How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Rules

Hey there, welcome to the world of Pandemic Legacy Season 1! I’m here to guide you through the rules and help you make the most of your game. So, hold on tight and let’s dive in!

First things first, let’s talk about the concept of this game. Pandemic Legacy Season 1 is a cooperative board game where you and your team work together to save the world from deadly diseases. It’s like being a hero in your very own blockbuster movie!

The game is split into multiple sessions, called “months”, and each month represents one year in the game’s timeline. In these months, you’ll face new challenges, discover unexpected twists, and make choices that will shape the course of the game. Exciting, right?

Each player takes on a role, such as a scientist or a medic, and together you’ll travel the globe to prevent disease outbreaks. But be careful, because the diseases can spread quickly and outbreaks can get out of control if you’re not on top of things.

To win the game, you must cure all four diseases before they spread too far and cause the world to descend into chaos. Sounds simple, huh? Well, don’t be fooled! Pandemic Legacy Season 1 is full of surprises and unexpected events that will keep you on your toes.

Throughout the game, you’ll be faced with difficult choices. Do you focus on curing diseases or do you prioritize preventing outbreaks? How do you allocate your resources? It’s up to you and your team to make the tough decisions and save the world.

But here’s the twist: the choices you make in one game will have lasting consequences in future games. Your actions will leave a permanent mark on the board and affect the storyline of the game. It’s like having your own unique version of Pandemic!

So, are you ready to face the challenges of Pandemic Legacy Season 1? Grab your team, set up the board, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure. The fate of the world is in your hands! Good luck, hero!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Things are going really bad out there. There are four dangerous diseases spreading all over the world, and my team and I are right in the middle of it. And to make matters worse, one of the diseases might become immune to any treatment.

Pandemic Legacy is a cool game where we all have to team up to find cures and stop these diseases from spreading. If we don’t act fast, humanity will be in serious trouble. We either win together or lose together.

Do you think we can make it through the year and save humanity? I hope so!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess


There are several components included in the game:

  • A game board
  • Character cards for each player
  • Pawns to represent each player on the board
  • Player cards, including City cards, Epidemic cards, and Event cards
  • Reference cards for each player
  • Infection cards
  • Legacy cards
  • Civilian cards
  • Dossiers and a Sticker sheet
  • An infection rate marker
  • Cure markers
  • A Reminder token
  • An Outbreaks marker
  • Disease cubes
  • Research stations


How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Unlike most games, Pandemic Legacy is not your typical one-and-done experience. Instead, it’s a game that evolves and grows over time, allowing you to create a unique and personalized adventure with each playthrough.

Every decision you make in the game has repercussions that carry over to future sessions. Whether it’s game 1 or game 10, your choices and actions will shape the world and storyline of Pandemic Legacy.

What makes Pandemic Legacy truly special is that each group of players will have a different experience. The decisions you make will be different from those made by another group, creating a game that is truly tailored to your group’s playstyle and preferences.

Throughout the game, you’ll encounter unique and memorable moments. You might find yourself writing on parts of the game, placing stickers on cards or the board, or even tearing up a card – all of these changes are permanent and have consequences that ripple through the rest of your campaign.

Additionally, at the end of each game, your group will have the opportunity to make two Game End Upgrades. These upgrades are permanent modifications that enhance your future games. You’ll place stickers on the board, cards, and characters, further customizing and personalizing your game experience.

As you continue to play Pandemic Legacy, you’ll discover other exciting ways the game will change and surprise you, ensuring that each session is filled with suspense, strategy, and endless possibilities.

Hey there! I wanted to let you in on a little secret. When you first start playing, there are actually some hidden surprises waiting for you. These hidden elements are locked away in sealed packages inside the box. But don’t worry, you’ll receive instructions during the game on when to open them. It’s all part of the fun!

Oh, and I should mention that the dossiers also hold some hidden information. As you progress through the game, this information will be revealed to you. So keep an eye out!

Now, if you’re new to Pandemic, here’s a tip: start off by playing a few games without any of the special “Legacy” rules. This will give you a chance to get the hang of things and practice making all those important decisions. Trust me, it’ll be worth it!

Alright, here’s what you need to do. First, give these rules a read-through. After that, play a game without using the following rules:

  • Game Months, Legacy Deck, Dossiers
  • Objectives, Funding, Game Calendar, Panic Level

Scars and Lost Characters

Hey there! Today, let’s talk about Pandemic Legacy, an exciting game that takes you on an epic journey to cure four dangerous diseases before they wipe out humanity. As you dive into this game, there are a few rules you should keep in mind.

  • Scars and Lost Characters
  • Game End Upgrades

The goal of these warm-up games is to conquer those diseases before any game-losing situations arise. To ease into the game, it’s best to play at least two games without adding any extra rules. This will help you get a good grasp of the gameplay.

What Stays And What Gets Reset?

