Noctiluca Game Rules
Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of Noctiluca! I’m here to help you understand the rules and get started on your adventure. So, shall we begin?
First things first, what is Noctiluca? Well, it’s a game that challenges you to collect and deliver mysterious creatures called Noctiluca from the depths of a beautiful pond. These little creatures emit a mesmerizing glow, making them captivating companions to encounter and collect.
Now, let’s talk about how to play the game. You start by setting up the game board, which represents the pond where the Noctiluca dwell. It’s filled with colorful lily pads, creating an enchanting atmosphere.
Next, you’ll distribute dice among the players. Each die has different numbers ranging from one to six, representing the paths you can take to collect Noctiluca. The numbers also indicate the possible actions you can perform, like adding more dice to your collection or swapping dice with another player.
When it’s your turn, you’ll carefully choose a die and place it on a lily pad with the corresponding number. This determines the path you’ll take to collect the Noctiluca. But be careful! Once you place a die on a lily pad, it’s off-limits for everyone else.
Now, here’s the exciting part. After all the players have taken their turns, it’s time to collect the Noctiluca! You move your collector token along the paths you’ve created and scoop up Noctiluca from the lily pads you’ve placed dice on. The number on the die you chose determines the number of Noctiluca you can collect.
But wait, there’s more! Noctiluca come in different colors, and each color has a different point value. You’ll have to strategize and decide which Noctiluca to collect based on their colors and point values. The more points you earn, the closer you get to victory!
As the game progresses, the pond becomes more occupied with dice and lily pads, making it trickier to find the perfect path to collect Noctiluca. It becomes a thrilling race against time and your opponents to gather as many of these captivating creatures as possible.
Remember, the player with the most points at the end of the game wins! So, keep an eye on your opponents, adapt your strategy, and let the glow of the Noctiluca guide you to victory.
With these rules in mind, it’s time to embark on your Noctiluca adventure! Enjoy the beauty of the pond, the thrill of collecting the glowy creatures, and the strategic fun of outwitting your opponents. May your journey be filled with wonder and triumph. Good luck!
Deep in the heart of the jungle, there are the Cerulean Pools. These pools are usually calm and ordinary. But on the warmest nights, something magical happens – the dormant noctiluca wake up, and the quiet waters come alive with shimmering lights.
Me and my friends are the best divers around, and we’re on a mission to collect these glowing embers from the pools. The noctiluca are famous for their amazing healing properties, so we want to gather as many as we can.
These remarkable creatures live peacefully together in carefully kept jars. Just by being near them, the noctiluca can cure all sorts of ailments. But first, we have to show our diving skills by retrieving the noctiluca from the pool and arranging them in the jars.
Hey there! Have you ever played Noctiluca? It’s a really cool game where you get to dive deep into the clear waters in search of these rare and beautiful creatures called noctiluca. And let me tell you, they are truly something special!
So here’s how the game works: you and up to three other players compete to collect as many noctiluca as possible. You’ll need to carefully collect them in jars and make sure you meet the needs of some grateful healers along the way.
Why do you need to meet the needs of these healers, you ask? Well, each filled jar of noctiluca you present to them will earn you some valuable points. And, of course, the player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
Isn’t that amazing? It’s a game that combines strategy, exploration, and a touch of luck. So gather your friends, dive into the depths, and let the Noctiluca adventure begin!
The Components
What comes in the box:
- 12 Pawns
- 1 Double-Sided Game Board
- 104 Noctiluca Dice
- 1 Black Die
- 30 Jar Cards
- 30 Point Tokens
- 4 Favorite Cards
- 1 First Player Marker
Setting Up the Game
If you want to play with others, here’s what you need to do:
- Put the game board in the middle of the table. Make sure the side without numbers is facing up, as the numbered side is for the solo game.
- Put the black die back in the box. Now it’s time to get the noctiluca dice ready. Mix them up and randomly place them on the board. Each inner space gets four dice, and each outer space gets five dice. Note: It’s important not to move or adjust the dice after you’ve placed them. The colors and faces need to be distributed randomly for the game to work.
To start playing the game, distribute the 12 pawns equally among the players. In a game with four players, each player will take three pawns.
Next, separate the point tokens by color. Take the tokens of each color and stack them in ascending order, with the colored side facing up. Make sure the “8” token is at the bottom of the stack and the “2” token is at the top. Place these stacks near the board for easy access.
Now it’s time to deal the favorite cards. Shuffle the deck and deal one card to each player, making sure to keep the artwork facedown. Any unused cards should be returned to the box without looking at them. Each player should secretly look at their card without revealing it to the others.
Each favorite card represents a color of noctiluca. At the end of the game, you will score points based on how many noctiluca of that color you have collected. Keep your card safe and strategize accordingly throughout the game!
And with that, you’re ready to start your Noctiluca adventure. May the glow of the noctiluca guide you to victory!

Your task is to rewrite the text below, infusing it with a fresh and engaging voice while maintaining its meaning.
How to Play Noctiluca
Ready to dive into the world of Noctiluca? Let me show you how it’s done!
Setting Up
Before we start, let’s get everything ready. Place the game board in the middle of the table and give each player a set of colored dice and a jar. The youngest player gets the first player marker.
Game Play
Now, it’s time to jump into the exciting game play! In Noctiluca, we take turns diving to collect those precious noctiluca dice and store them safely in our jars. The game is played over two rounds, and at the end, we’ll compare our scores to see who comes out on top.
Collecting Noctiluca
During your turn, place one of your pawns on any unoccupied shore of the pool. Remember, the center space is not a shore. Once your pawn is in place, choose one of the two paths connected to that shore and pick a number between one and six.
Now, here comes the exciting part! Collect all the dice showing the number you chose along the path, no matter what color they are. Keep them safe and sound in your jar.
