How to play Olympos Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Olympos Game Rules

Let’s dive into the exciting world of Olympos and discover the rules that will guide us through this epic adventure. Are you ready?

In Olympos, it’s all about strategy and resource management. As a player, your goal is to build a powerful city in ancient Greece and gain the favor of the gods. But be warned, the path to greatness is not an easy one.

To start, we have a game board divided into different regions representing the Greek city-states. Each region has its unique advantages and challenges. It’s up to you to decide which region to settle in.

Once you have chosen your starting region, the game begins. Throughout the game, you will be collecting resources such as wood, stone, gold, and science. These resources are essential for constructing buildings, advancing in technology, and earning victory points.

But here’s the catch: you won’t always have an endless supply of resources. You must carefully manage your income and expenses. Balancing your resources is key to success in Olympos.

As you progress and expand your city, you’ll also have the opportunity to interact with other players. Diplomacy plays a crucial role in the game. You can form alliances, negotiate trades, or even wage wars. Choose your strategy wisely!

Additionally, the gods of Olympus will be watching your every move. They will grant you rewards and punishments based on your actions. Pleasing the gods will bring you prosperity, while angering them can have dire consequences.

To win the game, you must accumulate victory points. These points can be earned through various actions, such as constructing buildings, developing technologies, and completing quests. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game emerges as the victor.

In conclusion, Olympos is a game that challenges your strategic thinking and resource management skills. It offers a unique blend of city-building, diplomacy, and divine intervention. So gather your wits, embrace the power of the gods, and embark on an unforgettable journey to become the ruler of ancient Greece. Let the games begin!

Welcome to an ancient world filled with adventure and opportunity. As I stand here, I can see the vast plains of the Peloponnese stretching out before me. And if I look further, I catch a glimpse of the fabled shores of mythical Atlantis. It truly is a sight to behold.

But this land, as promising as it may be, requires your leadership and strategic prowess to create a stable society. You must conquer your enemies, advance your knowledge, construct magnificent wonders, and most importantly, seek the favor of the gods who observe your every move from their celestial dwelling on Mount Olympus!

What You’ll Need

  • I’ve got 55 amazing “Discovery” tiles just waiting to be explored.
  • There are also 5 truly special “Wonder” tiles.
  • In addition, you’ll find a development board that’s ready to take you to new heights.
  • And of course, we can’t forget the 32 territory tokens, or as I like to call them, “Cross,” which you’ll use to claim your territory.
  • Oh, and don’t forget about the 28 “Prestige” tokens – they’re crucial for showing off your greatness.
  • Next up, we’ve got 12 “Hourglass” tokens. They represent your time, so use them wisely.
  • And of course, we can’t forget the 8 mighty “Tribe” tokens, or as I like to say, the “Star” tokens.
  • But wait, there’s more – the “Zeus” token is here to shake things up!
  • For your convenience, I’ve included 1 game board.
  • And let’s not forget about those 10 powerful “Olympos” cards. They’ll really give you an edge.
  • Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with 22 “Destiny” cards too.
  • You won’t believe it, but there are 100 “Settler” tokens ready for you to command.
  • To top it off, there are 28 resource cubes, just waiting to be used in your epic journey.
  • And, of course, we have the all-important instructions, so you’ll know exactly what to do.

Getting Started

Let’s begin by placing the game board and development board right in the center of the table. This is where the magic will happen.

Now, I want you to go ahead and remove those Discovery tiles that have a 5 on the back. We won’t be needing those during our adventure.

Now, let’s get organized. Sort the remaining Discovery tiles by type. For example, I want you to group the two Oracle tiles together. Easy peasy! By the way, you’ll find two of each Discovery tile with a red, green, yellow, or blue back, and one of each with a purple back.

Hey there! Let’s get started by setting up the Discovery tiles on the development board. Here’s how we’ll do it:

  • First, we’ll randomly distribute the 5 piles of 2 red-backed Discovery tiles along the first row of the board.
  • Next, we’ll do the same with the 5 piles of 2 yellow-backed Discovery tiles, but this time we’ll place them along the second row.
  • For the third row, we’ll distribute the 5 piles of 2 green-backed Discovery tiles in a random order.
  • Moving on to the fourth row, we’ll distribute the 5 piles of 2 blue-backed Discovery tiles randomly as well.
  • Finally, for the fifth row, we’ll distribute the 5 purple-backed Discovery tiles in a random fashion.
  • Oh, and don’t forget! We also need to distribute the 5 Wonder tiles along the sixth row, again, in a random order.

