- 1 Let’s Learn the Rules for the Now Boarding Game!
Let’s Learn the Rules for the Now Boarding Game!
Hey there! Have you ever played the Now Boarding game? It’s a super fun game to play with friends and family. Today, I’m going to explain the rules to you so that you can start playing and having a blast!
First things first, let’s talk about the goal of the game. The objective is to work together with your teammates to manage an airport and get all the passengers to their destinations on time. Sounds exciting, right?
Now that we know the goal, let’s dive into the gameplay. Each round of the game represents an hour of time. During each round, you and your teammates will take turns performing actions to help the passengers. You can perform actions like moving passengers to their gates, checking them in, and helping them board their flights.
One of the coolest things about this game is that you’ll be dealing with different types of passengers. Some passengers are easy to please and don’t mind waiting a little longer. Others, however, are impatient and want to be on their way as soon as possible. It’s up to you and your team to figure out the best strategies for handling each type of passenger.
As you progress through the game, more and more passengers will arrive at the airport. This means you’ll need to work quickly and efficiently to keep everything running smoothly. Each time you successfully get a passenger to their destination, you’ll earn points. The more points you earn, the better your team is doing!
However, be careful! If too many passengers become frustrated and end up leaving the airport, your team will lose points. So, it’s important to keep an eye on their happiness levels and make sure everyone stays satisfied.
Now that you know the basics of the game, it’s time to gather your friends and start playing! Remember to work together, communicate effectively, and always keep an eye on those happy passengers. Good luck, and have a fantastic time playing the Now Boarding game!
I’m excited to tell you about a fantastic game called Now Boarding! It’s a game you can play with 2-5 players, and it’s all about coordinating and working together to transport passengers, improve your planes, and discover new flight paths.
The goal of the game is to deliver all your passengers before you receive three complaints. If you can do that, all players win! But be careful, because if you get too many complaints, your business will be in trouble.
Flying in an airplane has always been an exhilarating adventure. Imagine soaring through the sky, traveling across a whole continent, all while sitting comfortably 30,000 feet in the air. To make this happen in the game, you need to understand the different parts of your aviation empire.
Let me show you the components that come with Now Boarding:
– 1 Upgrade / Preflight chart
– 5 Miniature planes (one for each player’s color)
– 2 Timers (15 and 30 seconds)
– 30 Anger cubes
Now that you know what the game is all about and what it includes, I hope you’re excited to give it a try. Get ready to work together and have a blast in the thrilling world of aviation!
Here’s what you’ll find in the package of Wingspan:
1 rulebook
6 Weather tokens (3 Storm, 3 Tailwind)
81 Passenger cards (72 Regular, 9 VIP)
5 Cockpit tiles (1 per player color)
5 Plane tail tiles (1 per player color)
18 Seat tiles
15 Speed tiles
10 Route upgrade tiles
2 Temporary upgrade tokens
1 Game board, double-sided
Game Board: Explore the Sky!
Hey there! Welcome to the game board, where the high-flying adventures begin! Take a look at this colorful map featuring major city airports, complete with cool airport codes. See those lines connecting the airports? Those are the routes you can travel. The ones with white dot spaces are open to everyone, but only players with the right player route or route upgrade can soar along the special route spaces. How exciting!
Starting Plane: Prepare for Takeoff!
A starting plane is made up of four tiles: cockpit, tail, wing, and seat. These tiles come together to form your plane and determine its movement on the board. Let’s take a look at some important aspects of planes:
– Seats: This tells you the maximum number of passengers your plane can carry at once.
– Routes: This indicates the color of special route spaces that your plane can travel on.
– Speed: It determines how many spaces your plane can move in a single round.
– Starting airport: You can find this information on the back of the cockpit tile.
Now that we understand the basics of a starting plane, let’s explore the enhancements you can make to your plane.
Travel Information Cards
We all have places to go. That’s why we have travel information cards. These cards tell us important things about our journey. They have all the details we need to know.
- Origin: When I begin my journey, this is the airport I’ll be flying from. You can find it on the back of my boarding pass.
- Destination: This is where I’m heading to. It’s the airport where I’ll be landing.
- Ticket Price: This is the payment I’ll receive for safely delivering the passenger to their destination.
Getting Started
- First, put the game board in the middle of the play area. Make sure you use the correct side for the number of players – either 2-3 or 4-5.
