How to play Peloponnes Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Peloponnes Game Rules!

I’m excited to guide you through the rules of the Peloponnes game.


First, let’s set up the game. Each player starts with a city board and a score marker. We shuffle the event cards and place three of them face-up. The resource tiles and the building tiles are sorted and placed in their respective piles.


Your goal is to build the best ancient city and accumulate the highest population score. At the end of the game, the player with the most population points wins!


The game consists of several turns where you can perform different actions like gaining resources, constructing buildings, or increasing your population. You start with a certain amount of resources and population, and each turn you can choose to place or buy a tile, bid for an event card, or pass. Remember, each action has consequences, so think wisely!

Tile Placement

You can choose to place a tile on your city board. Each tile has its own benefits and requirements, so make sure you plan ahead and strategize. Placing tiles can give you resources, points, or even protect you from disasters.

Bidding for Event Cards

Event cards can greatly impact the game. They can provide you with valuable resources, points, or hinder your opponents. Each turn, you can bid for an event card by spending resources. The highest bidder gets the card, so be mindful of your opponents’ strategies.

Population Increase

Increasing your population is essential for winning the game. By spending resources, you can take population tiles and place them on your city board. Make sure to manage your resources effectively to keep your population growing steadily.

End of the Game

The game ends when all players have passed consecutively. At this point, players count their population points and determine the winner.

Now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your friends and start building your ancient cities! Have fun and may the best city planner win!

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to Peloponnese, the land where the ancient gods resided. In this game, you will step into the shoes of one of the seven Peloponnesian civilizations from the year 1000 B.C. Your goal is to develop your civilization, increase its wealth and population, and establish yourself as the most powerful civilization as you enter the new millennium.

The Goal of the Game

In this game, you have eight rounds to grow your civilization. You can achieve this by acquiring new territories through Land Tiles and constructing prestigious buildings using Building Tiles. These additions will increase the population, wealth, and power of your civilization.

However, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between the number of inhabitants, the amount of land you control, and the buildings you construct. Only by achieving this balance can you claim victory and etch your name alongside the heroes of Peloponnesian history.

Components Included

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Here’s what you’ll find in the game box:

  • 20 Building Tiles
  • 20 Land Tiles
  • 5 Disaster Tiles
  • 16 Disaster Chits
  • 7 Civilisation Tiles
  • 16 Chits
  • 5 Player mats
  • 25 wooden Markers (5 each 5 colors)
  • 40 wooden Silver Coins
  • 10 wooden Gold Coins
  • 3 “Round Overview” Tile
  • 1 “Conquest” Tile
  • 1 Rule booklet

Building and land tiles

When you open the game box, you’ll find that it comes with a variety of components. Let’s take a look at what’s inside!

First, you’ll find 20 Building Tiles. These tiles represent different structures that you can construct throughout the game. They come in various shapes and sizes, each with its own unique abilities.

Next, there are 20 Land Tiles. These tiles make up the game board and depict different types of terrain. They include forests, mountains, rivers, and more. The land tiles are used to build your civilization and expand your territory.

In addition to the building and land tiles, the game includes 5 Disaster Tiles. These tiles represent catastrophic events that can occur during the game. Be prepared to deal with earthquakes, floods, and other disasters that can disrupt your plans.

To help you keep track of the disasters, there are 16 Disaster Chits. These chits are used to indicate the occurrence and effects of the disasters. They add an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game.

The game also comes with 7 Civilisation Tiles. These tiles represent different civilizations that you can control. Each civilization has its own unique abilities and advantages. Choose wisely to maximize your chances of success.

To help you manage the game, there are 16 Chits. These chits are used to track various resources and actions. They serve as a way to keep everything organized and ensure that the game runs smoothly.

Each player will have their own Player Mat to guide them through the game. The mats provide a clear and organized space for players to place their tiles, markers, and coins. They make it easy to keep track of your progress and make strategic decisions.

Speaking of markers and coins, the game includes 25 wooden Markers in 5 different colors. These markers are used to indicate ownership of buildings and territories. They add a visual element to the game and make it easier to see who controls what.

In addition to the markers, there are 40 wooden Silver Coins and 10 wooden Gold Coins. These coins serve as the currency in the game. Use them to purchase buildings, trade with other players, and advance your civilization.

