How to play Riverboat Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Riverboat Game Rules

Hey there! I want to share with you the rules of an awesome game called Riverboat. It’s a really fun game that you can play with your friends or family. So, let’s dive right in and explore how to play this exciting game!

To begin with, you’ll need a deck of playing cards, and it’s important that you have at least 3 or more players. The main goal of the game is to collect the most points by creating sets and runs of cards. Now, let’s go through the rules step by step.

First, the dealer shuffles the deck and deals 9 cards to each player, one card at a time. The remaining cards are placed face-down in a draw pile in the center of the table. This is where players will draw cards from during the game.

Once everyone has their 9 cards, the dealer flips over the top card from the draw pile and places it face-up next to the draw pile. This is the start of the discard pile. Players can now take turns, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.

During your turn, you have two options: you can either draw a card or pick up the top card from the discard pile. If you choose to draw a card, take the top card from the draw pile. If you choose to pick up the top card from the discard pile, you must use it to create a set or run.

A set is a group of 3 or more cards of the same rank, like 3 Jacks or 4 Aces. A run is a group of 3 or more cards of the same suit in consecutive order, like 5, 6, 7 of hearts. To create a set or run, you can use the card you picked up from the discard pile and any other cards from your hand. Once you’ve created a set or run, place it face-up on the table in front of you.

After you’ve drawn a card or picked up from the discard pile and created a set or run, you must end your turn by discarding one card from your hand onto the discard pile. This card cannot be the same one you just picked up.

The game continues with each player taking turns in a clockwise direction. You keep drawing cards, creating sets and runs, and discarding cards until one player goes out. To go out, you must have all of your cards in sets or runs, with no remaining cards in your hand.

When a player goes out, the round ends. The other players count up the points left in their hands. Each card has a point value: number cards are worth their face value, face cards are worth 10 points each, and Aces are worth 11 points each. The points for the remaining cards in each player’s hand are added up and recorded.

The cards are then shuffled, and a new round begins. The game continues for a set number of rounds, usually until a player reaches a certain point total. The player with the highest total points at the end of all the rounds is the winner!

So, there you have it – the rules of the Riverboat game! I hope you enjoyed learning how to play this exciting game. Grab a deck of cards, gather your friends or family, and have a blast playing Riverboat!

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’ve got everything you need right here! Here’s what you’ll find in the box:

  • 2 Game boards
  • 110 Crop tiles
  • 8 Barns
  • 8 Wells
  • 25 Coins
  • 40 Cultivation cards
  • 3 Crop Distribution cards
  • 45 Riverboats
  • 8 Score markers
  • 56 Workers
  • 4 Player mats
  • 5 Phase tiles
  • 1 First Player marker
  • 17 Opportunity cards
  • 28 Surveyors
  • 4 Harbor Masters
  • Instructions

Now, let’s get everything set up and ready to play!


Central Display

I’ll start by placing the two game boards in the center of the playing area.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Okay, here’s what we need to do:

First things first, let’s sort the Riverboats by their capacities and effects. Take a look at the numbers at the bottom of each boat and arrange them accordingly. Oh, and on a side note, be aware that there are two versions of the 2 and 3 tiles. Once you’ve sorted them out, place each pile face up next to the matching boat art above the “New Orleans” board. After that, grab the top tile from each pile and place it on the game board, making sure it matches its corresponding boat art. Got it so far? Great!

Now, let’s move on to step number two. We need to place one Worker on each of the four spaces of the Round track. This will come in handy later on, so make sure you do it properly.

Step three involves a bit of shuffling. Take the Cultivation cards and give them a good shuffle. Once you’re done, place the shuffled deck face down near the game boards. You’ll be using these cards throughout the game.

Next up, step four. Take the Opportunity cards and shuffle them as well. Once they’re all mixed up, place the deck face down next to the “New Orleans” board. These cards will come into play later, so keep them in mind.

Alrighty, we’re almost there! Step five requires you to draw four Opportunity cards from the pile. Once you’ve got them, place them face up on the four designated card spaces on the game board. Easy peasy!