All right, almost done. Now we just need to sort out the remaining tokens along with the resource cubes and place them to one side of the board. These will be our general stock.

When we play the game, we all have to choose a color. We each get 5 Settler tokens in our chosen color, but we only keep 4 in front of us. The fifth token goes on the starting space of the Time Track. It’s important that we randomly decide the order of these tokens.

The player with the token at the bottom of the stack gets to take 2 Territory tokens of each type from the general stock. They then choose 8 territories that won’t be used in the game and mark each one with one of the tokens, with the cross side face up. Just keep in mind that we can only remove one territory with a star in this way.

Remember: the number of starred territories that we mark (from 0 to 4) will affect how challenging it is to build wonders.

We also need to place one Tribe token on each territory that has a star but hasn’t been marked yet.

Hey there! Let’s get this game started, shall we?

We’re going to need some resource cubes to kick things off. I’ll grab four cubes from the general stock, and each player will get one randomly. These cubes will go into your personal stock.

Next up, we need to deal with the Destiny cards. I’ll shuffle them up and place them face down next to the board. These cards are going to add an element of surprise to the game.

Now, let’s move on to the Olympos cards. I’ll shuffle them up as well and place one face down next to each of the three Zeus spaces on the Time Track. For the three Double Zeus spaces, I’ll place two Olympos cards face down next to each. Oh, and don’t worry about that leftover Olympos card, we won’t be using it this time.

The Game’s Objective

In this game, you and your friends will become tribes. Your primary goal is to colonize Greece and its surrounding areas, including the legendary Atlantis. To achieve this, you’ll need to conquer territories and gather resources. By doing so, you’ll unlock scientific discoveries and architectural wonders that will help you build a prosperous and glorious civilization. At the end of the game, the tribe with the most prestigious civilization will be declared the winner.

How to Play

Your turn order in the game is determined by your position on the Time Track, which runs along the edge of the board. The player who is furthest behind on the Time Track will take their turn and perform an action. However, each action you take will require action points which are limited (we’ll explain more about this later).

So here’s how it works: First, you “pay” for the action by moving your token along the Time Track. If your token lands on a space that’s already occupied, just stack it on top. Then, it’s the turn of the player who is furthest back on the Time Track to take their action. And it keeps going like that.

  • Just remember, it’s totally possible for one player to have multiple turns in a row. This happens when they’re still in last place on the Time Track, even after “paying” for their action.
  • If there’s more than one player on the same space (like at the start of the game), the player whose token is on top of the stack goes first.

Now, let’s talk about Hourglass Tokens.

As you play the game, you’ll earn these special tokens called Hourglasses. They let you take actions without having to move on the Time Track. Pretty cool, right? Each Hourglass equals one action point. So, keep an eye out for them!

So here’s the deal: before you can pay for any actions, you gotta use up all those Hourglass tokens. It’s like a rule or something. You slide those tokens along the Time Track, and only after you’ve used them all up can you move on to the next step. That’s just how it works.

Example: I’m at the very end of the Time Track, so it’s my turn now. I have an action to do, but it will cost me 3 action points. Luckily, I have an Hourglass token in my hand.

So, the first thing I need to do is use the token. That will cost me 1 action point. After using the token, I move my marker forward 2 spaces to make up for the rest of the points I need. My red marker ends up on top of the green one. Since I’m still in last place on the Time Track, I get to take another turn right away. After I finish my turn, it will be Green’s turn next.

Now, on each turn, we have two options: Expansion or Development.

A. Expansion

When playing the game of Expansion, one of my important actions is moving my settlers on the mainboard. This move allows me to conquer new territories, either peacefully or through combat. I have the option to either move a settler that is already on the board or place and move a new settler. I have to pay for this action at the end of my movement.

If I want to create a new settler, I need to have at least one in my personal stock. I can place the new settler on the northern zone or on a territory that I already own. The cost to create a new settler is 2 action points. Once I create the new settler, I must move them immediately.

