How to play Mysterium Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Mysterium Game Rules

Welcome to the enchanting world of Mysterium, where mystery and intrigue await. Prepare yourself, for I shall reveal the rules of this captivating game.

In Mysterium, I will take on the role of a ghost, lost in the ethereal realm. You, dear player, will become a psychic medium, striving to communicate with me and unravel the secrets that bind me to my spectral existence.

But how does one play this bewitching game, you may ask? Fear not, for I shall guide you through the process step by step.

Firstly, allow me to introduce you to the cards that form the backbone of Mysterium. There are vision cards, represented by vivid and enigmatic images, and there are suspect, location, and object cards, each containing their own enigma and connection to my past.

Once the cards are shuffled and ready, the game can truly commence. As the ghost, I will provide you, the psychic medium, with a series of vision cards. These cards are a window into my ethereal realm, offering you visual clues to decipher my cryptic messages. But beware, dear medium, for the visions may not always be as clear as they first appear.

Your task, as the psychic medium, is to interpret these mystifying visions and deduce which suspect, location, and object they correspond to. The destination is the truth, and it is your duty to uncover it, one card at a time.

To aid your investigation, you will receive additional cards at different stages of the game. These game cards contain more information and allow you to refine your deductions. Take them into account, for they may hold the key to unlocking the mystery.

As you progress through the game, you will face the challenge of uncovering not just one, but multiple stories hidden within the enigmatic cards before you. Each suspect, location, and object card represents a different story, and it is your task to unravel all of them.

It is worth noting that time is of utmost importance in Mysterium. You and your fellow players have a limited amount of time to unravel the mysteries before the game ends. Therefore, it is crucial to work together, share your insights, and pool your collective wisdom to succeed.

Remember, dear player, that communication is key. Discuss your interpretations, debate your deductions, and collaborate with your fellow players. Together, you may unlock the secrets that elude you as individuals.

In conclusion, the world of Mysterium is a realm of bewilderment and fascination. Embrace the challenge and delve deep into the mystical currents that bind us together. With keen observation, sharp deduction, and a willingness to explore the unknown, you may uncover the truth that has long eluded me. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey?

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s how the game works. One of us gets to be the ghost, while the rest of us play as psychics. The twist is that the ghost doesn’t talk at all. Instead, they can confirm or deny what the psychics say by knocking on the table. One knock means “yes,” and two knocks mean “no.”

Now, each psychic gets some special items. You’ll need an intuition token (which looks like a crystal ball), a sleeve, and a clairvoyancy level marker. Put the marker on the 0 space of the clairvoyancy track. Depending on how many players there are, you’ll also get a certain number of clairvoyancy tokens:

  • If there are 2-3 players, you don’t get any tokens.
  • If there are 4-5 players, you get 4 tokens numbered from 1 to 4.
  • If there are 6-7 players, you get 6 tokens numbered from 1 to 6.

Next, we need to set up the clock. Put it on the table, and set the hour hand to I (which is the first hour). The area in front of the clock is where we’ll discard our clairvoyance tokens.

Alright, let’s get started! Here’s what we need to do:

First, we need to set up the progress boards. You’ll find them in the rules. Start from the psychics’ end of the table and arrange the character, location, object, and epilogue boards just like it shows in the rules.

Next, take the clairvoyancy track and place it around the epilogue progress board. Make sure to use the side that matches the number of players in the game.

Now it’s time for the ghost. The ghost should place the screen in front of them. You’ll notice that each column on the screen corresponds to a different psychic, and each row corresponds to a type of ghost card like character, location, or object.

Lastly, we need to choose the difficulty level of the game. Take a moment to decide how challenging you want it to be.

Total # Players: 234567
Easy: 4 5 5 6 6 7 1 crow/turn
Medium: 5 6 6 7 8 8 3 crows/game
Hard: 6 7 7 8 9 9 1 crow/game

Oh boy, this game called “Ghost” is really something! Let me explain the rules to you. First, you need to decide how many players are going to play, anywhere between 2 and 7. Once you have your group ready, the ghost will reveal their secret difficulty level and take the corresponding number of crow markers. This is going to be spooky!

