How to play Rolling America Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Rules of the Rolling America Game

Hey there! So you’re curious about how to play the Rolling America game, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’m here to break it down for you and explain all the ins and outs. Let’s get started!

Materials You’ll Need

Before we dive into the rules, let’s make sure you have everything you need to play the game. Here’s a list of materials:

  • A Rolling America game board
  • 6 dice with different colors
  • A pencil
  • A piece of paper (or the game’s score pad)

Objective of the Game

The goal of Rolling America is to fill in the map of the United States with as few numbers as possible. You want to cover as many states as you can, while also following the game’s placement rules. The lower the total number on the dice, the better!


Alright, let’s talk about how to play this game. Here are the steps:

  1. Roll the dice: Roll all 6 dice together.
  2. Select a number and a state: Choose one of the numbers rolled and pick a state on the game board to place it in. Each state has a number of circles on it, representing how many dice can be placed there.
  3. Place the number: Write the chosen number in one of the circles of the selected state. Make sure to follow the placement rules!
  4. Repeat: Keep rolling the dice and placing numbers until all states are filled.

Placement Rules

When it comes to placing numbers on the game board, there are a few rules to keep in mind:

  • Adjacent states cannot have the same number.
  • A state can only have one or two circles filled.
  • Numbers must decrease as you move from west to east.
  • Numbers must increase as you move from south to north.
  • Numbers cannot repeat in the same row or column.


Once all the states are filled, it’s time to calculate your score. Here’s how it works:

  • Add up all the numbers you placed on the board.
  • For each state, subtract the highest number from the sum of its circled numbers and write the result in the state. This will be your penalty.
  • Sum up all the penalties to get your final score for the game. The lower the score, the better!


Now that you know the rules, it’s time to grab your materials, gather some friends or family, and start playing Rolling America! Remember to strategize and choose your numbers wisely to maximize your score. Have fun exploring the United States and conquering the game board!

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s play a fun game with maps and dice. We’ll fill in our maps by rolling the dice and placing the numbers strategically. The tricky part is that we can’t have neighboring states with numbers that differ by more than 1. The person who fills the most states with numbers will be the winner!

Setting Up

  • Each of us will need a map.
  • Put all the dice in a bag.

How to Play

The player who has most recently visited another state goes first, and then the game continues to the left. On your turn, you’ll get to draw 2 dice from the bag (without looking) and roll them. After that, make sure to announce the colors and numbers on the dice loudly, so everyone can hear.

All players will resolve both dice simultaneously, in any order, by doing the following:

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

No More Random Rolling: Introducing Non-Wild Dice

Hey there! I’ve got a cool new way to play dice. It’s called non-wild dice, and it’s a game-changer. You know how sometimes you roll a die and get a result you didn’t want? Well, with non-wild dice, you have more control.

So, here’s how it works. Take a look at the map and find an empty state that matches the color of your die. Once you’ve found one, go ahead and write down the number on the die in that state. Simple, right?

This game is all about strategy. You get to decide where to place your numbers, making every move count. No more relying on luck alone. It’s like a puzzle that challenges your brain and keeps you on your toes.

Plus, the non-wild dice format adds an extra layer of excitement to the game. Instead of being at the mercy of chance, you can shape your destiny and take calculated risks. It’s a whole new level of fun!

Whether you’re a seasoned dice enthusiast or new to the game, non-wild dice will keep you engaged and entertained. It’s time to amp up your dice-rolling skills and embrace the power of choice.

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Wild Die

Hey there! Let’s talk about the wild die. Picture this – you’re playing a game and you want to add a little bit of excitement and unpredictability to it. Well, that’s where the wild die comes in!

Here’s what you do: pick any empty state in any region, and jot down the number on the die in that state. This special die is going to shake things up and keep you on your toes!

So, what’s the deal with the wild die, you ask? Well, it’s like a wildcard, a little spark of spontaneity that can change the game in unexpected ways. When it’s your turn to roll, you get to throw the wild die alongside your regular dice, and it adds a twist to your actions.

Now, this wild die is a mischievous trickster – it doesn’t always play fair. It can bring you good luck and push your skills to new heights, or…it can throw a wrench into your plans and make things a bit trickier. It’s a gamble, but that’s what makes it so thrilling!

When the time comes to interpret your roll, the number on the wild die is going to be your ally or your enemy. If it rolls low, well, that’s not ideal, but don’t lose hope just yet. You see, sometimes even low rolls can lead to unexpected opportunities. And if the wild die rolls high, then you, my friend, are in for a treat!

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Rule of Neighboring States

Hey there! Let me tell you about the important Rule of Neighboring States. It’s a simple but crucial rule that you need to know when playing this game.

So, imagine you’re filling in the states on your game board. Well, if you have a state that borders another state, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  1. If the neighboring state is blank, you can leave it as it is. No problem there!
  2. If the neighboring state has an X marked on it, that’s cool too. You can leave it be.
  3. If the neighboring state is guarded, you’re good to go. Just like the X ones, you don’t need to worry about it.
  4. Now, things get a little trickier. If the neighboring state has a number on it, you need to be careful. The difference between that number and the result of the die (which determines the number you’re marking) cannot be greater than 1. For example, let’s say you rolled a green 2. In that case, if the neighboring state has a 1, 2, or 3 on it, you’re golden. You can mark a 2 in a green state and move on.

