How to play New Angeles Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the New Angeles Game!

Hey there! Are you ready to immerse yourself in the thrilling world of New Angeles? Get excited, because I’m here to guide you through the game rules. Hold onto your hats, folks!

Game Objective

So, what’s the deal? The goal of New Angeles is to accumulate Capital, which is the key to success in this city. The player with the most Capital at the end of the game will be crowned the winner. But it won’t be easy, I can tell you that!


First things first, let’s take a look at what you’ll find in the box. Brace yourself for a wild ride:

  • Player Boards: Each player gets their own board, representing their corporation and all its essential information.
  • Markers: These little guys will help you keep track of your progress. Use them wisely!
  • Cards: Ah, the heart and soul of the game. You’ll find various types of cards here, each with its own unique abilities. Don’t underestimate their power.
  • Money Tokens: Now, we can’t forget about the dough, can we? These tokens will serve as your precious cash throughout the game. Keep them safe!


Alright, now let’s get into the nitty-gritty: the gameplay. Here’s how it all works:

  • Rounds: The game is divided into a series of rounds, and each round is made up of several turns. It’s your chance to make your move, so strategize wisely.
  • Action Phase: This is where the magic happens. During the Action Phase, players take turns performing actions. You’ll have a whole range of options at your disposal, so choose wisely.
  • Profit Phase: Everybody loves a good profit, right? In this phase, you’ll gain Capital for each building you control. Cha-ching!
  • Deal Phase: Time to make some deals! During this phase, players have the opportunity to negotiate and trade with one another. You’d be surprised how valuable alliances can be.

Building Trust

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Trust is a valuable commodity in New Angeles, and you’ll need to build trust with your fellow players to get ahead.

But hold up, it’s not as simple as winning everyone over with your charm. You see, trust in this city is a double-edged sword. You’ll need it to form alliances and get help from others, but be careful not to let your opponents take advantage of you. It’s a delicate balance, my friend.

Winning the Game

Alright, let’s talk about the ultimate prize: victory! To win the game, you’ll need to accumulate as much Capital as possible. Remember, Capital is the name of the game here.

But it’s not just about hoarding all the money. To truly succeed, you’ll need to manage your resources wisely, make shrewd deals, and keep a close eye on your opponents. Only the savviest player can claim the crown of New Angeles!

Well, there you have it. I hope you’re feeling pumped and ready to take on New Angeles. Trust me, this is a game you won’t want to miss. So gather your friends, dive into the world of corporate intrigue, and may the best player win!

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 Game Board
  • 9 Human First Units
  • 9 Orgcrime Units
  • 6 Prisec Units
  • 16 Event Cards
  • 7 Rival Cards
  • 6 Setup Cards
  • 6 Corp Sheets
  • 9 Demand Cards
  • 12 Investment Cards
  • 34 Asset Cards
  • 100 Action Cards
  • 6 Emergency Action Cards
  • 79 Tokens
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

New Angeles is a bustling hub of commerce in our solar system, and every country wants it to thrive. It’s my job as a corporation to protect the city’s productivity and make sure all its neighborhoods keep producing their goods and services.

If corporations play their part in this effort, they will help meet the city’s economic needs while maintaining control.

A crucial way for corporations to achieve this is by fulfilling their roles, which is how they earn capital, a measure of their wealth and success. The goal for each player is to have more capital than their secret rival by the end of the final game round. It’s possible for multiple players to win, but at least one player must lose!

In New Angeles, negotiation and manipulation are the keys to success. No individual can accomplish much without greasing palms and making promises.

Players are encouraged to do whatever it takes in the pursuit of success. However, it’s important to remember that if the players can’t work together to keep the city productive, no one will emerge as the winner.


So, you’re ready to get started with the first game of New Angeles? Great! Let me walk you through the setup process. It’s not too complicated, don’t worry!