To help you navigate the game, there are 3 “Round Overview” Tiles. These tiles provide a summary of each round, outlining the different phases and actions. They serve as a handy reference guide and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Finally, there is a “Conquest” Tile and a Rule booklet. The “Conquest” Tile represents the ultimate goal of the game – to conquer and control as much territory as possible. The Rule booklet provides all the necessary instructions and guidelines for playing the game. Make sure to read it carefully before you begin.

And that’s what you’ll find inside the game box! With these components, you’ll have everything you need to embark on your civilization-building adventure. Enjoy the game!

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Civilization Tiles

Hey there! Let’s talk about something super cool – civilization tiles! These interesting little squares have a lot more to offer than meets the eye. I’m here to break it down and show you why they’re such a big deal.

So, what exactly are civilization tiles? Well, they’re these magical squares that represent different aspects of a civilization. They can encompass things like geography, culture, architecture, and so much more. These tiles give us a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human history and how it has shaped the world we live in today.

Now, why should you care about civilization tiles? Well, let me tell you, they hold a treasure trove of knowledge and understanding. By examining these tiles, we can uncover fascinating details about ancient societies and gain insights into their way of life. It’s like taking a journey through time and discovering the secrets of the past.

Imagine standing in front of a civilization tile that represents a stunning temple built centuries ago. You can almost feel the grandeur and sense the devotion of the people who created it. That’s the power of civilization tiles – they bring history to life and transport us to a different era.

But it doesn’t stop there. Civilization tiles also have practical applications. They help archaeologists and historians piece together the puzzle of the past. By studying these tiles, we can better understand how civilizations flourished and declined, how cultures merged and evolved, and how our modern world came to be.

So, the next time you come across a civilization tile, take a moment to appreciate its significance. It’s not just a pretty picture or a piece of stone – it’s a gateway to a world of knowledge and discovery. Embrace the wonders of civilization tiles and let them ignite your curiosity about the mysteries of our shared human heritage.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Player Mats:

When you play the game, you’ll use Player Mats to keep track of everything your civilization possesses. These mats come with their own set of Possession Markers. You’ll see sections for wood, stone, and food, where you can store your resources. You’ll also find indicators for your total population and the number of luxury goods you have. Whenever your possessions change, you can easily adjust the appropriate track. And don’t forget to check the bottom of the mat for an overview of endgame events that will take place.


Before you start playing, make sure each player has their own Player Mat. You’ll also need 5 Markers for each player to show their current possessions. At the beginning of the game, place these markers on the “0” spaces of the wood, stone, food, population, and luxury good tracks.

When we start the game, we each get a Civilization Tile. This tile is face-down at first, but then we flip it over and place it above our Player Mat. It shows our starting income, which tells us how many coins we get. We take that many coins and put them next to our Mat. Any extra tiles go back in the box. The rest of the coins and the “20+” Chits are put to the side as the “bank.”

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we start playing the game, each of us needs to take some resources from our Civilization Tile. The resources can be Wood, Stone, or Food, and we keep track of them on our Player Mat. We also need to mark our starting population.

After that, we choose a color and get two matching Colored Chits. One is to show our color, and the other determines the order of turns.

To decide who goes first, we look at the numbers on our Civilization Tiles. The player with the smallest number in the bottom left corner starts, and the rest of us follow based on our numbers.

The Colored Chits are placed next to the Arrow Chit, in the order of turns. The Round Overview Tiles go between each player.

Alright, folks, let’s dive right into this exciting game called “Conquest”! The first thing we need to do is place the “conquest” Tile in the middle of the table. However, if we have 5 players, we can leave it in the box – no need for it then!

Now, the 5 Disaster Tiles are the next things we need to lay out. Make sure they are visible to every player. We don’t want any secrets here!

Wait, there’s more! We also have 16 Disaster Chits that we need to mix up. Let’s place them face-down near the Disaster Tiles. And don’t forget about the Land and Building Tiles! They need to be sorted by the letters A, B, and C on the back. Once we have them sorted, let’s mix each group up and place them as separate face-down stacks on the table. We’re almost ready to get this game going!

Game Play

  1. Reveal Tiles
  2. Bidding
  3. Adjust Player Turn Order
  4. Add Tiles to Civilizations
  5. Increase Population and Earn One-Time Income
  6. Earn Income for the Round
  7. Reveal Disaster Chits

A. Reveal Tiles

When we start a game, we take Land/Building Tiles from a stack. We start with the “A” tiles and draw as many tiles as there are players. These tiles are placed face-up in a row for everyone to see.