Remember, in this game, the Rule of Neighboring States keeps things interesting. It adds a layer of strategy and challenges you to think critically about your choices. So, as you play, don’t forget to consider the neighboring states and how they affect your decisions.

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to playing the game, there are a few important rules to keep in mind. The color of neighboring states doesn’t matter, so you can focus on filling in numbers without worrying about what surrounds them. However, Alaska and Hawaii are exempt from this neighboring rule, so keep that in mind when placing numbers in those states.

If you have a number that fits the neighboring state rule, you should write it down in an available blank state. But if it doesn’t fit, don’t worry! In that case, mark an X in any blank state in the same region as the color on the die. However, if the matching region is already completely filled, or if the die is wild, you don’t need to do anything.

In addition to these rules, you have the option to change the color of the die three times during the game. This means that a number on an orange die, for example, can be considered as coming from a purple die. However, each time you make a color change, you must cross off one of the Color Change boxes on your map.

Remember, the goal of the game is to strategically fill in the states on your map while following these rules. So have fun, be strategic, and may the best player win!

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess


How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Guess what? I’ve got some awesome tactics for you in this game! Want to know about them? Let me spill the beans!

First off, did you know that you can guard a number three times during the game? Yeah, that’s right! It means you get to throw out the “Neighboring State” rule for that number. Pretty cool, huh?

All you have to do is circle the number you want to guard and mark it as such. Oh, and don’t forget to cross off one of the Guard boxes on your map. It’s like building your own little fortress!

And that’s not all…

Do you want to hear about another amazing move? Of course, you do! So, check this out.

Three times in the game, you can write down an active die number not once, but twice in the matching color region. Wow, talk about doubling the fun! Even wild numbers can be marked in two different regions, so the possibilities are endless!

Let me break it down for you. Let’s say you roll a blue 3. With this tactic, you can mark a 3 in two states in the blue region. It’s like cloning your moves! But hey, don’t forget that the Neighboring State rule still applies, gotta keep it fair and square.

Here’s the catch though. When you use this tactic, you have to cross off one of the Dupe boxes on your map. It’s the price you pay for duplicating your moves, but believe me, it’s totally worth it!

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to the game of dice, there are a few important rules to keep in mind. First off, you can apply a Color Change, Guard, or Dupe on the same die. It’s a double-edged sword, though, because you can only use these moves on the active dice.

Moving on, let’s talk about continuing a round. Once all players have resolved their dice, we count how many are currently out of the bag. If there are less than 6, the dice bag gets passed to the next player. They draw 2 more dice randomly and roll them. This process continues until there are 6 dice out of the bag.

Finally, let’s discuss ending a round. Once 6 dice are out of the bag, the round comes to an end. All of the dice are returned to the bag and each player marks off the next empty “round” box on their map. A new round begins and plays out just like the previous one. So, keep these rules in mind and have fun playing the game!

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

End of the Game

What happens when the game is over? I wonder if you ever think about that. It’s something we rarely consider, but it’s an important aspect of gaming. So, let’s take a moment to explore what happens when we reach the end.

When I finish a game, it’s like reaching the end of a journey. All the challenges, the triumphs, and the frustrations culminate into one final moment. It’s a bittersweet feeling, a mix of satisfaction and perhaps a touch of sadness. I’ve invested time and energy into this virtual world, and now it’s come to an end.

But the end of the game doesn’t have to be the end of the experience. Some games offer post-game content, giving you more to explore and enjoy. They may unlock new challenges, hidden secrets, or additional storylines. It’s a way to keep the adventure alive even after the credits roll.

Of course, not all games have post-game content. Sometimes, once you’ve finished the main story, that’s it. The game’s purpose is fulfilled, and there’s nothing more to do. It can leave you with a sense of emptiness, like something is missing. But maybe that’s part of the beauty of games – they make us feel things, even when they’re over.

When you reach the end of a game, it can also be an opportunity for reflection. You can look back on your journey and think about what you learned, the skills you developed, or the memories you made. It’s a chance to appreciate the experience and the meaningful impact it had on you.

But the end of a game doesn’t have to be the end of your gaming journey. There are always new games waiting to be discovered, new worlds to explore, and new challenges to conquer. So, embrace the end as a new beginning, and let the game lead you to new adventures.

So, next time you finish a game, take a moment to reflect on the journey you’ve been on. Consider the emotions you felt, the lessons you learned, and the memories you made. And remember, it’s not the end of the road – it’s just the beginning of the next game.

How to play Rolling America Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s talk about how the game works. You’ll play for 8 rounds, and then it’s time to wrap things up. In this last phase, you’ll need to put an X in any blank states left on your map. But hold on, there’s still more to it! After this, you’ll pass your map to the player sitting on your left. They’ll carefully check if you followed all the rules. If you made a mistake, mark an X for each one.

Now it’s time to do some math. Count up how many Xs you have and write down the total in the box labeled “number of Xs”. This will be an important number, so don’t forget it!

The player who ends up with the fewest Xs is the winner. But what happens if there’s a tie? Well, in that case, we look at some other factors. Whoever used fewer combined color changes, guards, and dupes will be the ultimate champion.

Solo Play

If you decide to play by yourself, your goal is simple – aim for the highest score possible. Challenge yourself and see how well you can do!

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