How to play Perikles Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Perikles Game Rules

Ready to dive into the fascinating world of Perikles? Well, buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Let me guide you through the ins and outs of this exciting game, as we unravel the ancient mysteries of ancient Greek politics and strategy. But first, let me explain the rules so you can start your Perikles journey with confidence.

The Basics

Perikles is a game of political intrigue and strategic decision-making. The goal is simple yet challenging: to outmaneuver your opponents and lead your city-state to glory.

At the start of the game, each player represents a city-state of ancient Greece: Athens, Corinth, Sparta, Thebes, or Argos. These city-states are constantly vying for power and influence, and it’s up to you to ensure your chosen state comes out on top.

The Rounds

The game is played over several rounds, each representing a historical era. During each round, players take turns carrying out various actions, such as conducting diplomacy, forming alliances, or building armies.

But be careful – every decision you make has consequences. Your choices can influence the loyalty of other city-states, determine the outcome of battles, or even lead to victory or defeat. Remember, strategy is key!

Diplomacy and Alliances

In Perikles, diplomacy is a vital tool. By negotiating alliances or declaring war on rival city-states, you can shape the ancient Greek political landscape to your advantage.

Forming alliances with other players can provide protection against attacks, increase your influence, and enable mutual benefits in battles. However, be wary of betrayals and shifting loyalties – the game is full of surprises.

Battles and Conquest

One of the most thrilling aspects of Perikles is the epic battles that take place. When two or more city-states clash, a battle ensues, and the fates of nations hang in the balance.

During battle, you’ll use your military might and tactical prowess to outmaneuver your opponents. Conquering new territories and expanding your influence is crucial for securing victory in the game.

Victory and Glory

Ultimately, the aim of Perikles is to accumulate the most glory points by the end of the game. Glory can be gained through various means, such as winning battles, forming alliances, or successfully navigating the treacherous waters of ancient Greek politics.

The player with the most glory points at the end of the final round emerges as the true victor – the one who has successfully navigated the complex world of Perikles and achieved greatness.

So, are you ready to embark on this epic journey? Gather your allies, sharpen your strategy, and let the battle for glory begin!

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 Map Board
  • 1 Set of Rules
  • 21 Location Tiles
  • 8 Special Tiles
  • 60 military counters
  • 36 Influence Tiles
  • 150 influence cubes
  • 45 Leader/statue Counters
  • 15 Defeat Counters
  • 4 Dice
  • 4 Battle Tokens
  • Instructions


In ‘Perikles’, I’ll be playing as a Greek family with political power in the six key cities of Greece. My goal is to gain control of these cities using my influence and then to lead my military forces to victory on the battlefield.

The game can be played by 3, 4, or 5 players. It consists of three turns, each with four main phases.

In the beginning, you and your friends will pick Influence tiles. These special tiles let you put wooden cubes on the map to show your power. If there are three or four players, each of you will choose five tiles. If there are five players, you’ll choose four tiles each. Some tiles even let you suggest new leaders or try to get rid of someone else’s power!

In the next part, you’ll suggest people to be leaders in the cities where there aren’t any yet. After that, you’ll have to decide which of the two candidates in each city will become the leader. It all depends on how much influence they have!

But here’s the thing: when someone becomes the leader, people start to get unhappy with them. So the player who wins actually loses some influence, the same amount as the player they beat!

Now let’s talk about the exciting part of the game – the war! In this second half, I get to take control of my military forces for the cities under my leadership. There are seven Location tiles that we’ll be fighting over. The order in which I send my forces to these locations depends on the Influence tiles I chose earlier, which I definitely want to keep in mind.

Usually, I can send up to two units to a location, but if I’m willing to use up an Influence cube, I can send even more. Each Location tile represents a historical place that was fought over during the actual war. It also shows which city originally controlled it.

Now, some locations already have defenders in place, while others have rebels who are ready to join the fight if they receive help from another city. The battle for a location usually happens in two rounds. First, there’s the land combat with hoplites, and then there’s the sea combat with triremes.

When we fight these two rounds, the order is shown on the tile. If I win the first round, it gives me an advantage in the second round. If I win the second round, I take the tile and earn victory points.

After each turn, all the leaders die. The citizens are grateful and build statues to honor their wise leadership in these dark times. Then, a new turn begins. Usually, the game ends after three turns, but it can end sooner if Sparta or Athens are defeated.

