How to play Quantum Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Quantum Game Rules

Quantum Game Rules

Welcome to the world of quantum gaming! Today, I’ll be taking you on a journey through the quantum gaming rules. Quantum gaming is a fascinating field that combines the principles of quantum physics with the excitement of gameplay. So, if you’re ready to dive into this mind-bending adventure, let’s get started!

Understanding Quantum Gaming

In quantum gaming, traditional rules don’t apply. It’s like stepping into a whole new dimension where particles can exist in multiple states at the same time and be connected in ways we can’t fully comprehend. It’s a world where probability and uncertainty shape the gameplay. So, brace yourself for a thrilling experience that will challenge your understanding of reality.

The Quantum Game

The quantum game is played using quantum bits, or qubits, which are the building blocks of quantum information. You’ll find yourself in situations where qubits can be entangled or superposed, creating an intricate web of possibilities. Your task is to manipulate these qubits to complete various objectives. Remember, each action you take has consequences, so think strategically and anticipate the outcomes.

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is at the heart of quantum gaming. It’s a branch of physics that explores the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. In quantum gaming, you’ll encounter concepts like superposition and entanglement. Superposition allows qubits to be in multiple states at the same time, while entanglement connects qubits together, no matter the distance between them. These concepts open up a world of possibilities and pose interesting challenges to overcome.

Strategy and Probability

Strategy and probability play a crucial role in quantum gaming. As you navigate through the game, you’ll need to make decisions about how to manipulate the qubits to achieve your objectives. Every move you make has a certain probability of success or failure, adding an element of uncertainty to the game. It’s up to you to assess the probabilities and devise a winning strategy.


So, there you have it – a glimpse into the world of quantum gaming. It’s a mind-bending adventure that combines the principles of quantum physics with the thrill of gameplay. As you dive into this captivating realm, remember to embrace the uncertainty and challenge your understanding of reality. Get ready to think strategically, manipulate qubits, and explore the infinite possibilities of the quantum game. Enjoy the journey!

Get ready to embark on an epic space adventure! Prepare to pilot your starships, position your flagship in orbit, and reconfigure your powerful battle-station. With the incredible power of quantum probability at your disposal, your mission is to lead your fleet to explore the vast reaches of the universe.

You are in command of the fleet, and your actions will shape the course of history. Will you be known as a fearsome destroyer, leaving no enemy standing in your wake?

Or perhaps you’ll be celebrated as a tactician with unparalleled cunning and strategy? Maybe you’ll be the intrepid explorer who uncovers new worlds and hidden treasures. Whatever path you choose, your armada is ready for action, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

What’s Included

  • I’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this awesome game called “Quantum.”
  • First off, let’s talk about what comes in the box. You’ll find 24 map tiles, 22 Gambit cards, 28 dice in 4 colors, and 31 Command cards.
  • In addition, there are 2 Combat dice, 4 Command sheets, and 28 Quantum cube tokens in 4 colors.
  • So, as you can see, Quantum comes with a ton of cool components to enhance your gaming experience.
  • Now, let’s dive into the gameplay. Quantum is a strategic game where players compete to conquer different sectors of the galaxy.
  • To achieve this, you’ll need to use your dice to command your ships and capture planets.
  • Each die represents a different ship class, and each ship class has unique abilities and strengths.
  • It’s all about making strategic decisions and outmaneuvering your opponents.
  • One of the coolest aspects of Quantum is the way the map tiles can be rearranged to create a different playing experience each time.
  • This adds a whole new level of replayability and keeps the game fresh and exciting.
  • Quantum is a game that combines luck and strategy in a perfect balance. Luck comes into play with the dice rolls, but it’s up to you to make the best decisions with the results you get.
  • The game can be played by 2 to 4 players, so it’s great for both smaller gatherings and larger game nights.
  • Overall, Quantum is a game that offers a unique and immersive experience. It’s easy to learn, but has enough depth to keep you engaged for hours.
  • So, if you’re looking for a game that combines strategy, luck, and endless possibilities, Quantum is definitely worth checking out.

Setting Up

Setting up a new device can be an exciting yet challenging task. The process may seem daunting at first, but fear not! I’m here to guide you through it.

