discard pile. This is where we’ll put the Spells you use, Creatures you destroy, and any cards you discard from your hand.

Next up, let’s shuffle the Rune deck and deal three cards to each player. Take your three Runes and hide them from your neighbors by placing them in your Fence. Put the rest of the Rune deck next to the Main deck. Leave some space on the right side for the Rune discard pile. This is where we’ll put the Runes you use and the ones that get destroyed.

If either of these decks run out of cards during the game, no worries! Just shuffle the corresponding discard pile and turn it face down to create a new deck.

Alright, let’s get started. First, grab the Regulation deck and give it a good shuffle. Once you’re done, flip over the top card and read out loud what it says. This card will be the first active Regulation, so make sure everyone can see it. Put the rest of the Regulation deck off to the side with the other two decks.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get started! So, the game begins with the player who has the highest number of pets. Ah, but what if there’s a tie? Well, we handle that in a totally chill way. We just keep insisting, “No, no, it’s cool, you go ahead and take the first turn.” until someone finally gives in and takes the lead. It’s all good. After that, we keep things moving in a nice, clockwise direction.

Now, Let’s Talk About the Cards

You see, Runes and Regulations has these really cool cards. There are four types of them:

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Spell cards: You may have some super cool magical abilities, but your Spells are really there to help you out in a tricky situation and maybe annoy the people next door!

During your Cast phase, you can perform a really cool move called CASTING a Spell. Spells only work once, so after you use one, you’ll have to put it in the big discard pile.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Creature Cards: Your Creatures are like your own special pets. You can bring them into the game by summoning them during your turn, specifically in your Summon phase.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you summon a creature, it appears on your lawn. Most creatures have a special power that can only be used while they’re on your lawn, not when they’re in your hand. It’s like they’re asleep until you wake them up!

By default, when you summon a creature, it’s a mythical creature. But be careful! Some effects can turn your mythical creature into a helpless shrub. It’s like a spell that robs them of their power.

If this happens, your creature loses its special power, and you have to put a shrub token on it to show that it’s been hexed. A hexed creature is no longer a mythical creature; it’s just a regular shrub. Poor thing!

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Rune Cards: Did you know that Rune Cards are actually just regular household items? They look pretty ordinary, but they’re inscribed with special symbols that give them magical powers. Each Rune has a trigger, which means something specific needs to happen for the Rune’s power to activate.

Now, here’s the really cool part: you can ACTIVATE a Rune whenever its trigger happens, even if it’s not your turn! Just reveal the Rune to everyone and read out what it does. Then, move it to the Rune discard pile.

Oh, and don’t forget – Rune cards go into your Fence, not your hand. If you ever end up with more than three Runes, you have to destroy one of them right away. It’s like a power overload or something.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Regulation Cards: When the Homeowners Association wants to introduce a new rule to the neighborhood game, they send out a Regulation notice. Each Regulation card contains a new rule.

But here’s the twist: Only one Regulation can be in effect at any given time. So, when a new Regulation comes into play, the previous one gets moved to the bottom of the Regulation deck.

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to Play the Game

Playing the game involves going through five different phases:

Phase 1: Beginning of Turn

Phase 2: Draw

Phase 3: Cast

Phase 4: Summon

Phase 5: Spin

You have the option to skip the Beginning of Turn phase, Cast phase, or Summon phase during your turn. However, it is important to note that you must follow the specified order of the phases. If you accidentally skip one of these three phases, you cannot go back to a previous phase.

For instance, let’s say you have already summoned a Creature during your Summon phase. If you forgot to CAST a spell during your Cast phase, you cannot go back and take that phase again.

It is not possible to skip the Draw phase or the Spin phase. These two phases must always be completed in every turn.

About the Spinner

How to play Runes Regulations Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Event Spin

When you spin and get the result “Event,” you need to give the spinner another spin. The “Event Spin” applies to everyone playing, not just the person spinning. You have six possible outcomes:

Block Party!

During a “Block Party,” each player can draw a card from the main deck.

Hedge Trimming

With “Hedge Trimming,” you get to beautify your lawn by trimming the hedges.

Animal Control

“Animal Control” helps you deal with any wild animals that may have entered your lawn.

Suburban Revitalization

Through “Suburban Revitalization,” you can improve the overall appearance of your neighborhood.

HOA Fee Collection

“HOA Fee Collection” means it’s time to pay your Homeowners’ Association fees.

Pet Adoption Day

“Pet Adoption Day” is a chance for you to adopt a new furry friend.

The Limits

Summoning Limit

Even though you have great powers as a mighty sorcerer, there are limits to what you can do. If you manage to bring three or more Mythical Creatures onto your lawn in one turn, you must destroy one of them at the end of that turn.

To calculate the number of Mythical Creatures you have gained, add up all the ones that entered your lawn. This includes any Creatures you summon, steal, or restore.

So here’s what you gotta do: First, count all the creatures that were hexed, destroyed, or stolen from you. If you end up with three or more of these incidents, well, you gotta say bye-bye to one of your precious Mythical Creatures chilling on your Lawn.

In simpler terms, let’s say you start your turn with one Mythical Creature on your Lawn. But by the time you finish spinning, you have a whopping four or more Mythical Creatures on your Lawn. Well, guess what? You’re gonna have to sacrifice one of ’em. Check out the diagram down below for a visual example.

Can’t Hold Them All

Now, let’s talk about your hand limit. This is just the maximum number of cards you’re allowed to keep in your hand. If you ever find yourself with more cards than your hand limit, you gotta ditch some of ’em right away. Sorry, no exceptions.

Important note: When you’re discarding to meet the hand limit, you can’t use any special effects. It’s a one-way ticket to keeping things fair and square.

Typically, your hand limit is set at seven cards. Yep, that’s the magic number.

Control the Runes

Your Rune limit is like a fence that can only hold a certain number of Runes. Just like a real fence, it has a capacity. If you have more Runes behind your fence than your Rune limit allows, you have to get rid of one of them. It’s like you have to trim your garden and make space for new growth.

By default, your Rune limit is set at three cards. So, you can have up to three Runes behind your fence without any problems. But if you exceed this limit, you’ll have to say goodbye to one of your Runes.

The End of the Game

The goal of the game is to have 5 Mythical Creatures on your Lawn during your End of Turn phase. Whoever accomplishes this first is the winner! Imagine the satisfaction of walking around the room while your neighbors look at you with awe and maybe even a touch of jealousy!

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