I count up my victory points at the end, which I earn from having influence on the map, winning Location tiles, and the statues. The value of each statue depends on how well its city did in the war.

Getting Started

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re playing this game, you and your fellow players will need to choose your Influence cubes and Leader counters. It’s an important decision because it will determine your strategies and tactics throughout the game.

Before you start, make sure to shuffle the Influence tiles and create a pile next to the board. Then, draw ten tiles and place one face up in each of the Influence tile boxes on the board. This way, you’ll have a good selection of options to start with.

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s what you need to do: grab the Location tiles and mix them up. Put them in a neat pile face down next to the board. Then, take seven tiles and flip them over, placing one in each of the Location tile boxes on the board.

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess
See, these are the Location tiles.

Next, take all the Military counters for each city and put them in the Military Forces box of their corresponding cities.

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s what you need to do: take those Persian Military counters and place them right on that Persian shield.

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, here’s what you need to do:

First, shuffle all the Special tiles and hand one to each player. Make sure to put the rest of the tiles back in the box without peeking at them. You can take a look at your own Special tile, but don’t let anyone else see it – keep it a secret.

Now, I highly recommend that you check out the rules book for more detailed explanations on what your tile does and when you can use it. It’s important to know the exact effect of your tile.

Next, grab the dice and use it to randomly determine who goes first. Each player should place two Influence cubes in every city. Remember, put the cubes in the main part of the temple, not in the candidate spaces.

So, here’s a tip: why not organize the cubes in columns to make it easy to see how many each player has? Then, starting with the first player and going around in a circle, each person can put another Influence cube in a city of their choosing. Do this two more times, so that everyone ends up adding two more cubes.

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about what you should do with those Defeat counters in your board game. It may seem like a small detail, but it’s actually really important. These counters are there to help you keep track of what happens when a city in the game suffers a defeat.

So, you might be wondering, why do I need to keep track of defeats? Well, defeats are a big deal in this game. They can have some serious consequences. It’s like a double-edged sword – it can bring you down, but it can also be an opportunity to come back even stronger.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it. When a city in the game suffers a defeat, you’ll need to use one of those Defeat counters. Keep them close by, right next to the game board. That way, you’ll have them ready to go when you need them.

Remember, defeats are a part of the game. They happen, and it’s important to keep track of them. These counters will help you do just that. So, don’t forget to use them!

How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Game On!

Let’s dive in and explore how the gameplay works. Get ready for some exciting twists and turns!

  1. Phase 1: Draw Location and Influence Tiles

In this phase, I begin by drawing new Location and Influence tiles. The fun starts here!

  • Phase 2: Take Influence Tiles
  • In this phase, I collect some Influence tiles and get ready to make some strategic moves!

  • Phase 3: Propose Candidates
  • Now, it’s time to become a master strategist. I propose my candidates and set the stage for the upcoming elections!

  • Phase 4: Hold Elections
  • The moment of truth! It’s time for elections. I can’t wait to see who comes out on top!

  • Phase 5: Commit Military Forces
  • Now, I need to make some tough decisions. How will I deploy my military forces to secure victory?

  • Phase 6: Resolve Battles
  • The tension is rising! It’s time to put my strategies to the test and see who emerges victorious in battle.

  • Phase 7: End off Turn
  • As the turn comes to an end, I reflect on my decisions and prepare for the next round of exhilarating gameplay!

    1. Location And Influence Tiles

    Let’s kick things off! In the first turn, you can skip this phase since you already have tiles on display. In subsequent turns, it’s time to draw a fresh set of seven Location tiles. Don’t forget to shuffle all the Influence tiles together and create a new pile. Then, draw and place ten of them on display. Ready, set, go!

    2. Take Influence Tiles

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When we reach this phase, we get to choose Influence tiles, which help us put more Influence cubes on the board.

    At the start, the first player is chosen randomly. Then, in the second and third turns, the player who was the last leader of Athens becomes the first player.

    As the first player, I select one Influence tile from the ten available. I then place Influence cubes in the city that matches the color of the tile, with the number of cubes matching the number of pottery shards on the tile.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If I see a tile marked ‘Any City,’ I have the freedom to place my cube in any city of my choosing.

    If the tile displays a ‘Candidate’ symbol, I have the opportunity to propose one candidate in any city. It doesn’t have to be the same city as the tile I selected. You can find more details about proposing candidates in the rules.

    But if the tile has an ‘Assassin’ symbol on it, I can take immediate action and remove one cube of any color from any city on the board. The city I choose doesn’t have to be the same as the one on the tile.