Next, we need to get the character psychic cards. These cards have special powers and abilities. Shuffle them and draw the number that was shown before, but keep them facedown, as if they were hiding something. It’s time for a mystery!

Now, it’s time for the ghost to come into play. They need to look through the character ghost cards and find the ones that match the numbers on the psychic cards. These special cards go to the ghost, who must know all of the secrets in this haunted game. The psychic cards, on the other hand, go faceup next to the character progress board. We want to keep an eye on everyone’s progress, after all.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I play the game, I, the ghost, get to shuffle and draw character ghost cards. The number of cards I draw is the same as the number of psychics playing. I have to place these cards in the character spaces on the inside of the screen. Each column represents a different psychic’s color. If there are any extra cards, I simply put them back in the box without peeking at them.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Okay, here’s what you need to do:

First, let’s take care of the location cards and the object cards. Put the psychic cards that you draw next to the progress boards, and put the ghost cards in their proper spots on the inside of the screen. This way, each psychic will end up with a combination of 3 cards: a character, a location, and an object.

The ghost, on the other hand, needs 6 culprit tokens, 3 crow markers, and the ghost tokens for the psychics in the game. Place the ghost tokens behind the screen, with the colored side facing up, at the bottom of the correct columns.

Now, put the vision deck behind the screen. The game starts with the ghost drawing a hand of 7 cards from the vision deck.

Need help? Watch this tutorial video:

Let’s get into the gameplay:

  • Phase 1: Reconstruction of events
  • Phase 2: Revealing the culprit

Phase 1: Reconstruction of events

So here’s how it goes: us psychics try to figure out who the suspects are, where the crime went down, and what the murder weapon was – all in the proper order.

We keep track of our progress by moving our intuition token along these four boards. It’s like a visual representation of how far we’ve come.

Now, let me break it down for you. There are two steps in this phase:

Step 1: Vision Interpretation

When we start our turn, we put our intuition tokens on the character progress board. This is where the fun begins.

But we can’t do it alone. The ghost has to help us out. They project a vision to each of us – you know, like a spooky movie. They use these vision cards to give us hints about the character we’re assigned.

So, here’s what the ghost does:

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play the game, you have to do a few important things. First, you need to pick a psychic. They’re the ones who can see into the future. Once you’ve chosen your psychic, you lay down some vision cards in front of you. These cards let you see things that others can’t.

Next, you take the ghost token that matches your psychic’s color, and you place it against the screen. This helps the ghost remember that they’ve already given you some vision cards, so they won’t give you any more in this turn.

After that, it’s time to draw some more vision cards. You want to have a total of seven cards in your hand. If there are no more cards to draw from, shuffle the pile and make a new pile to draw from.

Finally, you choose another psychic and do the same thing all over again. Each psychic needs to have at least one vision card.

And that’s how you play the game. It’s all about getting those vision cards and using them to see things that others can’t. Have fun!

When I receive a vision, I try to understand it and figure out what it’s referring to. This depends on where my intuition token is on the progress board. I can look at my vision cards and psychic cards freely, and talk to the other psychics about what we think it could mean.

Once the ghost has given visions to all of us, they start the sand timer.

Before the timer runs out, I need to place my intuition token on the psychic card that I think the ghost is guiding me towards. The other psychics can help me make my decision by analyzing the cards and giving their opinions. I can change the position of my intuition token at any time before the timer runs out.

When it comes to psychics, there’s something interesting you should know. You see, sometimes multiple psychics may choose the same card based on their intuition. But here’s the catch – each psychic is trying to find a unique combination of a character, a location, and an object. That means that if two or more psychics choose the same card, at least one of them must be wrong.

