How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Munchkin Cthulhu Game Rules

Welcome to the captivating world of Munchkin Cthulhu! In this game, I’ll guide you through the rules and provide you with an understanding of how to play.

Before we dive into the details, let’s talk about the objective of the game. As a player, your goal is to reach level 10 by defeating monsters, acquiring treasures, and backstabbing your opponents. But beware, as the allure of power can lead to unexpected consequences.

Now, let’s delve into the game mechanics. At the start, you’ll receive a hand of cards representing equipment, monsters, and curses. These cards will shape your journey throughout the game. You can equip yourself with weapons and armor, making you stronger in battles against the monsters you encounter.

To level up, you need to defeat these monsters using your combined strength, your equipped items, and any help you might receive from your fellow players. But be careful, as defeat can have dire consequences. You may lose levels, treasures, or even your mind as the eldritch horrors take their toll.

As you progress, you’ll also encounter various other cards that can hinder or aid you on your quest. Curses can bring misfortune, while blessings can bolster your abilities. Make strategic decisions to navigate the treacherous waters of Munchkin Cthulhu.

Interaction is key in this game. You can form alliances, barter your way out of battles, or unleash treacherous traps on your opponents. Trust no one, but remember that alliances can be beneficial when facing a mighty foe.

Victory is achieved by reaching level 10 and becoming a true Munchkin. But it’s not an easy feat. You’ll face unspeakable horrors, unexpected twists, and devious companions along the way. Will you succumb to the madness that lurks in the darkness, or will you emerge triumphant?

Munchkin Cthulhu offers an immersive experience where strategy, luck, and wit collide. So gather your courage, don your robes, and delve into the abyss. The world of Munchkin Cthulhu awaits you. Let the madness begin!

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, turns out there are these Munchkins who are going to places where they really shouldn’t go. They fancy themselves as Investigators, Monster Whackers, Professors, and Cultists. And guess what? They’re actually killing those Mythos monsters and taking their stuff! They don’t care about losing their minds, it’s all about WINNING for them!

Munchkin Cthulhu is a game that’s based on the original Munchkin. You can totally mix it with the original game or any of the other Munchkin card games. Cool, huh?

This game comes with 168 cards, a six-sided die, and a set of rules. You can play with three to six people. Each player should have 10 tokens – coins, poker chips, or even some fancy gadget that can count up to 10.

Setting up the Game

First things first, let’s divide the cards into two decks: the Door deck and the Treasure deck. Give both decks a really good shuffle. Then, deal four cards from each deck to each player. Simple, right?

Managing Your Cards

If you’re playing with two decks, remember to keep separate discard piles for each deck. It’s important to note that you can’t look through the discards unless you have a card that allows you to do so!

Make sure to have a separate discard pile for Cultist Class cards. All the details about cultists can be found on page 2.

When a deck of cards runs out, you’ll need to reshuffle the discards. If a deck runs out and there are no discards, no one can draw cards from that deck!

In Play: These are the cards that are placed in front of you on the table. They show your Class (if you have one) and the Items you are carrying. Certain cards, like Continuing Curses, will also remain on the table after you play them. Remember, the cards in play are public, and all players should be able to see them.

Your Hand: Your hand of cards is like your secret stash. They’re not doing anything to help you right now, but nobody can take them away from you, except for some special cards that can affect your hand. But here’s the trick: at the end of your turn, you can’t have more than five cards in your hand. It’s like you have to give some away to charity, ya know?

The cards that are currently in play, on the other hand, can’t be brought back to your hand. Nope, once they’re out there, they’re out there. You gotta either toss ’em or work out a trade if you wanna get rid of ’em.

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Creating Your Character

Creating your character is an exciting and essential part of any game. It allows you to bring your imagination to life and embark on thrilling adventures. Here are some tips and guidelines to help you get started on your character creation journey.

