How to play Munchkin Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Munchkin Game Rules

Welcome to the world of Munchkin, a thrilling card game that combines strategy, luck, and a whole lot of fun! Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned player, these rules will help you navigate through the Munchkin universe and have a blast while doing it.

Let’s start with the basics. In Munchkin, you and your friends take on the roles of adventurers, exploring dungeons, fighting monsters, and collecting treasure. The goal is simple: reach level 10 before anyone else and become the ultimate Munchkin!

Each player begins the game as a level 1 human with no class, race, or special abilities. As you progress, you can acquire classes like Wizard or Warrior, races like Elf or Dwarf, and loads of magical items and weapons to aid you in your quest. These additions will boost your character’s power and influence, making it easier for you to defeat monsters and earn levels.

To advance in levels, you need to defeat monsters. These creatures lurk in the dungeon and it’s up to you to vanquish them. To do so, you’ll need to rely on your wits, strength, and the items at your disposal. Combat in Munchkin is resolved by comparing your level and bonuses against the monster’s level. If you’re stronger, you win! But be careful, as some monsters have special abilities that can turn the tides of battle.

As you defeat monsters and collect treasures, your level will increase. Each time you level up, you become more powerful and gain new abilities. However, beware of the other players – they can use cards to hinder your progress or even steal your hard-earned loot. In Munchkin, alliances are temporary and betrayal is part of the game.

One unique aspect of Munchkin is the ability to help or hinder other players. You can assist your friends in defeating monsters in exchange for rewards, or you can be sneaky and play cards that make their journey more difficult. The choice is yours, and it adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement to the game.

In addition to monsters and treasures, Munchkin features various other cards, including traps, curses, and dungeons. Traps and curses can be played on your opponents, causing them to lose levels or items. Dungeons, on the other hand, offer new challenges and opportunities for adventure. Each card you encounter in Munchkin has its own unique effect, so it’s important to read them carefully and think strategically.

Now that you understand the basics of the game, it’s time to gather your friends, shuffle the cards, and embark on an epic Munchkin adventure. Remember, the key to success in Munchkin is a combination of luck, strategy, and a good sense of humor. So get ready to dive into a world of monsters, treasure, and non-stop excitement. Have fun, and may the best Munchkin win!

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me break this down for you in simpler terms. Remember to keep separate piles of discarded cards for each deck. You can’t peek at the discards unless a card allows you to do so. When a deck runs out, mix up the discards and reshuffle.

If a deck runs out and there are no discards left, you can’t draw any more cards of that type. Bummer!

Now, let’s talk about what’s on the table in front of you. These are the cards that are currently in play. They show your Race and Class (if you have any) and the Items you’re carrying. Keep in mind that some cards, like Continuing Curses, also stay on the table after you play them. It’s important to remember that cards in play are shared information and everyone can see them.

Next up, your hand of cards. Your hand isn’t considered to be in play. They don’t give you any benefits, but they can’t be taken away, unless a card specifically affects your hand. So, keep them close and choose wisely when to play them!

After you finish playing your turn, you can choose to have no more than five cards in your hand. You can’t put cards that are already in play back into your hand – you have to either discard them or trade them with someone else if you want to get rid of them.

Getting Ready

Start by dividing all the cards into two decks – the Door deck and the Treasure deck. Shuffle both decks really well. Then, deal four cards from each deck to each player.

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Talk About Game Play

When we talk about games, one of the most exciting things is the actual game play. How we interact with the game, the actions we take, and the challenges we face all contribute to the overall experience. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of game play.

Game play is the heart and soul of any game. It’s what keeps us engaged, entertained, and coming back for more. Whether it’s an action-packed shooter or a relaxing puzzle game, game play is what makes it all happen.

When I play a game, I get to step into a virtual world where anything is possible. I can become a brave adventurer, a skilled athlete, or a master strategist. The choices are endless, and it’s up to me to make the most of them.

One of the things I love most about game play is the sense of freedom and control it gives me. I can explore vast open worlds, make important decisions, and shape the outcome of the game. It’s like being the director of my own personal story.

But game play is not just about control and freedom. It’s also about challenge and excitement. Games often present us with difficult tasks and obstacles that we must overcome. It’s these challenges that push us to think creatively, develop new skills, and grow as players.