Now, let’s talk about the role of the ghost in all of this. The ghost, who is the one guiding the psychics, has a crucial role to play. They can listen to the discussions between the psychics, but they must remain silent. No comments, no gestures, nothing that could give away any clues. It’s like a game of secrets, where the ghost holds all the answers but can’t directly communicate them.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Getting rid of vision cards

You know, during the game, I can dump any or all of my vision cards whenever I want. Even during the phase where we’re trying to figure out who did it. Then, I just draw new cards to make sure I have 7 in my hand. Of course, there’s a limit to how many times I can do this, depending on how tough we want the game to be.

Oh, and every time I do this, we’ll put a crow marker on the screen. That way, we can keep track of how many times I’ve gotten rid of cards.

Using clairvoyancy tokens

You know, until the timer runs out, you can mess with the intuition tokens the other players have played. Just add or take away clairvoyancy tokens whenever you want. These tokens help us move along the clairvoyancy track, which can give us extra clues when we’re trying to figure out who did it in the end.

Did you know that there are two types of clairvoyancy tokens? One type has an icon that indicates agreement with the psychic’s intuition, while the other type has an X icon that indicates the opposite.

When it comes to playing clairvoyancy tokens, there are a few rules to keep in mind. A psychic can only play one clairvoyancy token per intuition token, and they can’t add a clairvoyancy token to their own intuition token. However, a psychic can play as many clairvoyancy tokens as they want during their turn, but they don’t have to use any at all.

If multiple intuition tokens are placed on the same psychic card, each clairvoyancy token should clearly point to the token it’s associated with. This helps keep things organized and avoids any confusion.

Once a clairvoyancy token has been used, it must be discarded to the space on the clock board. Don’t worry though, you’ll be able to retrieve all your discarded clairvoyancy tokens at the start of the fourth game turn.

Step 2: Spectral Manifestation

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal. The ghost shows up to give the psychics some feedback on their visions. But get this – the ghost can reveal the info in any order it wants. Sneaky, right?

Anyway, the ghost lets each psychic know if their intuition was on point or totally off. If the psychic’s token was placed on the right card, the ghost says their intuition was correct. If not, the ghost lets them know their intuition was wrong.

Once the ghost finishes talking to a psychic, it moves its token of the same color away from the screen. Like, poof, gone!

Now, here’s the good news. If the psychic managed to pick the right card, the ghost has something special to say. Drumroll, please! Cue the confetti! The ghost tells the psychic that they got it right. Woohoo!

When I, the ghost, flip the ghost card on the screen, the psychics who used a clairvoyancy token move their markers forward 1 space on the clairvoyancy track. As the psychic, you collect the correct psychic card and slide it into your sleeve. Then, you discard all of your vision cards and place your intuition token on the next progress board.

But here’s the thing:

If you, the psychic, didn’t pick the correct psychic card, don’t worry. The psychics who played a clairvoyancy token still move their marker forward 1 space on the clairvoyancy track. As for you, the psychic, you need to return your intuition token to the same progress board where you picked it up. And don’t forget to keep your vision cards in front of you. Don’t worry, though, because in the next turn, the ghost will give you 1 or more additional cards to make your vision better. This will keep happening until either you pick the correct psychic card or the game ends.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If I’ve just received my 3 psychic cards:

Once I’ve successfully identified my combination of psychic cards, I’ll proudly place my intuition token on the mission accomplished space on the epilogue progress board.

With each hour left on the clock, I’ll advance my marker by 1 space on the clairvoyancy track.

Even after that, I’ll keep participating by assisting the other psychics in understanding their visions, and I can still use any remaining clairvoyancy tokens.

Once this step is done, the hour hand on the clock will move forward by 1 hour.

It’s worth noting that the intuition tokens of different psychics may be found on various progress boards.

If I haven’t figured out my character, location, and object yet, we start a new Reconstruction of Events phase. But if the clock is already showing VII (the 7th hour), the game is over and we all lose.

If all of us psychics have successfully figured out our character, location, and object combinations, we move on to Phase 2: Revealing the Culprit.