Step 1: Unbox and Connect

The first step is to unbox your new device. Gently remove it from the packaging and make sure you have all the necessary components. Then, find a suitable spot for your device and connect it to a power source. This might involve plugging it into a wall outlet or inserting batteries.

Step 2: Turn It On

Once your device is connected to power, locate the power button and turn it on. You may have to hold the button down for a few seconds until the device powers up.

Step 3: Setup Wizard

After turning on your device, you’ll likely be greeted by a setup wizard or an initial setup screen. This is where you’ll configure your device’s settings and personalize it to your liking. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully, as they will guide you through the setup process.

Step 4: Connect to Wi-Fi

During the setup process, you’ll have the option to connect your device to a Wi-Fi network. Select your network from the available options and enter the password if required. This will allow your device to access the internet and connect with other devices.

Step 5: Update and Customize

After connecting to Wi-Fi, your device may prompt you to install any available updates. It’s essential to update your device to ensure you have the latest features and security patches. Additionally, take this opportunity to customize your device’s settings, such as language, time zone, and display preferences.

Step 6: Install Apps and Transfer Data

Now that your device is set up, it’s time to install your favorite apps and transfer any necessary data. Visit the device’s app store or marketplace and download the applications you wish to use. If you had data on your old device, follow the instructions provided to transfer it to your new device.

Step 7: Explore and Enjoy

With the setup process complete, it’s time to explore all the features and functionalities of your new device. Take some time to familiarize yourself with its capabilities and discover how it can enhance your daily life. Enjoy the journey!

Remember, setting up a new device can be a bit overwhelming, but with these simple steps, you’ll be up and running in no time. So, don’t hesitate to dive in and begin your new technological adventure!

  1. To get started, set up the game board based on the number of players (2, 3, or 4). Make sure you follow the diagram provided and match the numbers on each tile to the diagram. The color of the planets doesn’t matter.
  2. Next, each player needs to choose a command sheet and gather 7 dice and 5 small quantum cubes that match their color. Note that 2 of the quantum cubes won’t be used (they’re for advanced maps).
  3. Now, place one die in the research box and one die in the dominance box on your command sheet, making sure the ‘1’ side is facing up. Also, place your 5 cubes in the quantum cubes box on your command sheet.

When playing this game, follow these steps to set up:

1. Roll 3 dice to determine your starting ships. If you don’t like the results, you can re-roll all 3 ships once, but you must keep the second roll. If it’s your first game, don’t worry about re-rolling. The other 2 dice are your expansion ships, which you place to the side of your command sheet.

2. The first player is the one with the lowest ship total. If there’s a tie, resolve it by rolling other dice. Starting with the first player and going clockwise around the table, place one of your quantum cubes on a starting planet location indicated by the red arrows on the map. Then, in player order, place your 3 ships in spaces next to your starting planet. Remember, they can’t be diagonally adjacent. These spaces are called orbital positions.

Now you’re ready to begin the game!

  1. Put the 2 combat dice – the black weapons die and the white defenses die – next to the map.
  2. Lastly, divide and mix the two types of advance cards – the darker gambit cards and the lighter command cards – into separate face-down decks. Deal 3 of each type face-up to one side of the map. The remaining cards are placed in 2 face-down decks nearby. (Don’t worry about reading the face-up cards before the game starts).

Game Play


The objective of Quantum is to conquer the sector by placing all of your quantum cubes on the map. You can place quantum cubes in 2 ways: by building them on planets and by eliminating enough enemies to gain notoriety. Once you have placed your final quantum cube, you win the game instantly.

Quantum Cubes

Have you ever heard of quantum cubes? They’re these gigantic extractors of planetary energy that provide the immense power needed for quantum drive technology. Not only that, but they also function as outposts for your fleet. Whenever you place a quantum cube on a planet, it gives you a new spot where you can deploy your ships.

Once you’ve placed a quantum cube on a planet, it can’t be taken off the map. It’s there to stay!

Let’s Talk About Ships

Every die you have on the map represents one of your ships. And get this—the number on the die shows how far your ship can move. But here’s the kicker: the same number is also the combat power of your ship. So, the lower the number, the more powerful your ship is!


