How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Pandemic Contagion Game Rules

Hi there! Are you excited to learn the rules of the Pandemic Contagion game? Great! I’m here to guide you through the basics so that you can start playing right away. Let’s dive in!


The goal of the Pandemic Contagion game is to work together with other players to prevent the outbreak of several deadly diseases worldwide and save humanity. Sounds pretty challenging, doesn’t it?

Game Components

Before we get into how to play the game, let me go over the components you’ll find in the box. You’ll have a game board representing different cities, disease cards, player pawns, infection dice, event cards, and a player aid card. Each component plays a unique role in the game, so pay attention!

Game Setup

Now that you’re familiar with the game components, let’s set up the game. Place the game board in the center of the table and give each player a pawn of their chosen color. Shuffle the disease cards and infect the starting cities according to the drawn cards. Lastly, distribute the event cards to each player and place the infection dice nearby.


Here comes the exciting part: gameplay! Each player will take turns performing actions to help control the diseases. On your turn, you can do things like treating diseases, traveling between cities, using special abilities, and sharing knowledge with other players. But be careful! The diseases can spread quickly, and if you’re not careful, an outbreak might occur!

The players will also face challenges as they draw the infection cards, which can intensify the spread of diseases. To succeed, you’ll have to work together, strategize, and plan your moves wisely to prevent the diseases from overwhelming the world.

Winning and Losing

To win the game, you and your fellow players need to discover all the cures for the diseases before they become unmanageable. However, if too many outbreaks occur or if the diseases spiral out of control, humanity will face a devastating loss. So, stay focused, collaborate, and give it your all!


Now that you know the Pandemic Contagion game rules, it’s time to gather your friends and embark on this thrilling cooperative adventure. Remember to work together, plan ahead, and adapt to the changing circumstances.

Good luck, and may you save humanity from the brink of disaster!

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • There are 60 Contagion cards
  • There are 24 City cards
  • There are 12 Event cards
  • There are 6 WHO cards
  • There are 5 Player disease boards
  • There are 5 Score markers
  • There are 5 Petri dishes
  • There are 75 Player disease cubes
  • There is 1 Scoring board
  • There are Instructions

Setting Up the Game

for 3 – 5 players

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s determine who will go first, using any method you prefer.

Now it’s time for each of us to choose a color and grab our supplies. You will need a Petri dish, a score marker, a player board, and 15 disease cubes. Here’s what you need to do:

Put one disease cube on the Level 1 position of each mutation on your player board.

Put your Petri dish in the circle on your player board and place your remaining 12 disease cubes inside.

Put your score marker next to the “1” space on the scoring board.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get this game started! Everyone, grab your cards. You ready? Great!

First, let’s shuffle the Contagion cards and deal four to each player. Make sure to keep the rest of the cards aside as a draw pile.

Now, it’s time to set up the board. We need to shuffle the City cards and deal them face-up on the table. The number of City cards will depend on the table below. Don’t forget to put the remaining cards aside.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to playing the game, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Firstly, the number of city cards dealt depends on the number of players. For example, if there are 3 players, 8 city cards are dealt. If there are 4 players, it’s 9 city cards, and for 5 players, it’s 10 city cards.

Next, each player places one of their disease cubes in a city of their choice, starting with the last player and moving counter-clockwise.

Now, let’s talk about the cards. There are two types: Event cards and WHO cards. You need to shuffle them separately and remove 3 of each type from the game without looking. After that, take the remaining cards and build the Event deck from the bottom up. The deck should consist of 1 WHO card, then 3 Event cards, followed by 1 WHO card and 3 Event cards, and finally, 1 WHO card and 3 Event cards. In total, you should have 12 cards in the deck.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get started!

The Goal of the Game

In Contagion, I am a deadly disease on a mission to wipe out humanity. My ultimate aim is to have the highest death toll (score) by the end of the game in order to win.

How to Play

Every round begins with me revealing the top card from the Event deck and reading it aloud for all players. This card becomes active for the current round.

Starting with the first player, I resolve the event described on the card and take two actions. Once I’m done, the game continues in a clockwise direction.

Available Actions

During my turn, I can choose any two actions out of the three available. I can repeat actions if I wish.

  • Draw Cards
  • Infect A City
  • Mutate Your Disease

Note:If I find myself unable to take any actions on my turn, I simply draw one card and pass it on.

Getting CardsHow to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play the game, you can draw cards from the Contagion cards pile based on how many mutations you have in your Incubation. If you need to, you can discard cards until you have a maximum of 9 cards in your hand. If there are no more cards left in the Contagion draw pile, you’ll have to shuffle the cards from the discard pile to create a fresh pile.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal: I drew 2 Contagion cards because my incubation mutation is at level 2. Cool, right?

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMessTime to Infect a City

Now, let’s get down to business. When it comes to infecting a city, you need to place a certain number of cubes, depending on your Infection level. The player who infects a city first gets to put their cubes on the top row of the City card. The second player, well, you guessed it – their cubes go on the second row, and so on.

