How to play Orléans Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Orleans Game Rules

I am here to help you understand the rules of the Orleans board game. It’s a fun and strategic game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. In this game, you will be transported back in time to medieval France, where you will take on the role of a merchant. Your goal is to expand your influence and prosper in the city of Orleans.

To begin the game, each player will receive a starting deck of character cards, goods, and followers. These resources will be the foundation of your strategy throughout the game. The game is played over a series of rounds, each consisting of different phases.

During the first phase, you will select character cards from your deck to perform various actions. Each character card represents a different action, such as recruiting followers, acquiring goods, or building structures. You will need to carefully choose which actions are most beneficial to your strategy and plan ahead.

In the second phase, you will resolve the actions of your character cards. This is where your choices come into play. For example, if you chose to recruit followers, you will add them to your pool, increasing your capabilities for future rounds. If you chose to acquire goods, you will add them to your inventory, allowing you to fulfill orders and gain victory points.

The third phase is the planning phase. Here, you will send your followers to various locations on the game board. Each location offers different benefits, such as gaining resources or earning victory points. You must strategize and allocate your followers wisely to maximize your potential.

The fourth phase is the events phase. This is where unexpected events will occur, such as increasing the cost of goods or introducing new challenges. You must adapt to these events and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Finally, in the fifth phase, you will clean up and prepare for the next round. This includes discarding any unused character cards and replenishing your hand.

The game continues over multiple rounds, with players taking turns until a certain number of rounds have been completed. At the end of the final round, players will tally their victory points to determine the winner.

In summary, Orleans is a strategic board game where players take on the role of medieval merchants in France. Through careful planning, resource management, and strategic choices, you must expand your influence and prosper in the city of Orleans. Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey?

  • For this game, you’ll need a large game board, a small “Beneficial Deeds” board, and player boards for each person.
  • You’ll also need followers bags, merchant tokens, trading stations, wooden cubes, character tiles, goods, technology tiles, citizen tiles, coins, place tiles, hour glass tiles, overview cards, a start player token, and a rulebook.

Getting Set Up

So you’re getting ready to play this awesome game called “Caravan,” and you want to make sure you have everything you need to get started. Well, I’ve got you covered! Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

  1. First off, each player will need their own set of essentials: a Followers Bag, 5 coins, a Player Board, 10 Trading Stations, 7 markers (wooden cubes), a Merchant Token, and a set of Followers, which includes a farmer, a Boatman, a Craftsman, and a Trader.

Alright, so now that you know what you need, you’re all set to dive into the exciting world of Caravan and start building your trading empire. Have fun!

First, place your Trading Stations and coins right in front of you. Next, take your 4 Followers of your color and place them on the Market Spaces of your Player Board.

  • Now, get the large game board with all the different places and terrain, as well as the “Beneficial Deeds” board, and put them on the table.
  • Grab the Technology Tiles and stack them neatly on the designated space on the game board.
  • Take out the “Pilgrimage” Tile, which is a lighter hue, from the deck of Hour Glass Tiles. Shuffle the remaining tiles and place them face down on the appropriate space on the game board. Finally, put the “Pilgrimage” Tile on top. Remember, the “Pilgrimage” event will always happen during the first round of the game.
  • Lastly, each player should place one of their markers on the first space of each Character Track as well as the Development Track.
  • Profession-based neutral Character Tiles should be sorted and placed on the buildings that match their occupation on the game board.
  • Hey, check this out!

    I bet you’ve been wondering what to do with all those coins lying around. I mean, we all have them, right? Well, let me tell you, there’s a better solution than just letting them sit there. Put those coins on the table! Keep them close at hand so you can easily access them when you need them. It’s such a simple idea, but it can make a world of difference.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. What’s the point of putting the coins on the table? Well, let me break it down for you. It’s all about convenience. When your coins are scattered all over the place, it’s a pain to find them when you need them. But when you have them all in one spot, right there on the table, you can grab them in a flash. No more rummaging through drawers or emptying out your pockets. Just reach for the table, and there they are.

