How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Game Rules for Rats to Riches

Welcome to the world of Rats to Riches! In this exciting game, you will embark on a thrilling journey as a little rat, trying to make its way to wealth and prosperity.

So, how do you play Rats to Riches?

First, let me introduce you to the game board. The game board consists of different locations, each with its own unique opportunities and challenges. Your goal is to move your rat token across the board, collecting cheese and making strategic choices to become the richest rat in the game.

On your turn, you roll a dice and move your rat token accordingly. The location you land on will determine your next steps. Some locations have cheese tokens that you can collect, while others might present you with unexpected challenges.

Now, let’s talk about the cheese tokens. These tokens represent your wealth and are the key to success in Rats to Riches. The more cheese tokens you have, the closer you are to becoming the champion rat.

But, be careful! There are also challenges that you may encounter on your journey. These challenges can hinder your progress or even cause you to lose cheese. It’s important to strategize and make wise choices to overcome these obstacles and stay ahead in the game.

Throughout the game, you will have opportunities to make deals with other players or invest your cheese in various ventures. These decisions can either elevate your wealth or put you at risk, so choose wisely.

Remember, in Rats to Riches, it’s not just about luck. It’s about making smart decisions, taking calculated risks, and keeping a keen eye on your competitors.

Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey from Rats to Riches? Gather your friends, roll the dice, and may the best rat win!

How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

  • Game board
  • 3 types of cheese + holders
  • Cash
  • Flush Cards
  • Green Cards
  • Blue Cards
  • Red Cards
  • Purple Cards
  • Yellow Cards
  • Grey Cards
  • Meeples
  • Instructions

What’s the Game About?

Here’s the deal: the goal of this game is for you to be the first to collect $100 Swindle. Once you’ve got that cash, you win and the game is done.

Setting Up the Sewer




How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s get down to business and learn how to play a cool game called Rat Pack. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you through it step by step.

First things first, let’s separate the cards. Take a look at their backs. You’ll notice that there are three different types: Flush Cards, Scrappy Sewer Cards, and Supreme Sewer Cards. Give one Flush Card face-up to each rat. Any extra Flush Cards can go in a pile called The Cesspit.

Now let’s deal with the Scrappy Sewer Cards and the Supreme Sewer Cards. Make sure each deck is shuffled separately. Once they’re shuffled, place them face-down in the designated spots on the game board, called The Rat Pack. The Scrappy Sewer Cards should go on top.

Now for the final step, The Open Sewer. Turn over the top three cards from The Rat Pack and place them face-up in the spaces on the game board marked The Open Sewer. And voila! You’re all set to start playing Rat Pack!

How to Play the Game

Welcome to the rat race! I’m here to explain the rules so that you can start playing and try to be the first rat to reach $100.

Let’s go through the steps of the game, which are to be followed in a clockwise direction:

Step 1: Collecting Income

Now it’s time to start earning money! On your turn, you will collect your income. This could be from your job or any other way you make money. Don’t forget to add it to your stash!

Remember, the more income you collect, the closer you get to reaching $100!

Step 2: Pay Off Expenses

Uh-oh! It’s not all about earning money. You also have expenses to take care of. On your turn, you will pay your expenses. This includes things like rent, bills, and other costs. Make sure you have enough money to cover them!

But don’t worry, because I have a surprise for you. As you progress in the game, you might come across opportunities like getting a raise or finding a bargain. These can help you reduce your expenses and save some money!

Step 3: Make Investments

Now it’s time to be smart with your money. On your turn, you can make some investments. Investing is a way to potentially make more money in the future. It can be risky, but it can also pay off big time!

Be careful though, because not every investment is a guaranteed success. Some might give you a profit, while others could make you lose money. It’s up to you to decide which investments are worth the risk!

Step 4: Take Risks

In life, sometimes you have to take risks to succeed. In this game, you have the opportunity to take risks and make big leaps towards reaching $100. On your turn, you can choose to take a risk. It could be a shortcut or a gamble. Just remember, risks can be rewarding, but they can also set you back!