Firstly, think about the type of character you want to play. Do you envision yourself as a powerful warrior, a wise sorcerer, or a skilled rogue? Consider your strengths and weaknesses, as well as the abilities and skills you want your character to possess. This will help you choose a class or profession that best fits your playstyle and preferences.

Next, give your character a name that reflects their personality or backstory. It could be a strong and fierce name for a warrior or a mystical and enigmatic name for a sorcerer. Don’t be afraid to get creative and come up with something unique and memorable.

Now it’s time to determine your character’s attributes and abilities. This is where you decide their physical and mental qualities. Are they strong and athletic, or agile and nimble? Are they intelligent and knowledgeable, or charismatic and persuasive? These choices will shape how your character interacts with the game world and the challenges they will face.

Consider your character’s background and history. Where did they come from? What events shaped their life? This backstory will provide depth and motivation to your character, making them feel more alive and engaging. It can also influence the decisions they make and the relationships they form in the game.

Lastly, customize your character’s appearance. Choose their race, gender, and physical features to make them visually distinct. This allows you to express your individuality and create a character that truly feels like your own.

Remember, character creation is about bringing your imagination to life, so have fun and explore different possibilities. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new. Your character is the hero of your story, so make them unique and exciting!

By following these guidelines, you can create a character that is not only fun to play but also meaningful to you. So dive in, unleash your creativity, and embark on an unforgettable gaming adventure with your unique and extraordinary character. The possibilities are endless!

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you first start playing Munchkin, you begin as a fresh Level 1 character with no class. (We always find that joke amusing). In this game, Munchkin characters can be male or female, and your character’s sex is the same as yours, unless you decide otherwise.

Take a look at the initial eight cards you have. If you happen to have any Class cards, you have the option to play one of each type by placing it in front of you. Additionally, if you have any usable Items, you can play them by placing them in front of you as well.

If you find yourself unsure about whether to play a card or not, you have a couple of options. You can either keep reading below for some guidance, or you can just take the plunge and go for it.

Resolving Conflicts Between Cards And Rules
  1. No card can decrease a player’s level below 1, although certain card effects might cause a player’s or a monster’s combat strength to fall below 1.
  2. You only level up after a combat if you successfully defeat a monster.

When you’re in the midst of a battle, it’s crucial to remember that you won’t receive any rewards until after the fight is over. This means you can’t collect any treasures or gain levels while you’re still in the middle of a combat. So, it’s important to stay focused and defeat your opponents first before reaping the benefits.

Another important rule to keep in mind is that you must eliminate a monster in order to level up to Level 10. Killing a monster is an essential requirement for advancing in the game and reaching the highest level. So, prepare yourself for challenging battles and strategic maneuvers to achieve this milestone.

When it comes to starting and finishing the game, these rules play a pivotal role. Remember, you can’t obtain any rewards until the battle is completed. And reaching Level 10 hinges on overpowering monsters along your journey. It may seem like a challenge, but with the right strategies and persistence, victory and triumph await you. So, gear up, brace yourself, and embark on a thrilling adventure filled with battles and victories!

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, let’s figure out who gets to go first, shall we? It can be any way we all agree on. Maybe a rock-paper-scissors game will do the trick (hehe).

Alright, let’s get into the game. Each player takes turns, and here’s how it goes (check it out below). Once the first player finishes their turn, the player on their left gets a shot, and the cycle continues.

The goal of the game is to be the first one to reach Level 10. But here’s the catch – you have to slay a monster to reach Level 10, unless a card gives you another way to win. Sneaky, huh?

Phases of a Turn

Your turn begins right after the previous player’s turn ends. Once you’re happy with how your cards are arranged, it’s time for phase 1.

Opening the Door

So here’s what you do: grab one card from the Door deck and flip it over. If it turns out to be a monster, get ready to fight! And if it’s a curse, well, that goes into effect right away (unless it’s a persistent curse or a reminder of something to come). Now, if you draw any other kind of card, you have a choice. You can either keep it in your hand or play it right then and there.

