How to play Quadropolis Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Quadropolis Game Rules

Hi there! If you’re curious about the game of Quadropolis, you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to give you the lowdown on this exciting strategy game.

First things first, let’s talk about the objective. In Quadropolis, your goal is to become the most successful city planner. You’ll be competing against other players to create the most impressive metropolis the world has ever seen!

Now, how do you achieve that? Well, your city is made up of four different districts: residential, industrial, commercial, and civic. Each district has its own unique buildings that you can place on your game board.

Here’s where it gets interesting. The buildings you choose and where you place them really matter. You see, buildings interact with each other in clever ways. Some buildings generate energy, others produce resources, and some even earn you victory points.

But be careful! While building your city, you need to pay attention to several factors. First, you have limited space, so you’ll have to plan carefully to make the most of the available tiles. Second, you must ensure that your city is well-balanced. A city with a good mix of districts will yield more points.

Furthermore, timing is crucial. Certain buildings have specific requirements, so you’ll need to strategically collect the necessary resources and place the buildings at the right moment. Making the right choices at the right time is the key to success in Quadropolis.

Quadropolis is a game of strategy, competition, and careful planning. It challenges you to think creatively and make the best use of the resources available to you. So, if you’re up for a challenge, gather your friends and dive into the world of Quadropolis!

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In Quadropolis, I’m the Mayor of a modern city. My goal is to create a city that meets the needs of my residents and outshines my opponents. To achieve this, I send my Architects to construct different Buildings throughout the city, earning me victory points along the way.

These Buildings come in various types, each with its own unique scoring system. By strategically combining these Buildings, I can maximize my score and increase my chances of becoming the most esteemed Mayor in history.

Now let’s talk about the components of the game.

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In order to play the game, you will need the following:

  • 1 Construction Site Board (25 Squares)
  • 4 double-sided Player Mats representing the city of each player, divided into districts
  • 142 Building Tiles
  • 20 Architects
  • 1 Urbanist
  • 1 Mayor (1st player marker)
  • 50 Energy Units (red Cylinders)
  • 65 Inhabitants (blue Meeples)
  • 1 Scoring Pad
  • 4 Helpers
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Cloth Bag

Now that we’re all set up, let me explain how the game works.

Getting Started

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

First, let’s get everything set up. Place Construction Site 1 on the table, and put the Inhabitants and the Energy Units 2 next to it.

Now, it’s time to prepare for the game. Each player will need their own Player Mat, Helper 3, and 4 Architects of their color. The Architects should be numbered from 1 to 4 4. Don’t forget to set aside the Buildings marked “Expert” – they’ll only be used in the Expert Mode. Sort all the other Buildings based on the number on their back, ranging from 1 to 4.

Next, grab the #1 Buildings and put them all in the bag 5. Draw them and place them randomly facedown on the Construction Site.

Once that’s done, let’s reveal the Buildings by turning them face-up:

  • In a 4-player game, turn all the Buildings face-up.
  • In a 3-player game, don’t turn the Buildings marked with a 4.
  • In a 2-player game, don’t turn the Buildings marked with both a 4 and a 3.
  • Finally, place the Urbanist next to the Construction Site where everyone can reach it 6.

In this game, I’ve got the task of designating the first player. They’ll be the Mayor and get the Mayor pawn. Pretty cool, right?

Your Objective

Your goal in this game is to score as many Victory Points (VPs) as possible. These points come from the Buildings you’ll add to your city, with each one having a different value depending on its location.

Your Game Turn

Each game of Quadropolis consists of 4 rounds, and each round has 4 turns. Here’s how each turn goes:

Starting with me and moving clockwise, we all get a chance to:

  1. Choose a Building from the Construction Site.
  2. Move the Urbanist.
  3. Place our chosen Building in our city.
  4. Gain Resources from the Building (if we qualify).

Once everyone has taken these actions, the turn is over.

Alright, let’s get started! It’s time for a new turn, starting with me. We’ll go around in a clockwise direction, with each player taking 4 turns. Once everyone’s done, the round is over and all the Architects should be placed around the Construction Site.

Once the round is finished, we can collect our Architects and put them next to our city.

Now, it’s time to clear the Construction Site. Remove all the remaining Buildings and put them back in the box. The Urbanist will also go back to their spot next to the Construction Site.

I. Choose a building from the construction site

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Select a line or column from the Construction Site.
  • Place an Architect in front of your chosen line or column. But remember:
  • You’re not allowed to place an Architect over another Architect.
  • Your Architect cannot point to the Urbanist.

When you look at the Architect, you’ll see a number on it. That number tells you which square to pick a Building from and place it in your city. Let me explain with an example. If you put your #3 Architect in front of the 4th line, you’ll take the Building from the 3rd square in that line.

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Just wanted to fill you in on a little secret. Sometimes, when you’re playing this game, your Architect might throw you a curveball. They might give you access to empty squares or buildings that you don’t really want in your city. But guess what? You still have to place them.

Step 2: Time to Move the Urbanist

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once I grab a Building from the Construction Site, I quickly relocate the Urbanist to the exact spot where the Building once stood. Even if the Architect I used opens up a vacant square, I still have to move the Urbanist to that very square.

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: At the start of the game, you can choose someone to be the Urbanist, whose job is to move the Urbanist after each player takes their turn. This way, we won’t forget this important action.

III. Putting the Building in Your City

You can put the Building you took in your city:

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • You can place your piece on any empty square in the corresponding row to the Architect you played.
  • You can also place your piece on any empty square in the corresponding column to the Architect you played.