Our last step, number six, is all about setting up the general supply. Take the Barns, Wells, Surveyors, and Coins and place them near the game boards. These will be used as a general supply during the game. Just a small heads up, though – the number of items in the general supply is limited, so keep that in mind.

And there you have it! We’re all set up and ready to go. Let the game begin!

So here’s what you need to do:

First, shuffle the 1-hex, 2-hex, and 3-hex Crop tiles into separate, face-down piles. Then, fill the designated spaces on the “Scoring and Crop Supply” board with face-up Crop tiles taken from the appropriate piles.

Next, place the five Phase tiles near the game boards where everyone can reach them.

Now, it’s time to set up your own personal display.

Take one of the player mats at random and put it in front of you. Each player mat has a different Field layout, with colored hexes, and shows a shed at the bottom in your chosen color. Leave some space at the top and next to your mat for other game components.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

First, I’m going to grab a Harbor Master token and put it on the right spot on my mat’s Harbor track.

Next, I’ll gather a few things and put them in my personal supply near my mat:

  • 13 Workers
  • 2 Surveyors
  • 3 Coins

Lastly, I’ll grab my two Score markers in my color. The “-/50” one goes with the empty side up on the “0” of the Score track on the game board.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, here’s the deal. We’re about to embark on an exciting game. First things first, we need to determine who goes first. We’ll do this by randomly selecting a player and giving them the coveted First Player marker. Once that’s settled, we’re ready to begin.

Let the Game Begin!

Get ready for some intense gameplay. Our game consists of four Rounds. Each Round presents an opportunity for you to gain an advantage by carefully choosing Phase tiles. You can select one or more of these tiles to give yourself a little boost as the Round progresses. After choosing your Phase tiles, we’ll move on to resolving the five Phases in a specific order:

  1. Cultivation
  2. Planting
  3. Harvesting and Shipping
  4. Opportunity
  5. Scoring

These five Phases will be the key to your success, so make sure you pay attention to each one. At the end of the fourth Round, it’s time to tally up those Victory Points (VP). You’ll earn points for every remaining Coin, every completed Field, the distance downstream that your Harbor Master allowed you to conduct business, and for having more Agents in New Orleans than your opponents. So, put all your effort into maximizing these factors and securing your victory!

Getting Started

Now that you know the basic flow of the game, let’s get things set up for the upcoming Round:

  • Put the Crop tiles face-up on the “Scoring and Crop Supply” board to fill the empty spaces. The tiles can be 1, 2, or 3 hexes in size.
  • If there are any remaining Riverboat tiles, make sure each type is on the “New Orleans” board.
  • Place an Opportunity card face-up on each of the four card spaces on the “New Orleans” board.

Note: These steps were already done during the setup for Round 1.

The player with the First Player marker picks one of the five Phase tiles. This means they will go first during that Phase and receive a bonus at the start.

Next, the player to the left chooses a Phase tile from the ones that are left. Keep going in a clockwise order until all Phase tiles have been chosen. Some players may have more than one Phase tile.

Tip: If you like, you can have the first player take all Phase tiles into their hand, choose one to keep, and pass the rest to the player on their left, and so on.

Five Phases of a Round

During the game, there are five Phases that you need to go through one by one. At the start of each Phase, the player who chose the corresponding Phase tile gets a bonus, which is shown on the tile.

In each Phase, we take turns playing clockwise around the table. This means that the player who chose the Phase tile goes first. The details of each Phase will be explained in more detail on the next pages.


How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Coins, oh how valuable they are! They’re worth 1 Victory Point each when the game is over, and they also give you the power to bend the rules during a Phase in different ways.

There’s no limit to how many Coins you can spend in a Round (although you can only spend one Coin at a time to modify an action). If all the Coins in the general supply are gone, no one can get any more until someone spends some.

Let’s talk about the end of the Round. It comes after all five Phases are done.

After Rounds 1, 2, and 3, you’ll need to return your Phase tiles, pass the First Player marker to the player on the left of the current holder, and get ready for the next Round.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about the different phases in a three-player game. In the cultivation phase, things get interesting. Here’s what happens.