It’s important to note that the northern zone is only used for placing new settlers. Settlers cannot stay there or cross it during the game. However, if I discover Medicine, I can add new settlers at a lower cost of only 1 point.

Now let’s talk about movement!

When you play the game, you have the freedom to move your settler across the board as much as you want! You can even move through territories that already have settlers on them, even if they belong to another player. But, you can’t stop on a territory that has a Cross token. It’s important to keep in mind that the cost of movement depends on how many spaces you move:

– Moving across land costs 1 action point.

– Moving across sea costs 2 action points.

Keep in mind that there are special discoveries, such as Horse-riding, Astronomy, and Map-making, that can reduce the cost of movement.

If you decide to stop on an empty territory during your movement, congratulations! You automatically gain control of that territory. To show that it’s yours, simply take a Territory token that corresponds to the resource produced by that territory. Have fun exploring and expanding your empire!

If I decide to leave the territory later in the game, I need to return the relevant token to the general stock. The Olympos territory is special because it provides a Zeus token to the player who controls it.

When Two Players Fight

If I choose to end my movement on a territory controlled by another player, we have to fight. The attacker always wins the combat automatically, but the cost of the battle depends on our military forces.

Military force is determined by the military discoveries that both players have. Each discovery has Sword symbols on it, and these symbols decide the cost of combat:

  • If I have more Sword symbols than the defender, the attack costs 1 action point;
  • If both players have the same number of Sword symbols, including zero, the attack costs 2 action points;

When a battle occurs, the number of Sword symbols possessed by the attacker and the defender determines the outcome. If the attacker has more Sword symbols than the defender, the defense is overwhelmed, and the attacker wins the battle, expending 2 action points in the process.

However, if the attacker has fewer Sword symbols than the defender, the attack becomes more difficult. In this case, the attack costs 3 action points.

Once the attacker emerges victorious, they place their token on top of the defender’s token. As a reward, the attacker receives a Territory token that corresponds to the resource generated by the conquered territory. If the territory is Olympos, the attacker also receives a Zeus token. The defender, on the other hand, receives an Hourglass token from the general stock.

The attacker now takes control of the conquered territory. This control remains in effect until either the attacker is attacked in turn or they choose to leave the territory. In the latter case, control reverts to the player whose token was on top of the stack before the attack.

It’s worth noting that a territory can be attacked even if previous battles have taken place there, resulting in a stack of tokens.

That covers the basics of combat. But what if you’d rather not engage in battle? Well, you have the option to flee.

When it’s my turn, I can choose to leave a territory if there are other players on top of my token. I have the freedom to come and go as I please, in my own time.

If I decide to move my token, I can even return it immediately to start a battle. But there’s a catch – I have to physically leave the area and then come back. I can’t just attack without actually moving. It’s all about strategy, you know?

Let’s Talk Tribes

Some territories have stars on them, indicating that they are occupied by tribes from the start of the game. If I want control of those territories, I have to fight the tribes. The battles play out just like I described earlier, but the tribes don’t have any Swords to defend themselves. It’s up to me to take control and show them who’s boss!

When I defeat a tribe, I get to claim a Territory token and a Tribe marker. I put the Tribe marker with the Star side up in front of me. This way, I can keep track of the resources produced by that territory.

If someone else takes control of the territory, they become the new owner of both the Territory token and the Star marker. But if the player leaves the territory, the Star marker goes back to the territory.

If I manage to reclaim the territory without any combat because I wiped out the tribe earlier, I simply take back the Territory token and the Star marker. No need to fight again.

End of my turn

Once I finish my movement, I count the points I spent on new settlers, movement, and combat. Then, I move my marker that many spaces on the Time Track. And that’s the end of my turn.

I have two powerful abilities in my arsenal: Astronomy and Hoplite. With Astronomy, I can traverse the vast seas without breaking a sweat, using just one action point. And with Hoplite, I get an extra sword for my battles. Speaking of battles, let’s take a look at my encounter with Blue, who unfortunately lacks any swords of their own.

To start things off, I decide to create a new settler, which costs me 2 points. Then, I embark on a daring voyage across two treacherous sea spaces, paying 1 point for each crossing. With my heart pounding, I finally reach Blue’s territory and land, using another precious point. The time for battle has come.