    But that’s not all. Putting your coins on the table can also help you keep track of them. You know how it goes – you put your coins in a jar or a piggy bank, and then you forget about them. They become out of sight, out of mind. But when you have them on the table, you see them every day. You’re reminded of their presence. And that can actually be a good thing. It keeps you mindful of your finances and helps you stay on top of your game.

    So, there you have it. The simple act of putting your coins on the table can make a big difference in your life. It’s all about convenience and mindfulness. Plus, let’s be honest, it just looks cool. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try and see how it transforms your relationship with your coins. You won’t be disappointed!

  • First, I’ll explain how to set up the game board and the “Beneficial Deeds” board. There are 13 Citizen Tiles that need to be placed on specific spaces on the game board. Make sure you do this correctly. The last tile should be put aside for now.
  • Next, you’ll need to organize the Place Tiles. Look at the Roman numerals on the back of each tile and sort them into stacks based on those numbers. Place these stacks on the table.

    Hey there! Let me walk you through how to set up the game. First, shuffle the Goods Tiles and place them face down. Then, flip them over and put one tile on each Road and Waterway Space. In a 4-player game, every space gets a tile, but in a 2- or 3-player game, some spaces stay empty.

    In a 3-player game:

    I’ll need you to take out the Followers of the unused player color. Also, remove 2 each of the neutral “Farmer”, “Boatman”, “Craftsman”, and “Trader” Character Tiles. After that, remove 3 each of the “Knight”, “Scholar”, and “Monk” Character Tiles. Oh, and randomly remove 6 Goods Tiles from the game. Remember not to place any Goods Tiles on spaces marked with a “4” – those stay empty.

    In a 2-player game:

    So, what’s the goal of the game?

    So, you want to be the ruler of medieval France, huh? Well, get ready to dominate in all the right areas. In this game, you’ll have the chance to earn goods, coins, and victory points by engaging in production, trade, development, and working towards the common good.

    Let’s talk about how it all works, shall we?

    How to Play

    When we begin playing, the youngest player gets the Start Player Token. We’ll be playing the game for 18 rounds, and each round has 7 phases. First, we have Phase 1.

    Hour Glass: I start the game by drawing the topmost Hour Glass Tile from the stack and turning it face up. The Hour Glass Tiles determine how long we’ll be playing.

    Our game will come to an end during the round when we draw the 18th and final tile. Each Hour Glass Tile also brings in an event that will impact the current round.

    There are 6 types of events, except for the Pilgrimage. We’ll resolve these events in Phase 6, which we call “Event”.

    Phase 2

    Census: Let’s find out who has the most and the least Farmers. The player whose marker is the furthest ahead on the Farmers Track gets 1 coin from the supply. But if there’s a tie, none of us will receive the coin.

    The player whose marker is the furthest behind on the track has to pay 1 coin to the supply. If there’s a tie, no one has to pay.

    Phase 3

    Now it’s time to add some followers to the game! I’ll draw some Character Tiles from my Followers Bag and place them on the Market. The number of tiles I can draw depends on where my marker is on the Knights Track.

    At the start of the game, I can draw up to 4 Character Tiles from my bag. I’ll put them on the Market Spaces of my Player Board. But I have to be careful not to draw more tiles than my Market can hold!

    If I have any leftover Character Tiles that I can’t use, they’ll stay on my Market, taking up space that I might need when I draw more tiles later on.

    For example: I, the green player, get to draw 4 tiles from my bag. The yellow and blue players, on the other hand, get to draw 6 tiles each. But guess what? The red player has the ultimate luck and gets to draw a whopping 8 tiles!

    Phase 4:

    Time to Plan: Now, here’s the fun part. You can use the Character Tiles you’ve collected from your Market to activate some awesome actions in different Places. And here’s the best part, you can even keep some of those Character Tiles on your Market for later use!