Now, let’s talk about what happens after each game. Writing on the board, sticking stickers on cards or the board itself, and even tearing up components are permanent changes. These actions have a lasting impact on your game.

However, apart from these special cases, everything else resets for the start of each game. This means the pieces on the board, the cards in your hand, the number of outbreaks – everything starts fresh. So, don’t worry about previous games influencing your current journey.

Game Months

In Pandemic Legacy, the game is divided into 12 months, starting with January. Each month introduces new challenges and events that will test your strategic thinking. So get ready for an exciting journey through the year!

If my team manages to succeed in a month, we move forward to the next month. But if we fail, we have one more shot at success in that same month. We start a fresh game with the same rules and goals for the month we just lost. And if we lose again, we have no choice but to move on to the following month for our next game.

The Legacy Deck

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Hey there! Let me tell you about the cool Legacy Deck. It’s a special set of cards that will reveal what happens throughout the entire year of the game. Check out how it works!

The Legacy Deck is carefully organized in a specific order. Make sure not to look through or shuffle the cards. At the beginning of the game, draw the cards one by one and read what’s written on them. Keep going until you reach a card that says STOP on the back.

Now, pay attention! This special card will let you know when to draw more cards from the deck. It could be during the middle of a game, at the end of a game, or when you start a new month. The Legacy Deck is a one-way journey, meaning you won’t put those cards back, even if you repeat a month.

Here’s another cool thing about the Legacy Deck. The tray it comes with has two spots for the used cards. One is for the cards you’ve already used, and the other is for cards that will be used in future games. It’s a nifty way to keep things organized!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, let’s talk about what happens if the Legacy Deck gets all mixed up during the game. No worries, though—I’ve got a simple solution! Just grab someone who isn’t playing and ask them to help you put the cards back in order. It’s super easy! See, each card has a number in the corner that tells you where it belongs. Check out the first card in the Legacy Deck, for example. It’s labeled LD 01 B.

But here’s a better idea—let’s make sure this doesn’t even happen in the first place. Once you take the Legacy Deck out of its packaging, just leave it in the storing tray. That way, everything stays nice and organized. Easy peasy!

Now, About Those Dossiers

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The game includes five folders that hold the stickers. As I progress through the Legacy Deck, I’ll find cards with numbers or letters on them. Whenever I come across a card like that, I need to open the corresponding folder by tearing off the pre-cut corner of its door. I should open one folder at a time, resolving its contents before moving on to the next.

Some folders will contain stickers that can only be used once. Others will include cards that I might need in future games from time to time.

The game also has eight packages. Throughout the game, yellow boxes will give me instructions to open specific packages.

Before starting the very first game, it’s crucial that I place the Open Package 8 sticker on door 8 of the package box, in the special frame provided.

Lastly, there are objectives that I need to keep in mind while playing the game.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you start a game, you have a goal (or goals) that you must complete to win. The board shows how many goals you need to win in a month.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If a task is labeled as “mandatory,” you have to complete it to win. You don’t have to decide which other tasks you want to complete at the start of the game. You can wait and see how things develop.

Some tasks stay in play until the group finishes them, while others expire at the end of a month. New tasks will be introduced as the year progresses.

Let’s talk about funding. At the start of each game, you’ll choose Funded Event cards to add to the Player Deck. The number of cards you add is based on your Funding Level. In the first game of January, your Funding Level is 4, but it may change in future games. The minimum funding is 0, and the maximum is 10.

Now, let’s talk about the game calendar.

Hey there! The game calendar is a super helpful tool that you can use to keep track of your progress, victories, defeats, and the players you’re playing with. It’s like your own personal gaming journal! You’ll find the game calendar conveniently located on the back cover of the rulebook.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Reminder Token How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! This nifty little token is here to jog your memory during the game. It’s like a friendly helper that reminds you about important stuff.

The Game Board


The game board is divided into six regions. You can think of them as big chunks of the world, like continents. These regions will become important as we play along.

Objectives Section

Over in one corner of the board, you’ll find a special area where we place objectives. In January, there’s gonna be one objective to start you off. Don’t worry, more objectives will be added and taken away in the months to come.

Disease Tracking Area

This part of the board helps us keep track of the four diseases. It’s where we make changes and updates to how they’re doing.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Feeling the Panic

Cities all over the place are freaking out as these diseases spread like wildfire. It’s pretty scary stuff, let me tell you. When an outbreak happens in a city, guess what? The panic level goes up! And let me tell you, that’s not a good thing. It’s like things go from bad to worse in no time.

So here’s how it works: the first time a city loses it and panics, we stick a level 1 sticker on it. That’s when things start getting unstable, you know? And it’s only downhill from there. We keep adding numbered stickers on top of each other, one after the other. Level 2, level 3, and so on. It’s like the panic just keeps growing, and growing, and growing.