Let’s Talk About Combat: The Basics

When you go up against a monster, it’s all about comparing your combat strength to theirs. Your combat strength is determined by your Level plus any bonuses or penalties you have. If your combat strength is higher than the monster’s, you win! But if it’s the same or lower, the monster gets the victory this time.

Take a Look Around or Grab Some Loot

Helping Others

When Can You Make Your Move?
  • You can discard a Class card (except for Cultist, but we’ll get to that later).
  • Go ahead and play a Go Up a Level card.
  • And of course, you can bust out a Curse card.

Trading an item with another player is one option available to you. Just keep in mind that the other player can’t be in combat either. Another choice is to change which items you have equipped. If you just received a new card, you can play it right away. Some cards can even be played during combat. You can also play a new Class card at any time. Selling items for levels is another possibility, except when you’re in the middle of combat. And finally, you can play an item. Most items can’t be played during combat, but there are some one-shot items that can.

Aside from these actions, you also need to keep track of your character stats.

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to playing the game, each one of us creates a character who is essentially made up of weapons, armor, and magic items. These characters have two important stats: Level and Class.

Let me give you an example. I could describe my character as “a Level 9 Investigator who is wearing a Slime-Proof Poncho, carrying a Fake Tentacle, and has a Backpack Full of Dynamite”.


Your Level determines how strong and skilled you are. Whenever the rules or cards mention your Level (with a capital ‘L’), they are referring to this number.

You can increase your Level in a couple of ways. One way is by defeating a monster, and the other is when a card tells you that you gain a Level. You can also trade in Items to gain levels (more about Items later).

If a card tells you to lose a Level, then you do. However, your Level can never go below 1. But, keep in mind that your combat strength can go negative if a Curse affects you or if someone throws Ichor at you.


Hey there! Let me tell you about the different characters you can be in this game – Professors, Investigators, Monster Whackers, or Cultists. Each character has their own unique abilities. When you play a Class card, you instantly gain the abilities associated with that class. But remember, you’ll lose those abilities as soon as you discard the card.

Some Class abilities can be powered by discards. This means you can choose to get rid of any card, whether it’s in play or in your hand, in order to use a special ability.

Now, here’s the interesting part – you can discard a Class card anytime you want, even during combat. Maybe you feel like saying, “I don’t wanna be a Professor anymore!” Just keep in mind that you can’t voluntarily discard the Cultist card. I’ll talk more about Cultists in a bit. Oh, and when you do discard a Class card, you become classless until you play another one.

Here’s a rule you should know – you can only belong to one class at a time, unless you have the Super Munchkin card. And you can’t have two copies of the same Class card in play.

Now, let’s talk about Cultists!

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Sorry, but you can’t just quit being a Cultist if you change your mind. It’s not that simple. Once you become a Cultist, you can only lose that status if certain cards are played, either by you or other players.

When you discard a Cultist card, put it in a separate discard pile, not with the regular Door discards. This pile doesn’t count as “discards” for any other purpose. Here’s why:

If a card instructs you to “Become a Cultist” and there’s a discarded Cultist card available, you have to take it. If there’s no Cultist card available, you escape this time. If you were already a Cultist, nothing happens; you don’t take another card.

Hey there! Did you know that in this deck, I found something interesting? There are a whopping six Cultist cards! That’s more than any other class! And guess what? Some of these cards have unique effects just for Cultists. How cool is that? So, brace yourself for a surprising twist – the game might just end with most, if not all, of us becoming Cultists! Who would have thought?

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

More Spooky Cultist Rules!

Hey there, fellow adventurers! So, I’ve been exploring this mysterious game called Cultists, and I stumbled upon some mind-boggling rules that I simply have to share with you. Brace yourself!

First things first, if there’s only one Cultist in the game, nothing can strip them of their Class. Well, unless Divine Intervention comes into play, but that’s a whole different story. Oh, and by the way, if Divine Intervention is used, it cures everyone of their Cultishness. Pretty neat, huh?

