Welcome to the Pioneer Days Game!
Howdy y’all! Are you ready to become a true pioneer? Well, I’m here to guide you through the exciting world of the Pioneer Days Game! Let’s delve into these unforgettable frontier times together.
Setting Up
Alright, partner. Before we get started, let’s make sure everything is set up just right. First, arrange the colored cards into four different piles: Gold, Silver, Copper, and Salt Lake City. Make sure you place the Salt Lake City pile on top, followed by Copper, then Silver, and Gold at the bottom. The stack should be facing downwards. This is your Resource Deck.
Next, shuffle the Privilege Cards and place them face-down next to the Pioneer Days board. Flip over the first five cards and put them face-up in a single row above the Privilege Card pile. These face-up cards are your Auction Cards.
Now, place the Pioneer Days board in the middle of the play area. Each player receives a Player Board, Score Marker, and a Set of Pioneer Dice of the same color. Put the Score Marker on the “0” space of the Pioneer Days board and place the Pioneer Dice on your Player Board.
Finally, decide who will go first, and that’s it! We’re all set to start our pioneer journey.
Goal of the Game
The goal of the Pioneer Days Game is to build the most successful and prosperous town in the Old West. You’ll be collecting resources, trading goods, and completing goals to earn victory points. The player with the most victory points at the end of four rounds wins the game.
Now, let’s talk about how the game actually works. Each round is divided into four phases: Morning, Midday, Afternoon, and Evening. During each phase, players will take turns performing actions to improve their town and gather resources.
In the Morning phase, you’ll draw four cards from the Resource Deck. Pay attention to the icons on the cards – they represent different resources you can collect. Decide which card you want to keep and add it to your collection, then pass the remaining cards to the next player. Continue this until all cards have been chosen.
The Midday phase is when the real fun begins! Starting with the first player, each person has the opportunity to perform an action. You can use your Pioneer Dice to perform specific tasks like trade resources, buy buildings, or fulfill goal cards. You’ll need to strategically plan and make the most of your dice rolls to be successful.
During the Afternoon phase, players will participate in an auction to acquire Privilege Cards. These cards provide special abilities and advantages that can really give you an edge in the game. Bid wisely, as you’ll be spending your hard-earned resources to secure these bonuses.
Finally, in the Evening phase, players will have the chance to complete goal cards and earn victory points. You’ll choose one card from your hand to fulfill and gain the specified rewards. Remember, each goal card has different requirements, so plan accordingly!
As you progress through the game, keep track of your victory points on the Pioneer Days board. You’ll earn points for completing goals, acquiring Privilege Cards, and building certain types of buildings. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is the ultimate pioneer!
Well, partner, that about sums up the rules of the Pioneer Days Game. Now it’s time for you to gather your courage, roll those dice, and build the best town the Old West has ever seen. Good luck, and happy pioneering!
Welcome to Pioneer Days, where you’ll embark on a thrilling journey leading a wagon train to the wild west. Over the course of 4 weeks, you’ll face numerous challenges and obstacles, all while striving to fulfill your mission. During your adventure, you’ll have the opportunity to gather cattle, meet townsfolk, acquire essential equipment, and even try your hand at searching for gold. As you traverse through various towns, you’ll also have the chance to earn valuable favors from the locals, which can greatly aid you on your journey. But be prepared, because the untamed frontier is known for its unpredictable disasters that can test even the most resilient of pioneers. Are you up for the challenge? Can you demonstrate the resourcefulness and bravery required to conquer the wild west and complete your mission? Join Pioneer Days and find out!
Important Components
- 2 Game Boards
- 8 Player Boards
- 4 Score Markers
- 4 Disaster Markers
- 20 Wagon Cards
- 60 Townsfolk Cards
- 18 Town Cards
- 2 Draw Bags
- 36 Gold tokens
- 25 Dice
- 27 Equipment Tiles
Getting Started
First, we need to choose who starts the game. We’ll randomly assign a start player token to one person, and this token will change hands throughout the game. Then, we’ll take the dice bag and put one set of dice (one of each color) plus one set per player into the bag. The rest of the dice can go back in the box. Finally, we’ll hand the dice bag to the start player.
Now, let’s set up the play area. We’ll place the main board and the score board side by side. Next, we’ll put the four score markers near the beginning of the score track. Finally, we’ll place the four disaster markers at the start of the corresponding disaster tracks on the main board.
Hey there! Let’s get started with this awesome game. Here’s what you need to do:
First things first, make sure you have the 20 wagon cards ready to go. Keep them nearby so you can easily access them.
Next, grab any 2 sets of townsfolk cards and mix them together. Put the rest of the cards back in the box. Now, deal out 6 townsfolk cards – one for each townsfolk space beside the board. We suggest using sets A and B for your first game, but feel free to mix it up later on.