Keep in mind that you don’t have to take a risk if you don’t want to. It’s completely up to you and what you think is the best strategy to win the game!

Step 5: Roll the Dice

Finally, it’s time to roll the dice. On your turn, you will roll the dice to determine how many spaces you can move on the board. The number you roll will determine your fate and how close you are to reaching $100.

If you’re lucky, you might roll a high number and make a big jump. But if luck is not on your side, you might roll a low number and take a small step. Either way, keep going and never give up!

Remember, the first rat to reach $100 wins the game. So, keep on playing, make smart decisions, and take risks when necessary. Good luck!

How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about income. Income is the total amount of money you have in this white ring. It represents your financial resources. But where does this money come from? Well, it comes from the Swindle cards in The Slush Fund. Think of The Slush Fund as your personal money stash.

Step 2: Buying and Using Cards

  • Buying Cards: When you want to buy a card, you can only choose from the Open Sewer Cards. To buy a card, you need to pay the cost of that card to The Slush Fund. The cost of each card is shown in the bottom-right corner. After you buy a card from the Open Sewer, a new card from The Rat Pack will replace it. You can even buy these newly-replaced Open Sewer Cards on the same turn.
  • Using Cards: Now let’s talk about using cards. You can use Red Cards, Blue Cards, Grey Cards, Bonus Bonanza, and your Flush Card. To use a card, simply carry out its effect, and then place it in The Cesspit. The Cesspit is where you keep used cards. You can use cards on the same turn you bought them, or you can save them for future use.

I know you’re eager to get your hands on some cheese, so let’s move on to step 3 – buying the cheese! This is where the real fun begins.

First, make sure you have your shopping list handy. You don’t want to forget any of the key ingredients for your cheese adventure. Grab your pen and paper, or use your phone if you’re feeling extra tech-savvy.

Now, head over to your favorite grocery store. You know the one – the place that has the best selection of cheeses. As you walk through the doors, take a deep breath and let the scent of cheese fill your nostrils. Ah, it’s like heaven!

Make your way to the dairy section. You’ll find a variety of cheeses waiting for you, each with its own unique flavor and texture. It can be a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry. I’m here to help you navigate this cheesy paradise.

Take a moment to consider what you’re looking for in a cheese. Are you in the mood for something creamy and mild, like a fresh mozzarella? Or maybe you want something bold and sharp, like an aged cheddar. The choice is yours, my friend.

Once you’ve decided on the type of cheese you want, it’s time to pick a brand. Some people prefer to stick with well-known names, while others like to try artisanal cheeses from local producers. There’s no right or wrong answer here; it all depends on your taste preferences.

When selecting your cheese, be sure to check the expiration date. You want to make sure you’re buying a fresh piece of cheese that hasn’t been sitting on the shelf for too long. Trust me, nothing ruins a cheese platter faster than spoiled cheese.

Finally, it’s time to make your purchase. Head to the checkout counter, and don’t forget to grab a few other essentials while you’re at it. Some crackers or bread, maybe some grapes or jam to accompany your cheese. The options are endless!

And there you have it – step 3 complete. You are now the proud owner of some delicious cheese. Go home, unwrap that cheesy goodness, and savor every bite. Trust me, it’s worth it. Happy cheese tasting!

How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

During my turn, I have the option to purchase up to 3 pieces of Cheese. These Cheese pieces can come in different colors, and each one costs $1. I need to pay this amount to The Slush Fund.

Now let’s talk about the different types of cards in the game:

– Flush Cards: These are the starter cards that every rat begins the game with. Having a Flush Card grants me a base Income of $2 per turn. If I want, I can choose to get rid of the Flush Card by Flushing The Sewer. When I do this, I can grab one Open Sewer Card, while the rest goes to The Cesspit. It’s important to note that once I Flush The Sewer, I no longer get the $2 Income from the Flush Card, so I need to use this ability wisely.

