- 1 Paris Game Rules
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Objective
- 1.3 Game Setup
- 1.4 Gameplay
- 1.5 Winning the Game
- 1.6 Conclusion
- 1.7 The Game’s Components
- 1.8 Let’s Play “Paris”!
- 1.9 Ready, Set, Play!
- 1.10 Step 1: Place a Building on the Board
- 1.11 2. Take an Action
- 1.12 Three Ways to Score Points in Paris Connection
- 1.13 Buildings
- 1.14 Landmarks
- 1.15 Money Matters
- 1.16 What You Gain
- 1.17 The Conclusion of the Game
Paris Game Rules
Welcome to the Paris Game! This is a fun and exciting game that you can play with your friends or family. In this article, I will explain the rules of the game and how to play. So let’s get started!
The objective of the Paris Game is to collect the most points by correctly answering questions about the beautiful city of Paris. There are different categories of questions, such as history, culture, landmarks, and more. The player with the highest number of points at the end of the game is the winner.
Game Setup
To play the Paris Game, you will need a game board, question cards, and tokens to keep track of the points. The game board is divided into different sections, each representing a category. Place the question cards face down on the designated area of the game board, and distribute the tokens among the players.
The game is played in turns, starting with the youngest player. On your turn, roll the dice and move your token along the board. When you land on a category, the player to your right will draw a question card from that category and read the question aloud. Take your time to think about the answer, and then respond.
Answering Questions
If you answer the question correctly, you will earn a point. The player to your right will keep track of the points for you. If you answered incorrectly, no points will be awarded. There may also be special cards that allow you to earn extra points or skip a turn.
Winning the Game
The game continues until all the question cards have been answered. The player with the highest number of points at the end of the game is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player who collected the most special cards wins. If there is still a tie, the players can agree to play a tiebreaker round.
Now that you know the rules of the Paris Game, you can gather your friends or family and start playing! It’s a great way to learn more about the beautiful city of Paris while having fun. Remember, the more you know about Paris, the more points you can earn. So get ready to explore the city and enjoy the game!
In Paris, you step into the shoes of rich real estate investors during the 1900s. A time when Paris was transforming and becoming one of the most stunning cities in the world.
Back in 1889, Paris had successfully organized the World Fair and witnessed the birth of the Eiffel Tower. They were also celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille, marking a period known as “la Belle Époque”.
During this era, the architecture in Paris had a wide range. From Beaux-Arts, neo-Byzantine, and neo-Gothic to Art Nouveau and Art Deco. These styles gave birth to magnificent structures that still stand today.
Your mission is to invest in some of these remarkable Parisian buildings and turn a profit. The money you earn will be used to develop and maintain some of Paris’ most recognizable monuments and landmarks.
Without a doubt, this journey will be an exciting one. Are you ready to join me in the splendor of Paris? Let’s get started!
The Game’s Components
- 1 Game Board
- 12 End Game Tiles
- 1 Player Screen
- 6 VP Tiles
- 36 Building Tiles
- 12 Keys
- 35 Coins
- 8 Landmark Tiles
- 1 Bonus Meeple
- 18 Resource Tokens
- 42 Bonus Tiles
- 18 Prestige Tokens
- 1 VP Disc
Let’s Play “Paris”!
Hey there! Ready to jump into the world of “Paris”? In this exciting game, we’ll become real estate investors set on acquiring the most stunning buildings that late 19th century Paris has to offer.
How do we score points? Well, by purchasing buildings, of course! The more buildings we own, the more Victory Points (VP) we accumulate. Oh, and there are also these special Bonus Tiles that we can get for extra points. Exciting, right?
We’re in for a variable number of rounds. But here’s the catch: once we trigger the end of the game condition, we have to finish up the current round, and then we all get one final turn before we tally up our scores. So make every move count!
The winner of the game is the player who has the highest number of VP when the game ends.
To get started, here’s how you set up the game:
Note: The setup described here is the standard setup for a game of “Paris.” If you prefer a more randomized setup, you can find instructions in the “Variant Setup” chapter on the next page.