Now, hold on tight, ’cause here’s where it gets even scarier. Those panic levels? They have consequences. Yeah, you heard me right. And the more panic, the worse it gets. Those consequences stack up, compounding each other. It’s like a big ol’ snowball rolling down a hill, gathering more and more trouble along the way.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess Unstable No effect.
How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess Rioting You can’t take Direct Flights or Charter Flights in or out. Research stations are destroyed and can’t be rebuilt.
How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess Collapsing Discard 1 card that matches the color of the city to enter it using the Drive/Ferry action.
How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess Fallen Discard 2 cards that match the color of the city to enter it using the Drive/Ferry action.

I’m here to explain the different levels, or states, in the game Pandemic Legacy Season 1. These levels have different effects on the gameplay that you should be aware of. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

First up, we have the Unstable level. When a city is in this state, it doesn’t have any effect on the game. You can go about your business, no problem.

Next, we have the Rioting level. When a city is in this state, there are some restrictions. You can’t take Direct Flights or Charter Flights to or from that city. Additionally, any research stations in that city are destroyed and you won’t be able to rebuild them. So be careful when dealing with Rioting cities!

Moving on, we have the Collapsing level. When a city is in this state, you need to discard a card that matches the color of the city in order to enter it using the Drive/Ferry action. It’s an extra step, but sometimes it’s necessary to reach your destination.

And finally, we have the Fallen level. When a city is in this state, it’s even more difficult to enter. You need to discard two cards that match the color of the city in order to enter it using the Drive/Ferry action. It’s a tough challenge, but remember, you’re trying to save the world!

So those are the different levels or states you’ll encounter in Pandemic Legacy Season 1. Each level has its own unique effect on the game, so keep them in mind as you navigate through the challenges ahead. Good luck, and happy saving the world!

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When you place the level 2 panic level sticker, the city’s panic level shifts from unstable to rioting.

Meet the Characters

Every player has their own character with unique abilities to boost the team’s odds. At the start of game 1, it’s your turn to create a character.

Creating a character is simple:

  1. Pick a Character card (each card comes with different special abilities).
  2. Give your character a name.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play a game, you create a character to guide you through the adventure. This character stays with you as you progress from one game to the next, forming a connection with you. But what happens if you lose this character?

Let me explain. Sometimes, you may misplace your character or forget about them. It’s like misplacing a favorite toy or losing the key to a treasure chest. It can be frustrating and disheartening.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry. Losing a character from one game doesn’t mean losing them forever. You have the freedom to create new characters for each game and explore different paths. Each character brings a unique perspective and experience to the table, making the game more exciting.

So, if you lose a character, don’t fret. Take it as an opportunity to start fresh and venture into new realms. Embrace the unknown and discover what awaits you. By doing so, you unlock a world full of possibilities and surprises.

Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. And losing a character is just a part of that journey. So, don’t be afraid to let go and welcome new adventures with open arms. Enjoy the ride and make new memories along the way.

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During the game, my character can suffer mental or physical damage. If that happens, I get to choose a scar from the options available and add it to my character’s card. Scarring can occur when my character is in a city that experiences an outbreak, or through other ways that will be explained later in the rules.

If I need to give my character a scar but there’s no room for it on the card, that means my character becomes lost.

Lost Characters

If my character already has the maximum number of scars or if my character is in a city when it falls, my character is considered lost.

When my character is lost, I have to destroy (rip up) the Character card. I can no longer use it in this or any future games. I also have to discard all the cards I have and replace my character pawn with a Civilian card that matches my pawn. Then, I place my pawn in a city that has a research station. It could even be the city I am currently in.

If there are no research stations in play, put yourself in Atlanta. If your character is lost, keep going with your turn and use any actions you have left.

Now, let’s talk about the characters in the game. After you’ve learned how to play, refer to this section for more details about each character.

First up is the Dispatcher.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s what the Dispatcher can do: he can either move any pawn, with the owner’s permission, to a city that already has another pawn in it, or he can move another player’s pawn, also with the owner’s agreement, as if it were his own.

But here’s the thing, the Dispatcher can only move other players’ pawns. He doesn’t have the authority to tell them what actions to take, like treating a disease, for example.

Now, when the Dispatcher moves another player’s pawn as if it were his own, it’s like he’s stepping into their shoes. He takes control and does the moving himself.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m playing as the Dispatcher, I can use the scars and upgrades that belong to him. However, I can’t use the scars and upgrades of the character I’m moving around the board.

If I need to play or discard cards, like for Direct and Charter Flights or to enter a collapsing or fallen city, I have to use the cards in the Dispatcher’s hand. When discarding a card for a Charter Flight, it has to match the city the pawn is moving from.

Now let’s talk about the Generalist.

The Generalist is a character that has slots for 4 different upgrades. This means that I can choose 4 different abilities for the Generalist to have. On top of that, the Generalist gets 5 actions per turn, giving me plenty of opportunities to make moves.