    But hold up, each Place requires a specific set of Character Tiles to work its magic. Some Places only need one tile for activation, while others don’t need any at all. It’s all about finding the right combination to unleash their full potential!

    Example: Sometimes you need a boatman and a craftsman to help another farmer.

    Just put the Character Tiles in the Action Spaces that match the Place you want to use. When every Action Space has a tile, the Place is considered activated. You can do the action right away or save it for later.

    You don’t have to put all the tiles in one go. You can put some now and the rest in later rounds. But remember, until all the required tiles are placed, you can’t use the action.

    Phase 5

    Actions: Now you can do the actions of the activated Places. These are the Places where you put a Follower (or Technology Tile) in each required space.

    Let’s start playing! I’m the Start Player, and we’ll take turns going clockwise. Each of us has the option to do 1 action or pass. If you decide to pass, that means you won’t be able to do any more actions for the rest of that round.

    Whenever you play an action, be sure to take back the Followers assigned to that action. For example, if you played the Boatman and the Craftsman in the Farm House, return them to your bag.

    Remember: The Technology Tiles you place on Action Spaces will stay there until the game ends.

    You can choose the order in which you carry out your actions. It’s up to you whether you want to activate an action or not. And if you decide to pass, don’t worry – you can still pass even if you have more actions you could do.

    Once everyone has passed, the Action Phase comes to a close. If you choose to pass, you won’t be able to take part in the current Action Phase any longer. However, any activated actions that you haven’t used this round will still be available for use in the next round. It’s important not to remove Character Tiles from actions you haven’t used yet.

    Phase 6

    During this phase, we’ll resolve the event shown on the Hour Glass Tile for this round. Keep in mind that the event will impact all players. More details on the events can be found below.

    Phase 7

    When it’s time to start the game, the player who currently has the Start Player Token passes it to the person sitting on their left. This little token determines who gets to make the first move.

    Actions and Places

    Each Place represents a different action. The Player Board shows the most common Places, but you can unlock more as the game goes on.

    You can perform an action if the Place is active (all spaces are filled). After you complete an action, remove the Character Tiles (but not Technology Tiles) used to activate it and put them back in your Followers Bag.

    Now let’s take a closer look at the different Places and their actions:

    The Farm House

    At the Farm House on the game board, you can take a Farmer Tile and add it to your bag.

    Then, move your marker one space forward on the Farmers Track and collect the corresponding resource. The position of your marker on this track will also influence Phase 2: “Census”.

    Welcome to the Village! Here, you have the opportunity to meet new people and explore exciting possibilities. Let me tell you about the different options available to you: the Boatman, the Craftsman, and the Trader. Each option will allow you to do something different and unique. Let’s take a closer look:

    1. Boatman: If you choose the Boatman, you can embark on thrilling adventures on the water. Whether it’s fishing, exploring hidden caves, or simply enjoying a peaceful boat ride, the choice is yours. The Boatman will guide you through the waters and show you the wonders of the Village’s surrounding areas.

    2. Craftsman: If you have a knack for creativity and enjoy working with your hands, the Craftsman is the perfect fit for you. You can hone your skills in various crafts such as woodworking, pottery, or painting. The Craftsman will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to bring your ideas to life.

    3. Trader: Are you a natural-born entrepreneur? The Trader might be your calling. As a Trader, you will have the opportunity to buy and sell goods, negotiate deals, and immerse yourself in the bustling marketplace of the Village. Make smart business decisions and watch your profits soar.

    Remember, the choice is yours! Whether you want to navigate the waters with the Boatman, create beautiful crafts with the Craftsman, or explore the world of commerce with the Trader, the Village offers something for everyone. So go ahead and make your choice – adventure awaits!