Understanding the Importance of Adjacency in Language Interpretation

When it comes to language, there is a concept known as adjacency that plays a crucial role in how we interpret meaning. Adjacency refers to the proximity and relationship between words, phrases, or sentences within a sentence or text. It’s important to understand how adjacency can impact our understanding and communication.

Are you curious about how adjacency works and why it matters? Let me break it down for you.

Imagine you’re looking for a specific word in a sentence. You come across two sentences that say:

“I saw a red car.” “I saw a car that was red.”

At first glance, these two sentences may seem identical in meaning. However, by considering the concept of adjacency, we can see that the location of the word “red” affects our interpretation.

In the first sentence, “red” is positioned adjacent to “car,” indicating that the car itself was red. In the second sentence, “red” is separated from “car” by the phrase “that was,” suggesting that something else might be red, not necessarily the car itself.

This example illustrates how the adjacency of words within a sentence can influence the meaning we extract from it. By recognizing the relationships between words, we can better understand the intended message.

So why is adjacency important beyond individual word interpretation? It’s because language is more than just a collection of words; it’s a web of interconnected ideas and thoughts. When you consider adjacency on a larger scale, you can unlock a deeper understanding of the overall message being conveyed.

By taking adjacency into account, we can also avoid misinterpretations and misunderstandings. Whether we’re communicating with others or interpreting written text, recognizing the adjacency of words helps us maintain accuracy and clarity.

Now that you have a better grasp of the significance of adjacency in language interpretation, you can apply this knowledge to your own reading, writing, and everyday conversations. Remember – it’s not just the words themselves that matter, but also their placement in relation to each other.

So, next time you encounter a piece of text, pay attention to the adjacency and see how it enhances your understanding and communication. Happy exploring!

When it comes to the rules, it’s important to keep in mind that a space “next to” something refers to the four spaces directly adjacent to the object on the map grid, and not the spaces diagonal to it.

On the other hand, if the rules mention “surrounding spaces,” it means both the spaces adjacent to the object as well as the spaces diagonal to it.

Orbital Positions:

When we talk about orbital positions, we are referring to the four spaces right next to a planet.

For example, in the illustration, the red 3 die is in an orbital position around the planet, but the red 5 die in the corner is not. At the beginning of the game, you will place your dice in orbital positions around your starting planet.

Turn Sequence

Now, let’s talk about the order of play. Starting with the first player, we proceed clockwise in turns. Each player’s turn is divided into 2 phases:

I. Phase 1: Actions

Command your fleet, navigate the map, and explore cutting-edge technologies. You have up to 3 actions, including the use of unique ship abilities.

Here are the 5 actions at your disposal:

1. Reconfigure: Give one of your ships a new roll of the dice.

2. Deploy: Transfer one ship from the scrapyard to the map.

3. Move/attack: Maneuver and potentially strike with one of your ships.

4. Construct: Create a quantum cube (costs 2 actions).

5. Research: Boost your research by adding 1 to your die.

Remember, any unused actions vanish at the end of your turn. Feel free to repeat an action if desired.

Now let’s take a closer look at using your ships:

– Each ship can move and attack only once per turn.

– Each ship possesses a special ability that can be used once per turn. Utilizing this ability doesn’t consume one of your 3 actions.

If you’re playing the game of Quantum, then you know that each turn is filled with important decisions and thrilling actions. Let me walk you through the key elements of the game so that you can make the most of your gameplay.

I. Phase 1: Ship Dice Actions

Before we dive into the details of taking actions, it’s important to remember that each ship die can only move or attack once per turn. Additionally, it can only use one special ability during that turn.

Now, let’s talk about the different actions you can take with your ship dice:

1. Reconfiguration

During this action, you have the power to change the face of one of your ship dice to any number you desire. It’s like giving your ship a new identity, ready to conquer the universe.

2. Deploy

With this action, you can place one of your ship dice onto an empty space on the board. It’s like expanding your fleet and claiming your territory.

3. Move/Attack

Here comes the exciting part: moving and attacking. You can move one of your ship dice to an adjacent space, exploring new frontiers or strategically positioning yourself for an attack. Even if the number on the ship die changes, it can still only move once per turn.

And yes, you can also unleash devastating attacks on your opponents’ ship dice. It’s like a cosmic battle dance, filled with unpredictability and strategic thinking.