Another aspect of game play that I find fascinating is how it can bring people together. Whether it’s competing against friends in a multiplayer game or collaborating with strangers in an online quest, game play has the power to connect people from all over the world.

So, next time you pick up a controller or sit down at your computer, take a moment to appreciate the magic of game play. It’s the heart and soul of every game, and it’s what makes the gaming experience truly special.

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, we’ll figure out who goes first by rolling the dice and discussing the outcome. We might even debate whether a missing word has any impact on the sentence meaning.

The game unfolds in turns, with each player taking multiple phases (check out p. 2 for more details). After one player finishes their turn, it’s the turn of the player on their left, and so on.

The objective is to be the first player to reach Level 10. Getting there typically involves slaying a monster, unless you have a card that lets you win in a different way.

Phases of a Turn

Your turn starts as soon as the previous player’s turn ends. Once your cards are arranged to your liking, you can move on to phase 1.

Kick Open the Door
Look for Trouble/Loot the Room

After you finish with Charity, the next player’s turn begins immediately.

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Character Stats

Hey there! Let me tell you all about character stats. They’re pretty cool, and they help you understand how strong, smart, and skilled your character is in a game.

One important stat is Strength. This tells you how powerful your character is when it comes to physical attacks. The higher the strength stat, the more damage your character can deal. So if you want to be a strong warrior, make sure to focus on increasing your strength!

Another stat to consider is Intelligence. This measures how clever your character is. If your character’s intelligence is high, they’ll be good at solving puzzles and casting powerful spells. So if you want to be a wise wizard, it’s essential to have a high intelligence stat.

Next up is Dexterity. This stat shows how nimble and agile your character is. Characters with high dexterity are great at dodging attacks and landing critical hits. So if you want to be a sneaky assassin, make sure to invest in dexterity.

The last stat I want to talk about is Charisma. This measures your character’s persuasiveness and likability. A high charisma stat can help you convince NPCs to give you valuable information or join your party. So if you want to be a charismatic leader, focus on increasing your charisma stat.

Remember, these stats are all connected, and it’s crucial to find the right balance for your character. You need strength to deal damage, intelligence to cast spells, dexterity to avoid attacks, and charisma to win over others.

So, when creating your character, keep in mind what kind of playstyle you want. Do you want to be a mighty warrior who smashes through enemies? Or a cunning rogue who sneaks around and steals treasure? Understanding your character stats will help you make these decisions.

Now you’re ready to embark on your epic adventure! Good luck, and may your character’s stats always be in your favor!

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In the world of this game, each character is basically made up of weapons, armor, and magic items. These are represented by three stats: Level, Race, and Class. Let’s say I describe my character as “an 8th-level elf wizard with Boots of Butt-Kicking, a Staff of Napalm, and the Kneepads of Allure.”

Level: This stat determines how strong and cool you are overall. Whenever the rules or cards mention your Level with a capital L, they are referring to this number. You gain a level when you defeat a monster or when a card instructs you to do so.

You can also sell Items in order to buy levels (I’ll explain Items later). On the other hand, you can lose a level when a card tells you to. But remember, your Level can never drop below 1! However, your combat strength can go negative if you’re cursed or penalized in some way.

Class: In this game, you get to choose between being a Warrior, a Wizard, a Thief, or a Cleric. If you don’t have a Class card with you, then you’re not part of any class. It’s like having no special powers, which can be a bummer.

Each Class comes with its own set of abilities, and you can see them on the cards. Once you play a Class card and place it in front of you, you instantly gain the abilities of that Class. But be careful, because as soon as you discard the Class card, you lose those abilities. Some Class abilities require you to discard other cards to work. So, you can choose to get rid of any card from your hand or the ones you have in play to activate a special ability.

Now, here’s an important rule for Thieves: when you or the target you want to steal from are already involved in a fight, you can’t steal. As soon as a monster shows up, the fight starts. However, you can still discard your Class card whenever you want, even during a fight. Say you get tired of being a Wizard, you can simply say “I don’t want to be a wizard anymore” and discard the Class card. But here’s the catch, when you don’t have a Class card anymore, you become classless until you play another Class card.

Hey there! Did you know that you can only be in one class at a time, unless you have the Super Munchkin card? Pretty cool, huh?