First things first, we need to go through a few setup steps. Here’s what you need to do:

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Set up the Assets, Demands, Investments, and Events Decks: I’m going to put the setup cards back in the game box. Then, I’ll shuffle the asset, demand, investment, and event decks separately. I’ll place the event deck on the “Events” box on the board, and put the asset, demand, and investment decks below the “Assets”, “Demands”, and “Investments” slots on the board.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s get started by creating action decks: First, separate the action cards by their color. Then, shuffle each type of card to form its very own deck. Once you’ve done that, place each deck next to the slot on the board that matches its type and color.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’ll show you how to set up the round track and turn track in the game. It’s pretty simple!

First, let’s place the round track token on space “1” of the board’s round track. This will keep track of the rounds as we play.

Next, we need to set up the turn track. Take the top three cards from the asset deck and put them facedown below slots “1”, “2”, and “3” of the board’s turn track. These cards will determine the actions available to us during each turn.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess
Look out for Nihongai (district 7) – you’ll find an android token and a prisec unit there.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m going to walk you through the setup process for this game. It’s pretty simple, but there are a few things you need to do before you can start playing. Let’s get started!

Create Reserve: Take all the tokens for outage, unrest, illness, and development, and put them along with the Human First, orgcrime, and prisec units next to the board. This will create the reserve of tokens that you’ll be using throughout the game.

Set Resource Tracks: Take the five resource tokens and place each one on the “0” space of the matching icon track. Then, flip over the top card of the demand deck and put it face-up on the deck. Look at the card and place target tokens on the matching resource tracks for each resource listed on the card.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Setting up Active Player and Corporations: To begin, I, the most experienced player, will place the active player token, the Jinteki corp sheet, and the Jinteki emergency action card in front of me. Then, in clockwise order, each of you will choose a corporation from the options listed in the “Corporation Setup” section at the bottom of this page. Make sure to place the corporation sheet faceup, using the four-player or five-to-six-player side depending on the number of players. You can identify the four-player side by the icon in the lower-left corner.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s start by placing the threat token on space “0” of the board’s threat track. This is the symbol on the track. Now, it’s time to place our corporation’s capital token on the capital track. You can find the specific instructions for your corporation in the “Corporation Setup” sidebar. Make sure to follow them carefully.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Draw Some Action Cards: You and I need to grab the action cards that are specified for our corporation in the “Corporation Setup” sidebar.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Assigning Rivals: First, let’s shuffle the rival cards, including the “Federalist” card and the ones showing the corporations being used in this game. Put away the unused rival cards. Next, deal one rival card face-down to each player, and place the remaining card face-down partially under the board. Take a moment to secretly look at your rival card, but remember not to share this information with the other players.

Playing the Game

In New Angeles, we play through a series of rounds. Each round starts with an Action Phase, consisting of multiple turns. During each turn of the Action Phase, one player draws action cards, and then the players negotiate to have the opportunity to play an action card and gain a powerful asset.

When I play this game, I realize that after I go through a certain number of turns in the Action Phase, my city starts producing resources. These resources are really important because I’m going to need them later on to meet demand. If I don’t have enough resources, I could actually lose the game!

There’s another interesting thing that happens at the end of each round. We draw an event card, and this card brings new problems for us to deal with in the next round. It keeps the game exciting!

The Action Phase

During the Action Phase, I get to use my cards to handle all the problems in my city and even manipulate other corporations. It’s all about getting those valuable assets.

Each Action Phase has a bunch of turns. I’m the active player and I get to take the first turn. Here’s what I do:

1. Draw Action Cards

I take a look at my corp sheet to see how many action cards I need to draw, and then I draw them. These cards are going to be really useful!

I’m excited to show you this image! Let’s dive right in and see what’s happening.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess
As the Jinteki player, I get to draw 2 biotech action cards (red) and 1 labor action card (purple).

Wow, this is an important moment in the game. Let me explain it to you in simpler terms. In the game of New Angeles, there are different players, and one of them is the Jinteki player. When it’s my turn, I can choose to take some actions. I have a special deck of cards that I can draw from. In this particular moment, I get to draw 2 biotech action cards, which are represented by the color red, and 1 labor action card, which is represented by the color purple. These cards will give me some options and abilities to use during the game. It’s exciting to see what cards I will get!

