How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Game Rules for Odin’s Ravens

Welcome to the world of Odin’s Ravens! In this exciting game, you and your opponent will take on the roles of two powerful ravens – Huginn and Muninn. Your mission is to race each other through the enchanted forest and be the first to return to Odin with news of the world.

Setting Up the Game

Before you embark on your journey, there are a few things you need to do to set up the game:

  1. Shuffle the deck of landscape cards and deal five cards to each player.
  2. Place the Odin token at the start of the journey track.
  3. Each player chooses a raven token and places it on the start space.

Playing the Game

Once the game is set up, it’s time to begin! Here’s how to play:

  1. On your turn, you can either play a landscape card or draw a new card from the deck.
  2. If you choose to play a landscape card, you must match the landscape type to the landscape you’re currently on. For example, if you’re on a forest space, you must play a forest card.
  3. After playing a card, move your raven token forward to the next space of that landscape type.
  4. If you choose to draw a card instead, simply take a card from the deck and add it to your hand.

Special Cards

As you journey through the enchanted forest, you’ll come across some special cards that can help or hinder your progress:

  • Speed Boost: This card allows you to move your raven token an extra space forward.
  • Storm: This card forces your opponent to move their raven token back one space.
  • Shortcut: This card lets you skip ahead to a space of the same landscape type further down the track.

Reaching the End

The game continues with players taking turns until one of the ravens makes it back to Odin at the end of the journey track. The first raven to return with news of the world wins the game!

Final Thoughts

Odin’s Ravens is a thrilling game of strategy and chance. As you navigate through the enchanted forest, be sure to make the most of your landscape cards and keep an eye out for those special cards. The race to Odin is on – do you have what it takes to emerge victorious?

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Every single morning, I do something incredible. As the Allfather of the Norse Gods, I send out my two trusty ravens, Huginn and Muninn, to guard over the precious lands of Midgard. You can come with me on this epic adventure! All you need to do is choose one of the ravens and use my flight cards to guide it through the different landscapes of Earth.

Now, here’s the twist: After centuries of making this journey day in and day out, my ravens have transformed it into a thrilling race! They will soar off in opposite directions, zooming around the entire globe, with the simple goal of being the first one to return to where they started. And let me tell you, they won’t hesitate to call upon Loki, the mischievous god of tricks, for a little help along the way. They might even try to make the other raven’s path a bit more difficult!

Your job is to strategize and make smart choices with your flight cards and Loki cards. With a bit of cunning and a dash of luck, your raven can speed through the world and emerge as the ultimate champion, earning a well-deserved place by Odin’s side.

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

What’s in the Box?

  • 2 Wooden Ravens
  • 50 Flight Cards
  • 16 Loki Cards
  • 40 Land Cards

Setting Up the Game

To prepare the game, first, shuffle the land cards. These cards will form a line of 16 cards between the players. Each card has two spaces, which create the routes for the ravens to fly. When placing the cards, make sure that no two spaces in a row are the same.

If you find two identical spaces in a row, simply rotate the newest card 180 degrees to change the space. If there are still two land spaces of the same type, remove that card from play, put it at the bottom of the deck, and draw a new land card. Keep the remaining land cards face down nearby.

Both players should position their ravens at one end of the land cards, each in front of one route. As the game progresses, when a raven reaches the last land card, it will switch to the other side of the card and fly back along the other route.

Alright, let’s get this party started! Everyone here gets a deck of cards – 25 flight cards and 8 Loki cards. Shuffle them up, real nice, and stack them face-down to make two draw piles. Now, grab five cards from your pile, and that’ll be your starting hand.

Remember, you can choose to draw your cards from either pile – mix it up however you want. You could grab three flight cards and two Loki cards, or maybe go for a different combo. It’s up to you!

Now, who’s gonna be the lucky one to kick things off? Well, it’s gotta be the person who lost the last race. So, step on up and take your first turn.

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Play the Game

Hey there! Ready to embark on an exciting adventure? I’m here to guide you through it!