Remember, though: even if its number changes, a ship die can only move once per turn.

II. Phase 2: Advance Cards

After all the thrilling actions of Phase 1, it’s time to reap the rewards of your ingenuity and progress. In this phase, you get to choose advance cards based on your research breakthroughs and the quantum cubes you’ve placed on the board.

Here’s how it works:

1. Research Breakthrough: If your research die reached 6, you receive one advance card as a reward for your breakthrough. It’s like unlocking a new level of knowledge and potential.

2. Quantum Cubes: For each quantum cube you’ve strategically placed during your turn, you receive one advance card. It’s like harnessing the power of these cubes to advance your technology and strategies.

Once you’ve selected your advance cards, proudly announce the end of your turn, and get ready to witness the next player’s turn unfold.

With these simplified guidelines in mind, you’re now equipped to make the best decisions and take the boldest actions in the game of Quantum. Have a blast!

When I play this game, I rely on my ships to navigate the playing field. They have a few rules they need to follow when it comes to movement. First, ships can go in any direction, but they can only move to squares adjacent to them. Diagonal movement is not allowed. Also, ships can move through both orbital and non-orbital locations on the board.

One important thing to note is that ships cannot pass through planets. Planets are like obstacles that ships need to navigate around. They can’t land on planets either; they can only move around them.

Another rule for ship movement is that ships cannot pass through other ships. They need to find a clear path to move forward.

When it comes to ending my ship’s movement, there’s a specific rule. Unless I’m attacking, my ship needs to end its move on an empty square. This means I can’t just stop anywhere; I need to make sure I’m not blocking any other piece’s path.

Speaking of attacking, it’s an important part of ship movement. Attacking is not a separate action; it’s integrated into the movement. So, when I attack, I need to consider it as part of my overall move strategy.

Remembering and understanding these ship movement rules is essential for success in the game. By following them, I can navigate the board effectively and outmaneuver my opponents.

You see that red 4 over there? It can go to any of those highlighted spaces. But be careful, some spaces are blocked by planets and other ships, both friendly and enemy.

Getting into Attack Position:

If you want to attack, you need to end your move in the same square as an enemy ship. Move your ship halfway into their square to show that you’re attacking.

Keep in mind, it costs one movement point to move into an enemy square. For example, if you have a “1” die, you can only move one space in total. So you can only attack a ship that is right next to the space where you started your move.

Once your ship attacks, it’s done moving for the turn. It can’t move again after attacking.

Hey there! Let me break down this information for you in a way that’s easy to understand.

So, we have three numbers: a green 3, a 4, and a 2. The green 3 can move 3 steps and it wants to attack either the 4 or the 2. Unfortunately, the 5 is too far away, so it’s out of reach.

Hope that clears things up for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

So, here’s the situation: I’m a 3 and I’ve decided to launch an attack on the 4. I position myself right in the middle of the 4’s square. Now, let me explain how we resolve this attack:

How An Attack Is Resolved:

Once I make my move to attack, I roll the black weapons die, and the defender rolls the white defenses die.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Each of us adds the number we rolled to the die number of our respective ships involved in the attack.

After this, we compare our totals. Now, here’s the deal: the lower total wins, and guess what? I win ties! Yeah!

So, here’s what happens if my total is equal to or less than the defender’s total:

  • The defending ship doesn’t stand a chance. It gets completely destroyed and sent straight to the owner’s scrapyard. But hey, here’s the cool part: the remains of that poor ship are instantly transformed into a new ship through some fancy quantum technology. Impressive, right?
  • Now, I have a choice to make. I can either move into the defender’s square or retreat back to the square I attacked from. It’s up to me!
  • When I launch an attack, I gain 1 dominance and my opponent loses 1 dominance. We keep track of this using the dominance die on our command sheets.

If my opponent has fewer dominance points than me, my attack will be successful. But if my opponent has an equal or higher number of dominance points, the attack will be repelled. I won’t be destroyed, but I’ll be forced to move back to the square from which I launched the attack. There won’t be any gain or loss of dominance in this scenario. So there’s no risk for me if my attack doesn’t work out.