And then we have the Medic.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that the Medic can remove all cubes of the same color when they treat diseases? Pretty cool, right?

But that’s not all! If a disease has been cured, the Medic has an even more awesome ability. Just by entering a city or being there, the Medic automatically removes all cubes of that color from the city. No action required!

And here’s the best part: the Medic also stops any disease cubes (and outbreaks) of cured diseases from being placed in their location. Talk about a superpower! And the best part is that this happens during other players’ turns too. The Medic is always on the job!

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I’m a Scientist. All I need is 4 City cards of the same disease color to find a Cure.

If you’re a Researcher, things get even easier for you. You can give any City card from your hand to another player in the same city. Sharing is caring!

As a Scientist, my job is to use my expertise to find cures for diseases. By collecting 4 City cards of the same color, I can make a breakthrough and discover a cure. It’s like putting together the missing pieces of a puzzle.

But here’s the twist: as a Scientist, I only need 4 cards instead of the usual 5. This special ability allows me to work more efficiently and find cures faster. I guess you could say I have a knack for this kind of thing.

And if you’re a Researcher, you have a unique role to play too. You can use your knowledge to assist your fellow players. By giving any City card from your hand to another player in the same city, you can help them in their quest to find a cure. It’s all about teamwork, after all.

So, whether you’re a Scientist or a Researcher, you have an important role to play in this battle against diseases. By working together, we can find the cures and save humanity. So let’s get out there and make a difference!

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When you do the Share Knowledge action, you can give any City card from your hand to another player in the same city as you. It doesn’t matter if the card matches your own city. The transfer has to be from your hand to the other player’s hand, but it can happen on either player’s turn.


You might notice that some steps are missing. They’ll be added later.

Read The Mission Briefing

Set Out The Board And Pieces
Place Outbreaks, Cure Markers, And Objectives
Place Infection Rate Marker And Infect 9 Cities

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Okay, here’s the deal. We need to set up the game board for some serious pandemic action. First things first, we gotta place that infection rate marker on the left-most “2” space on the Infection Rate Track. This marker is gonna help us keep track of how bad things are getting.

Now, time to shuffle up those Infection cards. Once they’re all mixed up, we’re gonna flip over 3 of them. For each of these cards, we’ll place 3 disease cubes of the same color on the matching city. You know, just to get things started off on a chaotic note.

But we’re not done yet! We’re gonna flip over 3 more cards and this time, we’ll put 2 disease cubes on each of those cities. And just for some extra challenge, let’s flip over 3 MORE cards and put 1 disease cube on each of those cities. All in all, we’re gonna be placing a total of 18 disease cubes, one for each city. Make sure the color matches!

Oh, and don’t forget about the Infection Discard Pile. We’re gonna place those 9 cards faceup on there. Now, the rest of the Infection cards, they make up the Infection Deck. They’re waiting for their turn to wreak havoc. Brace yourself!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Use disease cubes that match the colors on the cards.

When I play this game, one thing I always have to remember is to use disease cubes that match the colors on the cards. It’s crucial to pay attention to which cubes go where, so you don’t accidentally mix things up and make a mess. By using the correct cubes, you can effectively combat the spread of disease and keep it under control.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Choose Funded Events, Add to Deck, and Deal Player Cards

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMessTogether, we’ll pick the Funded Event cards to go in our Player Deck. The Deck can hold as many cards as our funding level allows. (At the start, our funding level is 4). We’ll shuffle these Event cards with the City cards and distribute them among the players, forming their starting hands. The number of cards each player receives depends on how many of us are playing:

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Prepare the Player Deck

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Alright, here’s what you need to do: take the rest of the cards, the ones that haven’t been dealt, and divide them into five piles. Try to make the piles as equal in size as possible. Now, take an Epidemic card and shuffle it into each pile, making sure they’re all facedown. Next, stack these piles together to create the Player Deck. Make sure to put the smaller piles at the bottom of the stack.

Now it’s time to select your characters and starting location.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get started! First, each of you needs to pick a character and a player color. You’ll also get a Reference card and a pawn to represent your character on the board. Put your pawns on any research station you want, but remember that everyone has to start together. We’ll begin our first game in Atlanta, so if there are any extra character cards and pawns, just put them back in the box. Oh, and if there aren’t any research stations, we’ll start in the ruins of Atlanta.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Use the Game Winning Bonus
Let’s Start Playing

How to Play the Game

When I play the game, I have to go through three steps during my turn:

  1. I get to do four actions.
  2. I draw two Player cards.
  3. I infect cities.

Once I’m done infecting cities, it’s the next player’s turn, starting from the player on my left.

While we play, we can give each other advice. It’s good to share opinions and ideas. But in the end, it’s up to the player whose turn it is to decide what to do.

In my hand, I can hold City cards and Event cards. I can use City cards for some actions, and Event cards can be played at any time.