Let’s get started by putting together the game board. Just follow these simple steps:
1. Assemble the board as shown in the picture. If you don’t want to use the 3D Arc, you can flip the central tile to the side where the arc is shown.
2. Place your Bonus Meeple right next to the starting point of the Bonus Tile Track.
3. Put your VP Disc on the spot marked “0” on the VP Track.
4. Finally, place the Landmark Tiles face up next to the board, so that everyone can easily see them.
Let’s get started with setting up the game! Follow these steps:
1. Get your Player Screen and assemble it. Put it in front of you. The player with the icon on their player board base will be the start player for this game.
2. Get 3 Francs and put them behind your Player Screen.
3. Take the Coins and place them next to the Game Board. Make sure to sort them by their value. This will be the general supply of coins.
4. Now, it’s time to place the Resource Tokens and Prestige Tokens on the game board. Look at the diagram to see where each token should go on each District.
5. Retrieve your Keys and put them behind your Player Screen. The number of Keys you get depends on the number of players:
- In a 2-player game, you get 10 Keys.
- In a 3-player game, you get 9 Keys.
- In a 4-player game, you get 7 Keys.
Put 2 Keys of each player color in a general reserve next to the Board. Any extra Keys can be returned to the box.
6. Finally, place the VP Tiles faceup next to the Game Board.
Now that everything is set up, you’re ready to start playing!
Hello there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of board games! Today, I want to share an important tip with you – how to set up the game correctly. It can make a huge difference in your gaming experience. So let’s get started!
First things first, grab your End Game Tiles and place them facedown right next to the Game Board. This way, they’re easily accessible when you need them later on.
Now that the End Game Tiles are all set, we’re ready to jump into the action. By following these simple steps, we can ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming session.
Thanks for tuning in! Have a blast playing your board game, and remember, it’s all about having fun!
12 In a 3-player game, I remove all the special tiles that have a symbol of on the back. In a 2-player game, I remove all the special tiles that have symbols of
I sort the special tiles based on their numbers and place them face up on the corresponding spots of the special tiles track. Tiles with the same numbers are stacked on top of each other.
13 I shuffle the 36 building tiles. Without looking at them, I randomly put 3 tiles back into the box. The rest of the building tiles are divided into 3 equal piles and placed facedown next to the game board.
Variant Setup
If you’ve played a few games of Paris and want to add some excitement, you can randomize the setup:
Instead of the usual setup, let’s shake things up a bit. Start by putting the 6 Gold Resource Tokens next to those fancy value 8 Building Spaces.
Ready, Set, Play!
Now, it’s time to get down to business. Starting with the lucky Starting Player, each player takes their turn, one after the other.
- Place a Building on the Game Board (if there’s still room)
- Take an action
Step 1: Place a Building on the Board
Your first order of business is to draw the top Building Tile from any of the drawing piles. Once you’ve got your hands on a shiny Tile, go ahead and place it on the corresponding Building space. Make sure to match the Building value and District from the Tile. Simple, right?
If all the building piles are empty, don’t sweat it. Just skip this step from now on.
Here’s an option for you: you can choose to ignore the names of the districts that are written on the building tiles. If you decide to do this, just make sure not to remove any building tiles when setting up the game.
Instead of placing a building tile in the district that matches its name at the beginning of your turn, you have the freedom to ignore the district’s name and place the tile in an available spot that has the same number in any district you want.
But there’s one important rule you need to keep in mind: each district can only have one building of each type. For example, you can’t put a theater in a district that already has a theater.
It’s possible that you won’t be able to place the building tile you drew. If that happens, don’t worry. Just remove that building from the game and move on to step 2.
2. Take an Action
Now, it’s time for the second step of your turn. You need to choose one action out of three possible actions:
- Put a Key on a Bank or on the Arc de Triomphe
- Move a Key to get a Building
- Take an End Game Tile (only allowed when all piles of Building Tiles are empty)
- If you have Bonus Tile 27, you get 1 Victory Point for each Franc you own.