So here’s what happened: I was playing this game, right? And I had this green 3. And my opponent, they had a red 4. We were in the middle of a battle, you know? So we both rolled our dice to see who would come out on top.

And guess what? We both got a 2. Can you believe it? So now we had to compare our totals to see who won. And you know what? The attacker, that’s me with the green 3, actually had a lower total than the defender, who had the red 4. But here’s the crazy part: I still won the combat!

Yeah, I know, it sounds strange. You’d think that the person with the higher total would win, right? But in this game, it’s actually the opposite. See, the lower total wins the combat. I guess it’s one of those rules that keeps things interesting and unpredictable.

So yeah, that’s what happened. My green 3 attacked the red 4, we both rolled 2s, and even though I had a lower total, I still came out on top. Pretty cool, right? I love it when games throw you a curveball like that. Keeps you on your toes!

I reroll the red 4 and place it in my scrapyard. I then choose to move my green 3 back to its original square after it attacked. By doing so, I gain 1 dominance point, while my opponent loses 1 dominance point.

Create A Quantum Cube (2 Actions)

Hey there! Want to tap into the limitless power of the universe? Well, you’re in luck! I’m going to show you how to harness that power by constructing a massive quantum energy extractor. Exciting, right?

Now, constructing a quantum cube is the key to winning the game. It’s how you’ll create those cubes and come out on top. But here’s the catch – you can only construct a quantum cube on a planet if you have ships in orbit that add up exactly to the planet’s number. Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you have a size 8 planet. In order to construct a quantum cube on this planet, you’ll need ships in orbital positions that add up to 8. So, you could have a 6+2, or a 5+2+1, and so on. The important thing is that the total number of ships equals the planet number.

Now, here’s the thing – enemy ships and ships diagonally adjacent to the planet won’t affect the construct action. It’s all about the ships in the orbital positions. You just need to match that planet number exactly, no more and no less. If the numbers don’t add up, well, you won’t be able to construct that quantum cube. Simple as that.

So, with this in mind, get out there and start building those quantum cubes! Remember, it’s all about finding the right planets and aligning your ships to match the numbers. The power of the universe is within your grasp. Go, my friend, and conquer the cosmos!

Hey there! Let me tell you something cool about the game. See, I can build my structures on this planet because the green dice in those positions up there (5 & 3) add up to exactly 8. It’s all about strategy, you know? The red 3 and the green 2 over there in the corner don’t really make a difference to my plans.

Let’s do some Research

Amazing Ship Abilities

Oh, you’ll love this – each type of ship in the game has a super cool special ability that can be used once every turn. So, you gotta choose the right ship for the right job, you know what I mean? That’s what makes the game really exciting!

  • When playing the game, keep in mind that each ship die can only use one ability per turn, regardless of the number it shows.
  • Remember that using a ship ability doesn’t count as taking an action, even though maneuvering and transporting are considered part of a move action.
  • Ship abilities can only be used on your turn, and only by ships that are on the map. Abilities cannot be used by ships in the scrapyard or expansion ships.
  • It’s important to note that you can’t change a ship number while in the middle of moving that ship. For example, you can’t change the number right before rolling for combat.


Mighty weapons of destruction.

Strike: Attack a space adjacent to the battlestation. The Strike ability allows you to make a single free move/attack of 1 space, as long as it includes an attack. It’s also possible to make a normal move/attack and use Strike for a second attack on the same turn.


The heart of the operation.

Transport: Take your ship for a ride. When you want to move, choose one of your ships adjacent to the flagship and put it on top. Then, the flagship takes the lead and moves 1 or 2 spaces. Once it reaches its destination, simply drop off the transported ship in any vacant adjacent space. Just remember, while the flagship is on the move, it can’t attack. But don’t worry, once the transported ship is dropped off, it can move and attack like it normally would. Talk about teamwork!



Powerful warships essential to any fleet.

Warp: You can instantly switch the positions of your destroyer and another one of your ships on the map. This ability does not consume the destroyer’s turn.


The frigate is a reliable and versatile ship that performs a wide variety of tasks.

Modification: Changing the ship to a 3 or 5. After you make the modification, you won’t be able to use the ship’s new ability on the same turn because the modification ability was already used.