Now it’s time to shuffle the town cards. Place 9 of them in a stack on the designated space on the board. Put the rest of the cards back in the box. Take 2 town cards and place them face-up in the indicated spaces. These cards show the needs of the first town you’ll be visiting.
Each player should have 2 player boards. Choose one of the boards to use and put the other one away. You can use either the unique side or the standard pioneer side of the player board – it’s up to you! Make sure to take the starting resources listed on your chosen player board.
Just a quick tip: For your first game, we suggest using the “Pioneer” side of the player board. It’s a great way to get started!
Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of this game and learn how to play. It’s an adventure where you get to gather tokens and use them strategically. Here’s how it works:
I’ll start by explaining how to set up the game. First, gather the tokens representing cattle, medicine, wood, damage, silver, and favors. Put them in easy-to-reach piles.
Next, take the equipment tiles and mix them up. Then, stack them face down on the General Store space on the board. Make sure to turn over one tile initially, and add an extra tile for each player in the game. This forms the available supply below the store.
Now, let’s talk about storing your goods. You’ll need to place the equipment, wood, medicine, and gold tokens in your wagon spaces. Each wagon space can hold either 2 pieces of wood or 2 units of medicine. Gold tokens are kept face down, but you can take a peek at them whenever you want. Don’t worry, cattle, townsfolk, favors, and coins won’t take up any room in your wagon.
In this game, resources are not limited by the number of pieces you have. So, even if something runs out, don’t worry. You can always use a suitable replacement to keep the game going.
The Goal of the Game
The winner in this game is whoever ends up with the most victory points, also known as VPs. Throughout the game, you can earn VPs by collecting gold nuggets, cattle, and favors. You can earn them during the game or at the end. In addition to that, for each townsfolk you have, you can earn bonus VPs based on the items you’ve gathered.
To do well in the game, you need to collect the right items to score your townsfolk. At the same time, you have to be careful and deal with the disasters that can ruin your plans.
Now, let me explain how the game is played.
The game of Pioneer Days is divided into four rounds called WEEKS. Each WEEK consists of five DAYS.
During each DAY, every player takes a turn to choose a die and use it. The dice will determine what actions you can take. At the end of the week, all players will arrive in a new town. In this town, you can score points and earn favors by meeting the town’s needs.
Before we get started, it’s important that everyone understands how the disasters work. The disasters are a crucial part of the game and will affect your strategic decisions.
Now, let’s talk about the start of a week.
Imagine this: you’re sitting at a table, dice bag in front of you, ready to embark on an exciting adventure. The first step? Preparing the dice. To begin, take one set of dice – one die of each color – and place them into the dice bag. Simple, right? But don’t forget, you’ll need an additional set for each player joining you on this thrilling journey. Now you’re all set to roll the dice and let the adventure unravel!
Hey there! Let’s get right into it. First, I want you to remove any town cards from last week and deal 2 fresh ones from the deck to the spaces indicated. Now, here’s the interesting part – in the final week of the game, we’re going to reveal the last card in the deck as well. This means that in the last week, all 3 town cards will be available for you to use. How cool is that?
Hey there! It’s time to start a new week with a fresh batch of equipment in our game. Let’s get things rolling by first returning any equipment that was still face-up from the previous week back to the box. We’ll want to keep everything nice and tidy.
Now, it’s time for the exciting part. I’m going to reveal a new equipment tile for you. But wait, there’s more! For each player in the game, I’ll reveal an additional equipment tile. That means the more the merrier!
So, gear up and get ready to see what exciting new tools and gadgets await you this week. It’s always a surprise, and who knows what wonders you’ll discover. Time to dive in and uncover the mysteries of the game with these fresh equipment tiles.
Goodbye to any leftover townspeople cards from the last week because I’m getting 6 fresh ones today. They’ll go right into the townspeople spots.
What It’s Like Being a Pioneer
- First, I randomly grab one die from the bag. Then, I grab an additional die for each player participating, and I roll all of them. This is called the dice pool.
When we play the game, we begin with the first player and move in a circle, with each player taking a turn. When it’s your turn, you have a specific task to complete. Here’s what you need to do:
- Choose a die from the pool.
- Look at the image on the face of the die.
Have you ever wondered if there are any special items or people in the game that activate when a specific die face is rolled? Well, you’re in luck! I’m here to tell you how to check for these triggers.
First things first, take a look at your equipment cards and townsfolk cards. These are the items and people that you can interact with in the game. Some of them have abilities or effects that are activated by certain dice rolls. For example, you might have a sword that gives you extra attack power when you roll a six on the die.