- Next, choose the right timer for the game and place it next to the game board:
- If you’re playing with 2-3 players, use the 15-second sand timer.
- If you’re playing with 4-5 players, use the 30-second sand timer.
- Now, place the Upgrade/Preflight chart near the board, with the Preflight side facing up.
- Place the temporary upgrade tokens below the chart.
- Lastly, put the permanent upgrade tiles in a pile next to the board, with the tiles facing up.
First things first, let’s get you started on the journey of a lifetime! Here’s what you need to know before taking flight:
1. Choose your starting plane logo. This is your personal emblem that represents your team. Each player picks one logo and takes the matching colored miniature plane and corresponding plane tiles. These tiles will grant you access to specific routes with your logo on them. Make sure to discuss strategy with your team to ensure you can cover the entire country!
2. Place your miniature plane in your designated starting airport, as indicated on the back of your cockpit tile. This will be your base of operations as you embark on your adventure.
3. Now it’s time to upgrade your plane! Each player can choose either a permanent seat upgrade or a permanent speed upgrade tile for their plane. In a 2-player game, each player can also choose one route upgrade. Add these upgrades to your plane as shown on the diagram.
4. Get ready for your passengers! The passenger deck needs to be prepared based on the number of players:
– For a game with 4-5 players, use all regular passenger cards.
– For a 3-player game, remove all passenger cards related to flights to or from SEA (Seattle).
That’s it! You’re all set to take to the skies and fulfill the dreams of travelers around the world. Fly high, explore new destinations, and make your mark in the world of aviation!
Hey there! If you’re an airline pilot like me, you’ll want to learn how to play this awesome game called “Now Boarding.” So, let’s get started, shall we? I’ll guide you through the rules. Ready?
The game is designed for 2 to 5 players. If you have more, don’t worry, the rules can still work! In this game, we pretend to be airline pilots, managing our airlines together. Each player receives a set of action cards and a player board. The game board represents five airports with connections between them.
Now, here’s where the fun begins. We all start with passengers in our starting airports, which are JFK or SEA. But hey, there’s a twist! We have to remove all passenger cards going to or from JFK and/or SEA. Quite a challenge, right? Imagine all the planning we need to do!
After that, each player receives a random passenger card, but it’s a little secret. We keep it face-down for now. The card’s origin matches our starting airport. Don’t worry! We reveal the card and place it face-up in the passenger area, right at the edge of the board that connects to our starting airport. That way, everyone can see which passengers we have and where they want to go. A visual representation always helps!
Hey there! Let’s talk about creating passenger decks for your game. It’s actually not too complicated. To start, you’ll need to shuffle the remaining passenger cards. Once you’ve done that, deal a certain number of cards face-down to three different spaces on the Preflight chart: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. The number of cards you deal for each deck depends on the number of players you have. Just look at the number of players column and match it up with the “In pile” row. For example, if you’re playing with three players, you’d deal 6 cards to the Morning space, 18 cards to the Afternoon space, and 32 cards to the Evening space. Easy peasy, right?
To start the game, you need to follow a few steps. First, draw a certain number of passenger cards from the morning passenger deck. These cards should be placed face-down in the passenger area that connects to the origin airport shown on the back of each card. The number of cards you need to draw depends on the number of players you have. You can check the Preflight chart to determine the correct number. For example, if you’re playing with 3 players, you should draw 2 cards per round during the Morning stage. If there are multiple passengers in one airport, stack them on top of each other so you can see their destinations.
Next, you’ll need to prepare the weather decks. Take out any weather cards that don’t match the number of players you have. For instance, if you’re playing with 2 players, remove all the cards that are marked for 3+ players or 4+ players in the top-right corner of each weather card.
And that’s it! You’re ready to begin your journey as an airline pilot. Good luck!
To set up the game, I’ll follow these steps:
1. First, I’ll create the weather decks. I’ll shuffle all the remaining weather cards and deal a certain number of them facedown next to each of the three Passenger decks. The number of cards I’ll deal for each deck depends on the number of players and can be found by looking at the “Weather” row on the Preflight chart and cross-referencing it with the number of players column.
2. Now, it’s time to add weather to the board. Here’s how I’ll do it:
– I’ll draw 1 weather card from the Morning weather deck. Then, I’ll place 1 storm token on top of any non-Airport space along the route shown on the card.