Now, picture this: all the players except one become Cultists. In such an otherworldly scenario, that sole non-Cultist gains a level! Who knew being left out could actually be a good thing? And guess what? That level could even be the key to winning the game. Talk about a plot twist!

But hold on tight, my friend. If every single player embraces the Cultist life, brace yourself for the climax. The game reaches its spine-chilling end, and the victorious players are the ones with the highest Level. It’s a fierce competition to rise above the rest, so watch out!

Introducing Super Munchkin!

And now, let me introduce you to an intriguing card called Super Munchkin. This splendid card can be played whenever you have a Class card in your possession, and it’s totally legit as long as you attach it to a Class. Oh, and don’t even think about trying to have more than one copy of the same Class card in play at the same time. That’s a big no-no.

All in all, these Cultist rules are like ancient riddles waiting to be discovered. They add an extra layer of mystery and excitement to your adventure, making it even more thrilling. So, grab your dice and get ready to unleash the power of the Cultists!

In Super Munchkin, if you choose to play with one Class, you’ll enjoy all the benefits that come with being that Class. This includes the ability to equip Class-specific Items and inflict penalties on monsters that have penalties against that Class. On the flip side, you won’t have to worry about the drawbacks of that Class. You can still equip Items that are usually forbidden for that Class, and monsters won’t receive any bonuses because of your Class.

However, if the Class has an ability that requires a cost, you’ll still have to pay it. Unfortunately, you’re not that Super!

Let’s talk about Treasures now. Treasure cards come in two types: permanent and “one-shot” cards. As soon as you acquire a Treasure card, you have the option to play it on the table. You can do this at any time during your turn, except during combat (unless specified otherwise by the rules or the card itself).

Next up, let’s focus on Items. Most Treasures you’ll encounter are Items. These Items have a value in Gold Pieces. Keep in mind that “No Value” items are considered to have zero Gold Pieces, and they are still classified as Items.

When you have Items in play, they are considered “carried”. Items that give you a bonus are “equipped”. To show that an Item is not equipped, simply turn the cards sideways. Remember, you cannot change the status of your Items during a combat or while running away.

Some Items have restrictions. For example, the Necronomicon can only be used by a Professor. Its bonus only counts if you are currently a Professor.

You can’t just discard Item cards without reason. However, you can sell Items for a level, trade Items with other players, or give an Item to someone who wants it. You can also discard Items to use certain Class abilities. And watch out, because a Curse or a monster’s Bad Stuff can make you get rid of something!

Trading: Hey, wanna trade some stuff? We can swap Items with each other, but only the ones on the table, not the ones we’re holding. We can trade anytime, except when one of us is in a fight. Actually, the best time to trade is when it’s not our turn. Just remember, if we trade, the stuff I give you has to stay in play.

If you want, I can also give you Items without a trade. It’s like a bribe to get you on my side. For example, I can say, “I’ll give you the Triple-Barreled Shotgun if you won’t help Bob fight the Great Cthulhu!”

Oh, by the way, I’m not afraid to show you my hand. Like anyone could stop me.

Selling Items for Levels: You know what? During my turn, I can actually get rid of Items and gain a level in return. Cool, right? But I can only do it when I’m not in a fight or running away. I just need to discard Items that are worth at least 1,000 Gold Pieces, and then bam, I go up a level. Just so you know, those “No Value” cards are basically worth nothing – they’re like zero Gold Pieces, ya know?

When you sell Items in the game, you won’t get change if you discard Gold Pieces worth 1,100, for example. But if you can manage to have 2,000 worth of Items, you can level up twice at once! You’re allowed to sell Items from your hand or the ones you’re carrying, but you can’t sell Items to reach Level 10.