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Guess what? You can do up to 4 things every turn!

Here’s a list of actions you can choose from. You can mix and match them however you want! If you want to do the same action multiple times, go for it! Each time you do it counts as 1 action. Keep in mind that your character’s special abilities might affect how an action is performed. Oh, and if an action requires you to discard a card from your hand, don’t worry! All those discards go to the Player Discard Pile.

Movement Actions

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Getting Around: Drive or Ferry

If you want to go from one city to another, you have a couple of options. One way is to drive to a nearby city that is connected by a white line on the map. This white line represents a road or highway that connects the two cities. By choosing this option, you can jump in your car and hit the open road, enjoying the freedom of driving and exploring the landscape along the way.

Another option is to take a ferry. A ferry is like a big boat that can carry people and vehicles across bodies of water, like rivers or lakes. If you want to go to a city that is not connected by a road, you can hop on a ferry and sail across the water to your destination. Cruising on a ferry can be a fun and scenic experience, as you get to see the water and enjoy the fresh air.

So, whether you prefer the adventure of a road trip or the tranquility of a ferry ride, you have two great options for getting around and exploring new places.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I often find it fascinating how a simple white line on a board can magically connect distant cities. It’s like the line has a mind of its own, stretching across the map and uniting places that are worlds apart.

Take, for instance, Sydney and Los Angeles. These two cities may be located on opposite sides of the globe, but they are brought together by this enigmatic line. It starts in Sydney, glides across vast oceans and continents, and magically reappears in the bustling streets of Los Angeles. It’s as if the line defies the constraints of geography, effortlessly bridging the gap between countries and cultures.

When I ponder this phenomenon, I can’t help but wonder about the stories and connections that have been forged along this vast network of lines. People from different backgrounds and walks of life have traversed these paths, leaving behind echoes of their journeys and experiences. The line becomes a testament to the intricate web of human connection that spans the globe.

So, the next time you glance at a map and see these white lines crisscrossing the page, remember the extraordinary power they hold. They are more than just a means of transportation; they are a symbol of unity and possibility. They remind us that the world is vast, yet interconnected, and that we are all part of a greater tapestry.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Direct Flight

When you have a City card in your hand, you can use it to travel directly to the city written on the card. Just discard the City card and you’re on your way! Well, almost. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when using a Direct Flight.

First, you can’t use a Direct Flight card to fly in or out of a city that is going through some serious trouble. If the city is rioting, collapsing, or fallen, you’ll have to find another way to get there. Trust me, you don’t want to be caught up in all that chaos.

So, before you start planning your epic trip, make sure to check the status of the city you want to visit. If everything looks good, go ahead and use your Direct Flight card to make the journey. It’s a quick and convenient way to get where you need to go.

Just remember, not all City cards are created equal. Each card represents a different city, so choose the one that’s right for you. And if you want to take your adventure to the next level, there are plenty of other cards and strategies you can explore. But that’s a story for another day.

For now, enjoy your Direct Flight and safe travels!

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Charter Flight

When I’m in a city, I can use a Charter Flight to go anywhere. The catch is that I have to discard a City card that matches the one I’m currently in. This means that I can’t use a Charter Flight to travel to a city that is in chaos, like if it’s rioting, collapsing, or fallen. It’s like having a special pass that allows me to go wherever I want, as long as it’s not a dangerous place.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Take a Ride on the Shuttle

I need to tell you something pretty cool. Did you know that you can hop on a shuttle and go from one city with a research station to another city with a research station? It’s true and it’s really useful!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Creating a Solid Foundation

When you’re designing a website, one crucial step is to build a solid structure. The structure is like the foundation of a house – it provides the framework that holds everything together and ensures that your website functions properly.

To create a well-organized structure, you need to consider a few key elements. Firstly, it’s essential to have a clear hierarchy. This means organizing your content in a logical and organized manner, with the most important information at the top and the least important at the bottom.

Next, you should think about navigation. Navigation refers to the menus and links that allow users to move around your website. It’s important to make sure that your navigation is intuitive and easy to use, so visitors can find the information they’re looking for without getting lost or confused.

Another element to consider is consistency. Consistency means using the same design elements and formatting throughout your website. This helps create a cohesive and unified look, making your website more visually appealing.

Additionally, you should think about responsiveness. In today’s world where people access websites on different devices, it’s crucial that your website looks and functions well on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This means designing your website to be responsive, adjusting to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Finally, accessibility is another essential factor to consider. Your website should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This means ensuring that your website is compatible with assistive technologies like screen readers and providing alternatives for non-text content like images.

By taking these factors into account, you can create a well-structured website that is easy to navigate, visually appealing, responsive, and accessible to all users. Building a solid structure is a fundamental step in the web design process, and it lays the groundwork for a successful and effective website. So, remember to pay attention to these elements as you embark on your web design journey.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re in a city, you can get rid of a structure that matches that city. In January, the only structures you can use are research stations. But don’t worry, more options will become available as the game progresses. Simply take a structure from the pile next to the board.