    I’m excited to tell you about a neat part of the game called the Boatman Tile. When it’s your turn, you can take a Boatman Tile from the game board and put it in your Followers Bag. This move also lets you move one space forward on the Boatmen Track and get some coins.

    But wait, there’s more! When you reach the last space on the track, something special happens. The first player to get there doesn’t just get coins, they receive a Citizen Tile instead. Pretty cool, right?

    Now, let’s talk about the second part of the game, the craftsman.

    When playing Orleans, here’s what you need to do: take a Craftsman Tile from the game board and put it in your Followers Bag. Then, move one space on the Craftsmen Track and get a Technology Tile. The Technology Tile goes next to your Player Board. You can’t use it until you pass.

    Now, let’s talk about Technology. You can put the Technology Tile on any Action Space you want. It will replace the required Character Tile for the rest of the game. And guess what? You don’t have to remove the Technology Tile once you’ve used the action. It stays right where it is until the game is over.

    Just remember, there are some constraints to keep in mind. The first Technology Tile you place has to replace a Farmer. Good luck and have fun strategizing your way to victory!

    The Importance of Subsequent Technology Tiles

    Have you ever wondered how Subsequent Technology Tiles can impact your game? Well, let me tell you, they’re quite the game-changer.

    First of all, let’s talk about what Subsequent Technology Tiles are. These tiles have the power to replace any Character Tile, except for Monks. That’s pretty impressive, don’t you think? They give you the ability to swap out a tile and potentially improve your position on the game board.

    However, there is one important rule to keep in mind. Monks can never be replaced with Technology Tiles. They are sacred and hold a special place in the game. So, while Technology Tiles can offer you new opportunities, they can’t take the place of the wise Monks.

    Another thing to consider is that you can only place one Technology Tile at a time. This means you need to choose wisely where to play it. But here’s the catch – you can’t place a Technology Tile at a location that only requires one Character Tile. It’s all about finding the right balance and making strategic moves.

    Once you’ve placed a Technology Tile, you can’t move it. This decision is final. So, be sure to think ahead and consider the consequences of your placement. It’s important to plan your moves carefully and make the most of each tile you have.

    So, to summarize, Subsequent Technology Tiles offer you the opportunity to replace Character Tiles, except for Monks. They add a layer of strategy to the game by allowing you to make thoughtful decisions about where and when to place them. Just remember, once you’ve made your move, there’s no turning back. Happy gaming!

    3. Trader

    When playing the game, start by grabbing a Trader Tile from the game board and placing it in your Followers Bag. Then, move forward on the Traders Track and expand your city by adding a Place Tile.

    Expanding your City: You have the option to choose a Place Tile. These tiles come in two types: I and II. On your first turn, you can only choose a tile from stack I.

    For all subsequent turns, you have the choice to select a tile from either stack I or stack II. Take the chosen Place Tile and place it next to your Player Board. Now, you have an additional location that you can activate or use its special ability.

    Note: At any point in the game, players can browse through the stacks of Place Tiles.


    When you play the game, grab a Scholar Tile from the game board and put it in your Followers Bag. This will earn you Development Points and move you forward on the Scholars Track. Each Development Point you earn during the game lets you move your marker one space on the Development Track. Remember, the more Development Points you have, the further you can advance!

    Now, let’s talk about the Castle. It plays a significant role in the game. The Castle is like your home base, where you can take refuge and plan your next moves. It provides you with various benefits, such as extra followers and special abilities. It’s kind of like having your own secret lair!

    The Castle is a powerful tool but it also requires careful management. You need to consider how many followers you have and how many you can allocate to the different areas of the Castle. Each area offers unique advantages, so choose wisely!

    In conclusion, don’t forget to grab a Scholar Tile to earn Development Points and progress on the Scholars Track. And make sure to strategize and manage your Castle effectively to gain an upper hand in the game. Good luck, and may your kingdom prosper!