There are special Treasure cards called “one-shot” Treasures. These cards can only be used once and usually give a bonus to either the munchkins or the monsters during combat. You can play them from your hand or from the table. Make sure to read the card carefully because some of these cards have different effects. As soon as the combat is over or the card’s effect is resolved, discard it from the game.

In addition to the “one-shot” Treasures, there are other Treasures in the game.

Some cards in the game are not Items, like the Go Up a Level cards. These cards have specific rules about when and how they can be played. Let me give you an example:

You can play Go Up a Level cards on yourself or any other player, even during combat. Once you play them, they are discarded. But there’s one rule you must remember: you cannot use a Go Up a Level card to make a player reach the winning level!

Time to Fight!

When you face a monster, compare its combat strength to yours. Your combat strength is determined by adding your Level and any modifiers from Items and other cards. If the monster’s combat strength matches or exceeds yours, you lose the combat and have to escape.

If I have more combat strength than the monster – remember, the monster wins ties! – I defeat it and gain a level (two levels for certain big monsters). I also collect the number of Treasures shown on the monster’s card.

Occasionally, I may have a card that allows me to remove the monster without actually defeating it. It still counts as a “win,” but I don’t gain a level. By default, I also don’t collect the Treasures in this situation, unless the card specifically states otherwise.

Some monster cards possess special powers that impact combat, such as granting bonuses against specific Classes. It’s important to check for these special abilities!

During combat, both myself and the other players have the option to play one-shot Treasures, like Ichors, or use Class abilities to assist or hinder me in the battle. It’s also possible to play certain Door cards, such as Monster Enhancers, during combat.

Remember: When you’re in a fight, you can’t sell, equip, or trade items, or play treasures from your hand, unless a rule or card says otherwise.

If you defeat a monster (or monsters!), you discard them along with any other cards played and collect your rewards. However, be careful! Just when you think you’ve won, someone may play a hostile card or use a special power against you.

When you defeat a monster, you must wait for a reasonable amount of time, which is approximately 2.6 seconds, for anyone else to speak up. After that, you have officially defeated the monster and you gain the level(s) and treasures, regardless of any whining or arguing that may continue.


If a monster card is drawn face-up during the Kick Open The Door phase, it immediately attacks the person who drew it.

If you get Monster cards any other way, they go into your hand. You can use them during your turn to Look For Trouble, or you can play them to help someone else fight a Wandering Monster. (More on that later).

Every Monster card represents a single monster, even if the name on the card is plural.

Now let’s talk about Monster Enhancers.

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that there are special cards in the game called Monster Enhancers? These cards can either boost or lower the combat strength of individual monsters. And guess what? They also impact the number of Treasures that those monsters are worth. Pretty cool, right?

Now, here’s the interesting part. Monster Enhancers can be played by anyone, at any time during combat. It’s like having a secret weapon up your sleeve!

But wait, there’s more! If multiple Enhancers are played on a single monster, their effects add up. So, if you have a bunch of Enhancers, you can really give those monsters a hard time. It’s like piling on challenges for your opponents!

But wait, there’s a twist!

When it comes to interfering in someone else’s combats, there are a few ways you can get involved:

Use a one-shot item. You can lend a hand to another player by using a one-shot item against their enemy. Just be careful not to accidentally hit your friend with it!

Play a Monster Enhancer. These cards usually make a monster even stronger and provide more Treasure. You have the option to play them during your own battles or during someone else’s.

Add a monster from your hand to join the fight, whether by using a Wandering Monster card or by following the special Undead and Goth rules.

Curse them, if you happen to have a Curse card on hand.

Fighting Multiple Monsters

On some cards (like Wandering Monster), your opponents can throw other monsters into the mix. You have to beat the combined strength of all the monsters in the fight. If any special abilities apply, like only fighting with your Level, they affect the whole fight.

If you have the right cards, you can get rid of one monster and fight the rest normally. But you can’t choose to fight one and run away from the others. If you eliminate one monster, but then run away from the others, you won’t get any levels or Treasures!