Summoning all my courage, I attack Blue, expending just 1 point in the process since my sword count surpasses theirs. Victory is mine! As a result, Blue is conquered, and I am rewarded with a Wood Territory token and a shining Star token – just as indicated on the conquered territory. However, as a token of compensation, Blue receives an Hourglass token. Everything has a price, after all.

In the end, I pay the piper by moving my token forward 6 spaces on the Time Track. My turn comes to an end, and I can only hope that my conquest was worth the cost.

Moving on to the development phase, I have two options: making a discovery or constructing a wonder. Let’s focus on discoveries for now.

Discoveries are the heart and soul of progress. They can unlock new knowledge and pave the way for great achievements. Building wonders, on the other hand, can leave a lasting impact on the world and make a name for yourself.

But first, let’s delve into the world of discoveries. It’s an exciting realm waiting to be explored with boundless possibilities.

In order for me to make a discovery, I need to have both the Territory tokens and/or the resource cubes that are necessary to pay for it. Territory tokens represent resources that I always have access to and they don’t get used up when I make a discovery. Resource cubes, on the other hand, represent a single resource. If I use them to pay for a discovery, I have to give them back to the general stock.

Note: There are certain discoveries that don’t require a specific resource, but they do require a specific combination of resources.

To develop Surgery, you need to give up 2 Grain and 2 Wood. For Science, you have to surrender 3 Grain and any 2 identical resources that are not Grain, like 2 Gold. And for Strategy, it’s 3 identical resources and 1 different resource, such as 3 Gold and 1 Wood. Lastly, Philosophy requires two sets of resources and two others that are all different, like 2 Grain, 2 Wood, 1 Gold, and 1 Stone.

When it comes to getting the Discovery tiles, if you can afford it with Territory tokens and/or resource cubes, you can simply take the tile and put it in front of you. Then, you can start using the tile’s special power.

Discovering new ideas and technologies is an exciting journey. Let me guide you through the costs and benefits of developing these four key areas: Surgery, Science, Strategy, and Philosophy.

For Surgery, you must be willing to give up 2 Grain and 2 Wood. This might seem like a hefty price, but the rewards are worth it. With Surgery, you can unlock new medical techniques and advance the field of healthcare.

Science is another important area of development. To pursue Science, you need 3 Grain and any 2 identical resources that are not Grain. This could be 2 Gold, for example. By investing in Science, you can unravel the mysteries of the natural world and make groundbreaking discoveries.

Strategy is all about planning and tactics. To delve into Strategy, you must contribute 3 identical resources and 1 different resource. Imagine having 3 Gold and 1 Wood. With Strategy, you can master the art of warfare and outmaneuver your opponents.

Lastly, we have Philosophy. Philosophy requires a more diverse set of resources. You need two pairs of resources and two other resources, all of which must be different. For example, you could give up 2 Grain, 2 Wood, 1 Gold, and 1 Stone. Philosophy allows you to explore the depths of human knowledge and contemplate the big questions of life.

Now, let’s talk about how to obtain these Discovery tiles. If you have enough Territory tokens and/or resource cubes, you can acquire the tile of your choice. Once you have it, you can harness its special power and gain a strategic advantage.

Remember, the path to progress is not always easy, but by investing in these key areas of development, you can shape the future and leave a lasting impact. So, what are you waiting for? Take a leap into the unknown and unlock the wonders of discovery.

Note: You can only discover something once. This means that if you’ve already discovered Agriculture, for example, you can’t discover it again.


After discovering something new, I get to choose one of my tokens and put it on the development board, below the discovery I just made.

But if the discovery has 3 bonus options (the red and green ones), I can’t choose the grey bonus because that’s only for the 5-player game.

Right away, I take the bonus I chose and add it to my own stock. Other players can’t get the same bonus once I’ve already taken it.

When I play this game, there are a few things I can do on my turn. First, I can take one of my tokens from the group and put it in my own collection. Later, I can add it to the game board if I want.

I also have the option to take 2 Hourglasses. These can come in handy during the game.

Another thing I can do is take 1 Gold resource cube. This can help me in different ways as I play the game.

Lastly, I have the opportunity to take 2 Prestige points. These points are important for scoring at the end of the game. I keep them face down in front of me until then.