We also draw more tiles and place them face-up next to the Conquest Tile. We keep doing this until there are 5 tiles in total.

For example, let’s say we are playing with 3 people. We would draw 3 tiles and put them in a row. Then we would draw 2 more tiles and place them next to the Conquest Tile. This gives us a total of 5 tiles.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If a Supply Round tile is found in the “B” or “C” stacks, the game pauses briefly. This triggers a Supply Round where more tiles are drawn and placed face-up until there are a total of 5 tiles again. Once this is done, the game resumes.

B. Bidding

Starting with the player whose Colored Chit is next to the Arrow Chit, and following the player turn order, each player can make a bid on one of the Land/Building Tiles that are face-up in the middle.

To place a bid, a player can take any number of coins from their supply and put them, along with their Colored Chit, under the tile they wish to purchase (Fig. 4).

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If I want to bid on a tile, but someone else has already placed a bid on it, I have to bid more coins than them. The person who was outbid has to move their coins and colored chip to a different tile, without changing the amount of their bid.

Alternatively, the person who was outbid can take back their bid and all the coins in it, plus 1 coin from the bank. However, they won’t be able to take a tile in this round. Another option is to pass and not make any bid, in which case they’ll receive 3 coins from the bank.

The land and building tiles in the Conquest Row cost exactly 3 coins more than the minimum bid shown on the tile.

However, on these tiles, no one can outbid a player who has already made a bid. Whoever makes a bid in the Commando Row is guaranteed to get that tile.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine: You want a special Land Tile from the Conquest Row.

That tile has a minimum bid of 3 coins.

So, you place 6 coins on the tile, along with your Colored Chit.

This means you’re guaranteed to get that tile. (Fig 6).

When everyone has made a bid on a tile, taken back their bid, or passed, this phase ends.

C. Change Player Order

The new player order is determined by how much each player bids. The highest bidder goes first, and so on (the Colored Chits next to the Arrow Chit are rearranged accordingly).

If multiple players have the same bid this round, their order remains the same as in the previous round.

Passing is considered the lowest possible bid.

D. Add Tiles To Civilizations

At the same time, all players now take their Land/Building Tile.

When we bid for tiles, all the coins we use are put in the bank. Then, our Colored Chit is given back to us.

Putting the New Tiles in Their Spots

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Building Tiles are like puzzle pieces that go to the left of my Civilization Tile or the last Building Tile. They line up in a row and help me grow my civilization. To build a building, I need to pay with resources like wood or stone. I keep track of my resources on my Mat. If I have enough resources, I can build the building and make my population grow.

But what if I don’t have enough resources or I don’t want to build the building? Well, in that case, I can put a coin from my reserve onto the tile instead. It’s like saying, “I don’t want to build this now, but maybe later.”

If I can’t pay with resources or a coin, then the Tile has to go back in the box. It’s like a second chance to get the right resources or save up enough money.

Now, here’s the tricky part. In the next Supply Round, I have to finish what I started. If a Building has a coin on it, I have to complete it by paying the right amount of resources. And once I pay, I can take the coin back and put it back in my reserve. It’s like tying up loose ends and making sure everything is taken care of.

Land Tiles are like puzzle pieces that go next to a player’s Civilization Tile or the last Land Tile.

But not all Land Tiles can be placed next to each other. They need to have at least one thing in common – wood, food, or stone.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: The first Land Tile you place right next to the Civilization Tile can be any type you want.

If you can’t place your Land Tile like this right away, don’t worry. Just take it out and put it back in the box.

E. Get More People and Make Some Money

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I acquire a new tile, I receive new inhabitants and sometimes a one-time income, usually in the form of coins.

The great thing is that I get to keep these, even if I end up losing the building later on.

I adjust the population marker and other markers on my mat to account for the one-time income, and then I take coins from the bank equal to the amount displayed on the tile.

Now, Let’s Earn Some Income!

In the lower right corner of each land and building tile in my civilization, it shows the income that I receive each round.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I play the game, I need to move the Markers on my Mat to keep track of the extra resources I’ve acquired. I also get some coins from the bank, which I can add to my stash.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to my income in the game, it all depends on the size of my population. If I have 10 inhabitants, I earn 4 coins. It’s pretty straightforward!

Now, here’s something important to note: Arkadia, the place where I live, gains more inhabitants every round as part of its income. But before I get my Coin income, the population is always adjusted. It’s like they’re fine-tuning everything!