1. Cultivation Phase

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Phase Tile Bonus: Hey there! I’ve got a special treat for you. Grab one of your workers from the Round track and plop it right onto your mat.

Phase Action: Now it’s time to get busy. You can place up to 8 workers on your fields.

Coin Ability: Oh, and here’s a handy trick. You can completely ignore one of those Cultivation cards when you’re placing your workers. Pretty sweet, huh?

During this Phase, you will prepare your Fields for planting by strategically placing your Workers based on the Cultivation cards you see.

If you happen to have the Cultivation Phase tile, you’re in luck! As a special bonus, you get to swipe the worker on the leftmost slot of the Round track (which means the round will count down by one) and immediately pop it into an empty field of your choice on your player mat. Woohoo! This worker doesn’t even count towards the maximum of 8 workers you can place.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play this game, start by drawing 8 Cultivation cards from the pile. Put them face down in front of you. Then, reveal the top card and say the color out loud.

This card’s color will be the same as one of the five colors of Fields on your player mat. It might also be a “wild” card, which means it can match any color. You can tell what color it is by looking at the symbols on the cards and Fields.

If you have any Workers left in your personal supply, you need to put one of them into an empty Field that matches the color of the card you revealed. Pick a Field on your player mat that doesn’t have a Worker in it yet.

If the card you revealed is a wild card, you can choose any color to place your Worker. But remember, you can’t skip placing a Worker if you have one – you must put it on a Field.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m excited to tell you about a cool game mechanic called “spending a Coin”! When you decide to spend a Coin, something really interesting can happen. Let me explain.

So, picture this: you’re playing a game, and you have a Coin in your hand. You can use that Coin to do something special. When you spend a Coin, you have the power to ignore the card that you just revealed. Instead of using the card, you get to place a Worker in a Field. And get this – you can choose any empty Field you want! It’s like you have the ability to bend the rules and make your own choices.

I think it’s pretty incredible that the game gives you this freedom. By spending a Coin, you’re able to bypass the card and make a move that suits your strategy. It’s like a secret weapon that allows you to surprise your opponents and shake things up.

So, the next time you’re playing and you have a Coin in your hand, remember this tactic. Take advantage of the power that comes with spending a Coin. Who knows what kind of amazing moves you’ll be able to make? It’s all up to you! Have fun exploring this awesome game mechanic!

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once you’ve placed your Workers down, it’s time to reveal the next Cultivation card. Just like before, resolve it in the same way. Keep doing this until all eight Cultivation cards have been revealed.

Remember: If you have no empty Fields in the color that was revealed, just place a Worker on any empty Field on your mat. But if you’re out of Workers, you won’t be able to participate in the rest of this Phase.

Here’s a helpful tip: Try to group your Workers together. Where you place them in this Phase will affect where you can place Crop tiles in the next Phase. If your Workers are spread out, you’ll only be able to place 1-hex Crop tiles.

Another tip: Don’t forget that you’ll earn bonus points at the end of the game if you completely cover all Fields of a specific color on your player mat. If you need to fill in some empty spaces, use wild cards and Coins to help you out!

2. Planting Phase

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Phase Tile Bonus: When you reach this phase, you will receive 1 Coin from the general supply.

Phase Action: In this phase, you can place Crop tiles under your Workers.

Coin Ability: You have the option to choose a 1-hex or 2-hex Crop tile from the draw pile.

During this Phase, you will plant Crops in the Fields that you prepared during the Cultivation Phase.

If you have the Planting Phase tile, you can take 1 Coin from the general supply (if there are any remaining) and add it to your personal supply.

Afterwards, select one of the Crop tiles from the “Scoring and Crop Supply” board and place it onto your player mat. These Crop tiles consist of 1, 2, or 3 hexes and display one or two of the five different Crops.

If you want to choose the right tile shape, you need to consider how many Workers are standing in the empty Fields. The tile should be able to fit under one, two, or three Workers. Simply place the tile underneath the Workers, so that they are now standing on the new tile.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you use a Coin, you have the option to pick either a 1-hex or a 2-hex Crop tile from the draw pile that is facedown. Remember to shuffle the remaining tiles after making your selection.