- When you have at least one Building or Landmark in a District, you can earn extra VP with a VP Tile. To calculate your total value, add up the values of all your Buildings and Landmarks with Keys in that District.
- In each District, the players with the highest, second highest, and third highest total value will receive the highest, second highest, and third highest VP, as shown on the VP Tile. The fourth player does not receive any VP.
- In case of a tie, the player who acquired the Building or Landmark with the highest value in that District will break the tie. If there is still a tie (due to Bonus Tile n�16), all players will receive the Points of the applicable tier, and the next level tier is skipped.
Three Ways to Score Points in Paris Connection
1. Put a Key
Grab one of your Keys from behind your Player Screen and place it on the Bank of one of the six Districts or on the Arc de Triomphe.
If you decide to put your Key on a Bank, you collect the specified amount of Francs from the stockpile and hide them from view.
Remember: Each Bank and the Arc de Triomphe can only hold one Key at a time.
Keep in mind: You cannot transfer a Key from your hiding place to a Building or Landmark.
2. Change Key Location
When you’re playing the game, you have the option to move one of your Keys on the game board. You can move it to a Building or Landmark that doesn’t have any other Keys on it. But before you do that, you have to pay the costs in Francs and Resources that are required.
Once you’ve moved your Key to the new Building or Landmark, you become the owner of it. And as the owner, you get to enjoy the benefits that come with it. These benefits can be a Resource Token, a Bonus Tile, or Victory Points.
It’s important to remember that you can only move your Key to a Building or Landmark that doesn’t already have a Key on it. It doesn’t matter if the Key is yours or belongs to another player.
If you decide to move a Key from the Arc the Triomphe, you have the freedom to choose any unoccupied Building or Landmark from any of the 6 Districts.
On the other hand, if you’re moving a Key from a Bank, a Building, or a Landmark, you must move it to a Building or Landmark in the same District. The only condition is that the new Building or Landmark must have a higher Building Value. Just keep in mind that Banks don’t have a Building Value.
Example: Let’s say I’m Charlotte, and I need to relocate my Key from a Residence with value 3. I can’t move it to a building with a lower value, like 1 or 2 – that wouldn’t make sense.
I also can’t move it to a hotel or Landmark with values 5 or 13 because those spots are already taken by other players’ keys. However, I do have the option to move it to a restaurant with a value of 4.
VP Tiles
When a District has a total of 4 Keys on Buildings and Landmarks (excluding the Bank), you can immediately place one of the available VP Tiles on a spot in any District.
These Tiles give bonus VP at the end of the game to players who control the Buildings and Landmarks with the highest value in that District.
You can only move your Key to an unoccupied Building that already exists on the game board.
If you want to move your Key, you have a couple of options. You can choose to move your Key to a Landmark that is already on the game board and is not currently occupied. Alternatively, you can add a Landmark from the general supply to the District where your Key is, and then move your Key onto it. The choice is yours!
When you build a District, you can create multiple Landmarks. These Landmarks are unique features that are stacked on top of each other to form a tower. Each Landmark you add must have a higher value than the ones below it. There is no limit to how many Landmarks you can build in a District, but you always have to aim higher.
Example: I built a special Landmark in Saint-Germain called Francois. From now on, any other Landmark built in Saint-Germain must be even more valuable than Francois. This is because buildings and Landmarks in our city are given a value, and Francois has set a high standard with a value of 12.
All buildings and Landmarks in our city have a Building Value, which we call A. Some of them also have an extra Cost, labeled as B, while others have a Benefit, referred to as C. Landmarks, in addition to their value, also provide Prestige Rewards, which are depicted on the left side.
Now, let’s explore the importance of these factors when selecting and understanding the different buildings and Landmarks in our city.
Money Matters
So you want to buy a Building or a Landmark by placing your Key onto it? Well, you should know that it comes with a price. You’ll need to cough up some Francs, equal to the value of the property you’re eyeing. But hold on, there’s an exception – if your Key is coming from another property, you’ll only have to pay the difference in value between the two.