– Next, I’ll draw another weather card from the morning pile and put 1 tailwind token on top of any non-Airport space along the route shown on the card.
– I’ll repeat this process, drawing weather cards and placing tokens, alternating between storm and tailwind tokens, until all of the weather cards have been drawn from the morning weather pile.
That’s it! Now the game is all set up and ready to be played. Have fun!
Launching into the Sky and Touching Back Down
Have you ever marveled at the moment a giant airplane takes off, soaring through the sky like a bird? It’s truly an awe-inspiring sight. But have you ever thought about the precise mechanics that make this incredible feat possible? Well, let me tell you, the process of taking off and landing an airplane is nothing short of an engineering masterpiece.
When a plane is ready for takeoff, it needs to gather enough speed to generate sufficient lift to become airborne. This is made possible by the powerful jet engines that propel the aircraft forward at tremendous speeds. As the plane speeds up, air rushes over its wings, creating a difference in pressure. Thanks to the curved shape of the wings, this difference in pressure generates lift, allowing the airplane to defy gravity and take to the skies.
On the other hand, when it’s time to return to the ground, the pilots skillfully guide the plane through the landing process. They skillfully manipulate the controls, adjusting the flaps, and slowing the aircraft down. As the plane descends, the flaps create drag, which helps reduce the speed. The pilots expertly align the plane with the runway, and as it nears the ground, the landing gear absorbs the impact, ensuring a smooth touchdown. It’s an incredible dance between man and machine, as the plane glides back to Earth.
So, whether it’s the adrenaline-inducing takeoff or the graceful landing, the process of launching an airplane into the sky and bringing it safely back down is a wonder in itself. It’s a testament to human achievement and ingenuity, reminding us of our limitless potential to conquer the skies.
Alright folks, let’s talk about how the game of Now Boarding works. It’s actually divided into three stages: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. Each stage is made up of several rounds, and these rounds keep going until there are no more passengers left on the ship. Got it so far?
Now, each round has two parts: the flight phase and the maintenance phase. During the flight phase, you get to move your planes around the country and pick up passengers. It’s pretty exciting because there’s no turn order – everyone plays at the same time!
Here’s how it goes down:
- Someone starts the flight phase by flipping the timer.
- All the passenger cards in the passenger areas are turned face-up.
- Now, it’s time to take action! And the best part is, you can take as many actions as you want and in any order you like. So go ahead, plan your moves strategically and make the most of it!
- First, you need to move your plane.
- Then, you can pick up passengers from an airport.
- After that, you can drop off passengers to an airport.
Once the timer runs out, everyone finishes what they’re doing, and the flight phase comes to an end.
Moving your Plane
At any point during the flight phase, you have the option to move your plane a certain number of spaces, up to its speed. Your plane’s speed is indicated by the number of turbines on its tile and upgrade tiles. Keep in mind that you can pick up and drop off passengers while you move, and you can keep moving even after doing so (more on that below). However, it’s not mandatory to use up your entire speed during each round.
It’s important to note that you can only move your plane onto spaces that are accessible to it. All planes have the ability to move onto airport spaces and spaces with white dots. However, if you want to move onto special route spaces, your plane must have a matching route color icon on its tile or upgrade tile.
Hey there! Did you know that you can land your plane on any space, even if it’s not at an airport? Pretty cool, right? You have the freedom to change your plane’s direction mid-flight and even share a space with other planes. Talk about flexibility!
Now, let’s talk about how weather can impact your travel plans. When you fly along a route with a weather token like storms or tailwinds, your speed may be affected. If you come across a storm token, things might slow down a bit. Each storm token replaces one space with two, so it takes longer to travel on that route. On the other hand, if you encounter a tailwind token, you’re in for a treat! It covers one space that you can skip over, making your journey faster. The best part is, both storm and tailwind tokens can affect movement in any direction. Mother Nature sure knows how to keep us on our toes!
Oh, and here’s a little secret. If you happen to have a temporary speed upgrade token, you can give it up and move one extra space this round. It’s like a boost of speed when you need it most. How awesome is that?
Time to Pick Up Some Passengers!
So, here’s the deal: when my plane is at an airport, I have the opportunity to pick up some passengers. It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been waiting, I can choose any passenger from the airport.