To find out if any of your cards have these triggers, you’ll need to pay attention to the text on the cards. Look for any mentions of specific die faces or numbers. It might say something like “When you roll a three, draw an extra card.” This means that whenever you roll a three on the die, you get to draw an additional card.
Remember to keep an eye out for keywords or phrases that indicate a trigger. These could include words like “when,” “if,” or “whenever.” These words often signal that there is a trigger associated with a specific die roll.
As you play the game, be sure to read the text on your cards carefully and look for any triggers that relate to specific dice rolls. These triggers can give you extra abilities or advantages in the game, so they’re definitely worth paying attention to.
So, there you have it! Now you know how to check for equipment and townsfolk triggers based on specific die faces. Happy gaming!
So here’s the deal: if you roll a die and it’s not quite what you were hoping for – no worries! You can actually pay 3 silver to switch it up and get the face you want. Pretty neat, huh? Oh, and just a heads up, this new face won’t activate any equipment or townsfolk abilities. Keep that in mind!
I have some tips for you when it comes to using the die in this game. Let me explain how it works. There are three different ways you can use the die, depending on what face is showing. Here’s a breakdown:
- Income: If the die shows the income face, you get silver;
- Action: If the die shows the action face, you get to take an action; or
- Recruit: If the die shows the recruit face, you get to take a townsfolk.
Once we’ve each grabbed a die, there will be one die left. That last die determines which disaster marker moves ahead on the track. If we end up with a black die, all the disaster markers will move forward one space each.
Time to Get Paid
Go ahead and check the main board. The number on your die will decide how much silver you receive.
Let’s Roll the Dice!
When you roll the dice and see a particular number, it’s time to make a move. Let’s go over what each number means:
- 1: Take a Step Forward – If you roll a 1, it’s time to move forward. Take a step and keep going!
- 2: Spin Around – When the dice shows a 2, it’s time to spin around. Turn in a circle and see where you land!
- 3: Jump Up – A roll of 3 means it’s time to jump up high. Propel yourself off the ground and feel the thrill!
- 4: Clap Your Hands – Roll a 4 and give yourself a big round of applause. Your journey is going well!
- 5: Take a Bow – If the dice shows a 5, it’s time to take a bow. Show off your skills and enjoy the spotlight!
- 6: Dance and Celebrate – Rolling a 6 means it’s time to celebrate. Bust out your best dance moves and let the joy flow!
So, with these dice actions in mind, let’s see what adventure awaits us! Roll the dice and let the fun begin!
Wild: If you’d like, you have the option to choose any of the other dice actions: Mine, Equip, Cattle, Wood or Medicine.
I draw a gold token from the bag and put it facedown on one of my wagons. I can take a peek at the token whenever I want.
Grab it: Pick any piece of equipment you like from the selection and put it in one of your wagons, occupying an empty space.
Taking Cattle: I’m gonna grab 1 cow from the stock and put it next to your wagons. So you have some more cows to take care of!
Wood: First, I’ll need to grab a piece of wood from my stash. Then, I’ll carefully place it into one of my wagons. Each wagon has space for up to 2 pieces of wood at a time.
Medicine: When you need it, just take one medicine and put it in one of your wagons. Your wagons can hold up to two medicines at once.
Keep in mind: If you don’t have enough space in your wagons, you can still take equipment, gold, wood, or more medicine. However, you must get rid of anything you can’t fit by the end of your turn. Feel free to rearrange items in your wagons as needed.
Occasionally, certain townsfolk cards might have different rules about carrying items. When that happens, follow the instructions on the individual card instead.
When you play the game, you need to find a spot to store your equipment on your wagon. The equipment tiles give you special advantages, which are usually connected to certain dice.
Let me give you an example. If you have this equipment, you get to take one gold token whenever you choose a die that shows wood.
Gather the Townsfolk
I can recruit a townsfolk by selecting the townsfolk card that matches the number on my die. Townsfolk are special individuals who don’t take up any room in my wagons.
Hey there! Did you know that townsfolk in Pioneer Days can have different effects? Some have an immediate effect (), while others have a triggered effect (
), or even an ongoing effect (
When you choose townsfolk, make sure to resolve their immediate effects right away. As for the triggered and ongoing effects, just follow the instructions on the townsfolk card.
By the end of the game, the surviving townsfolk will earn you points based on their endgame scoring conditions. It’s always good to keep them safe!
Here’s a tip: when disease strikes, you’ll have to spend some money on medicine to keep your townsfolk healthy. If you can’t afford it, you’ll have to say goodbye to them. So take care!
Do you need a wagon?
Well, during your turn, you can buy wagons for your journey. You have two options: a small wagon for $5, or a large wagon for $8. You can buy as many wagons as you want, as long as you have enough money.
Once a disaster marker reaches the end of its track, a disaster will immediately affect all players. And at the end of the game, all the disaster tracks will move one more space, which might trigger even more disasters.