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing the game, you might find yourself in need of a “General” action card. If that happens, simply draw any action card that you haven’t already drawn during this step.

Each action card has a specific role in the city, which you can learn more about in the “Action Card Types” sidebar.

Now, onto the next step: resolving a deal. This is when players play action cards and gain assets. Let me explain the process in more detail.

The active player starts by revealing the rightmost asset card below the turn track. This card goes into the “Revealed Asset” box on the board. After that, each player has the opportunity to play an action card from their hand and try to convince everyone else to support their action.

The player who gets the most support gets to resolve their action card and claim the revealed asset card for themselves.

Remember, there are different types of action cards, each with its own unique abilities and effects. You can find more information about these card types in the “Action Card Types” section.

Hey there! Let’s talk about action cards in a board game. Did you know that most corporations in the game specialize in a certain type of action card? These action cards do different things on the board, depending on their type. There are five types of action cards:

  • Construction: These cards are all about fixing things and building cool stuff.
  • Biotech: Biotech cards help out by containing illnesses and manipulating the event deck.
  • Labor: Labor cards help move android tokens and can quickly make specific resources.
  • Media: Media cards are great for reducing unrest and drawing extra cards.
  • Security: Security cards are all about protecting the board and destroying enemy units.

So, each type of action card has its own special abilities and can be a big help during the game. Pretty neat, right? Now you have an idea of what each type of action card does. Have fun playing!

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we start a deal, you reveal the rightmost asset card on the turn track and place it in the “Revealed Asset” box on the board.

3. End of Turn

Now it’s your chance, as the active player, to take care of your “End of Turn” asset cards. I’ll explain those in a moment. After that, if you have more than five action cards in your hand, you need to discard some until you have only five left. Then, it’s time to pass the active player token to the player on your left.

Keep an eye on the turn track! It shows you when the Action Phase is complete.

If there’s still at least one asset card resting on the turn track, the Action Phase continues, and the next player becomes the new active player. But if there are no more facedown asset cards on the turn track at the end of a turn, it means the Action Phase is over, and the Production Phase begins.

In New Angeles, a board game set in a futuristic city, not all players take a turn in every round. However, everyone will still have an equal number of turns by the end of the game.

Phase of Production

New Angeles is a massive city that produces a vast amount of consumer goods, agricultural products, and technology. The demand for these products is constant, and the success of the megacorporations is tied directly to the city’s productivity.

The city is divided into ten districts, each with a unique name and number. These districts are categorized into three tiers, which are indicated by a colored border and a certain number of horizontal bars. Events in the game may refer to these tiers.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Look at this image. It shows Rutherford District, which is in Tier 3. You can tell it’s Tier 3 because there are three red bars.

Each district in New Angeles produces different resources. You can see the types and amounts of resources a district produces by looking at the icons. The primary resource for a district is the one listed first, and its icon is in a colored circle. If there is another resource listed, it is the secondary resource.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Types of Resources

Finding the right resources can sometimes be a bit overwhelming! There are so many options out there. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you navigate through it all. Whether you’re looking for books, articles, websites, or videos, there’s something for everyone.

Let’s start with books. They’re a classic choice and can provide in-depth knowledge on a wide range of topics. From fiction to non-fiction, there’s a book for every interest. Plus, you can easily take them with you wherever you go.

Next up, we have articles. These are shorter pieces of writing that cover specific topics. Articles are great when you want to explore a subject more casually or quickly. They’re often found in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms.

Websites are another excellent resource. They offer a wealth of information on a variety of subjects. From educational websites to news sites, you can find answers to almost any question with just a few clicks. Just be sure to verify the credibility of the website before using it as a reliable source.

Lastly, we have videos. Whether they’re educational or entertaining, videos can be a fun and engaging way to learn. Platforms like YouTube offer a wide range of content produced by experts, creators, and educators from around the world.

Remember, the key is to find resources that align with your specific needs and learning style. Don’t be afraid to try different types and formats to see what works best for you. And if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask for help. There are librarians, teachers, and mentors who can guide you on your resource-seeking journey. Happy exploring!