But here’s the catch: my plane can only fit as many passengers as I have seats on my plane and upgrade tiles. So, if all my seats are taken, I can’t accept any more passengers until I drop off some or get more seat upgrades.
Now, when I do pick up a passenger, I grab the passenger card from the airport’s passenger area and place it on one of my empty seat tiles. If the passenger card has any angry red cubes on it, I remove them and put them back in the supply. The passenger is just delighted to be on their way, so no need for anger.
Oh, and here’s another thing: I can’t swap passengers with another player while we’re in the air. First, I have to drop off my passengers at an airport where another player can then pick them up.
If you have the special ticket to upgrade your seat temporarily, you can give it back to get access to one extra passenger above the normal limit of your plane. However, keep in mind that this extra seat is only temporary. Your plane will still be at maximum capacity until you have a permanent seat tile, either by dropping off enough passengers or by buying another seat upgrade.
Give Passengers to an Airport
So, when I’m at the airport, I can unload some passengers from my plane. It doesn’t matter if that airport is where they want to go or not – I can drop them off anywhere.
If I drop off a passenger at an airport that’s not their destination, I’ll just put their card face-up in the passenger area of the airport I’m currently in.
But when I drop off a passenger at their actual destination, I’ll put their card aside and keep it in my own money pile. That means I’ve earned the money from their ticket!
Now, here’s the important part. Only the player who dropped the passenger at their destination gets to keep the card. Even if other planes carried the passenger before, it’s the last one that matters.
Oh, and by the way, I can’t drop off a passenger at the same airport I just picked them up from. That would be kind of silly, don’t you think?
Time for a Check-up
When the time runs out, we all finish what we’re doing and the flight phase is over. Now it’s time for the maintenance phase, and here’s what we do:
Get Angry and Complain
Every passenger card in the airport areas gets an anger cube. If a card ends up with four anger cubes, that passenger has had enough and goes to file a complaint. We take their anger cubes back and put their card in the complaint pile next to the board. If the complaint pile ever has three or more cards, we all lose the game (it’s called “Out of Business,” and it’s not fun).
The Art of Getting Ready for the Next Batch of Travelers
Are you prepared for the influx of passengers that will soon grace your establishment? As a professional in the hospitality industry, I’ve come to understand the importance of making sure everything is just right. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your guests have a seamless and enjoyable experience during their stay.
1. Cleanliness is Key
When someone walks into a hotel room, they expect it to be spotless. It’s crucial to keep your accommodations clean and tidy. Dust every surface, vacuum the floors, and sanitize the bathroom. Pay close attention to details like clean bedding, fresh towels, and shining faucets. These small touches make a big difference to your guests.
2. Personalize the Experience
If you want your guests to feel welcomed and valued, personalization is key. Add unique touches to the room, such as fresh flowers, a handwritten welcome note, or even a small basket of local goodies. These seemingly small gestures show that you’ve gone above and beyond to make their stay memorable.
3. Anticipate Their Needs
Imagine being a guest in a hotel and having everything you need right at your fingertips. It’s a delightful experience that can be achieved by anticipating your guests’ needs. Stock the room with essentials like toiletries, extra pillows, and blankets. Provide easy access to amenities such as a coffee maker, mini-fridge, and microwave. By doing so, you’ll elevate their comfort and convenience.
4. Create an Inviting Atmosphere
The ambiance of a hotel plays a significant role in a guest’s overall experience. Consider playing soft music in the lobby, using warm lighting, and having comfortable seating areas. Adding plants and artwork can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. When guests step into your establishment, they should immediately feel a sense of relaxation and tranquility.
5. Offer Exceptional Service
Above all, providing first-class service is the key to success. Train your staff to be friendly, attentive, and responsive to guest needs. Encourage them to go the extra mile by offering recommendations for local attractions, assisting with reservations, or simply being a listening ear. Exceptional service will leave a lasting impression on your guests.
By utilizing these strategies, you can ensure that your preparations for the next wave of visitors go smoothly. Remember, the key is to create an experience that is both comfortable and memorable. With a little extra effort, you can truly elevate your guests’ stay and leave a lasting impression.
So, here’s what you do: grab a bunch of passenger cards from the passenger deck and put them facedown in the passenger areas at their home airports. Easy peasy.