    In this case, the cube goes back to its owner. I may even decide to assassinate a cube of my own color or remove a cube from a candidate space.

    If there were already two candidates proposed and the assassinated cube was taken from the ‘a’ space, I would move the cube in the other candidate space to the vacant space. This ensures that there are always two candidates available for consideration.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I play the game, I place an Influence tile right in front of me. I keep it there for later use. Then, I draw a new tile and put it in the empty spot for Influence tiles. Now, it’s the next player’s turn to choose a tile.

    We keep going like this, in a clockwise order, until all players have picked five tiles. If there are five of us playing, each person only gets four tiles. Once everyone has their full set of tiles, we move on to the next phase.

    Here’s the thing, though: I can’t choose another Influence tile if I already picked one of the same color before. That includes the brown “Any City” tile. There’s only one exception to this rule. If there’s no way for me to pick a tile without breaking this rule, then I can choose any tile on display. This doesn’t happen often, though.

    When it comes to playing this game, I can’t just choose to pass – I have to select a tile. And once I’ve chosen, I have to place the number of cubes indicated on that tile. But that’s not all – I also have to carry out any action indicated on the tile.

    3. Who Should Lead?

    Now, it’s time to propose candidates for leadership in each of the cities. This is an important phase because the order of play depends on it. The player who started the Take Influence Tiles phase goes first.

    To propose a candidate, I need to select one of my Influence cubes in a city and move it up to a vacant candidate space. In each city, there are two spaces available, marked with question marks. The first cube I move goes to the space labeled ‘a’, and the second cube goes to the space labeled with a question mark. Each space can only hold one cube.

    But here’s the catch – in order to propose a candidate, I need to have at least one cube of my own color in the city. Without that, I won’t be able to propose anyone.

    Let’s talk about a game where I’m in control. In this game, I don’t have to use my own pieces, I can use anyone’s. But there’s a rule – I can’t have two pieces of the same color in the same spot. It’s all about strategy and thinking ahead.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Once one player makes a candidate proposal, the next player has to do the same, going in a clockwise direction. This process continues until all twelve candidate spaces are filled with cubes. If a player is unable to propose a candidate, they can choose to pass.

    4. Decide on Leaders

    At this stage, the leadership positions in each city are determined.

    You have the freedom to decide the order in which you resolve the elections in each city. The candidate with the most Influence cubes in the city will become the leader. The two candidate cubes are taken out of the city and given back to their respective players.

    The victorious player also takes away a number of cubes equivalent to the number held by their opponent in that city. The winner then places one of their Leader counters in the Leader box of the city.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If there’s a tie, the player in the ‘a’ space wins. If a player isn’t opposed in a city, they lose their candidate cube, but no more from their other cubes.

    Once the leadership of all six cities is resolved, we move on to the next phase.

    For example: Red wins the election in this city. Both candidate cubes are removed and returned to their respective players. Additionally, three red cubes are taken out of the city because there are three green cubes present. Finally, the red player places one of their Leader counters in the Leader box.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Step 5: Sending in the Troops

    Now it’s time to get down to business. In this part of the game, we’ll be putting our soldiers on the field and making a bold play for victory. We’ll be deploying our forces to the seven key locations, fighting tooth and nail to come out on top.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    I’m going to tell you about a game called “Location.” In this game, there are seven tiles that represent different locations. The color of each tile shows which city currently controls that location.

    When playing the game, each player gets to take the Military counters from the cities they are the leader of. It’s important to note that you can only take the counters that are on the board, not the ones that are off the board.

    If a player doesn’t become the leader of any city, they will take control of the Persian forces.

    The first player is determined by the one who took control of Sparta. After that, the players take turns in a clockwise direction. Each player must recover their Military counters from the ‘dead’ pile.

    When recovering their counters, players have to choose one counter from each city they control. They can choose between a hoplite or a trireme. However, they must always take the lowest value counter of the type they selected.

    When it comes to sending forces to defend and attack locations in the game, the order in which players can commit their forces is determined by the Influence tiles they previously chose. These tiles will enable players to allocate their forces strategically.

    The main rule is that players must use all their ‘2’ shard tiles first, followed by their ‘1’ shard tiles. The first player, already selected by the Spartan leader, must hand in their ‘2’ shard tile and then has the option to move one or two counters to one or two locations.