In my situation, my current Infection level is 3. So, I’ll place my 3 cubes on the second row of the City card because I was the second player to infect it. Simple, right? Now you’re getting the hang of it!

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to spreading infections in the game, there are two options available to me. I can infect a new city or a city that I am already infecting.

  • New city: To infect a new city, I need to discard 2 cards of the same color as the city I want to infect. Then, I place my disease cube(s) on the top row of that city, if available.
  • City I am currently infecting: If I want to continue infecting a city that I’ve already started, I need to discard 1 card of the same color as that city. Then, I place my disease cube(s) next to the existing cubes on the City card of that city.

Wild: I also have the option to use any 2 cards to simulate 1 card of any color. This can be helpful in certain situations.

Let’s say, for example, I’m using the Blue disease. If I want to place three cubes in Jakarta, I could either discard 2 Blue cards (since it matches the city’s color), or I could discard 1 Blue card and 2 cards of any other color, or I could even discard 4 cards of any colors. It gives me some flexibility!

Note: Sometimes, something happens or a special action occurs that makes me remove all of my cubes from a city. In that case, I have to move up all the other player’s disease cubes that were below me by one row.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMessGive Your Disease a Boost

My disease can change and become stronger in three different ways. When the mutation levels increase, my disease gets more powerful.

If I want to give my disease a boost, I can move one of my disease’s three mutations to the next level. To do this, I have to discard some cards (it can be any color) that add up to the same value as the next level’s cost.

I can only move up one level at a time, with each action I take.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m going to tell you about an example. Blue needs to get rid of 4 cards of any color to level up the Incubation mutation from level 3 to level 4. It’s a mutation that affects the game, Pandemic Contagion. Here’s an image showing how to play the game:

[Image of how to play Pandemic Contagion]

Now let me explain the Incubation mutation in more detail.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about the number of Contagion cards you can draw when using the Draw Cards action.

When the germs spread

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I want to talk to you about a really important topic – the number of disease cubes you can put in a city when you use the Infect a City action. It’s something you should definitely take into account when playing this game.

Resistance is a key factor here. You see, the more resistant a city is, the more disease cubes you can place there. A city with low resistance can only hold a few cubes, while a highly resistant city can handle a lot more.

But how do you know how resistant a city is? It’s actually quite simple. Just look at the resistance level indicated by the game. It will tell you if the city is low, moderate, or high in resistance. This information is crucial for deciding how many cubes you want to place in each city.

Now, why is all of this so important? Well, the number of disease cubes you place in a city will determine how quickly the disease spreads. If you don’t put enough cubes in a city, the disease might not spread as quickly as you want. On the other hand, if you put too many cubes in a city, the disease could spread too fast and become uncontrollable.

So, it’s all about finding the right balance. You want to strategically place enough cubes in each city to keep the game challenging and exciting, but not too many that it becomes overwhelming.

That’s why understanding the resistance level of each city is crucial. It allows you to make informed decisions and strategically control the spread of the disease.

Remember, the number of disease cubes you place in a city can have a big impact on the game. So, take the resistance level into account and choose wisely!

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to protecting your cards, cubes, or mutations from Event and WHO cards, you need to consider your resistance.

The Power of Resistance

Your disease’s resistance is what allows you to shield your elements (cards, cubes, mutations) from the effects of Event or WHO cards.

Each resistance level lets you protect a specific number of elements. For example, if you have a resistance level of 3, you can safeguard up to 3 cubes. However, whenever you utilize your resistance, you must lower its level by one.

Let me give you an example. Imagine the WHO card announces the discovery of a cure, and as a result, all players must remove 4 disease cubes. You, as Blue, have 3 cubes in different cities, and your Resistance is at level 2. In this situation, you decide to decrease your Resistance to level 1, saving 2 cubes in the process.

Now, since your Resistance is at Level 1, you still have the option to lower it further to Level 0, thus protecting your last cube.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Event Cards

I have something exciting to introduce to you today – event cards! You might be wondering, “What are event cards?” Well, let me tell you all about them.

So, picture this – you’re planning a party or a special occasion, and you want to add some extra fun and excitement. That’s where event cards come in. They are like little surprises that you can incorporate into your event to make it even more memorable.

Event cards can be used in a variety of ways. For example, you can create a deck of cards with different activities or challenges written on each card. Whenever a guest draws a card, they have to perform the task or complete the challenge. It could be anything from telling a funny joke to doing a dance-off. The possibilities are endless!

You can also use event cards to give out special privileges or rewards. For instance, you can hand out “VIP” cards to a select group of guests, granting them access to exclusive areas or services. It’s a great way to make certain guests feel extra special and appreciated.

Another fun way to use event cards is to create a scavenger hunt. Imagine giving each guest a card with a clue or riddle on it, leading them to the next card and so on. It adds an element of surprise and adventure to the event, keeping everyone engaged and entertained.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits of using event cards. First and foremost, they add an extra layer of excitement and intrigue to your event. Those unexpected moments and challenges can really elevate the overall experience and make it more memorable for everyone involved.