In the world of fighters, the Interceptor stands out with its stealthy prowess. It’s a true master of maneuverability.

When I engage this powerful vessel, time seems to slow down. I feel like a nimble spider, weaving my way through danger.

The Interceptor’s secret lies in its unique ability to travel diagonally. By activating this maneuver during my move action, I can swiftly navigate to any surrounding space. It’s like having a secret path that others can’t see.

Imagine the possibilities! I can slip through narrow gaps, sneak up on unsuspecting enemies, and launch precise attacks from unexpected angles. This gives me a real advantage on the battlefield.

With the Interceptor, I can strike fear into the hearts of my foes. They never know where I’ll appear next, making it nearly impossible for them to defend themselves.

So, if you’re looking for a fighter that offers unmatched agility and surprise, the Interceptor is your best bet. Trust me, once you experience the thrill of its maneuverability, you’ll be hooked!



Long-ranged patrol ships.

Free Reconfigure: I can change the ship’s configuration by rolling again. If I roll a 6, I keep rolling until I get a different number.

Movement and Ship Abilities

I can use the transporting ability of the Flagship and the maneuvering ability of the Interceptor when I move or perform a move/attack action with the ship. For example, if I move the flagship and use its transporting ability, I have used the ship’s movement for that turn and also used its special ability for that turn. So using these abilities counts as taking an action – the ship’s movement action.


Your dominance is a measure of how powerful you are in combat. When your dominance reaches 6, you become famous and can use your reputation to strategically place a quantum cube anywhere on the map. You have the potential to achieve infamy multiple times throughout the game.

Each time you destroy an enemy ship, your dominance increases by 1. On the other hand, if one of your ships is destroyed, your dominance decreases by 1. Your dominance die starts at 1 and cannot exceed 6 or go below 1.

As soon as your dominance die reaches 6, you can immediately place a quantum cube. You can choose any empty cube location on a planet where you currently don’t have a cube of your color. It’s not necessary for you to have a ship near the planet where you’re placing the quantum cube. Remember, the quantum cube should be placed right away and not saved for later in the game.

Once you’ve positioned your quantum cube, just reset your dominance die back to 1. Don’t worry, you can increase it again within the same round.

When it’s time for the advance cards phase in your turn, all you need to do is choose one advance card for each quantum cube you placed in that turn.

Choosing Advance Cards

When you play Quantum, you have the opportunity to earn powerful rewards known as advance cards. These cards can be obtained by placing quantum cubes or achieving research breakthroughs.

After you’ve taken all your actions in the second phase of your turn, you can collect advance cards. Here’s how:

  • You’ll receive one card for each quantum cube you placed during that turn.
  • If your research die reaches 6 and you achieve a research breakthrough, you’ll also get one card.

You have the opportunity to select one advance card from the six face-up options. These cards come in two types: dark gambit cards and regular advance cards.

The dark gambit cards are bold actions that can only be used once. Once you choose a dark gambit card, it takes effect immediately and is then discarded. You cannot hold on to gambit cards – they must be resolved right away.

When you use the light command cards, you gain permanent abilities for controlling your fleet. These abilities stick with you and are connected to one side of your command sheet for the whole game. You can have a maximum of 3 active command cards.

Once you choose a card, replace it right away by drawing a new one from the corresponding deck. You can always have up to 3 active command cards. If you already have 3 command cards and you get the chance to choose a new one, you can still choose a gambit card, or you can replace one of your command cards with a new one (get rid of the card you want to replace).

You can always spend one of your earned card draws to discard the 6 available cards and draw 6 new ones. Just keep in mind, every time you do this, you draw one less card that turn!

In this game, when you want to get rid of a card, you put it face-up in a pile next to the deck it came from. If a deck runs out of cards, you shuffle the discarded cards and make a new deck.

When you get new command cards, they don’t take effect right away. They only come into play on the next turn, not the turn you received them. However, Gambit cards work right away and have an immediate effect.

The expansion gambit card is necessary if you want to bring your two expansion ships into the game. If you already have both of your expansion ships in play, you can’t use EXPANSION cards.

If you want more specific explanations about the cards, there is a FAQ section in these rules that can help you.

The End of the Game

You win right away as soon as you put your final quantum cube on the map.

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