Now, let’s talk about races. You can be a Human, Elf, Dwarf, or Halfling. If you don’t have a Race card, you’re automatically a Human. Humans don’t have any special abilities. The same rules for classes also apply to races, by the way.

Oh, and here’s a fun fact – you can only belong to one race at a time, unless you have the Half-Breed card. Neat, right?

Super Munchkin and Half-Breed

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Listen up, folks! I’ve got the lowdown on these nifty cards that you can play during a game of Munchkin. You can only play them if you have a Class or Race card to pair them with, depending on the type of card it is (Super Munchkin for Class and Half-Breed for Race). And let me give you a heads-up, you can’t have more than one of the same type of Class or Race card in play at the same time.

Now, here’s the good part. If you play Super Munchkin with a Class, you get to enjoy all the perks that come with being that Class. Think class-specific Items and monsters that get punished because they messed with your Class. But here’s the kicker, you don’t have to worry about any of the downsides. You can equip Items that are off-limits to your Class, and monsters don’t get any bonuses against you just because of your Class.

But hold on, there’s a catch. If the Class you’re playing has an ability that comes with a price tag, you still have to pay it. Sorry folks, but you’re not that super! (And just so you know, all of this applies to Half-Breed too, but for Race cards).

Now, let’s talk about treasures.

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about treasure cards and how they work in the game. When you play a treasure card, you have the option of playing it right away or during your turn. Just remember, you can’t play a treasure card during combat, unless the rules or the card itself says otherwise.

Now, let’s talk about items.

Most treasures are items, and these items have a gold piece value assigned to them. Some items have no value, which means they are worth zero gold pieces. These cards are still considered items, though.

All the items you have in play are called “carried” items. However, not all carried items are equipped and giving you a bonus. You can indicate which items are not equipped by turning the cards sideways. Just a heads up, you’re not allowed to change the status of your items during combat or when you’re trying to run away from a fight.

So here’s the deal: you can carry any item you want, as long as it’s not extra big. Pretty straightforward, right? But when it comes to equipping those items, there are some limits you’ll need to keep in mind. You can wear one headgear, one suit of armor, and one pair of footgear. And when it comes to hand-held items, you can have two “1 hand” items or one “2 hands” item.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rules. If you have a card like Hireling or Cheat!, you can forget about those limits. And sometimes, a card itself might give you a pass on the rules. But for the most part, you’ll need to abide by these limits.

Now, let’s talk about restrictions. Some items have ’em. Take the Mace of Sharpness, for example. Only a Cleric can wield it. And even then, the bonus it gives only applies if you’re a Cleric at that exact moment. So you might want to keep all that in mind when you’re choosing which items to pick up and equip.

When it comes to Item cards, you can’t just toss them aside. There are a few options for what you can do with Items. You can sell them to gain a level, trade them with other players, or give them to another player if they want it. You can also use Items to activate certain Class and Race abilities. However, watch out for Curses or a monster’s Bad Stuff, as they may force you to get rid of an Item!

Big Items: You can carry as many Small items as you want, but you can only have one Big item at a time. (Any item that isn’t marked as Big is considered Small). You can’t simply discard a Big item to play another one; you must sell the first one, trade it, lose it to a Curse or Bad Stuff, or use it to power a Class or Race ability.

If you have a special ability that allows you to have more than one Big item, like the Dwarf race, and you lose that ability, you need to either fix the problem right away or get rid of all but one Big item.

If you’re not currently fighting, you can sell extra Big items during your turn. Just make sure you have at least 1,000 gold pieces worth of items to sell. If you can’t sell them, you’ll have to give them to the lowest-level players who can carry them. If there are still extra Big items left after that, you’ll have to get rid of them.

Trading items is allowed, but only items that are on the table, not in your hand. You can trade with other players whenever you want, except when you or your trading partner are in combat. The best time to trade is when it’s not your turn. If you receive an item in a trade, you have to keep it in play.

You can also give items to other players as a bribe, without actually trading anything. For example, you might offer your Flaming Armor to someone if they agree not to help Bob fight a dragon. You can even show your hand to other players, although we can’t stop you from doing that anyway.