If all the structures of a certain type have already been built, you can still get one for your current city by taking it from anywhere on the board. Remember, each city can only have one of each type of structure.

Dealing with Disease

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I am in a city, I can remove 1 disease cube from it and put it back in the cube supply. But, if the disease color of the cube I remove has been cured, then I must remove all cubes of that color from the city I am in.

Even if there are multiple cured diseases with cubes in a city, I still have to treat each cured color separately to remove all the cubes.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If we take out the last cube of a cured disease from the board, that means we’ve totally gotten rid of it. We can show this by flipping the cure marker over to the “cured” side.

The first time we successfully get rid of a disease, we get to give it a new name! We can write this name on the board in the disease tracking area. And here’s a neat bonus: when we eradicate a disease, we can choose to give it a positive mutation at the end of the game. But remember, we can only do this for diseases that we eradicated in the game we just played.

It’s not necessary to eradicate a disease in order to win the game. But, when a city that had an eradicated disease gets infected again, no new disease cubes are added there. On the other hand, if we remove the last cube from a disease that hasn’t been cured, nothing happens.

Now let’s talk about sharing knowledge!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

There are two ways you can do this action:

  • You can give the City card that matches the city you are in to another player.
  • You can take the City card that matches the city you are in from another player.

The other player has to be in the same city as you, and both of you need to agree to do this.

If the player who receives the card now has more than 7 cards, they have to immediately get rid of a card or play an Event card.

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s the deal: If you and I are in Moscow and you have the Moscow City card, you can give it to me. But, if I already have the Moscow card and we’re both in Moscow, then I can take it from you. Just remember, we have to agree before swapping cards.

Find the Remedy

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, when you’re at a research station, you can do something super important to help fight diseases. All you have to do is get rid of 5 City cards that have the same color from your hand. This will cure the disease of that color. Pretty cool, right?

Here’s the really neat part: once you’ve cured a disease, you’ll cover up the disease icon (the one at the top of the disease tracking area) with a matching cure marker. If there aren’t any cubes of that color left on the board, it means the disease is completely gone! In that case, you’ll flip the cure marker to its eradicated side. Eliminated, gone, poof!

Now, sometimes things can get a little easier. If there are positive mutations, you won’t even need to take any extra actions to discover a cure. You can just discard the cards you need right away, even if it’s not your turn. Quick and efficient!

Even after a disease is cured, its cubes will still stick around on the board. And don’t worry, new cubes can still show up during epidemics or infections. But, here’s the good news: treating a cured disease is a lot simpler. So, we keep fighting and figuring out how to beat these nasty diseases!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Get Some New Cards

Once I’ve completed 4 actions, I get the chance to add some fresh cards to my collection. To do this, I simply draw the top 2 cards from the Player Deck at the same time. It’s an exciting moment when I see what new possibilities await me!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re ready to draw cards, it’s important to keep in mind that if there are fewer than 2 cards left in the Player Deck, the game will end and your team will lose. This means you should always be aware of how many cards are left in the deck before you start drawing.

It’s a bit perplexing to think that the game could end so quickly if you’re not paying attention to the deck. But that’s just one of the double-edged swords of the game; it keeps you on your toes and challenges your ability to strategize efficiently.

So, before you make your move, take a quick peek at the Player Deck and make sure there are still a couple of cards left. If there aren’t, well, unfortunately, you’ll need to accept defeat and try again. But don’t worry, practice makes perfect!

How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Epidemic Cards

When you draw any Epidemic cards, don’t add them to your hand, and don’t draw replacement cards. Instead, follow these steps:

  1. Increase: Move the infection rate marker ahead by 1 space on the Infection Rate Track.
  2. Infect: Take the bottom card from the Infection Deck and place 3 disease cubes of the indicated color on that city. Discard that card.
  3. Intensify: Shuffle the cards in the Infection Discard Pile, and then place them on top of the Infection Deck. This creates a new discard pile.

Epidemic cards are serious business. They speed up the spread of diseases and make the game more challenging. So, when one comes up, buckle up and get ready for a tougher battle!

  • Infect: When I infect a city, I draw the bottom card from the Infection Deck. If the disease color hasn’t been wiped out yet, I place 3 disease cubes of that color on the city mentioned on the card. However, if the city already has cubes of that color, I don’t add 3 more. Instead, I add enough cubes so that there are a total of 3 cubes of that color in the city. When this happens, an outbreak of the disease occurs in the city. After infecting the city, I discard the card into the Infection Discard Pile. It’s crucial to note that if I can’t put the required number of cubes on the board because there aren’t enough cubes in the supply, the game ends and we lose! This can happen during an epidemic, an outbreak, or when infecting cities (more about outbreaks and infections below).
  • When I want to intensify the challenge in the game, I shuffle only the cards in the Infection Discard Pile and place them on top of the Infection Deck. Remember to draw cards from the bottom of the Infection Deck and then reshuffle only the Infection Discard Pile, putting it on top of the existing Infection Deck.