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we reach the Production Phase, we uncover the android tokens in three districts and take advantage of their resources. As we exploit these districts, they generate their own resources.

To keep track of this, we move the resource tokens in the supply to reflect the amount of each resource that has been produced. Some units and tokens can impact the production of a district, and you can find more information about this in the “Production Modifiers” section below.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess
Rutherford district produces 2 credits and 1 entertainment when it is exploited.

Additionally, when a district is exploited, its unrest level rises, regardless of whether or not it produces any resources. To represent this, we place an unrest token with the yellow protest side face-up in that district’s condition box.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess
There’s a lot of unrest happening in Rutherford and it’s starting to escalate into protests.

Ever wondered what to do when a city is in turmoil? It can be quite a challenging task to navigate through the chaos and find a way to restore peace. Trust me, I’ve been there. But fear not, because I’m here to guide you on this turbulent journey. Let’s dive into the intricacies of dealing with civil unrest and protests, shall we? Understanding the Situation

The first step in handling a situation like this is to truly understand what’s going on. It’s like a puzzle, and you’re the detective. Take a closer look at the protests and unrest in Rutherford. What are the underlying issues? Why are the people angry? By asking these questions, you can start unraveling the truth behind the chaos. Trust me, it’s important.

Evaluate the Causes

Once you have a grasp on the situation, it’s time to evaluate the causes of the unrest. What are the main factors contributing to the protests? Is it inequality, injustice, or something else entirely? Try to get a sense of the root of the problem, as this will help you devise a strategy to address it. Remember, knowledge is power.

Communication is Key

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the situation and its causes, it’s time to open the channels of communication. Talk to the people who are protesting, listen to their concerns, and try to find common ground. Showing empathy and actively listening can go a long way in defusing tensions and finding a peaceful resolution. Trust me, it’s worth the effort.

Take Action

Once you have gathered all the necessary information and established a line of communication, it’s time to take action. This can involve implementing policies to address the root causes of the unrest, creating opportunities for dialogue between different groups, or even organizing community initiatives to foster unity. The key here is to take concrete steps towards resolving the issues at hand. Trust me, it’s possible.

Maintain a Long-Term Perspective

Resolving civil unrest and protests is not a quick fix. It requires a long-term commitment and dedication. It’s crucial to keep your eye on the goal and not get discouraged by setbacks along the way. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is lasting peace. Trust me, it’s a journey worth taking.


Dealing with civil unrest and protests is no easy task. It’s like braving a storm, while trying to find a way to bring back the calm. But by understanding the situation, evaluating the causes, communicating effectively, taking action, and maintaining a long-term perspective, you can make a difference. Trust me, it’s in your hands. So go out there and be the catalyst for positive change. Rutherford is counting on you.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When a district in the game already has an unrest token, something interesting happens – the token is flipped over, revealing the red strike side. But if the strike side is already faceup, it stays that way.

Once all the districts with android tokens have been exploited, it’s time to move on to the Event Phase.

Changing Production

There are certain components in the game that can impact a district’s resource production:

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Strike: When a district goes on strike, it is unable to generate any resources.

I’m sure you’ve heard of a strike before. It’s when workers decide not to work because they’re not happy with something. Well, did you know that districts can also go on strike? Yep, just like people, districts can stop producing resources when they’re not satisfied.

So, what happens when a district goes on strike? Well, it’s simple. When a district is on strike, it can’t generate any resources. That means no crops, no goods, nothing. It’s like the district is taking a break from producing things.

But why would a district go on strike? There could be many reasons. Maybe the workers in the district are not being treated well, or the conditions are unsafe. It could also be because the district is not being given enough resources to do its job properly. Whatever the reason, when a district goes on strike, it’s a big deal.

When a district goes on strike, it’s not just the people who work there that are affected. The whole community suffers. That’s because the resources that the district produces are important for everyone. They might be used to make food, or to build things, or even to create energy. Without those resources, life becomes a lot harder for everyone.