There are some monsters in this set called Undead. You can play an Undead monster from your hand to help any other Undead monster in a fight, without needing a Wandering Monster card. If you have a card that can make a monster Undead, you can use it with a non-Undead monster to follow this rule.

Lastly, there are some monsters called “Goth” in this set.

Did you know that monsters ending in “goth” have a special power? They can summon other gothy things! When a “goth” monster shows up in a battle, the player who played or drew it gets to play one more “goth” monster from their hand.

If they don’t play another “goth”, then we go around the table, starting to the left of the player. Each person has one chance to add a single “goth” to the battle, until someone plays one. Once a “goth” joins the original monster, the battle moves forward.

A goth that joins the battle this way doesn’t get to bring in another goth. However, if a goth comes into battle through a Wandering Monster card or another special card or ability, then it does get to bring in another goth, just like I told you before.

Cthulhu Rises!

Guess what? Great Cthulhu is the boss of Level 20 in this set. Yep, we already featured him in Star Munchkin. But you know what? The stars aligned, and he’s making a comeback. Brace yourself, because he’ll keep showing up!

When You Need Some Help

If you find yourself unable to win a fight all on your lonesome, don’t fret! You can ask any other player to lend a hand. If someone says no, no worries! Just ask someone else until everyone turns you down or someone agrees to help you out. You can only get assistance from one player, who adds their combat strength to yours. But watch out! Anyone can throw cards into the mix to mess with your fight!

Now, here’s the catch: you’ll probably have to sweeten the deal to get someone on your side. You can offer your helper any of the cool stuff you’re carrying with you at the moment, or even some of the Treasure cards from the monster.

If you offer me part of the monster’s treasure, we need to decide who gets to pick first. It could be you, or it could be me, or we could come up with some other arrangement. You can also choose to play any cards from your hand that you’re allowed to play, like cards that let you go up a level. You can play those cards on your helper.

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you have a helper in the game, their abilities and weaknesses also apply to the monster you’re facing. If you’re not an Investigator, but you have an Investigator helper, the Shoggoth will have a -2 penalty against you.

On the other hand, if you’re fighting the Shallow Ones and a Professor helps you, the foe’s combat strength is bumped up by 2. But be careful not to increase it twice if you’re already a Professor and the foe’s strength has already been boosted.

If someone successfully assists you in defeating a monster, you discard the monster card, draw some Treasure cards, and follow any special instructions on the monster card. You level up for every monster you slay, but your helper doesn’t level up.

Even if your helper’s special ability is what defeated the monster, you still get to draw the Treasure cards. Just make sure to distribute them according to the agreement you made with your helper.


When you defeat a monster, you gain one level and collect all of its treasure, unless the Monster card states otherwise. Each monster has a treasure number at the bottom of its card.

You draw a number of treasures equal to the monster’s treasure number, adjusted by any Monster Enhancers that were played on it. If you defeat the monster on your own, you draw the treasures face-down. If someone helped you defeat the monster, you draw the treasures face-up for the whole party to see.

If you defeat a monster using nonlethal means, you do not gain a level and whether or not you receive the treasure depends on the method used.

You can play treasure cards as soon as you acquire them, even if you were the one who helped defeat the monster.


If nobody will help you… or if somebody tries to help, and your fellow party members interfere so the two of you still cannot win… you gotta Run Away. You don’t get any levels or Treasure. You don’t even get to Loot the Room. And you don’t always escape unharmed.

Roll the die. You need a 5 or more to escape. Some abilities and Treasures can make it easier or harder to Run Away from monsters. And some monsters can give you a boost or a penalty on your roll, but only for that specific monster.

If you can’t Run Away from a monster, it will do Bad Stuff to you. This can range from losing an Item, losing levels, or even facing certain Death (you never wanna get there! See below).

If you’re trying to flee from multiple monsters, you roll separately to escape each one, in any order you want. And if one catches you, you’ll suffer the Bad Stuff right away.