G. Guess what happens next

After each round, it’s time to reveal Disaster Chits. They’re like little surprises waiting to be unwrapped. We turn over two of them, one after the other, and put them next to the matching Disaster Tiles. Oh, and if there’s a blank Disaster Chit, we just put it back in the box. No surprises there!

But here’s the thing: a disaster happens as soon as we reveal the third Chit of one type. It’s like game over for that type of disaster. Time to deal with the consequences!

Once the disaster is out of the way, it’s back to business. We start a new round by drawing five new Land/Building Tiles and placing them face-up. And guess who gets to make the first bid? That’s right, the starting player!

In the game, we play a total of 8 rounds. First, we have 3 rounds with the “A” Tiles, followed by 3 rounds with the “B” Tiles, and finally, 2 rounds with the “C” Tiles.

Now, let’s talk about the disasters that can happen during the game. These are events that can mess up your plans and make things more challenging. They add an element of surprise and excitement to the game.

For example, one disaster is the “Tornado.” When the Tornado hits, all the tiles in one row or column are shuffled around. This can really mess up your strategy and force you to come up with a new plan on the spot.

Another disaster is the “Earthquake.” When the Earthquake happens, the tiles in a random area of the board get jumbled up. It’s like shaking the whole game and watching the tiles fall into a new arrangement. You’ll have to quickly adapt to the new layout and make the best of it.

Lastly, we have the “Flood” disaster. This one is a bit different. When the Flood occurs, all the tiles that are next to each other horizontally or vertically get replaced with new tiles. It’s like a wave washing over the game and changing everything in its path. This can create new opportunities or ruin your carefully planned moves.

Now that you know about these disasters, you can strategize accordingly. Keep in mind that they can happen at any time, so be prepared to adapt and make the most of every round. Good luck and have fun playing!

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess


So here’s what happens when an earthquake strikes in my civilization: I have to give up one wood and one stone for each of my building tiles. That means even the ones that I haven’t finished yet! It’s a tough blow, but I can handle it.

But let’s say I can’t or don’t want to pay up. In that case, I have to remove any building that isn’t covered. Those unlucky structures go back in the box.

For instance, let’s say I can’t cough up 2 stones. Well, I’ll have to say goodbye to 2 buildings in my civilization. And if I can’t scrape together 1 wood and 1 stone, then it’s just one building that I have to bid farewell to.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Running Low on Food

When you experience a drought, you’re in for a rough time. Droughts are like the villains of the farming world, swooping in and wreaking havoc on your crops. It’s like they have a personal vendetta against food. And let me tell you, they’re not messing around.

So here’s the deal. When a drought hits, you’re going to lose a chunk of your food. And I’m not talking about a small nibble here, we’re talking about a serious blow to your pantry. You’re going to lose one-third of your food, rounded up. That’s right, just when you thought you had enough to get by, the drought swoops in and snatches it away.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How am I supposed to survive with less food? Well, it’s not going to be easy, but you’re going to have to get creative. Maybe you can stretch your rations a bit further, or find alternative sources of food. It’s going to take some serious problem-solving skills, but I believe in you.

Just remember, when it comes to droughts, you’re not alone. Every farmer out there is dealing with the same struggles. So reach out to your fellow farmers, share your ideas and strategies. Together, we can overcome the challenges of drought and keep our bellies full.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Devastating Plague

As soon as it hits, I’m sorry to say, you and everyone else are in for a serious loss. It’s like a blow that knocks the wind right out of you. Your population takes a hit – I’m talking about losing one-third of your people, rounded up for added sting. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but the marker on the mat doesn’t lie.

The Fierce Tempest

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, you have to make some tough decisions. Whenever it’s my turn, I have to give up one of my food and one coin from my reserve for each of my Land Tiles. It’s a way for me to build and expand my territory.

But what if I can’t or don’t want to pay? Well, in that case, I have to remove any Land Tiles that are not covered. It’s like giving up some of my land to make up for it.

Let’s say I can’t pay 2 food. That means I have to remove 2 Land Tiles. But if I can only pay 1 food and 1 coin, then I only have to remove one Land Tile. It’s all about finding a balance.


How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we play this game, something tricky happens: we all have to give up 10 of our fancy, special items, known as Luxury Goods. It’s important to know that if you don’t have 10 of these items, you just have to say goodbye to all of them. It’s not a pleasant situation, but it’s part of the game!