But wait, there’s more! You might have to pay additional costs in the form of resources. Yep, those are part of the deal too.
But here’s the catch – if you don’t have enough money or resources, sorry, but you can’t make the move. Money talks, my friend, and it’s got the final say.
Example: Let’s say I want to move my Key from the Bakery in Montmartre to the Theater.
I pay 3 Francs, and my Key is successfully moved to the Theater.
Example: Let me tell you a story about Julie. She had this amazing Key that she wanted to move from the Theater in La Villette to a new Landmark. The value of the Landmark was 12, and Julie was determined to make it happen. To achieve her goal, she had to pay 4 Francs, 1 Marble, and 1 Gold. Once she had all the necessary resources, she added the Landmark to the District and joyfully moved her Key to its new home.
Resources and Prestige Tokens
Now, let’s talk about Resources. There are three types: Wood, Marble, and Gold. These valuable materials are crucial for constructing Residences, which require Wood, and Landmarks, which require Marble and Gold. So, remember, if you want to build something remarkable, you’ll need the right Resources!
Hey there! Let’s talk about Prestige Tokens. It’s pretty cool that there are different types of tokens you can earn: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Collecting these tokens is important because you can use them to build a Landmark and earn Victory Points.
If you’re wondering about buying or selling resources, or if you’re curious about Prestige Tokens, I’ve got you covered. You can buy and sell resources whenever you want. As for Prestige Tokens, they can also be sold at any time. It’s all explained in the handy table on your Player Board:
When the game begins, you won’t be able to buy any Resources because they’re all on the game board. But don’t worry, they’ll become available as the game progresses.
When you spend Resources, you put them next to the board in a general reserve. This means that all players can use them to make purchases. On the other hand, when you spend Prestige Tokens, they’re gone for good.
What You Gain
Once you move your Key to a Building or Landmark and pay the necessary costs, you’ll receive a variety of Benefits. These can include:
Whenever I get a Building, I can take the Resource or Prestige Token that’s next to it if it’s still there, and put it behind my Player Screen. But if someone takes the Token before me, I don’t get one.
If I get a Building that’s level 1 or 2, I can move my Bonus Meeple forward on the Bonus Tile Track and get a Bonus Tile for free. And if I get a Building that’s level 3, I can do the same, but I have to pay 2 Francs first.
When you reach the eighth level of a Building, you earn 2 Victory Points right away.
I bet you’ve heard of Landmarks before. They’re these really cool things you can get in the game. And guess what? They can actually earn you some points! How? Well, have you ever noticed those Tokens on the Tiles? Yeah, those Prestige Tokens. They’re the key to getting those valuable Victory Points.
Get Those Extra Tiles!
Did you know that you can earn Bonus Tiles by getting Buildings with values of 1, 2, or 3? It’s true!
To get a Bonus Tile, just move your Bonus Meeple forward as far as you want along the Bonus Track, and then place it on an available Bonus Tile.
Once you have your Bonus Tile, put it behind your Player Screen. If there’s a stack of Tiles on the space where you land, just take the one on the top. And don’t worry if other players have their Bonus Meeples on the same space – as long as there are Tiles left, it’s fair game!
But here’s the catch: You can only move your Bonus Meeple forward on the Track. So, be careful! Once you pass certain Bonus Tiles, you won’t be able to get them later in the game.
Once your Bonus Meeple reaches space 30 on the Bonus Track, that’s it. No more Bonus Tiles for you.
Hey there! Did you know that you can activate a collected Bonus Tile whenever you want during your turn? Yep, that’s right! It doesn’t matter if it’s right away or later in the game, the choice is yours! And when you activate a Bonus Tile, you get an instant advantage and then discard the Tile faceup next to your player screen.
Now, here’s a little exception to keep in mind: Bonus Tile 27 is a bit special. You can’t activate it during the game. Instead, you score it at the end of the game.
Oh, and here’s a rule for you: you can never own 2 Bonus Tiles with the same number. Even if a Bonus Tile’s effect gives you the possibility, it’s a no-go. Gotta keep things fair and square, right?