Event cards also encourage interaction and connection among your guests. When people have a shared activity or challenge to complete, it brings them together and sparks conversations. It’s a fantastic way to break the ice and create a fun and inclusive atmosphere.

Additionally, event cards allow you to customize and personalize your event. You can tailor the activities or challenges to fit the theme or purpose of your event. Whether it’s a birthday party, a corporate gathering, or a charity event, event cards can be designed to suit any occasion.

So, if you’re looking to add a touch of excitement and surprise to your next event, give event cards a try. Whether you use them for activities, rewards, or scavenger hunts, they are sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests. Get creative, have fun, and let the event cards do their magic!

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to the spread of your disease, there are various factors that can influence it, including political, weather, or social events. These events can have both positive and negative effects on the spread.

One important element in the game is the Event cards. When an Event card is revealed, it becomes active and needs to be resolved during each player’s turn for the next round.

It’s important to note that when there is a difference between the cards and the rules, you should always follow what the cards say.

New City How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Whenever an Event card shows a City symbol, a new City card is added to the play area from the City deck. This is the only time new cities are introduced into the game.

Who Cards

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The World Health Organization has a big goal: to get rid of diseases. That’s why it’s important to pay attention when a WHO card is shown. When that happens, the card becomes active, and it has to be dealt with during everyone’s turn in the next round of the game.

There’s something you need to know about WHO cards: if one of them tells you to remove disease cubes, you have to get rid of all of them, if you can. It doesn’t matter if they’re in different cities.

How Points Are Scored

As you play the game, you’ll have chances to earn points when there’s a Death Toll or City Eradication. You can use the scoring board to keep track of your points.

Death Toll Scoring How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

At the start of each round, you’ll turn over an Event card. If the second one with a Skull & Bones appears on the card, you score all the infected cities right away. It happens again with the fourth and sixth Skull & Bones on Event cards.

So here’s the deal: whoever has the most disease cubes on a city will get the smallest number of points on the card. If there’s a tie, the person who played on the city first (the one closest to the top of the card) is the winner.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I want to talk about something that might surprise you. You don’t have to show Skulls & Bones consecutively to earn points for Death Toll. Isn’t that interesting?

Destroying a City

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that each city has a population number? It’s measured in millions, which represents the maximum number of disease cubes that can be placed on that city. That’s a lot of infected people!

Once the number of disease cubes matches the city’s population, you can’t put any more cubes there. It makes sense, right? There’s no one left to infect!

Now, let’s talk about City card actions. When you place the final disease cube on a city, you get to play a City card action. It’s like a special move that you can use to your advantage. Some of these cards can be played immediately after scoring, and they’re set aside face down on the table.

But wait, there’s more! You can also find cards that you can play whenever you want. These work the same way as the immediate cards, but the difference is that you get to keep and save them for later. Pretty neat, huh?

In the game, you have two actions to take each turn, but using City cards doesn’t count towards those actions. You can play City cards for free. If there is a conflict between the rules and the cards, always follow what the cards say.

Remember: Resistance doesn’t protect you from City card actions.

Scoring City Eradication

When we score for City Eradication, we count the points for that particular city. The player with the most disease cubes scores the full population number. The player with the second most disease cubes gets the second lowest number of points.

The player with the third highest number of disease cubes scores the third lowest number of points. If there is a tie, the player who played on the city first (the one closest to the top of the card) wins the tiebreaker, just like in a Death Toll scoring. After scoring, players get their disease cubes back.

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s an example: Yellow gets 8 points.

Blue and Red are tied, but since Blue infected the city first, she gets 5 points.

Then Red scores 3 points.

Because Red played the last cube needed to wipe out the city, he can now use the special action of the City card.

Game Over

The game ends when the last WHO card is revealed OR when there are only two cities left on the table at any time. Complete the round and end the game.

Throughout the game, players earn points for Death Tolls and City Eradications, and track them on the scoring board.

At the end of the game, there is a final Death Toll scoring for all remaining infected cities.

Add to this: the total of each Mutation level achieved during the game. This final total determines your overall score.

When it comes to determining the winner, the person with the highest score overall will win. If there is a tie, the player with the highest cumulative total of all three mutations will be the winner. And if there’s still a tie, both players can celebrate their shared victory.

For 2 Players

How to play Pandemic Contagion Official Rules UltraFoodMess

To get started, remove any City cards that don’t have the icon in the bottom right corner. Now, take the remaining cards and shuffle them. Next, place six City cards face up on the table, and set the rest aside for now.

Before revealing the Event card at the beginning of each round, there’s one more thing to do. Turn over a Contagion card and put a disease cube of a neutral color in a city that matches the card. If there are multiple cities of that color, place the cube in the one with the highest population number. If there’s no matching city, keep drawing cards until you find one. Keep in mind that you’ll score the neutral color cube just like you would for any other player.

Remember: The WHO cards won’t have any effect on the neutral color cubes.

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