    It’s rare, but sometimes I might draw 2 Epidemic cards at once. If that happens, I follow all three steps above once and then again.

    In this case, the second Epidemic card’s Infection card will be the only card that “reshuffles” and ends up on top of the Infection Deck. During the Infections phase, an outbreak will occur in this city, unless I play an Event card to prevent it.

    Once I resolve any Epidemic cards, I discard them.

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Infectious Diseases

    Let’s talk about infections. They can spread quickly and cause a lot of trouble. When we’re dealing with infections, it’s important to take quick action to stop them from spreading further.

    So, here’s what we need to do. I’m going to flip over some Infection cards from the top of the deck. The number of cards I flip over depends on the current infection rate. You can find the infection rate marker on the Infection Rate Track.

    Each card I flip over represents a city that’s being infected. To infect a city, I’ll place a disease cube that matches its color onto the city. But if the disease has already been eradicated, we don’t need to worry about it. However, if a city already has three cubes of the same color, things get a little more complicated.

    In that case, instead of placing a fourth cube, an outbreak of the disease occurs in the city. This is not good news. We’ll need to discard the card that caused the outbreak and move it to the Infection Discard Pile. It’s important to keep track of how many outbreaks happen, as they can make things even worse.

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess


    Hey there! Let’s talk about outbreaks. When a disease outbreak happens, we need to take some action. First, we move the outbreaks marker forward by 1 space on the Outbreaks Track. Then, we put 1 cube of the disease color on each city that is connected to the affected city.

    But wait, there’s a catch! If any of those connected cities already have 3 cubes of the same disease color, we don’t add a 4th cube to them. We want to avoid making things worse, right? Instead, in those cities, something called a chain reaction outbreak occurs after the current outbreak is resolved.

    During a chain reaction outbreak, first, we move the outbreaks marker forward by 1 space (so we can keep track of what’s happening). Then, we place cubes on the connected cities, just like before. But there’s a twist: we don’t add a cube to cities that have already had an outbreak (or a chain reaction outbreak) while we were dealing with the current Infection card.

    Now, here’s something interesting. When there are outbreaks, a city might end up having cubes of multiple colors on it. Imagine, up to 3 cubes of each color! This can make things pretty intense and challenging.

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When the outbreaks marker reaches the last space of the Outbreaks Track, it’s game over for us!

    Increase Panic Level

    We need to raise the panic level in all cities that have an outbreak. If the game would end because of outbreaks, we only have to worry about increasing the panic level for the first 8 outbreaks. However, if there are more than 8 cities that outbreak due to chain reactions, we have the power to choose which cities will have outbreaks and increase their panic level. We stop once we reach the 8th outbreak.

    If a city’s panic level reaches level 2, we have to take action. We remove any research station that is currently in that city. Additionally, if there was a starting research station sticker in that city, we need to cover it up with a destroyed research station sticker.

    When an outbreak happens in a city with a panic level of 5, we don’t place a sticker, but we still have to resolve the outbreak.

    In future iterations of the game, cities may become cut off from neighboring cities, preventing outbreaks from spreading. In these cases, the panic level in the isolated city is heightened, but the outbreak tracker remains unaffected.

    Scan For Injuries

    If a character happens to be in an outbreaking city, they will acquire an injury.

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When Your Turn Ends

    Once I have infected cities and used up my Infection cards, my turn is finished. Then it’s your turn, starting from the player on my left.

    The Game’s Conclusion

    You are victorious once you fulfill the required number of objectives. The game concludes immediately, even if it happens to be in the middle of someone’s turn or during a string of outbreaks.

    There are various ways for the game to end and for us to be defeated:

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    • As soon as the marker on the Outbreaks Track reaches the final space,
    • If you are unable to place all the required disease cubes on the board. No more cubes or outbreaks occur after this,
    • If a player cannot draw 2 Player cards after taking their actions.
    When We Win the Game
    • We receive the Win Bonus for the next month, which is described on cards in the Legacy deck.
    • We start our next game at the beginning of the next month.
    • Our Funding Level decreases by 2 (minimum of 0) since we have the situation under control.
    • We record our new funding level.
    If We Lose the Game
    • If this is your first time playing the month, give it another shot. If not, move on to the next month for your next game.
    • Your Funding Level goes up by 2 (maximum of 10) because this mess needs fixing in a hurry.
    • Note your new funding level.
    • Choose two upgrades (see next section).
    • Discard all City cards. These will reset for the next game. Don’t put any Legacy cards back in the Legacy deck, even if playing the same month. Just pick up where you left off in the Legacy deck.
    • If you’re replaying the same month, your mission briefing and objectives remain the same.