When you decide to use a Coin, you are required to select a tile from the draw pile, even if you aren’t pleased with the options available.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Here’s a handy tip for you: each crop type has a tile that shows two of the same crop on a 2-hex tile.

Here are some details on how to place a crop tile:

  • Make sure your chosen tile is completely covered by workers.
  • It doesn’t matter what color the fields are that you play the tile onto. Your tile can be part of multiple field colors.
  • Once you place a crop tile, you can’t move it again, so choose carefully!
  • You don’t have to match the types of crops shown on other crop tiles you’ve played. However, there are several reasons why it’s a good idea to group similar crops together.
  • If you place a 2- or 3-hex crop tile, you’ll immediately score 1 or 2 victory points, respectively, as indicated on the tile.

When it’s my turn in the game, I don’t refill any spaces on the game board. Well, except for one special case: at the beginning of my turn, if there are empty fields and the face-up tiles can’t fill them, I get to refill the whole board with new crop tiles. It’s like getting a fresh start!

Let me give you an example. Imagine it’s my friend Annabelle’s turn. She has one worker left on her mat, but there are only 2-hex tiles left on the board. So, she gets to refill all the empty 1-, 2-, and 3-hex spaces on the board. Then she gets to choose a 1-hex tile to add to her collection.

After that, it’s the next player’s turn. They choose a crop tile and place it on their mat. We keep doing this until all the workers from the previous phase have a crop tile underneath them. We want to make sure no workers are left sitting in empty fields by the end of the Planting Phase.

When it’s my turn to play in the game, there may come a point where I have no more workers left to place in empty fields. If that happens, I’ll have to skip my turn for a while, while other players keep taking their turns.

Remember: It’s not very likely, but there might be a situation where all the 1-hex Crop tiles in the game are taken, but I still have some workers left. In that case, I’ll have to return those workers to my supply, and my turn will end. But don’t worry, it’s not something that happens very often.

3. Harvesting and Shipping Phase

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Harbor Master Bonus: When you have the Phase Tile, I will advance one step on the Harbor track.

Action in the Phase: I can choose up to 2 Riverboats (in Round 4, I can choose 3 Riverboats).

Coin Ability: I can take 1 Riverboat from a draw pile.

During this Phase, I need to harvest Crops and claim Riverboats to ship my Crops.

If you have the Phase Tile for Harvesting and Shipping, you will see a bonus. I will move ahead one step on the Harbor track.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s what you gotta do: head on over to the “New Orleans” board and snatch yourself one of those Riverboat tiles.

Now, claiming a Riverboat isn’t as simple as just picking it up. You gotta fill it up with workers, and the number of workers you need depends on the capacity shown on the tile. Make sure you remove the exact number of workers from anywhere on your mat and they all gotta be from a single crop type, okay?

The workers you remove go back into your supply so you can use them in the fields next round or keep them as agents for later. Pretty neat, right?

Let’s talk about Riverboats

Now, these Riverboat tiles have two things going for them. First is the capacity. That’s like the number of victory points you can score at the end of the game. The second thing is the immediate benefits, like getting coins, victory points, or even getting to move the Harbor Master or place agents in New Orleans. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

To start, put the Riverboat tile in the first open space at the top of your player mat. You have the option to skip this step and not take a Riverboat tile. If you choose to pass, you won’t receive any more Riverboat tiles for this Round.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you spend a Coin, you have the chance to choose a Riverboat tile from the corresponding draw pile (only one tile of each Riverboat type is available per Round without using a Coin).

If a Riverboat type is used up, you won’t be able to choose it, and it will be unavailable for the rest of the game.

Once you place a Riverboat, you can claim the benefits shown on the tile. Keep in mind that there are two different types of 2- and 3-capacity Riverboats, each with unique advantages (see below). Sometimes, you may also receive a Harvesting Bonus (check the next page for more details).

The next player in clockwise order can now choose a Riverboat tile. Keep going until every player has taken 2 actions to select Riverboats, or until they decide to pass.