To do all of these actions, it costs me 7 action points. I move my token 7 spaces along the Time Track. This completes my turn.

Keep in mind that the cost may be reduced if I have the Money or Agriculture discoveries. They can help me save some action points.

Now that you know what you can do on your turn, go ahead and make your move!

Example: Once upon a time, there was a player named Blue who needed to develop a Strategy. To do this, Blue had to gather three identical resources and one different resource. Luckily, Blue had Grain, Grain, and Wood Territory tokens, as well as a Grain cube. By discarding the Grain cube, Blue was able to acquire the Strategy tile.

Excitedly, Blue added the Strategy tile to their personal stockpile. Now, armed with two Swords for combat, Blue had to choose a bonus. To indicate their choice, Blue took one of their tokens from the general stock and placed it on the desired bonus.

After careful consideration, Blue decided to take a new settler as their bonus. They placed their token on the new settler bonus, then took one of their settlers from the general stock and added it to their personal stockpile. Now, Blue had a new settler ready to be played on the main board in a future turn.

With the action complete, it was time for Blue to pay the cost. They advanced their token seven spaces on the Time Track to signify this. And with that, Blue’s turn came to an end.

The Great Wonders

  • As I look at the Star tokens in front of me;
  • If I own the Architecture or Engineering discoveries;
  • For each bonus token in the same column as the Wonder I’m concerned about;
  • For certain cards.

Then, I take the Wonder tile and place it in front of myself. This Wonder will earn me victory points at the end of the game.


I have 7 action points. So, I advance my token 7 spaces on the Time Track. This ends my turn.

Wonders: the Lion Gate, the Stadium, the Parthenon,
the Statue of Zeus and the Colossus,

Destiny Cards

During the game, I’ll draw Destiny cards. They provide various bonuses.

Want to add some excitement to your game? Here are some cool things you can do:

Get a card: When you reach or go past a Zeus space on the Time Track, it’s your lucky day! You get to draw a Destiny card at the end of your turn. And the best part is, you can play it right away! So, be prepared for some surprises!

Play a card: During your turn, you have the power to play as many cards as you want. There’s no limit to the fun you can have! And guess what? The effects happen instantly, so you’ll see the results right away. Oh, and if a card gives you prestige points, just keep them face down in front of you. It’s like having your own secret stash of awesomeness!

Oh, and one more thing: If you have the Oracle discovery, you’re extra lucky. It lets you make the Destiny card deck even better! How cool is that?


When you see this, it means you get a colored cube as a reward.


So, let’s talk about earning points in the game. You can earn 1 point for each Wood Territory token you own. It’s pretty simple, really. I mean, it’s just like getting 1 point for each Wood Territory token you have. Easy, right?


If you have a Territory token of each type, you’ll earn 3 points. And this is really cool because it means you’re doing well in the game! I think it’s awesome that you can get rewarded for diversity in your strategy.


If you’re a player, you have the option to get rid of this card to contribute to constructing a Wonder. This kind of trade-off grants you 1 Star, making it a valuable move in the game.


Every time you own a Grain Territory token, you earn 1 Hourglass as a player.


If I have more Stone Territory tokens than each of the other players, I will earn 3 Hourglass tokens. This rule ensures that the player with the most Stone Territory tokens is rewarded. It’s a way to incentivize claiming as much Stone Territory as possible. So, if I want to earn more Hourglass tokens, I need to focus on acquiring Stone Territory and surpassing the other players.


When you draw an Olympos card, you’ll need to play it right away. It’s a special card that adds a Zue token to your total score. After playing the card, you’ll need to discard it.

Let’s talk about Olympos cards. These cards represent the interference of 9 different gods in the game. They come into play when players reach specific spaces on the Time Track. These spaces are marked with a Zeus symbol.

Here’s how it works:

– For the first two and the last Zeus space on the Time Track, the first player to reach the space will draw an Olympos card at the end of their turn. This happens after the Destiny card has been drawn. The effects of the Olympos card are applied before the next player starts their turn.

When you land on one of the three Double Zeus spaces, something interesting happens. At the end of the turn of the first player to reach the space, we draw an Olympos card. The same thing happens at the end of the turn of the last player to reach the space. Before the next player starts their turn, we apply the effects of the card.