Selling Items to Level Up: During your turn, you have the option to discard Items with a total value of at least 1,000 Gold Pieces to immediately increase your level. (“No Value” cards are considered as having zero Gold Pieces).

If you discard Items worth, let’s say, 1,100 Gold Pieces, you don’t receive any change. However, if you manage to discard Items worth 2,000 Gold Pieces, you can level up by two levels at once, and so on. Remember, you can sell Items from your hand or the ones you are carrying. But keep in mind that you cannot use this method to reach Level 10.

Unique Treasures

A Treasure card that you can use only once is commonly referred to as a “one-shot” Treasure. Most of these treasures are meant to be used during combat to boost the power of the munchkins or the monsters, and can be played from either your hand or the table.

When you’re playing a game like Munchkin, the Treasure cards you acquire can have various effects. Some of them are straightforward, while others require careful consideration. Make sure to read the card carefully so you know what to do. Once the combat is over or the effect is resolved, discard these cards.

Other Treasures

There are also other types of Treasure cards that are not Items, like Go Up a Level cards. These cards have their own rules for when they can be played and whether they stay in play or are discarded. Let me give you a couple of examples:

Go Up a Level cards can be played on yourself or any other player at any time, even during combat. Once you play them, discard them. However, there’s one exception: you cannot play a Go Up a Level card to give a player the winning level!

You can play the Hireling card at any time, on any turn. Be aware that you cannot give a Hireling an Item to carry while you are in combat.


How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

To defeat a monster, compare its combat strength to yours. Combat strength is the combined value of your Level and any positive or negative modifiers from Items and other cards.

If the monster’s combat strength is equal to or greater than yours, you lose the combat and must Run Away. But if your combat strength is higher than the monster’s (remember that monsters win ties!), you successfully defeat it. In addition to gaining a level (two levels for certain big monsters), you also collect the number of Treasures indicated on the monster’s card.

Sometimes, you might come across a card that allows you to bypass killing the monster. While this still counts as a “win,” you don’t earn a level. Unless specified otherwise, you also don’t get the Treasures from the monster.

Keep in mind that some monster cards have special abilities that impact combat. For example, they may give a bonus against a specific Race or Class. Make sure to pay attention to these special powers!

When we are in combat, we have the opportunity to play special cards or use our unique abilities to help or hinder ourselves. These cards, known as Treasures, may be one-shot items or have ongoing effects based on our chosen Class or Race. In addition to our own cards, we can also introduce other cards called Door cards into the mix, like Monster Enhancers.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that while engaged in combat, certain actions are restricted. We are unable to sell, equip, unequip, or trade Items, nor can we play Treasures from our hand, unless a card specifically allows it. This rule applies unless stated otherwise by the game or a particular card.

When we successfully defeat a monster or a group of monsters, we discard those creatures and any other cards involved in the combat. We then receive our well-earned rewards. However, it’s always good to remain on guard, as our opponents might still have tricks up their sleeves. They could play a hostile card against us or use a special power to disrupt our victory.

After defeating a monster, we should give a reasonable amount of time, which amounts to approximately 2.6 seconds, for other players to voice their opinions. If no one objects, we can confidently say we have slayed the monster and claim our level(s) and Treasures. It’s worth mentioning that even though we have proven our triumph, others may still grumble and argue. We should be prepared for that outcome.

And now, let’s delve into the world of monsters.

When you draw Monster cards face-up during the Kick Open The Door phase, they make an immediate attack against you. It’s like they’re saying, “Surprise! I’m here to fight!”

However, if you acquire Monster cards through other means, such as from your hand or another player, they join your team and can be used strategically. You can use them to Look For Trouble on your turn or to help another player in their fight against a Wandering Monster. Each Monster card represents a single monster, even if the name on the card implies multiple creatures.

Monster Enhancers

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me tell you about these special cards called Monster Enhancers. They can either make a monster stronger or weaker in a fight. Pretty cool, huh? Oh, by the way, they also affect how many Treasures the monsters are worth!

You can play Monster Enhancers at any time during a battle, and anyone can use them. If there’s more than one Enhancer on a monster, you add up their strengths. But if there are multiple monsters in the same fight, the person playing each Enhancer has to decide which monster it affects.