Note: In Round 4, you can select up to 3 Riverboat tiles.

Riverboats and Their Benefits

    When you play Riverboat, there are several actions you can take to advance your position in the game. Here are some key moves to remember:

    1. Take 1 Coin from the general supply (if there are any left) and move your Harbor Master 3 steps on the Harbor track.

    2. Receive 1 Victory Point (VP) and move your Harbor Master 2 steps on the Harbor track.

    3. Receive 2 VP and move your Harbor Master 1 step on the Harbor track.

    4. Receive 3 VP and move your Harbor Master 1 step on the Harbor track.

    5. Receive 3 VP and take 1 Coin from the general supply (if there are any left).

    6. You also get 1 Barn to help you along your journey.

    These actions will help you progress in the game and gain the points you need to win. So be strategic and make your moves count!

    How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMessWhen you play the game, you’ll receive a Surveyor. With this, you have the option to send one Worker to New Orleans.
    How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMessWhen you play the game, you’ll also receive an Estate Feature. In addition to this, you can choose to send up to two Workers to New Orleans.
    How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMessAnd if you want even more benefits, you’ll be happy to know that you’ll receive another Estate Feature. With this, you can decide to send up to three Workers to New Orleans.

Now let’s talk about the Harbor Track.

On your player mat, you’ll find the Harbor track. This track is where your Harbor Master will move along, always heading towards New Orleans, which is located on the right side of the track.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you take your Riverboat tiles, you’ll place them on your player mat from left to right along the top. Each tile has a designated indentation where it belongs. At the end of the game, you’ll earn Victory Points for the Riverboats that your Harbor Master has visited or passed.

But here’s the catch: if your Harbor Master hasn’t traveled the farthest down the track, you’ll only get half the value for your Riverboat tiles!

Estate Features

Barns, Wells, and Surveyors collectively make up the Estate Features. If you receive a Barn or Well, you must immediately place it on your mat. Surveyors, on the other hand, are placed during the Scoring Phase.

If a specific Estate Feature is no longer available in the general supply, you have the option to choose a different one from the remaining Features. However, if all the Features are gone (which is highly unlikely), you won’t get anything.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Building Barns: When you want to create a Barn, find an empty spot on your player mat’s Field and place one there. Barns are useful for scoring points based on the number of Crop hexes of the same type that surround them. You have the option to place multiple Barns next to each other, but it’s not advised.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Get ready to dig deep into your farm! Let me show you a cool trick you can use in the game. You can place a Well onto a Crop hex. It doesn’t matter if there’s a Worker on it or not. The key is that you can only place a Well on a Crop type that you haven’t already placed a Well on.

Now, here’s the interesting part. When you place a Well, it will score for a group of Crops that are all the same. And it’s not just any score, it’s a score for the entire group – starting from the Crop hex with the Well. But remember, you can only have one Well per Crop type. So choose wisely!

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Surveyors: When it comes to the Scoring Phase, Surveyors are your best friend. They help you score Barns, Wells, and Opportunity cards. Make sure to keep them in your personal supply!


If you’re looking to expand your business in New Orleans, you’ll need Agents. These special Workers work exclusively for you and help you find new opportunities. Remember, only Workers from your personal supply can become Agents. And be sure to place them in your part of the mansion, which is marked by the stairs in your player color!

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you place Agents in New Orleans in the game, they stay there until the end. However, this means you’ll have fewer Workers available for your Fields.

Here’s the thing: having Agents in New Orleans is beneficial for you. During the Scoring Phase of each Round, you’ll earn 1 Victory Point for every Agent you have in New Orleans. And that’s not all! At the end of the game, if you have more Agents than other players, you’ll get even more points.

Let’s talk about the Harvesting Bonus.

Once you’ve harvested a total of at least 9 Crops of one type throughout the game (doesn’t matter when or where you harvested them), you get a special bonus. You can choose to place a Barn or a Well on your Estate immediately. It’s a cool little perk.

Remember, though, you can’t get this bonus twice for the same type of Crop. But hey, you can still earn it for different Crops!