For each wagon, you have to either pay 1 wood or place a damage token that covers 2 spaces on your wagon. If a space has a damage token, you can’t store any items there. If you can’t store an item because of the damage, you have to return it to the general supply.
But before you discard, you can rearrange the items in your wagons. Every damage token on your wagons at the end of the game will deduct 2 Victory Points (VP) from your score.
When I find myself in a raid, I get to return half of my silver coins back into the stock. The trick is, I need to round up the number of coins I’m giving back. It’s a bit perplexing, but it’s important to remember that I can’t buy any items until I’ve resolved the raid. It’s like a double-edged sword – I have to give up some of my coins, but it also gives me a chance to regenerate my resources. So, if I’m looking to elevate my chances of success, I need to take this raid into account and plan accordingly. By following these steps, I can make the most of this unique opportunity and ensure that I come out on top.
When you have cattle, you owe 1 silver for each one. If you can’t afford to pay, you have to give those cattle back.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
Having trouble with sickness? I’ve got you covered. Let’s talk about how to deal with disease in your town.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
When it comes to disease, it can be a real pain. Nobody likes feeling sick, and when it’s happening to someone in your town, it’s tough. But don’t worry – I’ve got some ideas for you.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
Dealing with disease is no joke. It’s a serious matter that requires careful consideration. Let’s dive into how you can handle it effectively.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
It’s time to tackle a tricky subject: disease. When someone in your town falls ill, things can get complicated. But fear not, my friend. I’ve got some strategies to help you navigate these troubled waters.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
In a world plagued by disease, it’s essential to know how to handle it. When someone in your town becomes sick, you have two choices: pay 1 medicine or remove that person from the equation. The decision is yours.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
Picture this: someone in your town is struck by a mysterious illness. What do you do? Well, you have a couple of options. You can pay 1 medicine or remove that person from your community entirely. The choice is up to you.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
Health is a tricky thing, especially in a close-knit community. When one of your townsfolk falls ill, you have to make a decision. Will you pay 1 medicine to help them recover, or will you remove them from your town altogether? It’s a tough call to make, but it’s one that must be made.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
Ah, the dreaded disease. It can wreak havoc on your town, leaving everyone on edge. But fear not! I’m here to guide you through this tough time. When someone in your town gets sick, you have a choice: pay 1 medicine to help them recover or say goodbye to that person. It’s a tough decision, but it’s one you must make.
Disease: Whenever you have one of the people from the town, you can either pay 1 medicine or get rid of that person.
Disease is no laughing matter, especially when it hits close to home. When someone in your town falls ill, you’re faced with a difficult choice. Will you pay 1 medicine to try and help them recover, or will you cut ties and remove them from your community? It’s a tough call, but it’s one you must make.
When I finish dealing with a disaster, I need to remember to put the disaster marker back on the first space of its track.
Another Week is Over ~ Time to Explore a Town!
When all the dice in the bag have been used up and the day comes to an end, it’s time for the week to end as well. This means that I finally arrive at a town, and there are three important things I need to do, and in a specific order:
Let’s start off by addressing any card effects that happen at the end of the week.
When you have cattle, you gain 1 victory point (1VP) for each one you have.
You can satisfy a card’s requirements by discarding all of the items it asks for. Each player can only do this once for each card. If you satisfy a card’s needs, the town will reward you with a number of favors as shown on the card.
Just a reminder: favors are not stored on wagons.
Final Disasters
Once the fourth and final week of the game is over, and before you make your way to the town, you need to advance each disaster track one last time. It’s important to resolve any disasters that are triggered in the order they appear, starting from the top and working your way down.
Once you’ve dealt with the final disasters, it’s time for one last visit to the town.
End of the Game
The game comes to an end when you finish visiting the final town.
Keep in mind that the final town has three location cards that need to be satisfied.
Now, let’s calculate your final score:
- You gain one Victory Point (VP) for each nugget displayed on your gold tokens. Each token can have one, two, or three nuggets.
- You gain two VPs for each favor token. If you have the most favor tokens, or if you’re tied with another player for the most, you’ll gain an additional five VPs.
- You gain VP based on the number indicated on your townsfolk cards. The VP value can be found at the bottom of each card.
- For every damage token on one of your wagons, you lose two VPs.
Hey there!
Let me break it down for you!
Okay, first things first:
Note: If you get more than 50 points, flip your score marker over to the “+50” side, and start counting from the beginning of the score track again.
The player who has the most VPs wins the game. Simple as that!
But wait, what if there’s a tie? That’s when things get interesting. In a tie, the player who has the most remaining silver wins. If there’s still a tie after that, then everyone shares the victory. Teamwork makes the dream work!