    Game End Upgrades

    When you finish a game, you have the option to pick two upgrades. The upgrades you choose can be the same.

    Unfunded Events

    You can select an event sticker to add to any City card in your Player Deck. This sticker will turn that card into both a City card and an Event card. Therefore, you can use it as either one, but not both. These City/Event cards are always available, regardless of the funding level. Just remember, each City card can only have one sticker.

    Starting Research Stations

    To start a game with a research station in a city, select that city and add a starting research station sticker. In all future games, every city with this sticker will automatically begin with a research station. When placing a starting research station sticker, position it near the city, just like the one that’s already printed on the board for Atlanta. Be sure not to place it in a panic level sticker box.

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Character Upgrades

    Hey there! Let’s talk about character upgrades. Upgrades are like power boosts for your characters in the game. Each character can have up to 2 upgrades, except for the Generalist who can have 4. Cool, right? You can stick an upgrade right on top of an existing one. But remember, you can only apply upgrades to characters that were in the last game you played.

    Positive Mutations

    Now let’s dive into positive mutations. If you managed to get rid of a disease in the game, you can give that disease a special boost called a positive mutation. This boost makes it easier to find a cure for that disease in future games. To give a disease a positive mutation, just stick the special sticker on the disease tracking area of the game board. It’s like giving the disease a superpower!

    When a disease gets the Efficient to Sequence mutation, something cool happens. As soon as a player discards the necessary number of cards to cure that disease, it’s automatically cured. It doesn’t even require an action and can even happen on another player’s turn. So keep an eye out for that mutation! It can really turn the tide in your favor.

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Cards I Use While Playing

    The Cards in My Hand

    When I play the game, I get to add stickers to my City cards. Each City card can have one sticker. When I play a City card with a sticker, I have to choose whether it’s being played as a City card or if I want to use the special effect of the sticker. But I can’t do both!

    I can always check the discard piles when I want to.

    The Number of Cards I Can Hold

    If I ever have more than 7 cards in my hand (after I’ve handled any Epidemic cards I might have drawn), I need to get rid of some cards or play Event cards until I’m back down to 7 cards in my hand (Event cards are explained later).

    Only the Player cards I have count toward my hand limit.

    My Special Event Cards

    I can play an Event card at any time during the game, but playing an Event card doesn’t use up one of my actions. I get to decide how I want to use each Event card. However, I can’t play an Event card in between drawing a card and taking care of whatever happens next.

    Example: When there’s an infection, the first Infection card I draw causes an outbreak. Unfortunately, I can’t play the Remote Treatment to stop it. However, after the outbreak happens, I can use the Remote Treatment before revealing the next Infection card.

    Once I play an Event card, I have to discard it in the Player Discard Pile.


    Each city can have one of each type of structure.

    Research Stations How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you want to use the Discover a Cure action, you’ll have to be at a research station. If you need to get to another research station, you can use the Shuttle Flight action. If a city is rioting, you’ll need to destroy the research station there. If it was a starting research station, you’ll replace the starting research station sticker with a destroyed research station sticker. Keep in mind that you can’t build a research station in a city that is rioting, collapsing, or fallen.

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Rules That Are Often Overlooked

    When playing the game, there are some rules that often go unnoticed. It’s important to be aware of these rules because they can have a big impact on gameplay. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

    • After drawing an Epidemic card, you do not draw a replacement card. This is an easy rule to forget, but it’s an important one!
    • When discovering a cure, you can do it at any Research Station. The color of the city where the station is located does not need to match the disease you are curing.
    • If you and another player are both in the same city, you can take a card from them on your turn. The card you take must match the city you are in.
    • If you and the Researcher are both in the same city, you can take any City card from them. This rule only applies to the Researcher.
    • Remember, your hand limit applies immediately after taking a card from another player. Don’t forget to manage your hand size!
    • If a city outbreaks while you are in it, your character gains a scar. This is an important consequence of outbreaks!

    What Happens If We Make a Mistake and Can’t Go Back?

    Most of the time, it won’t make a big difference. If there’s a little bit of confusion with the rules or if a card is missing from the deck, it won’t have a major impact on your game. Just take note of it and keep playing.

    But sometimes, when a rule is missing or misunderstood, the entire game can become too easy or too difficult. In these situations, it’s important for the group to decide whether to increase or decrease the funding for the next game. If the game was accidentally made too hard, you might want to allocate more resources for the next one. Conversely, if the game was too easy, you may want to reduce the funding for the next game.

    Game Calendar

    How to play Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Winning means moving forward to the next month and reducing your funding by 2 units.

    If you happen to lose during the first half of the month, continue playing in the second half and boost your funding by 2 units.

    If you lose during the second half of the month, you will need to increase your funding by 2 units and then move on to the next month. Remember, your funding cannot go below 0 or exceed 10 units.

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