Now here’s something interesting: if you play Enhancers on a monster’s Mate, they’ll affect both the monster and its Mate. For example, if you play Ancient, Enraged, and Mate on the same monster, it becomes an Ancient, Enraged monster, along with an Ancient, Enraged Mate. Double the trouble, right?

Fighting More Than One Monster

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that some cards, like Wandering Monster, allow your opponents to add more monsters to the fight? It’s true! And when that happens, you’ll need to defeat all of their combined strengths.

Now, here’s something important to keep in mind: special abilities that affect you during the fight, like only being able to use your Level, apply to the entire battle. But don’t worry, there’s a way to handle multiple monsters! If you have the right cards, you can get rid of one monster and fight the rest normally. However, you can’t choose to flee from some monsters while fighting the others.

Here’s the catch though: if you eliminate one monster but decide to run away from the rest, you won’t get any levels or treasure. So choose wisely!

By the way, did you know about the Undead monsters?

In this set, there are some Undead monsters. The cool thing is that you can play any Undead monster from your hand to help any other Undead monster in combat, without needing a Wandering Monster card. And if you have a card that can turn a monster into an Undead one, you can use it with a non-Undead monster and still get the benefit of this rule! How awesome is that?

When I Need Assistance

If I find myself unable to defeat an opponent in a battle, I have the option to reach out for help. I can ask any other player to lend me their aid, and if they agree, they will join forces with me. However, if they decline, I can continue asking other players until I find someone willing to assist me. It’s important to note that only one player can help me, and their combat strength will be added to mine. While in a combat, any player can play cards that can influence the outcome.

Chances are, I’ll need to offer something in return for their assistance, which usually involves either giving them one or more of the items I possess or offering them a share of the monster’s Treasure cards. If I choose to offer a portion of the monster’s Treasure, we must come to an agreement about who gets to pick first. Additionally, I can also offer to use any cards from my hand that are allowed, such as Go Up a Level cards, which can benefit both myself and my helper.

Did you know that when you have a helper in a battle, their special abilities or vulnerabilities also affect the outcome? It goes both ways – whatever applies to the monster also applies to your helper, and vice versa. Let me explain.

For example, let’s say you have a Warrior helping you. To win the battle, your combined total must match that of the monster. The Warrior has a special ability called Berserk, which allows him to discard cards and add to his combat strength. But remember, he can only use this ability once per combat, not once per monster.

Now, let’s consider a different scenario. You are facing the Wannabe Vampire, and this time a Cleric is your helper. The Cleric has the power to automatically chase away the Wannabe Vampire. This means you win the battle without having to compare combat strengths.

But here’s an interesting twist. Imagine you are battling the Drooling Slime and an Elf comes to your aid. In this case, the monster’s combat strength is increased by 4. However, if you yourself are an Elf and the monster’s combat strength has already been increased, your helper’s ability won’t affect it any further.

If your helper successfully helps you defeat the monster, you must discard it, draw Treasures as rewards, and follow any special instructions on the monster card. By slaying monsters with the help of others, you can level up and become stronger.

When I go adventuring with my helper, there’s one important thing to keep in mind – my helper won’t level up unless they’re an Elf! If they are, they gain one level for each monster we defeat together. It’s an exciting prospect – the more monsters we slay, the more powerful my helper becomes!

The Rewards of Battle

Of course, defeating monsters isn’t just about gaining levels – it’s about the loot too! Whenever we vanquish a monster, I earn one level per monster. But that’s not all – I also get to claim all the treasure the monster was guarding!

Each monster card has a treasure number at the bottom. This tells us how many treasures we can claim from the monster’s hoard. However, sometimes things get a bit more complicated. If there are any monster enhancers in play, they can modify the number of treasures we receive.

Now here’s where teamwork comes into play. If someone helps me defeat a monster, we get to draw the treasure face-up. This means that everyone in our party can see what we’ve acquired. But if I take down the monster on my own, we draw the treasures face-down, keeping them a secret from the rest of the group.

However, it’s not always necessary to end a battle with a lethal blow. Sometimes, we can defeat a monster using nonlethal means. In these cases, I don’t gain a level. And as for the treasure, well, it’s a bit of a gamble – we may or may not get to claim it, depending on the method we use. It’s always a tough decision to make, but sometimes it’s worth exploring alternative options.