Phase 2: Revealing the culprit

This phase only happens if all of us psychics have successfully figured out our character, location, and object combinations before the clock strikes VIII.

Step 1: Suspect Line-up

We organize our combinations of cards into groups so that we can compare the suspects and help the ghost find the culprit.

Gather up all the psychic cards that you didn’t protect with sleeves and put them back in the box. Don’t forget to also return the character, location, and object progress boards.

Now, let’s gather up all the clairvoyancy tokens that each psychic has collected.

Take one ghost token for each psychic and place them in the middle of the table, with the numbered side facing up. Any extra ghost tokens can be put away in the box.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s what happens: the psychics, who are these super mysterious people, pull out their special sets of 3 cards. They take these cards and match them up with these numbered tokens. Then, they make a bunch of little groups with the cards right in the middle of the table. Each group has just one suspect.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Step 2: A Vision Unveiled

Now, I’m going to help you uncover the truth. I’ll try to guide you towards the cards in the middle of the table – those cards hold the key to finding the culprit.

First, from my hand, I’ll choose three vision cards. These special cards create a shared vision that we all need to focus on. Each card should point to the same group. One card points to the character, another to the location, and the last one to the object we’re searching for. Once I’ve chosen the cards, I’ll shuffle them and place them face down in the center of the table. That’s the group of cards we’re looking for – the ones that can lead us to the culprit.

Now, here’s the tricky part – I’ll secretly take the culprit token that matches the group we’re looking for. I’ll keep it facedown and slide it into the culprit space on the epilogue progress board. The token represents the real culprit, but their identity remains a mystery for now.

Step 3: Gathering Opinions

When it comes to figuring out the culprit, us psychics have an interesting method. We all gather together and choose a group that we think the suspect belongs to. The trick is, the ghost can’t give away which card in our shared vision corresponds to which element of the group.

Before we start the voting process, we psychics have to keep things hush-hush. We can’t talk to each other or give any hints. In fact, we each vote at different times based on how good our psychic powers are. This is determined by where our clairvoyancy level marker is on the clairvoyancy track.

  • If our clairvoyancy level is low, we only get to see one card from the shared vision before making our vote;
  • If our clairvoyancy level is average, we get to see two cards;
  • If our clairvoyancy level is high, we get to see all three cards in the shared vision.

In the world of psychics, we have a unique way of making decisions. We use clairvoyancy tokens that are numbered on each side. When it’s time to vote, each psychic selects the token with the number they believe represents the guilty group. Then, they discreetly slide it into their sleeve. It’s a simple yet mysterious process that adds an element of intrigue to our work.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Okay, listen up! When us psychics have all cast our votes, we’re finally gonna find out who the real culprit is.

Time to unveil the votes and expose the true culprit

Now, I want all you psychics to pass your sleeves over to the psychic who has the highest score on the clairvoyancy track. If there’s a tie, give the sleeves to the oldest player among the tied bunch. Got it? Good. Now, this psychic is gonna reveal each clairvoyancy token one by one and place it on the card group that matches the number on the ghost token.

Once all the tokens have been placed, it’s time for the big reveal:

  • If one of the groups has received more votes than the others, that’s gonna be the group we suspect is the culprit.
  • If no group has a clear majority, we’re gonna break the tie and go with the group chosen by the psychic who has made the most progress on the clairvoyancy track. That’s the group we’re suspecting.
  • If there’s still a tie after that, we’re gonna side with the group for which the oldest player has voted. That’ll be our suspect group.

Hey there! Let me show you how to uncover the suspect hiding on the suspect spot.

How to play Mysterium Official Rules UltraFoodMess

What Happens at the End of the Game?

So, here’s the deal – if we, the psychics, manage to choose the right group that includes the real culprit, we all win, and we can finally lay the ghost’s spirit to rest. But, if we make a mistake and pick the wrong group, then unfortunately, we lose the game.

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