So, if you see a district that is on strike, you should try to understand why they’re unhappy. Maybe there’s something you can do to help. We all have a part to play in making sure that districts are treated fairly and given what they need to do their job. Because when districts are happy and working hard, it benefits everyone.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Power Outages: When a district experiences an outage, it means that it is unable to generate any resources. This can be quite frustrating and inconvenient, as it disrupts the normal functioning of essential services and appliances. Imagine going through a power outage – no lights, no TV, no internet, and worst of all, no air conditioning or heating! It can be quite a challenge to go about your daily activities without these basic amenities.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to the Orgcrime Unit: This is a special division that operates in certain districts. But what exactly is an orgcrime unit, and why is it so important? Let me break it down for you.

An orgcrime unit is a specialized team that deals with organized crime. In districts where an orgcrime unit is present, there is a restriction on the production of the district’s primary resource. This means that while the orgcrime unit is busy cracking down on criminal activities, the district cannot focus on producing their main resource.

Now, you might be wondering why this restriction is in place. Well, it’s all about maintaining the delicate balance between battling crime and producing resources. You see, organized crime can have a detrimental impact on a district’s productivity and safety. By having an orgcrime unit, the district can prioritize fighting crime and ensuring the well-being of its residents.

Having an orgcrime unit is like having a superhero team dedicated to keeping the district safe. They work tirelessly to investigate criminal activities, gather evidence, and apprehend the wrongdoers. This not only helps in maintaining law and order but also sends a clear message to potential criminals that the district means business.

So, if you find yourself in a district with an orgcrime unit, rest assured that your safety and well-being are being prioritized. While there might be a temporary restriction on resource production, it’s a small price to pay for a district that is actively working towards keeping crime at bay.

Remember, an orgcrime unit is like an invisible shield that protects the district from the harmful effects of organized crime. It’s a testament to the district’s commitment to ensuring a safe and secure environment for its residents. So next time you come across an orgcrime unit, give a nod of appreciation for the important work they do.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Development: When I develop the primary resource in the district, its value goes up by one.

Event Phase

Sometimes, one of the city’s problems becomes really prominent and gets a lot of attention in the tabloids.

During the Event Phase, I reveal and deal with the top card of the event deck. The event card is handled from top to bottom and has a negative impact on the game in different ways.

The top half of each event card has an effect that can raise the threat level (see the “Mitigating Threat” sidebar).

The threat level shows how close the United States government is to taking full control of the city. If the threat level reaches 25, we all lose the game! We keep track of the threat level using the threat track. When the threat level goes up, we move the threat token to show the new total.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess
I’m a bit confused about this image. It looks like a game board, but what’s with the threat increasing by two?

Let’s talk about the bottom half of each event card. It tells us which units and tokens are put on the board. We need to place one of each component in the districts listed next to it.

Here’s something important to keep in mind: no district can have more than one of the same enemy unit, outage token, or illness token. If there’s supposed to be a second copy, we place it in the next district instead. By the way, we’ll learn how these units and tokens move later on.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to dealing with threats, it’s important to be prepared and take swift action. Understanding the significance of protecting oneself and others is crucial in today’s society. That’s why it’s essential to choose the right approach and make informed decisions.

Firstly, we have the Human First unit stationed in Esmeraldas (district 8). This unit plays a key role in maintaining peace and order by prioritizing the safety and well-being of all citizens. They are trained to handle any situation and ensure that everyone feels secure.

Secondly, we have the orgcrime unit located in La Costa (district 3). Their main objective is to combat organized crime and keep criminal activities in check. They work tirelessly to disrupt criminal networks and protect the community from harm.

Lastly, there is an illness token placed in Quinde (district 2). It serves as a constant reminder to be mindful of public health and take necessary precautions. By staying informed about potential health risks and following guidelines, we can collectively prevent the spread of illnesses and keep ourselves safe.

Mitigating Threat

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

On the back of each event card, I want to tell you about something important. It’s about how the threat level can go up during the Event Phase. Threat is something we need to be careful about because it can cause trouble for us.