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Have you ever noticed how some buildings, like tower blocks, can be stacked on top of each other? It’s a fascinating concept, and it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for architects and city planners. But what makes a building stackable? Well, there are a few key factors to consider.

Firstly, the building must be of a certain type. In this case, we’re focusing on tower blocks. These tall, multi-story buildings are perfect candidates for stacking because they have a strong and sturdy structure that can support additional weight. So if you come across a tower block, you can be sure that it’s stackable.

Another important factor is the location of the building. To be eligible for stacking, the building must be situated in an area where stacking is allowed. This could be a designated zone or a specific neighborhood that has been designed to accommodate stacked buildings. So when you’re looking for a building to stack, make sure it’s in a suitable location.

Lastly, the building must meet certain safety requirements. Stacking buildings can pose unique challenges, so it’s crucial that the structure is built to withstand the additional weight and maintain stability. Engineers and architects work closely together to ensure that all safety regulations are met, so you can rest assured that a stackable building has been thoroughly vetted.

In conclusion, when it comes to stackable buildings, there are a few important factors to consider. The type of building, the location, and the safety requirements all play a crucial role in determining whether a building is eligible for stacking. So if you’re interested in exploring the world of stacked buildings, keep these factors in mind and embark on a unique architectural journey!

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • When I play the Architect in this game, I can build a floor or column if its number matches mine.
  • As the Architect, I have the power to construct a floor or column that corresponds to my number.

If there aren’t any suitable spots available in your city, or if your Architect only lets you grab a Building that you don’t want, just get rid of the Building you selected. In this case, you can skip the next step called “Receive Resources” because you don’t get any Resources when you discard a Building.

IV. Get Resources From The Building

Get the number of Inhabitants and/or Energy Units from the reserve, which is shown in the top left corner of the Building Tile, and put them next to your city. You’ll need them to activate your Buildings and tally points at the end of the game.

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Winning Points

Instead of Resources, some Buildings have Winning Points. However, you will not receive these points right away. They will only be counted towards your final score if the Building is activated.

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

First Player

Did you know that in the game, there’s a special tower block that can make you the first player for the next round? It’s called the Mayor pawn. When you build this tower block, you get to snatch the Mayor pawn from the player who had it before and put it in front of you. If nobody takes it, then the current first player gets to keep the title for the next round. It’s a nifty little strategy that can give you an advantage in the game.

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Turning on a Building

When I think about activating a building, I can’t help but feel a sense of curiosity and excitement. It’s as if I’m uncovering a hidden treasure, waiting to reveal its secrets to me. By activating a building, I can bring it to life and make it a vibrant space that people can enjoy and appreciate.

But how do you activate a building? Well, it starts with understanding its purpose and potential. Each building has its own unique character and function, and it’s important to consider these factors when deciding how to activate it. For example, a historical building may need to be preserved and celebrated, while a commercial building may need to be transformed into a thriving business hub.

Once you have a clear understanding of what the building needs, you can start to think about how to activate it. This may involve making physical changes to the space, such as renovating or redesigning certain areas. It could also involve creating a specific atmosphere or ambiance through lighting, sound, or decor.

Another important aspect of activating a building is considering the people who will be using it. Who is the target audience? What are their needs and preferences? By understanding the people you are trying to attract, you can tailor the activation to meet their expectations and desires. Perhaps you need to create a family-friendly space with interactive exhibits, or maybe you need to design a sleek and modern office space to attract startups and entrepreneurs.

In the end, activating a building is about creating an experience that engages and captivates. It’s about taking something that was once static and transforming it into a dynamic and energetic space. When you activate a building, you breathe new life into it, allowing it to fulfill its true purpose and potential. So go ahead, activate that building and let its story unfold.

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you look at most buildings, you’ll notice a small icon in the bottom right-hand corner. This icon lets you know that the building requires resources in order to be activated and score victory points. To activate a building, all you need to do is place the required resource(s) on it.

The number of resources needed to activate a building doesn’t depend on how tall the building is. No matter how many floors it has, the building will always require the resources shown on its top floor.

Here’s an important thing to remember: You have the freedom to move your resources around your buildings during the game. This includes both inhabitants and energy units. However, at the end of the game, you’ll need to decide how you want to allocate your resources for good. This way, you can maximize your victory points before the scoring begins.

How to play Quadropolis Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Round is Over!

After we finish the first round, we need to remove any remaining #1 Buildings from the Construction Site and get ready for the second round.

We’ll put all the #2 Buildings in a bag and then randomly draw them and place them face-down. Then, we’ll turn them face-up, following the same rules for 2-player and 3-player games as in the first round.

If I have the Mayor pawn, I’ll be the first player for the next round.

We’ll continue in the same way with the #3 Buildings for the third round and the #4 Buildings for the fourth round.

Game Over

After four rounds, the game comes to an end. Now, before we start scoring, I have a chance to move the Resources on my Buildings one last time.

Let’s use the Scoring Pad to keep track of the Victory Points for each category of Building in my city.

Hey, listen up! If you want to score Victory Points (VPs), you’ve got to activate your Buildings. If you leave a Building unactivated by the end of the game, it’s gotta go – no points for you.

Also, keep this in mind:

  • Each person living in your city who isn’t used to activate a Building or placed in a Shop as a Customer will count against you and dock you 1 VP.
  • Every Energy Unit that’s not used to activate a Building adds to the pollution and also costs you 1 VP. But don’t fret – you can place 1 Energy Unit on each Park in your city to avoid these negative points.

Whoever has the most Victory Points wins the game. Simple as that.

If there’s a tie, the player with the most people living in their Buildings takes the win. If there’s still a tie, the player with the fewest empty spaces in their city comes out on top.

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