    Hey there! Let me explain how the Knight Tile works in the game. When you take a Knight Tile from the game board, you put it into your Followers Bag. Then, you move one space on the Knights Track. The Knights Track shows how many Followers you can draw from your bag and place on your Market during Phase 3.

    In the beginning, you can draw 4 Followers each round. But, you can increase this number by recruiting Knights. They help you get more Followers!

    Important: Once you have four Knights, your number of Followers stays at 7. However, if you’re the first player to reach that point, you can get a special Citizen Tile!

    Just keep in mind: When your marker reaches the last space on a track, you can’t take that action anymore. So, plan your moves wisely!


    When you play the game, you get to take one of the Monk Tiles from the game board and put it into your Followers Bag. This action doesn’t give you any extra bonus points like the other actions do.

    Monks are pretty cool because you can use them instead of any of the other Character Tiles. For example, let’s say you have a Monk Tile and you need an Explorer Tile to complete a set. You can use the Monk instead! But here’s the catch – you can’t use another Character Tile or a Technology Tile in place of a Monk. Only Monks can step up to that challenge.


    Hey there! So here’s the deal: you need to move your Merchant Token from where it is now along a Waterway (that’s a blue connection) to a neighboring town. And guess what? If there happens to be a Goods Tile on the way, you can grab it. Cool, right? If there are multiple goods, no worries – just pick one and take it. Don’t forget to place the Goods Tile next to your Player Board.


    Alrighty, now this action is pretty similar to the “Ship” one. The only difference is that instead of moving along a Waterway, you’ll be moving your Merchant Token along a Road (that’s a brown connection). Simple, right?


    Time to build! If your Merchant Token is in a town where there’s no Trading Station yet (doesn’t matter who it belongs to), you can build one there. Quick note though – each town can only have one Trading Station. Well, maybe two in Orleans, because everyone gets a special exception to build one there.


    Hey, good news! You’re getting 1 Development Point for this action. Plus, you get to advance your marker one space on the Development Track. Sweet!

    Town Hall

    Hey there! Let’s talk about the Town Hall and how it works in the game. During the Planning Phase, you have the option to put 1 or 2 Character Tiles in the Town Hall. Cool, right? The great thing is, you don’t have to fill both spaces if you don’t want to. It still works with just one tile.

    Now, when you use the “Town Hall” action, you can move one or both of those Character Tiles from the Town Hall to any empty spots on the “Beneficial Deeds” board. And guess what? Every character you move gives you a reward! You can get 1, 2, or even 3 coins, depending on the reward shown on the board. Oh, and if you’re doing the Canalization action, you’ll either get 1 coin or 1 Development Point. How cool is that?

    Here’s the thing though, when you complete a Beneficial Deed (that’s when you fill up the last empty space), you get a special Citizen Tile for that specific Beneficial Deed. It’s like a little recognition for your hard work.

    Now, pay attention because this is important. When it comes to completing Beneficial Deeds, you can’t just use any old Character Tiles. Nope! You have to use the exact Character Tiles that are shown on the spaces. You can’t swap them out for other tiles, like Monks. So remember, use the right tiles for the right Deeds, got it? And once you use a Character Tile for a Beneficial Deed, it stays there for the rest of the game. It’s like they’ve found their forever home.

    Hey there! Just wanted to remind you of an important rule in the game. Don’t forget that you can’t put your initial Farmer, Boatman, Craftsman, and Trader in the Town Hall. It’s really important to keep that in mind while you’re playing. So, make sure you strategize and plan your moves accordingly. This rule is definitely something to consider when you’re trying to come up with your game plan. Good luck and happy playing!

    The Journey of Development

    On the Development Track, there are certain areas where you can find coins or stumble upon a Citizen Tile. When you make your way across or over a space with coins, you will be rewarded with the depicted number of coins from our vault. But be cautious! Beating others to a space with a Citizen Tile means it’s yours to claim.