What we can do to lower the risk is to remove certain things from the city. We need to focus on the things in the districts that are higher up. So, if we see an orgcrime unit on the back of the card, that means the threat might increase for each orgcrime unit in the city.

We have a chance to make things better during the Action Phase. We can use action cards to get rid of the orgcrime units and reduce the threat they pose.

The number on the bottom-right corner of each event card tells us how many turns we have until the next Action Phase. It’s like a countdown.

Now, let me explain how we reset the turn track. We do this by taking the same number of asset cards as the countdown number from the top of the asset deck. Then, we place each card facedown below each slot of the turn track, starting with the lowest-numbered slot.

So, once I finish dealing with the event card, I’m done with the Event Phase and I can move the round track token to the next spot on the round track. The round track has spaces with numbers on them and spaces for demands.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If I end up on a numbered space, I keep playing the game with another round. The new active player takes the first turn. But if I end up on a demand space, things change. It’s time for a demand round, which is a special type of round that works differently from a standard round. During a demand round, I need to see if I’ve met the demands for all the products and services the city needs. Here’s what happens during a demand round:

First, I score my investment. This step is important because it determines how successful I am in the game. I reveal my investment card and see what it says. My investments are a key way for me to earn capital, which is necessary to win.

When playing the game, I keep track of my current capital by moving my capital token along the capital track. It’s important to stay aware of my capital status as it determines my financial standing in the game.

2. Pay Demand

The demand cards in the game represent the increasing demand for goods and services from consumers. Meeting this demand is crucial for the growth of my corporation, satisfying my stockholders, and maintaining the valuable tax privileges in New Angeles.

It’s vital to meet the demand because failing to do so will upset the politicians in the game. These politicians, who value corporate regulation only as far as their bank accounts are concerned, will not be pleased if I don’t meet the demand.

As players, we work together to meet the demand by utilizing the resources in the supply. If the quantity of each resource in the supply matches or exceeds the requirement set by the corresponding target token, then we have successfully met the demand.

If I fail to get at least one resource token to the target token on that track, the demand won’t be met, and the threat level will increase by the amount shown on the demand card.

3. Reveal the Demand

Now, I’ll decide on the demand that I have to pay in the next demand round. First, I’ll take the demand card that’s currently revealed and put it at the bottom of the deck. Then, I’ll reset the supply by moving each resource token back to the “0” space.

After that, I’ll reveal the top card from the demand deck. For every resource, I’ll put a target token on the numbered space on that resource’s track, as shown on the demand card.

4. Pick an Investment

In this step, I’ll secretly choose another investment to work on during the next two rounds. I’ll shuffle all the investment cards together to create a new deck.

When we play the game, each of us gets to draw two investment cards. We then have to decide which one we want to keep and which one we will put back on top of the investment deck. It’s a tough decision!

Once we have chosen our investments, we move the round track token to the next space on the track, and then we start the next round. Time to keep the game going!

Here’s an example: The demand we have to pay has specific requirements. It needs 0 energy, 1 consumables, 3 tech, 4 entertainment, and 2 credits. We have enough of everything except tech, so our threat level rises by 5.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we start a new round, we all go back to square one. We put all the resource tokens back to zero on every track. And then comes the exciting part – we flip over the next demand card. This is where we find out the new target values for each resource, so we can set the target tokens accordingly.

How to play New Angeles Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The End of the Game

When we reach the third demand round and complete the Pay Demand step, that’s when the game comes to a close. Naturally, everyone wants to know who the winner is. So, it’s time for each player to reveal their rival card. The player who has more capital than the amount indicated on their rival card is declared the winner.

Now, things can get a little tricky if your rival happens to be your own corporation. In this case, you need to have more capital than at least three other players (or more than two players in a four-player game) to emerge victorious.

Keep in mind that it’s entirely possible (and quite likely) for multiple players to win the game. However, there will also be at least one player who doesn’t come out on top.

Of course, there are other ways for the game to end. For example, if the threat level reaches “25” on the threat track, it means that the United States government has taken over and the corporations no longer enjoy their special economic privileges. This will also signal the end of the game.

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