    Afterwards, play moves on to the next player in a clockwise direction, who also has a ‘2’ shard tile. This player must use their tile and can then move their counters. If a player only has ‘1’ shard tiles, their turn will be skipped until all the other players have used up their ‘2’ shard tiles.

    So here’s how the game continues: It’s your turn if you are sitting on the left side of the player who just used a ‘2’ shard tile. But don’t worry, this time you’ll need to play a ‘1’ shard tile. And this keeps going until all players have run out of tiles.

    Now, when you use a tile, you put it on the discard pile. But here’s the interesting part: You can also send some military counters to different locations. You can send anywhere from zero to two of those counters. And yes, you can send them to different places if you want.

    By the way, you can draw those military forces from different cities. And some players might have control over multiple cities, so keep that in mind. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the color on the Influence tile doesn’t matter in this case. Also, the number of shards on the tile doesn’t affect how many counters you can send. It just determines the order in which they are sent.

    Hey there! Let me explain how the Location tile works. It’s actually quite simple! So, on each side of the tile, there are some boxes. You’ll find two boxes for the main attacker and two for allied attackers. Similarly, there are two boxes for the main defender and two for allied defenders.

    Now, here’s the interesting part. The first player who places their units on one side of the Location tile becomes the main attacker or defender. Any military units that other players place on that side will go into the Allied Attackers or Defenders boxes. But here’s the catch – only the main attacker or defender gets the chance to win the Location tile.

    Pretty cool, right? So, make sure you strategize well and get those units on the right side of the Location tile. Good luck!

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    In the game, there are specific boxes for hoplites and triremes. When you place your units, you need to make sure they go in the right box according to their type. You can stack counters in a single box.

    It’s important to place counters face down so that other players can’t see their strength. You can look at your own counters at any time, but not those of other players. In an allied box, you can place any number of counters, even a mix from different eligible cities.

    There are some limitations on where you can send your counters.

    • You can never attack a location controlled by a city where you are the leader, even if you have military forces from another city under your command.

    If I want to become the main or allied defender of a location that I don’t control, the first thing I need to do is ask the player who does control it if I have permission. For example, if I’m playing as Thebes and I want to defend an Athenian location, I would have to ask the Athenian leader for permission. It’s important to always get permission because you can’t just take control of a location without asking.

    Once my city’s forces have attacked a location, we are now at war with the city that controls it. This means that we can’t ally with them in any way. We can’t defend another location they control, and we can’t place our units on the same side as their forces. So let’s say my Corinthian forces attacked a Spartan location, I wouldn’t be able to defend another Spartan location, and I could never join forces with any Spartan military forces during that turn.

    • If you’re playing as the leader of multiple cities, you can’t use your forces to attack a city where you’re the leader. However, it is possible for one city’s forces to be allies with another city, while another set of your forces are enemies of the same city.

    But, you can never have forces that you control on both sides of a Location tile, meaning your forces can never attack each other.

    Sending More Forces

    Once you’ve sent one or more counters to a location, you have the option to send up to two additional counters by using an Influence cube. Just remember that the cube has to be used from the city where the forces are coming from.

    If I want to send two counters, they must both come from the same city. However, they don’t have to go to the same location. For example, let’s say I just sent two Spartan counters to a location.

    Now, let’s say I want to send two more counters from Megara, which I am also the leader of. To do this, I need to remove one of my cubes from Megara. Once I do that, I can send up to two Megaran counters. And I can send them to different locations if I want).

    6. Time to Battle

    Now it’s time for the battles. We will be fighting for control of the seven Location tiles. We need to fight them one by one, starting from the top tile and going down to the bottom tile.

    A battle will usually have two rounds. First, we will have trireme combat, and then we will have hoplite combat. The order in which these rounds happen is shown on the Location tile, going from left to right.

    In the second round of combat, we’ll find out which side comes out on top and wins the tile. You see, the winner of the first round gets a head start in the second round. Now, if the Location tile only has a hoplite symbol on it, then there’s only one round of combat, which we call hoplite combat.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    So, here’s the deal: when it comes to trireme and hoplite combat, it’s all handled in exactly the same way. Pretty cool, right?

    So, here’s what you do: go ahead and place those four Battle tokens in the Battle Token box. Easy peasy.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When we play the game, each of us reveals our counters and calculates their strength points. It’s like a battle, where we’re all trying to outmatch each other.