    Development Status Spaces are indicators of your progress. When you land on or pass a Development Status Space, your Development Status immediately changes to the value displayed. At the start, your Development Status is set to 1.

    Note: Your Development Status impacts the “Income” event, where you receive a number of coins equal to your Development Status. It also affects the value of your Citizen Tiles and Trading Stations at the end of the game.

    End of the Game

    The game concludes after 18 rounds. Prior to scoring, the player who has constructed the most Trading Stations claims the remaining Citizen Tile. In the event of a tie, no player receives the tile. After that, calculate your final scores. You earn victory points (VP) for:

    • Coins: You get 1 VP for each coin you have.
    • Brocade: Brocade is worth 5 VP.
    • Wool: You get 4 VP for each wool you have.
    • Wine: Wine is worth 3 VP.
    • Cheese: Each cheese is worth 2 VP.
    • Grain: You get 1 VP for each grain you have.

    Trading Stations and Citizen Tiles: The number of VP you earn from trading stations and citizen tiles is based on your Development Status.

    In order to win the game, I should try to have the most VP. If there is a tie, the player who is further ahead on the Development Track wins. If there is still a tie after that, there can be multiple winners.

    (For example: Let’s say I have built 5 Trading Stations and collected 2 Citizen Tiles. My current Development Status is 4, as shown on the Development Track. I would earn (5+2) x 4 = 28 VP).

    Torture (Bankruptcy)

    Whenever you need to make a payment, but you don’t have enough money, you’re in a tight spot. You have to come up with alternative ways to cover the costs. Here are some options you can use:

    • A Trading Station: You can use an existing one that you already have or take one from your supply.
    • A Follower: Draw a random Follower from your bag. If the Follower you draw is the same color as yours, put it back and draw again.
    • A Development Point: Move your marker on the Development Track one space to the left, but avoid moving onto or past a space with coins.
    • A Goods Tile
    • A Place Tile
    • A Technology Tile

    You have the freedom to mix and match these options. For example, if you owe 5 coins, you may choose to replace them with 1 Follower, 2 Trading Stations, and 2 Development Points.

    All items lost in this process are removed from the game. Only Development Points can be re-gained.

    The Basic Rules of the Game

    Running Out of Tiles:

    In this game, we have limited Character, Technology, and Goods Tiles. If a tile is no longer available, you cannot gain it. Once you run out of a certain tile, you won’t be able to play an action that requires that tile.

    However, some events like Harvest or Plague may make certain tiles available again. In such cases, you can play the corresponding actions once more. If there aren’t enough coins in the supply at the moment, players will temporarily not receive any coins.

    Keeping an Eye on Your Followers

    During the game, feel free to take a peek inside your bag to check how many and what kind of Followers you have. After you’re done looking, make sure to shuffle the tiles so you can’t choose which ones to draw.

    Empty Roads Or Waterways

    You can use empty Roads and Waterways, but you won’t get any rewards.

    Your Marked Followers

    Your color-coded Followers that you got at the beginning of the game will always stay with you, whether they’re in your bag or on your board. You can’t use them for Beneficial Deeds, lose them to the Plague, or spend them during Torture.

    Placed Character Tiles

    When playing the game, I can’t move a Character Tile from one Action Space to another. However, in Phase 3, called “Followers,” if I choose to not draw a Follower from my bag, I have the option to move a Character Tile from an Action Space to my Market. Let’s say I draw 6 Followers but only decide to take 4 of them. In this case, I can move 2 Character Tiles from the Action Spaces to my Market.

    Paying Coins

    To make payments, I need to pay coins into the general supply and then take coins from there when I receive them.

    Order of Turns

    During most phases, we can play simultaneously. When it comes to Phase 4, which is the planning phase, we start planning at the same time. After I finish planning, I let the other players know. If necessary, we can do this in turn order, starting with the Start Player and going clockwise. Similarly, when it comes to resolving payments, we follow the same order.

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