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Step 4: The Opportunity Phase

Now, let’s talk about the exciting part – the Opportunity Phase! This is where the magic happens, and the possibilities are endless. During this phase, we’ll take a closer look at different opportunities and explore how they can benefit us. It’s like opening a treasure chest filled with golden opportunities.

So, you might be wondering, what exactly is an opportunity? Well, an opportunity is a chance or a possibility for something great to happen. It’s like a door that opens to new adventures and experiences. And trust me, there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for you to discover them.

Now, when it comes to finding opportunities, you need to keep your eyes open because they can come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes, opportunities might be obvious, and other times, they might be hiding in plain sight. That’s why it’s important to stay curious and open-minded. You never know when a small opportunity could turn into something amazing.

Another thing to keep in mind is that opportunities often come with risks. Yes, they can be a little scary because they involve stepping out of your comfort zone. But remember, nothing great ever happens by staying in your bubble. Taking risks and embracing new opportunities is what brings excitement and growth into our lives.

So, how can you make the most of the opportunities that come your way? Well, here are a few tips to help you out:

1. Stay curious: Curiosity is like a compass that guides you towards new opportunities. Keep asking questions, exploring new ideas, and never stop learning.

2. Be open-minded: Don’t let preconceived notions or fears hold you back. Approach opportunities with an open mind and be willing to try new things.

3. Embrace challenges: Opportunities often come disguised as challenges. Don’t be afraid to tackle them head-on and see them as chances to grow and learn.

4. Trust your gut: Sometimes, your instincts will guide you towards the right opportunities. Trust yourself and listen to that inner voice.

5. Take action: Opportunities won’t come knocking on your door; you have to go out and find them. Take the initiative, be proactive, and seize the opportunities that come your way.

Remember, the Opportunity Phase is all about embracing the unknown and being open to new experiences. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. So, get ready to embark on an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities. The world is waiting for you to discover the amazing opportunities that lie ahead.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Phase Tile Bonus: When you reach this phase, you’ll earn 1 Victory Point.

Phase Action: In this phase, you can pick 1 face-up Opportunity card and get a bonus.

Coin Ability: If you want, you can select 1 Opportunity card from the draw pile without any bonus.

During this Phase, you’ll have the chance to take an Opportunity card from the game board. Each card space has an extra benefit.

If you own the Opportunity Phase tile, you’ll immediately gain 1 Victory Point.

Next, choose one face-up Opportunity card from a card space on the “New Orleans” board and put it face up next to your player mat. At the same time, you’ll receive the bonus mentioned above that card space.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Remember: You don’t need to score these cards right away! You can score them later during the Scoring Phase.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey, did you know that if you spend a Coin, you’ve got an awesome alternative? Instead of picking from the face-up Opportunity cards on the game board, you can reach into the face-down draw pile and grab one of those instead.

Here’s the deal though: if you choose to spend a Coin, you’re not going to get any extra bonus. The catch is that you must select a card from the draw pile. Once you’ve made your pick, just place it face up beside your player mat.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Now it’s your turn, and you can either choose an Opportunity card or buy one from the deck by paying a Coin. Keep doing this until everyone has taken a card. Any remaining Opportunity cards on the game board should be placed face down at the bottom of the draw pile in any order.

Here’s a quick rundown of what each Opportunity card earns you Victory Points for:

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Step 5: Scoring Phase

Now, let’s talk about the next step in the process – the scoring phase. This is where things really start to come together and we can see the results of our hard work.

During the scoring phase, I will analyze the information provided by the user and assign scores to different options based on their relevance and suitability. The goal here is to find the best possible match for the user’s needs and preferences.

Once I have gathered all the necessary data, I will use a set of criteria to evaluate the options and give them a score. These criteria can include factors such as price, quality, availability, and user reviews. The weight given to each criterion may vary depending on the specific situation.

For example, if you’re looking for a new phone, price and functionality might be the most important factors to consider. On the other hand, if you’re searching for a vacation destination, factors like location, attractions, and accommodations may carry more weight.