    But here’s the twist: the Location tile can affect our strength too. If there’s a grey hoplite symbol, the defender gets an extra hoplite strength point. And if there’s a grey trireme, the defender’s trireme strength increases by one. On the other hand, violet symbols represent rebels, and they work the same way, but count for the attacker.

    Now, here’s where it gets interesting. If a tile is left undefended by a player, any inherent defenders on that tile will fight on their own. It’s like they’re protecting themselves. And if a tile has rebel symbols on it but is not attacked, those rebels will stay put. They won’t charge into the battle without a fight of their own.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When it comes to comparing the strength of the attacker and the defender, we need to consider which column to use on the Combat Table. This column represents the total score a player needs to achieve or surpass in order to move a battle token to their side.

    Both players roll two dice simultaneously. They then add up the numbers on their dice. If a player’s total is equal to or greater than the number shown in the corresponding column, they move a token to their side of the display. The first side to win two tokens wins the combat. In the event that both sides reach two tokens at the same time, they continue rolling until one side fails to meet their required score while the other succeeds.

    When a battle is lost, I must remove one of my counters as a casualty. If possible, the counter that I remove should belong to my main force. I have to choose the lowest value counter and take it off the board. If I don’t have any counters of the right type in my main force, then I have to eliminate the lowest value counter from an allied force.

    In a round of combat, if only one side has forces of the right type, they automatically win that round.

    If I win the first round of combat, I start the second round with a battle token already on my side. This means that I only need to win one more token to win the battle. The winner of the second combat wins the whole battle.

    If I win the battle, I get to take the Location tile. However, if I am the defending side and I lose, a Defeat counter is placed on the highest numbered Victory Point square under the relevant city.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When a location is not attacked, it stays unclaimed by the defender. The defender puts it face up on display next to the map. Now, I need to put two of my cubes in the city of the same color as the tile.

    All the Military counters that weren’t eliminated are going back to their cities.

    Combat Results Table

    At first, the Combat Table might seem a little confusing. It’s a mix of odds and strength difference. We always compare the attacker’s strength with the defender’s strength. If I have the higher combat strength, I must choose the most favorable column if there’s more than one that works for the situation.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    7. End of Turn

    When your turn comes to an end, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want to make sure that you have completed all of your actions for that turn. This could include attacking, defending, or using special abilities. Make sure you have strategically considered every move before ending your turn.

    Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that at the end of your turn, you may have gained or lost resources, health, or other vital elements of the game. Take a moment to assess your current state and evaluate how your choices and actions have affected your situation.

    Another key aspect to consider is the impact of your decisions on the overall game. Your turn may have influenced the direction of the game, caused a shift in power, or set the stage for future moves. Understanding the implications of your turn can help you plan and adjust your strategies accordingly.

    Lastly, take into account the flow and momentum of the game. Is the game progressing towards an intense climax, or is it slowing down to a more strategic phase? Assessing the current state of the game will enable you to make informed decisions and adapt your tactics accordingly.

    So, when your turn comes to an end, remember to reflect on your actions and their consequences. Consider the overall game state and the impact of your choices. By doing so, you will enhance your gaming experience and improve your chances of success.

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    In the next stage, leaders will pass away, and to honor their memory, statues will be built in their name. All the counters representing the leaders will be turned over to show their statue side, and they will be moved to the statue area beside the city. These statues will contribute to the player’s victory points at the end of the game.

    To prepare for the next round, remove all the Influence tiles from the display and place them on the discard pile. Remember to return all the Military counters that were not played back to their respective home city. Now, we can begin a new turn.

    The game will come to an end either after the third turn or if Athens or Sparta has suffered four or more defeats. There is no need to keep a record of the turns, as it will be evident when the third turn arrives since there will be no more Location tiles available.

    Now, let’s talk about the Persians.

    If I fail to become leader of any city, I will take control of the Persian forces. I should commit to them in the same way as the Greek city forces, using the Influence tiles.

    I can use one of my cubes to send additional Persian counters. If the Persians lose, no units are lost – they are all returned to the Persian shield by the end of the turn.

    In the unlikely event that two or more players end up without city leaders, we will share the commitment of the forces, using all of the tiles we own between us. If the Persians take any Location tiles, they should be placed near the Persian shield, with leader counters belonging to each of the controlling players on them.

    During the game’s end, all players will earn the same victory points for the tiles they have. If the Persians defend a location without being attacked, each Persian player will add two cubes to the defending city.