An Example of Collecting
I’ve always been fascinated by the world of collecting. It’s a hobby that allows you to explore and cherish items that hold a special meaning to you. Collecting can take many forms, from stamps and coins to vintage toys and sports memorabilia. The possibilities are truly endless.
When you start collecting, you embark on a thrilling journey of discovery. You never know what treasures you may come across. It’s like embarking on a grand adventure, where each new item you acquire adds to your personal story.
Collecting also offers a sense of connection and community. There are forums, clubs, and events where collectors come together to share their passion. It’s a chance to meet like-minded individuals who understand the excitement of finding that rare item or completing a coveted set.
But collecting isn’t just about the thrill of the hunt or the sense of community. It’s also a way to learn about history, culture, and art. Each item holds a story and can teach you something new. Whether it’s the history behind a vintage comic book or the cultural significance of a traditional artifact, collecting opens up a world of knowledge and appreciation.
Of course, collecting has its challenges too. It can be difficult to find certain items or to navigate the market’s ups and downs. But overcoming these obstacles adds to the satisfaction of building your collection. It’s a constant learning process and a test of patience, but the rewards are worth it.
In the end, collecting is a deeply personal endeavor. It’s about capturing moments and memories, preserving a piece of the past, and creating a legacy for the future. So, if you’re curious about collecting, I encourage you to explore the possibilities and embark on your own collecting journey. Who knows what treasures await?
Hey there! I just need two more blue dice to complete my jar. So, on my turn, I’ll place a pawn on an empty shore. Then, I’ll choose a straight path and shout “1”! Boom! I’ll grab two blue dice and one green die to add to my collection.
A Note about Noctiluca
When I collect noctiluca dice, I’ll pop them into jars with matching colors. Once a dice is in a jar, it can’t be moved to a different one. But here’s the thing, for the dice on jar cards, only the color matters, not the number.
If I don’t have enough space in my jars for all the dice I collected in my turn, I’ll have to pass the rest to the next player in line. Bummer!
So, here’s the deal. When you receive dice, you can put one of them into a jar as if you collected it. Pretty straightforward, right? Any leftover dice are then passed on to the next person in line, and they can do the same. This continues until all the dice that can fit in a jar have been placed. If there are any dice left that can’t be placed, they go back in the box lid. No wasted dice here!
Time to Complete the Jars
Once you have filled up your jars with noctiluca dice and passed them around, it’s time to reap the rewards. You get some point tokens and get to draw some new jars. It’s like hitting the jackpot!
When you give back a jar, you put all the dice from that jar back in the box lid. Then, you take the topmost point token from the stack that matches the color of the jar and place it in front of you. Make sure that the color side of the token is facing up. After that, you flip the jar card over and keep it in front of you.
Next, you choose the topmost jar from one of the jar piles. If a pile runs out during the game, it doesn’t get refilled. If you have multiple full jars, you can deliver them one at a time in any order you want.
Exchanging Jars When It’s Not Your Turn
If another player gives you noctiluca dice and you fill a jar on that player’s turn, you deliver that jar and take a new one as if it were your own turn. If multiple players need to deliver jars during the same turn, they do it one by one, following the order in which they are playing.
End of the Round
Once all the pawns are in place, the round comes to a close. At the end of the first round, we get ready for the second one by removing all the pawns from the board and dividing them equally among all the players, just like we did during setup.
Next, we take out all the noctiluca dice from the board and follow Step 2 of the setup process to refill the board with dice from the box lid. If there aren’t enough dice to fully refill the board, we distribute them randomly, trying to make it as fair as possible.
Now, we flip the first player marker to the “2” side and pass it to the player who put down the last pawn in the first round. This player becomes the first player for the second round, and the game continues moving in a counter-clockwise direction.
The Game’s End
Once the second round is completed, the game comes to an end, and it’s time to tally up the final scores. On the back of each favorite card, you’ll find a handy reference to help you with this.
Who Has the Most?
Let’s talk about the three colors of point tokens. Take a look at each color and see which player has the most tokens of that color. Remember, we’re counting the number of tokens, not their total value. The player with the majority will flip the remaining tokens of that color to show one point and claim them as their own.
If there happens to be a tie for the majority, fear not. The tied players will divide the remaining tokens equally among themselves, placing them facedown. Any extra tokens will be discarded.
An Example to Help You Understand
Bridget and Char and I all have some red tokens, but I’m a little behind because I only have one. Bridget and Char decide to each take one of their red tokens and keep them face down, and the extra red token gets thrown away.
Now, let me explain how we score points in this game. First, we have these point tokens. We add up the numbers on all the point tokens, whether they’re face up or face down, and that’s how many points we get.
Next, we have these jar bonuses. If we deliver jars that have points in the top-right corner, we score even more points. So we want to make sure we’re delivering those jars.
Finally, we have the favorite. Each of us has a favorite, and if we reveal our favorite and there are matching noctiluca spaces on our delivered jars, we get one point for each matching space. So it’s important to pay attention to our favorites and try to deliver jars that match.
That’s how we score points in this game. It’s a lot to keep track of, but I think I can figure it out.
The game of Noctiluca is an adventure in itself. It’s a race against time as you strive to collect and deliver these beautiful creatures to the jars. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. When I play, sometimes I end up with a few noctiluca dice that I just can’t deliver. So, I score one point for every two of these leftovers. It’s a small consolation, but every point counts.
Once the game is over, it’s time to compare scores. And guess what? The player with the most points wins! It’s that simple. But what if there’s a tie? Well, if two or more players have the same number of points, we need a tiebreaker. In this case, the player who delivered the most jars breaks the tie and takes home the victory. But imagine if there’s still a tie after that? Don’t worry, in that rare situation, the tied players actually share the victory. It’s a testament to their skill and determination.