When you find treasure cards, you can play them right away, even if you’re the one helping.

How to play Munchkin Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Scrambling for Safety

When you find yourself in a predicament where no one is willing to assist you, or if someone does try to help but your comrades hinder you to the point that victory is unattainable, your best course of action is to swiftly Retreat. Unfortunately, there are no rewards to be gained – neither in experience nor in treasure. To make matters worse, your getaway is not guaranteed to be unscathed.

Your odds of breaking free are determined by a roll of the dice. You will succeed if you roll a 5 or higher. Certain abilities bestowed upon you by your Race or Class, as well as specific treasures, can tilt the odds in your favor or against you when trying to escape from any foe. Furthermore, individual monsters may provide a boost or setback to your roll solely against them.

If you are unable to make a clean Getaway from a monster, it will inflict dire consequences upon you as outlined on its corresponding card. These consequences can range from losing an item, to forfeiting multiple levels, to facing certain death.

If you’re being chased by multiple monsters, you can try to escape from each one separately, in any order you want. However, if a monster catches you, you’ll have to face the consequences right away.

When two players are working together and still can’t defeat the monster(s), they both have to try and Run Away. Each player rolls their own dice to determine if they can escape and they can choose the order in which they attempt to Run Away. Keep in mind that the monster(s) can catch both players. After all the Run Away attempts have been resolved, you can discard the monster(s).


If you die, you lose all your items. However, you do get to keep your Class(es), Race(s), Level, and any Curses that were affecting you at the time of your death. In other words, your new character will look just like your old one. If you had abilities like Half-Breed or Super Munchkin, you can keep those too. Once you’ve died, you don’t have to worry about running away from any remaining monsters.

When I’m looting a body, I lay out my hand next to the cards I had in play, without including the mentioned cards. If there’s an item that a hireling is carrying or attached to a cheat card, I set those cards aside.

We start with the player who has the highest level, and if there’s a tie, we roll a die. Each player, except for the dead characters, chooses one card. If my corpse runs out of cards, that’s tough luck. After everyone has chosen a card, we discard the rest. The looted cards go into our hands.

Dead characters can’t receive cards under any circumstances, even if it’s for charity. They also can’t level up or win the game.

When the next player starts their turn, my new character appears. They can help others in combat with their level and class or race abilities. However, I don’t have any cards unless I receive charity or gifts from other players.

When you take your next turn, begin by acquiring four concealed cards from both decks and playing any permissible cards you desire, just as you did when you began the game. Afterward, continue with your turn as normal.

The Hexes

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If you get a Curse card while you’re flipping over cards, it messes with you. It only affects the person who picked it up.

But if you get a Curse card some other way, like by stealing it or finding it in a room, then it’s different. You can keep that Curse card and play it on anyone, anytime! Seriously, I mean any time. That’s when it gets really funny. You can make someone weaker right when they’re about to win a fight. It’s great.

Normally, a Curse card affects the person right away, like as soon as it’s played. Then you can just throw it away. But some Curses have a delayed effect. They’ll mess with you later or keep affecting you as long as you have them.

Just keep those cards until you can get rid of the Curse or until the bad thing happens. And just so you know, you can’t use Curse cards to power up your special abilities. Nice try, though.

Note: Hey there! Just a quick heads up – if someone plays a “your next combat” Curse on you while you’re in the middle of a fight, it counts as part of that battle! The same goes for a “your next turn” Curse played during your own turn.

If a Curse can affect more than one of your Items, you get to decide which one is going to be lost or Cursed. You have the power!

If a Curse applies to something you don’t actually have, don’t worry about it. For example, let’s say you draw a card called “Lose Your Armor,” but you don’t have any Armor to begin with. Nothing happens; you can just discard the card. (But watch out for some Curses that might have alternative effects – always read the card carefully!)

There will be times when it can actually be helpful for you to play a Curse or Monster card on yourself, or maybe even “help” another player in a way that costs them some precious Treasure. It’s a bit sneaky, but it’s part of the Munchkin spirit, so go ahead and do it!

End of the Game

The ultimate goal is to be the first player to reach Level 10. However, there’s a catch – you have to reach Level 10 by defeating a monster, unless there’s a card that specifically lets you win in a different way. Keep slaying those monsters!

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