These Olympos cards have different effects. Some of them are good, while others are not so great. But not all players are affected by each card. We need to figure out who is affected by each card. To do that, we add up all the Zeus symbols that we have. It doesn’t matter if the Zeus symbols are on discoveries, Zeus tokens, or Destiny cards that we play after the Olympos card is revealed.

If an Olympos card has a beneficial effect, it is applied to the player, or players, who have the most Zeus symbols. They must have at least one Zeus symbol. That’s how we determine who gets the good stuff.

  • If the impact is negative, it is given to the player(s) who have the least number of Zeus symbols (or none at all).

The Artemis and Hades cards are used in a clockwise manner, starting with the player who picked the card.

Tip: to indicate which players are affected by specific gods (Athena, Ares, Keres, Siren, and Erinyes), those players should place one of their tokens from the general reserve on the card.


Welcome to Ares

Hey there! Let me tell you about this awesome game called Ares. It’s all about collecting Zeus symbols and earning yourself some cool Swords. The player who collects the most Zeus symbols gets 2 Swords, and guess what? These Swords stay active until the next Olympos card is drawn. How cool is that? Now you can strategize and plan your moves to become the ultimate champion. So, what are you waiting for? Jump in and join the adventure in Ares!



When you collect the most Zeus symbols, you earn 1 Star. This Star comes in handy when you’re working on constructing a Wonder, but once you’ve used it for that purpose, it goes away.



When you find Zeus symbols in the game, keep them and earn yourself 3 points. These points will be placed face down in front of you.


Welcome to Hades!

In Hades, a fantastic board game, I must warn you: the player with the fewest Zeus symbols is in for a surprise! Losing 1 settler might not sound like a big deal, but trust me, it can have a huge impact on your strategy. So, be careful and plan your moves wisely!


Welcome to the world of Hecate!

Let’s talk about Zeus symbols and settlers.

In this game, Zeus symbols are very important. The player who has the most Zeus symbols gets to take 1 settler from the general stock and add it to their personal stock.

So, what are settlers? Well, they are like little people who help you build and grow your civilization. They are very valuable because they can help you gain more resources and expand your territory.

So, remember, the more Zeus symbols you have, the more settlers you can get. And the more settlers you have, the stronger your civilization will become. It’s a win-win situation!

Now, go out there and collect those Zeus symbols to build your civilization and become the ruler of Hecate!



Guess what! I’ve got an interesting fact for you about the game. It’s a simple rule, but it can have a big impact on the outcome. You know, at the end of the game, the player who has the fewest Zeus symbols ends up losing 2 prestige points. It’s like those symbols hold some kind of power over the game. Isn’t that fascinating?



When you collect the most Zeus symbols, you get to choose a resource cube.



If you don’t have many Zeus symbols, you can’t go into any sea space until the next Olympos card is drawn.



When it’s your turn and you have the fewest Zeus symbols, your next action will cost an additional 2 points.



If you have the fewest Zeus symbols, you will have to discard all your Destiny cards.

End of the Game

Once a player reaches the last Zeus space on the Time Track and it’s their turn again, they have two choices: pass or take a final turn. If they pass, their game comes to an end.

However, if they decide to take a final turn, they can only perform one more action without going past the Cross space. When all the players are done, the points are tallied up.

Note: The remaining players keep playing until each one of them reaches or goes past the last Zeus space on the Time Track and takes their optional final action.

Distribution of prestige points: The Time Track is now used to display the players’ scores. The track is marked every 5 spaces to aid in scoring.

Tally up the players’ prestige:

    In the game, your final position on the Time Track can earn you anywhere from 0 to 5 points. Each Prestige token you have will give you the number of points shown on it. When it comes to territories, let me break it down for you:

    – “Normal” territories are worth 1 point each. However, if you conquer a settler, you won’t earn any points for that territory.

    – On the other hand, Atlantis territories are worth 2 points each. Again, conquering a settler won’t earn you any extra points.

    Keep in mind that resource cubes and Hourglass tokens won’t give you any points at all. The player with the most Prestige points at the end of the game wins. If there’s a tie, the player with the most discovery and Wonder tiles will be the victor.

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