How to play Pinocchio Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Pinocchio Game Rules


Welcome to the exciting world of the Pinocchio game! Are you ready to have some fun and learn while you play? In this game, you will take on the role of Pinocchio, the famous wooden puppet. Your goal is to answer questions correctly to move forward and become a real boy.


The objective of the Pinocchio game is to answer questions correctly and move along the game board. The first player to reach the end of the board wins the game. Sounds easy, right? Well, there’s a catch!

The Pinocchio Rule

One of the key rules of this game is the Pinocchio rule. When a player moves to a new space on the board, they must listen carefully to the question asked by another player. It’s important to pay attention, as the person asking the question might be telling a lie! That’s right, they could be trying to trick you.

Calling Out Pinocchio

If you think the person asking the question is lying, you have the opportunity to call out “Pinocchio!” But be careful, because if you’re wrong, you’ll lose a turn. However, if you’re right and they were lying, they’ll lose a turn instead. So, use your intuition and critical thinking to decide when to call out Pinocchio.

Know Your Pinocchio Facts

To make sure you don’t fall for any tricks, it’s important to know your Pinocchio facts. Study the story of Pinocchio, learn about his adventures, and know the characters he encounters. This will help you answer questions accurately and move forward in the game.

Spinning the Wheel

To determine how far you move along the board, you’ll need to spin the wheel. The wheel has different numbers on it, representing the number of spaces you’ll move. Spin the wheel with your fingers and watch it go round and round. Where it stops, nobody knows! The element of surprise makes the game even more exciting.


Now that you know the rules of the Pinocchio game, it’s time to gather your friends and start playing. Remember to pay attention, trust your instincts, and have fun! Who will be the first to reach the end of the board and become a real boy? It could be you.

How to play Pinocchio Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing the game of Bluff, it’s all about catching your opponents in a lie. One way to do this is by calling out a player who is bluffing about their Clothing Cards. If successful, that player will be forced to take a Long Nose Card.

Remember, though: if you make a false accusation and the player was actually telling the truth, then it’s you who must take a Long Nose Card. So be careful with your accusations!

Getting Started

How to play Pinocchio Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get started! Here is what you need to do for this game:

First, pick one Player Card. Place it face up in front of you. Take all the Long Nose Cards and put them in the middle of the playing area.

Now, we need to decide who will be the dealer. The dealer should shuffle the Clothing Cards and give an equal number to each player.

If there are any extra Clothing Cards, put them back in the box. Keep your Clothing Cards face down in front of you and don’t look at them!

Remember, no peeking allowed!

Let’s Play!

The youngest player gets to go first. Then, the game continues clockwise. Each turn has three actions:

1. Play a Clothing Card

When it’s your turn, draw the top Clothing Card from your stack. Look at it secretly, without showing it to anyone, and place it face down on the pile of Clothing Cards in the center.

How to play Pinocchio Official Rules UltraFoodMess
See that pile in the center? It’s the one with the cards facing down.

Step 2: What’s Your Outfit Like?

Here’s where it gets interesting. You have to describe your Clothing Card using its color or type, just like the previous card that was played.

Step 3: Truth or Fib?

Now it’s time for the other players to decide whether you’re being truthful or trying to trick them with a fib about your Clothing Card.

If someone yells “Fib!” and catches you bluffing, you end up with a Long Nose Card. But if you were telling the truth, the person who called “Fib!” gets the Long Nose Card instead.

Getting Started

When I’m playing the game, I start by taking the Clothing Card from my stack and keeping it hidden. Then, I place it face down in the middle of the playing area. Now, it’s time to reveal what’s on the card! For instance, I might say, “Oh, it’s a blue cap!”

Finding the Right Match

How to play Pinocchio Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you’re up next, grab the top card from your clothing deck and take a peek.

If it matches the color or the type of clothing that was just announced, put it face down on top of the previous card and spill the beans about what’s on your card.

For instance, let’s say the last card played was a blue cap and your top card is a blue shirt (matching color) or a red cap (matching type). That’s a match! So, you would say, “Blue shirt” or “Red cap” in this case.

A blue cap can match any clothing card that is blue or any cap, regardless of color.

If your card doesn’t match

If your top card doesn’t match the color or type of clothing from the previous card, it’s time for a bit of nonsense – you have to try and fool the other players!

As you toss your card onto the stack, think of a combination of color and clothing that matches and share it with the group. For instance, if a blue hat was just played and your top Clothing Card shows a red shirt, your card doesn’t match in color or type of clothing.

That means you have to pretend. Place your card face down on top of the pile and confidently declare, “I have a blue shirt” (or any other Clothing Card that matches).

Truth or Lie

After the color and type of clothing have been announced, each player must decide: is the player telling the truth, or are they fibbing!?

If you believe that the player is being honest, you say, “Truth!” The Clothing Card remains face down on the pile, and the game continues with the next player to the left.

If you’re skeptical about what I’m saying, go ahead and shout “taradiddle!” to challenge me. The person who calls out “taradiddle!” first must reveal the top card from their pile of clothes. If it matches the description on the long nose card, they get to keep the card and earn a point.

How to play Pinocchio Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • If I get caught bluffing, I have to take a long nose card and add it to my player card.
  • If I tell the truth, any player who calls out “taradiddle” has to take a long nose card and add it to their player card.

Hey, listen up!

To make a long nose, slightly overlap your nose cards to make it look like it’s growing.

When someone calls “Taradiddle,” turn the top card back over to reveal its color or type of clothing. Then, the player on the left must match that color or type of clothing.

The game’s over!

Once all the Clothing Cards have been played, it’s time to count up the Long Nose Cards. Whoever has the shortest nose is the winner!

Got a buddy to play with?

Follow the rules as I just explained, but take turns until all your Clothing Cards have been played.

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