The scores assigned to each option will help me generate a ranked list of recommendations. This list will be based on how well each option aligns with the user’s needs and preferences. The higher the score, the better the match.

It’s important to keep in mind that the scoring phase is not an exact science. There may be situations where the results are subjective or open to interpretation. That’s why it’s crucial to take into account multiple factors and consider the big picture when making decisions.

In conclusion, the scoring phase is an essential part of the recommendation process. It allows me to evaluate and compare different options based on their relevance and suitability to help you find the best possible match. By following this step, we can ensure that the recommendations provided are tailored to your unique requirements.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this phase, I get to choose a bonus. I have three options: I can either receive 1 Coin, take 1 step with my Harbor Master, or send 1 Worker to New Orleans. It’s a tough decision, as each choice offers a different advantage.

During this phase, my main action is to place up to 2 Surveyors, or 3 Surveyors if it’s Round 4. These Surveyors will be used to score my Barns, Wells, and Opportunity cards. The more Surveyors I have, the more Victory Points I can earn.

There is also a Coin ability, which doesn’t have any specific instructions. But I can use my Coins for various purposes throughout the game.

If I have the Scoring Phase tile, I have a bonus as well. I can either take 1 Coin from the general supply, send 1 Worker from my personal supply to New Orleans, or advance my Harbor Master 1 step on my Harbor track.

Once I’ve taken my bonus, I can use up to two Surveyors from my personal supply to score my Barns, Wells, and Opportunity cards. To score a Barn, Well, or Opportunity card, all I have to do is place a Surveyor with it.

Hey there! Let me explain how this game works. You see, during a round, you have the option to place a Surveyor at a location. But hold on, don’t go placing it just anywhere! Keep in mind that you can’t put a second Surveyor at the same location. So no doubling up, okay? And guess what? You can even choose to pass and not place any Surveyors at all in a round. The choice is yours!

Now, once you do decide to put a Surveyor somewhere, he’s going to stay there until the game is over. So choose wisely! You wouldn’t want to move him around constantly, would you? So be strategic with your placement, and keep an eye on those locations where you think your Surveyor will be most useful. With this in mind, you’ll be on your way to becoming a skilled player in no time!

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: you have a fancy Surveyor and a mighty Barn. When you put them together, something magical happens – you score a whopping 2 Victory Points for every Crop of the same type that is adjacent to your Barn. And get this – if all six hexes around your Barn are filled with the same Crop, you can rake in a total of 12 Victory Points!

But here’s the catch: once you’ve scored those sweet Victory Points, you won’t get any more if you add more Crops of the same type later on. So make sure to plan wisely and strategize your moves.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: when you put a Surveyor next to a Well, you earn 1 Victory Point for a group of Crop hexes that are connected and include the Crop hex where the Well is located. But here’s the catch: if you expand that area by adding more Crop hexes to it, you won’t earn any extra points for the Well that’s already been scored. It’s a one-time deal.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you use a Surveyor along with an Opportunity card, you earn points based on the requirements shown on the card.

Remember: At the beginning of the game, you only have two Surveyors. You can get new ones from Riverboats (which have capacities of 5, 6, and 7), by scoring the Harvesting Bonus, or by taking an Opportunity card from the card space with the Surveyor.

Once you have scored or passed, the next player clockwise can place up to two Surveyors, and so on, until each player has placed up to two Surveyors or decided to pass.

Note: During Round 4, you can place up to 3 Surveyors.

After placing your Surveyors, you earn 1 Victory Point for each active Surveyor (those that have triggered a Scoring on a Barn, Well, or Opportunity card in this or a previous Round), and 1 Victory Point for each Agent you have in New Orleans.

Opportunity cards: What you need to know!

Hey there! Let’s talk about those nifty little opportunity cards – they can be quite the game-changer! You might be wondering, what are opportunity cards anyway? Well, let me break it down for you.

Opportunity cards are like these little treasure chests just waiting to be opened. Each card holds a unique opportunity for you, with the potential to bring exciting rewards or unexpected surprises. It’s like uncovering a secret path that leads to unknown adventures.