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s talk about buildings and how they can protect us from disasters. Some buildings are designed specifically to keep us safe when these disasters strike. When a player builds one of these special buildings, it provides protection against the effects of that disaster. You can tell if a building offers protection by looking for a coin symbol on it. But even if there’s no coin symbol, the building can still provide protection.

Supply Round

Now, let’s talk about the Supply Round. When a Supply Round Tile is drawn, something important happens. This tile affects the entire game and can change the course of events. It’s like a surprise that adds excitement and uncertainty to the game. So, you never know what might happen next!

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • Every player needs to provide food for their people.
  • They must pay the required raw materials for any building, which is marked with a coin.

Each person in a player’s population requires one unit of food. You adjust the Food Marker on your Mat accordingly.

If you don’t have enough food for everyone, you have to reduce the number of people to match what you can feed. (Fig. 11)

You can’t purposely let your people go hungry if you have enough food. You have to feed as many people as you can until they’re all fed, or until your Food Marker reaches “0”.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I see a Building marked with a coin, I know that it needs to be finished by paying the required resources. I have to make sure I record this on my player Mat. If for some reason I can’t or don’t want to pay the resources, I have to remove the tile and put it back in the box.

Regardless of whether I complete the Building or not, I always get my coin back. It goes back to my reserve. It’s like a little reward for giving it a try and putting in the effort.

Luxury Goods

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you have too many resources, you can turn them into Luxury Goods. If you have more resources than your storehouses can hold (which is a maximum of 10 Wood, 10 Stone, or 13 Food), you can record the extra resources as Luxury Goods on your Mat.

Here’s an example to help you understand: Let’s say I have 8 Wood and I produce an additional 4 Wood. I can move my Wood Marker on my Mat to the maximum number of 10, and then increase my Luxury Goods by 2.

If your Luxury Goods go beyond the “20” space, you’ll take a “20+” Chip and start again from the first space on the track.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I have 14 or more people living in my city, I receive Luxury Goods as extra income, on top of the coins I already earn from my Player Mat.

If I need to, I can exchange Luxury Goods for other resources like Stone, Wood, or Food, at a rate of 2:1. This is helpful when I don’t have enough of a particular resource for building or feeding.

If I need extra coins, I can also trade Luxury Goods with the bank at a rate of 2:1. This comes in handy when I want to make a bid or place a coin on an unfinished Building Tile, but don’t have enough money in my reserve.

End of the Game

Once the last “C” Tile is taken and placed (and I record the one-time income from that Tile), the game comes to an end.

Then, the last two Disaster Chits are revealed one after the other, and any disasters are resolved in the order they appear.

After all the players have completed their turns, it’s time for one last round of feeding their population. If there isn’t enough food, they’ll have to reduce their population. Additionally, any incomplete Buildings must be paid for with resources or removed.

Determining the Final Score and Winner

Now it’s time to calculate the final score for each player. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Prestige Points: Add up the prestige points from all your Buildings and Land Tiles (the number shown in the upper middle), and then add one point for every 3 coins in your reserve.
  • Population Points: You’ll earn 3 points for each inhabitant.

Once you’ve calculated both your Prestige Points and Population Points, compare the two. The smaller amount between the two will be your final score.

The player with the most points wins. It’s as simple as that!

In the event of a tie, the player with the larger amount of points (either Prestige or Population) will be declared the winner. If there’s still a tie, the player with the most Luxury Goods will be victorious.

How to play Peloponnes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: So here’s the deal. Dimitrios has a whopping total of 25 Prestige Points from his fancy Building/Land Tiles and all that cash he’s got, but get this – he only has 6 people living in his city. That’s just 18 Population Points, my friend.

All in all, his final score is 18 points. Now let’s talk about Helena. She’s got a respectable 22 Prestige Points from her buildings and moolah, but she’s got 9 inhabitants in her city, which gives her a solid 27 Population Points. Impressive.

So, who wins? Well, it’s quite obvious. Helena takes the crown!

Solo Game

Now, if you’re flying solo, you can still have a blast with Peloponnes. It’s a great way to learn the ropes and make those brain gears turn.

All you gotta do is pick any civilization you fancy and play by the rules of the 5-player game. Remember, that’s 5 new Tiles for you each round, but without that pesky Conquest Tile.

Your goal? Simple. Score as many points as humanly possible!

Forget about bidding. In solo mode, you can just buy one of those face-up Land or Building Tiles each round. And the price? Well, it’s no secret – it’s right there, listed as the minimum bid. Easy peasy!

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