How to Play

The goal of this game is to be the first to reach the end of the world and return. Sounds thrilling, right?

Getting Started

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Plan your flight paths – this is how you’ll navigate through this incredible journey.

2. Take off and soar through the sky, using your flight paths to guide you.

3. Keep a close eye on your opponents. They might be a step ahead!

4. Be strategic and make smart choices. Every decision counts!

5. The first one to reach the end and make it back wins the game! Are you up for the challenge?

Remember, this game is all about planning, strategy, and a bit of luck. So, gear up and let’s conquer the skies together!

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

On my turn, I get to decide how many cards from my hand I want to play. Each card type lets me take a different action. I can choose to take as many or as few actions as I want, as long as I have the right cards. Here are the actions I can take:

– Flight: I can use a flight card to move a raven along the flight path.

– Trickery: I can use a Loki card to perform one of the actions listed on the card.

Let’s talk about flight first. To move my raven, I need to play a flight card that matches the land type of the next space on the path in front of my raven.

Imagine you are playing a game with a raven as your character. The game has different land spaces, like forests, and you need to move the raven to these spaces. To move into a forest, for example, you have to play a forest flight card. If there is a row of land spaces of the same type in front of the raven, you can use a matching flight card to move the raven over all of those spaces, and place it at the end of the row.

If you’re lucky and use the Loki cards cleverly, you can even fly over three or more land spaces of the same type at once! It’s all about strategy and making the most of your cards.

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play a mountain flight card, you can move your raven 2 spaces to the second mountain space.

If you don’t have a flight card that matches the land space in front of your raven, you can use any two flight cards of the same type as if it were the flight card you need. Put your used flight cards face up on the table as a discard pile. If the draw pile of flight cards ever runs out, shuffle the discards to create a new draw pile.

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m playing two forest flight cards to fly over the land and reach the mountains.


How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me tell you about the Loki cards – they’re pretty cool. You see, each Loki card gives you two options for what you can do. It’s like having two tricks up your sleeve!

Now, here’s the tricky part. When you play a Loki card, you have to pick which action you want to use. You can’t use both, so choose wisely. And once you’ve used a Loki card, it’s gone for good. No more tricks from that card for the rest of the game!

So, if you wanna be a real trickster, you gotta be smart with your cards. Make sure you pick the action that’ll give you the best advantage. It’s all about strategy and outsmarting your opponents. Are you up for the challenge?

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about Loki cards, the super cool cards in this game. There are four types of Loki cards that you should know about. Understanding these cards will help you make the most out of your gameplay. Oh, and just a heads up, you can’t use any actions that move or rotate land cards on a card that currently has a raven on it. Now, let’s dive in!

First, we have the loop cards. Once you play a loop card, you have the option to add more loop cards to extend your loop. You can even rotate the loop cards just like land cards. It’s like creating your own magical path!

Next up, we have the slide cards. These cards can sometimes cause land cards to overlap. When that happens, make sure to place the card you’re moving on top. If you’re sliding a land card onto a loop card, the loop gets extended to include the additional section, and the covered section is ignored. The card that’s partially covered can’t be moved anymore, just like a card with a raven on it.

Remember, don’t forget to keep an eye on those Loki cards during the game. They can totally change things up and give you some awesome advantages. Have a blast!

How to play Odins Ravens Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’ve made a fascinating discovery! The top portion of the land card has become an integral part of the never-ending cycle.

Wrapping up Your Turn

Once I’ve played all my cards, it’s time to conclude my turn. To do this, I’ll draw 3 cards. I can select these cards in any order from either the draw pile.

However, if I currently have more than 7 cards in my possession, it’s important that I reduce my hand size. I must promptly decide which cards to discard until I have exactly 7 cards left. Keep in mind, flight cards go in the discard pile and Loki cards are removed from the game.

Game Over

The game reaches its ending point when a player successfully moves their raven into the final space on their opponent’s side. At that moment, that player claims victory!

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