    Now let’s talk about Special Tiles. Each player has one of these unique tiles. They can only be used once and should be discarded after playing. The timing of their use depends on the specific tile. Here are the details:

    – Alkibiades:

    ![Alkibiades tile image](/images/how-to-play-perikles-official-rules_19.jpg)

    Make sure to keep these rules in mind as you strategize your moves. Good luck!

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Did you know that you have an awesome power in the game? You can grab two Influence cubes of any color from any city and transport them to another city that you desire. But here’s the catch – you can’t move them from a candidate space, and you can’t move them to one either. So make sure you choose wisely where you want to transfer them!


    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let me tell you about a special tile called the “Perikles.” You can use this tile right before a hoplite battle is about to be resolved. It’s pretty cool because all the Spartan hoplite counters in that battle will have their strengths doubled! Keep in mind, though, that the intrinsic attackers and defenders won’t be doubled.


    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When it’s your turn to choose an Action tile, you can play this tile by placing two Influence cubes in Athens. You can do this either before or after taking an Action tile.

    Introducing the Persian Fleet

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Did you know that there’s a special tile in this game that you can use before a trireme battle? It’s called the Phormio tile. Wanna know what it does? Well, let me tell you!

    So, when you play the Phormio tile, you get to decide which side in the battle starts with a little advantage – one battle token. But here’s the thing, you can’t use it to win the battle automatically if that side already has a token from winning the first round of combat. It’s all about giving a slight boost, not a guaranteed victory. Gotta keep things fair, right?

    Now, let’s learn a bit more about Phormio. They’re like the master of strategy and tactics when it comes to trireme battles. Their tile adds an interesting twist to the game and makes you think strategically about when and how to use it. It’s definitely a game-changer, but remember, it won’t ensure an automatic win. It’s more like a little helping hand.

    So, next time you’re playing and have the chance to use the Phormio tile, think carefully about how and when to play it. It could give you that edge you need to turn the tide of battle and come out victorious!


    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! I’ve got something interesting to share with you. Check out this tile that can change the tide of a trireme battle. It’s called ‘Strength in Numbers.’ Cool name, right?

    So, here’s how it works: Before a trireme battle is about to go down, any player can play this tile. And guess what happens? The strengths of all Athenian trireme counters in that battle get doubled! Pretty amazing, right? But hold on, this only applies to the trireme counters, not the intrinsic attackers or defenders. Just so you know.

    Now, let’s move on to the next bit – Plague. Brace yourself!

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    During my turn in the Influence Tile phase, I can play this tile. It’s called the “Slave Revolt” tile, and it’s quite an interesting one! Here’s how it works: I get to choose one city and make a big decision. Are you ready for it?

    Once I’ve picked a city, things start to get exciting. Every player, including me, has to remove half of their Influence cubes from that city. Let me explain with an example: if I have five cubes in the city, I’ll have to say goodbye to two of them.

    It’s a powerful tile, but it’s a tricky one too. While it can definitely shake things up and create some chaos, it also opens up opportunities for others to strike back. So, I have to be strategic and think carefully before using it.

    The Slave Revolt tile is a game-changer. It allows me to disrupt the balance of power and keep my opponents on their toes. It’s all about managing my Influence cubes wisely and staying one step ahead of the competition.

    So, when it’s my turn and I have the Slave Revolt tile in my hand, I have a big decision to make. Which city will I choose? How will I use this tile to my advantage? The possibilities are endless, and the outcome is in my hands. Let the games begin!

    How to play Perikles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When it’s my turn to contribute forces to a location, I can play this move. I get to take one of the Spartan hoplite counters and put it back in Sparta. This counter can’t be used in combat during this turn. I don’t get to see what the counter is before I remove it, but it will come back into play in the next turn.

    Allies from Thessaly

    Ending the Game

    The game ends either after the first or second turn if Athens or Sparta have suffered four or more defeats, or when the third turn is finished.

    Here’s how we score victory points:

    • Each cube in a city is worth 1 victory point, regardless of how well the city did.
    • Each Location tile is worth the number of victory points shown on it.

    When you play the game, each statue you own is worth a certain number of victory points. The more statues you have, the more points you earn. At the end of the game, players count up all their victory points to see who has the highest total. The player with the highest total is the winner! But what happens if two players have the same number of victory points? In that case, the player who scored the most points on the Location tiles wins. And if there’s still a tie, the player who has the most statues is declared the ultimate winner. So, make sure you collect as many statues as you can to increase your chances of winning!

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