  • How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMessGreen Cards are all about increasing your Income. Most Green Cards will boost your Income, giving you more money to play with. And there’s a special card called the Bonus Bonanza Card that lets you collect your Income an extra time in the same turn. To get Green Cards, you’ll need Green Cheese.
  • How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMessBlue Cards are something called Pipes! When you sell a Blue Card, you get money from The Slush Fund based on the number of pipes you sold. It’s like a multiplication game. The more pipes you sell, the more money you make. For example, if you sold 5 Pipes, you would collect $25 from The Slush Fund. The Pipes you sell go to The Cesspit. To get Blue Cards, you’ll need Blue Cheese.
  • I want to talk to you about the different types of cards in the game Rats to Riches. It’s a fun game where you play as a rat trying to become rich. There are three types of cards: Red Cards, Purple Cards, and Yellow Cards.

    Red Cards are special cards that you can use for a specific action. Once you use a Red Card, it goes to The Cesspit and can’t be used again. To get Red Cards, you need to spend Red Cheese.

    Purple Cards are career cards that give you a long-lasting benefit. Each Purple Card costs 3 Cheese, so you need to save up to get one. Once you have a Purple Card, it stays with you throughout the game, giving you an advantage.

    Yellow Cards are event cards that affect all players. When a Yellow Card is revealed in The Open Sewer, it immediately affects all rats before being removed and replaced. It’s like a surprise that can change the game for everyone.

    So those are the different types of cards in Rats to Riches. Red Cards are one-time actions, Purple Cards are lasting benefits, and Yellow Cards are unexpected events. Each one adds a unique element to the game, so it’s important to strategize and make the most of your cards. Have fun playing!

  • How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMessGrey Cards are special packages. You can get them for just $5, instead of using Cheese. When you have a Grey Card, you can combine different items and sell them for $25. All you have to do is put the bundle of cards in The Cesspit.
  • How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess


    Hey there! Have you ever heard of meeples? They might just be the coolest little game pieces you’ve never heard of before. Meeples are tiny wooden figures that players move around on a game board to represent themselves in the game. They may not look like much, but these little guys play a huge role in making games fun and exciting.

    Picture this: You and your friends are gathered around a table, ready to embark on a new gaming adventure. You reach for a small wooden figure, called a meeple, and place it on the game board. Suddenly, you transform from an ordinary person into a daring adventurer, a cunning strategist, or a skilled builder. With just a single meeple, you become part of a whole new world.

    Meeples come in all sorts of shapes and colors, each one unique and full of personality. You might find meeples in the shape of knights, farmers, or even animals. Some meeples have different roles or abilities in the game, adding another layer of excitement and strategy. It’s amazing how much personality can be packed into such a small wooden figure!

    Now, you might be wondering why meeples are so important. Well, let me tell you. Meeples are the heart and soul of many board games. They are what bring the game to life and make it interactive. Without meeples, games would just be a collection of rules and numbers on a piece of paper. Meeples give players a tangible presence in the game, allowing them to connect with the game world and immerse themselves in the experience.

    Meeples also play a crucial role in gameplay. They are used to move around the game board, claim territory, gather resources, or even attack other players. Meeples can be placed strategically to block opponents or secure valuable spaces. They are like the pawns on a chessboard, constantly maneuvering and vying for control. It’s this strategic element that keeps players engaged and coming back for more.

    But meeples are not just about competition. They also foster cooperation and teamwork. In some games, players must work together to achieve a common goal. Meeples become a symbol of unity, a way for players to show that they are all in it together. They represent not just the individual, but the collective effort of the whole group. It’s a beautiful thing, really.

    So, the next time you sit down to play a board game, take a moment to appreciate the humble meeple. They may be small, but they are mighty. They bring life, personality, and excitement to the table. They are the heart and soul of board gaming. And that’s why meeples are simply the best.

    How to play Rats to Riches Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Sneaky Rodents

    If you find a sneaky rat holding the ‘Red Ruffian’, ‘Green Gangster’, or ‘Blue Boss’ Cards, just give them the matching figurine to let all the other rats know who they should pay their Swindle to.

    The Top Rat

    Whoever has the most Swindle when the round ends becomes the Top Rat and gets the prestigious Golden Rat meeple. As the Top Rat, you will enjoy an extra +2 Income with each passing round.

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