Now, let’s talk about those Bonus Tiles that give you Resources or Prestige. When you get them, you can’t just take a Resource or Prestige Token from the supply. Nope! Instead, you can use the Bonus Tile itself as Resources or Prestige. Just look at the Tile and do as it says!
That’s it for now. Have fun playing and making the most of those Bonus Tiles!
Example: So, here’s what happened. I was playing this game called Charlotte, and I reached level 2 on this building. Cool, right? Well, turns out when you reach level 2, you get this bonus tile. I was like, “Wow, free stuff!” So, I moved my meeple onto this bonus tile number 18, hiding it behind my screen.
A few turns went by, and I had keys on three different level 4 buildings. That’s when I remembered about that bonus tile. I was like, “Oh yeah, I should probably use that.” And you know what? It was totally worth it. When I activated that tile, I suddenly got 15 victory points just like that. It felt amazing!
3. Choose an End Game Tile
When it comes to completing a puzzle, one important step is selecting the right end game tile. This task may seem simple, but its impact on the final result cannot be underestimated. Choosing the perfect tile requires careful thought and attention to detail.
So, how do you choose the right end game tile? Here are some factors to consider:
1. Fit: The tile should seamlessly fit into the puzzle’s open space. It should have edges and corners that match the neighboring pieces. Pay close attention to the shapes and colors, ensuring a smooth integration.
2. Pattern: Look for a tile that complements the overall pattern of the puzzle. Consider the style, design, and theme. The end game tile should add beauty and enhance the visual appeal of the completed puzzle.
3. Difficulty Level: Consider the complexity of the end game tile. If you’re up for a challenge, choose a tile with intricate details. However, if you prefer a more straightforward experience, opt for a simpler tile that won’t overwhelm you.
4. Personal Preference: Ultimately, choose a tile that you find visually appealing and enjoyable. You’ll be spending time and effort completing the puzzle, so pick something that resonates with your taste.
By following these guidelines, you can make an informed decision when selecting your end game tile. Remember, the goal is to create a finished puzzle that not only satisfies your desire for completion but also brings you a sense of pride and joy.
Once all the Building Tiles have been used up, you have the option to explore the pile of End Game Tiles instead of placing or moving a Key. From this pile, you can choose 1 Tile that you want.
You have the freedom to activate a collected End Game Tile immediately or save it for later in the game, using it during one of your turns whenever you wish. As soon as you activate it, you gain its advantage and discard the Tile.
The pile of End Game Tiles is kept facedown, maintaining the secrecy around the available Tiles. While players can search through the pile when they take this action, the specific Tiles that are still available remain a mystery.
If an End Game Tile provides you with Resources or Prestige, you are not allowed to take a Resource or Prestige Token from the supply. Instead, the Tile itself can be used as Resources or Prestige, as indicated on the Tile.
The Conclusion of the Game
Hey there! So, here’s what happens when you reach the last End Game Tile. It’s pretty exciting, actually!
First of all, don’t worry, the game isn’t over just yet. You still have to finish the current round. Everyone gets to take their turns, making sure that each player has the same number of turns left.
But wait, there’s more! After that, there’s one final round for everyone to play. It’s like a bonus round, where you can use any Bonus Tiles you have left (if you can, of course).
Now, let’s talk about scoring at the end.
Important for a 2-player game: In a 2-player game, it’s crucial to note that the player with the second highest value only receives victory points if their total value reaches at least half of the first player’s total value. Remember this to make sure your strategies are on point and you have a chance at victory.
Discovering the winner: Once all players have calculated the additional victory points from each district with a VP Tile, the player with the highest total VP is crowned the winner. So, make sure you make the most of every district and VP Tile to come out on top!
Breaking a tie: In the event of a tie, the player with the most Francs takes the victory. If there’s still a tie, the player who possesses the Buildings and Landmarks with the highest total value across the entire board emerges as the victor.
If there’s still a tie even after that, the victory is shared among the players who are tied. So, be prepared for intense competition and do your best to come out on top!