Now, to figure out how many cards you need to draw, just look at the Preflight chart. Match up the number of players with the “Draw per round” row, and boom! You got it.
Let’s say you’re playing with 3 people. During the Morning stage, you would draw 2 cards. Got it? Good.
Now, on to the next stage.
When you go to draw cards and find that the passenger deck for the current stage is empty, that means it’s time to move on to the next stage. Simple, right?
So, let’s say the Morning passenger deck is all out of cards. Well, that means it’s time to switch it up and move on to the Afternoon stage.
Oh, and one more thing. Each time the stage changes, you gotta reset the weather. Get rid of all the storm and tailwind tokens on the board and put some new ones out there.
If you’re ready to improve your plane and make it even better, I’ve got just the thing for you! During the maintenance phase, you’ll have the opportunity to buy upgrades for your aircraft using the money you earned from delivering passengers to their destinations.
Here’s how it works: First, you’ll need to discard any number of passenger cards from your personal money pile. Don’t worry, you won’t lose any money! Instead, you’ll be using the printed ticket price on these cards to purchase your upgrades. Once you’ve decided which cards to discard, place them in the passenger discard pile.
Now comes the fun part! You get to choose from a variety of upgrade tiles. Take a look at what’s available and pick the one that suits your aircraft best. When you’ve made your selection, arrange the new upgrade tiles in the appropriate sections of your plane. Seats go in the middle, speed on the wings, and routes by the tail.
It’s that simple! By following these steps, you’ll be taking your plane to new heights and giving your passengers an even better flying experience. So why wait? Upgrade your plane today and soar to new horizons!
Hey there! Let me break it down for you. So, each upgrade has a different price, right? And that price changes based on how many of that upgrade you’ve already bought. For example, let’s say you want to buy your third seat upgrade. Well, that’s gonna cost ya $9. But hang on, if you’re feeling fancy and wanna splurge on a fourth seat upgrade, the price jumps up to $13!
Now here’s the cool part: you can buy as many upgrades as you want, as long as you have enough money. So, go ahead and spend more than the cost of the upgrades if you feel like it. Just remember, if you overspend, you won’t get any change back. It’s like the saying goes, “No change for overspending!”
When it comes to upgrades in the game, there are two types that players can use to give themselves an advantage: temporary upgrades and permanent upgrades. These upgrades can help you improve your speed and the number of seats available on your aircraft.
Temporary upgrades are like one-time-use items that you can buy with extra money. There are two types of temporary upgrades: one for speed and one for seats. Once you buy a temporary upgrade, you can’t use it again until you return it to the supply. So, it’s important to think strategically and use these upgrades wisely.
When you start a new round in the game, each player gets a chance to purchase their upgrades. After everyone has made their purchases, it’s time to discuss your flight plans and prepare for the new batch of passengers. Make sure to flip over the timer and move on to the next flight phase.
If you’ve bought a temporary upgrade, you’ll need to remember to return it to the supply after you’ve used it. This way, other players will have a chance to use it in future rounds. Temporary upgrades are a great way to make use of extra money and give yourself a boost when you need it the most.
When it’s time to exit the aircraft, make sure to double-check and gather all of your belongings. Don’t forget anything behind! Exiting the aircraft marks the end of the game round, and you’ll need to be prepared for the next round to begin. Keep your strategy in mind and get ready for more challenges and opportunities in the game.
If the evening passenger deck is empty when we start maintenance, we get one last round to deliver our remaining passengers. We can’t add any new passengers, and the weather doesn’t change. After the final round, including the maintenance phase, we collect all the remaining passenger cards from both the passenger areas and our planes. For every two passengers we haven’t delivered yet, we add one card to the complaint pile. If we ever end up with three or more cards in the complaint pile, whether during the game or at the end of the final round (including the Exiting the aircraft cards), we all lose. Customer service can be tough. That’s it! That’s the game.
Hey there! If you make it to the end of the last round and have less than 3 passenger cards in the complaint pile (including cards from Exiting the aircraft), we all win. Our airline will be a soaring success!
Pro Tip: Making Connections
We can take actions in any order during the flight phase. For example, you can wait for another player to drop off a passenger and then immediately pick it up and move.
If we plan our moves carefully, we can deliver passengers across the map in just one round. How cool is that?