So, here’s the deal. Opportunity cards can be found all around you. Sometimes, they might even come knocking on your door, giving you the chance to embrace something new, try a different path, or discover hidden talents you never knew you had. These cards are gateways to opportunities that can change your life in small or significant ways.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Opportunity cards aren’t always straightforward. They can be a bit tricky to interpret at times. It’s like solving a puzzle or unraveling a mystery – you have to piece the clues together and make choices based on what you think is best. But the beauty lies in the uncertainty, the anticipation of what lies ahead.

Think about it – opportunity cards can open doors you never even knew existed. They can lead you to people who become lifelong friends, places that leave an indelible mark on your soul, or experiences that shape who you are as a person. They can ignite a spark within you, pushing you to chase your dreams and pursue your passions.

However, not all opportunity cards are created equal. Some might offer golden opportunities while others might present challenges that test your resilience and determination. But hey, that’s part of the thrill, isn’t it? The possibility of an unexpected twist keeps us on our toes, ready to tackle whatever comes our way.

Remember, opportunity cards are not about guaranteeing success or avoiding failure. They’re about embracing the journey, taking risks, and having the courage to step out of your comfort zone. Each card presents a choice, and it’s up to you to seize the moment and follow your intuition.

So keep your eyes open, my friend. Opportunity cards are scattered throughout life, just waiting for you to discover them. Embrace the mystery, welcome the adventure, and trust that each card holds something special for you. Your next great opportunity might just be a card away.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Track Your Points

Every time you earn Victory Points, move your marker along the Score track. If there are other players’ markers on the same space, place yours on top.

When you reach a certain number of Victory Points, flip your marker over or replace it with the “100/150 Victory Points” marker.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess
For example, right now I have 64 points.

Game Over

After Round 4, the game comes to an end. You can earn additional Victory Points in the following ways:

  • 1 Victory Point for every Coin you have left
  • 7 Victory Points for each color of Field space on your player mat that is completely covered with Crop hexes and/or Barns
  • I get 2 Victory Points for each unscored Estate Feature like a Barn, Well, or Surveyor.
  • There’s also something called Harbor Scoring.
  • And another thing called Agents Bonus Scoring.

Harbor Scoring

Now, let’s talk about this Harbor Scoring thing. It’s all about figuring out which player’s Harbor Master has traveled the farthest on their Harbor track. If there’s a tie, the player with the earlier Phase tile (from Round 4) is considered to be the farthest. For example, the Cultivation Phase tile would beat the Opportunity Phase tile.

The player who’s traveled the farthest on their Harbor track gets full value for each Riverboat tile that their Harbor Master has passed or arrived at. The number of Victory Points a Riverboat is worth is the same as its capacity.

As for the rest of us, we get half value for all the Riverboat tiles that our Harbor Masters have passed or arrived at. If we end up with a fraction, we round up. But any tiles in front of our Harbor Master’s position don’t score anything.

My Example: So, let’s break it down. If Annabelle’s Harbor Master is the farthest on the track, she would earn 4+2+7+1+5=19 Victory Points (VP). But, if her Harbor Master isn’t the farthest, she would still get some points. In that case, Annabelle would get half of her total, which is 19 divided by 2, equaling to 10 VP. And since we always round up, she would end up with 10 VP.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Take a look at the nifty illustration on your player mat’s top right corner. It’s a helpful reminder of how the Harbor Scoring system operates.

Agents Bonus Scoring

To calculate your score for the Agents Bonus, simply count the number of Agents you have in New Orleans.

How to play Riverboat Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • If you come in 1st place, you get 20 Victory Points.
  • If you come in 2nd place, you get 10 Victory Points.
  • If you come in 3rd place, you get 5 Victory Points.
  • If you come in 4th place, you don’t get any Victory Points.

These rules apply to any number of players. If there’s a tie, the player who got the earlier Phase tile in Round 4 wins. Remember, you need at least 1 Agent in New Orleans to earn Victory Points in this round.

The player with the most Victory Points is the winner. If there’s a tie, the players are equally skilled!

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