If both of us are working together and we can’t beat the monster(s), we both need to run away. We roll dice separately and decide in what order we want to run away. But be careful, the monster(s) can catch both of us!

After we have finished all the run away attempts, we get rid of the monster(s).

What happens when we die?

If we die, we lose everything we had. However, we get to keep our class(es) and level. If any curses were affecting us when we died, we keep those too. So, our new character will look just like our old one.

Oh, and if we have the Super Munchkin card, we can keep that too. But remember to remove any monster enhancer cards attached to a cultist when the cultist dies. Once we die, we don’t have to worry about running away from any remaining monsters.

Claiming the Spoils: Place your hand next to the cards you had in play (without including the specified cards). If you have an Item attached to a Cheat! card, set those cards aside.

Beginning with the player who possesses the highest Level, all others select a single card . . . if there is a tie in Levels, roll a die. If your lifeless body has no cards left, too bad. After everyone obtains one card, discard the remaining ones. The looted cards are added to the players’ hands.

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m dead, I can’t get any cards. Not even if someone wants to be nice and give me a charity card. And I can’t level up or win the game anymore.

But don’t worry, when the next person starts their turn, I’ll come back to life as a new character. I can still help out in fights with my level and abilities, but I won’t have any cards unless someone gives me a charity or a gift.

On my next turn, I’ll start by drawing four cards from each deck and playing any cards that are allowed. It’s just like when I first started the game. Then I can take my turn like normal.


If I draw a curse card face-up during the part of the game where I kick open the door, the curse affects me. I’ll have to deal with whatever bad thing the curse does.

If you happen to acquire a Curse card by looting the room, you can hold onto it and play it on any player at any time. And believe me, you can do it at ANY time! It’s a lot of fun to catch someone off guard, making them feel all powerful after defeating a monster, only to then reduce their abilities.

Typically, a Curse card has an immediate effect on its victim if it can be played right away. After its effect takes place, the Curse card is discarded. However, there are some Curses that have a delayed penalty or have an ongoing effect. You’ll need to hang onto these cards until you can get rid of the Curse or until the penalty kicks in. But beware, you can’t use the Curse card you’re holding as a reminder to boost your Class abilities. Nice try though!

By the way: If someone decides to play a Curse card on you that affects your next combat while you’re already in combat, guess what? It counts in that combat! The same goes for a Curse card that affects your next turn if it’s played during your turn.

If a Curse card has the potential to apply to more than one Item, it’s up to the victim (yes, that’s you) to decide which Item gets lost or Cursed.

If you come across a Curse that affects something you don’t actually possess, you can just ignore it. For example, if you draw a card called “Lose Your Armor” but you don’t have any Armor, nothing will happen, so you can simply discard the card. Keep in mind, though, that some Curses might have different or special effects, so make sure to carefully read the card!

There may be situations where it could be advantageous for you to play a Curse or a Monster card on yourself, or even to “help” another player by causing them to lose some Treasure. This might not sound very nice, but in the game of Munchkin, it’s actually considered a smart move. So don’t hesitate to do it!

How to play Munchkin Cthulhu Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Faster Play Rules

Hey there! Want to speed up the game? Well, I’ve got a tip for you! We can add a “phase 0” called Listen At The Door. It’s super simple. Right at the start of your turn, before you do anything else, just draw a face-down Door card. You can choose to play it (if it’s legal) or not, totally up to you!

Now, let’s get into the real action. Go ahead and arrange your cards and Kick Open The Door like you usually would. Easy peasy! Oh, and by the way, if you choose to Loot The Room, instead of grabbing another Door card, you’ll draw a face-down Treasure. Nice little twist, huh?

But wait, there’s more! You can also spice things up by allowing shared victories. Let’s say you’re in a fight and you reach Level 10. Well, guess what? If you had a helper in that fight, they win too! It doesn’t matter what Level they’re currently at. Teamwork for the win!

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