Welcome to the World of Mumbo Jumbo!
Here are the Rules:
1. Object of the Game
The goal of Mumbo Jumbo is to form as many words as possible using the given letters. You can use each letter only once per word.
2. Gameplay
When the game starts, you will see a grid of random letters. Your task is to create words by connecting adjacent letters horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. You can make words in any direction, as long as the letters are connected.
3. Creating Words
To create a word, simply click on the first letter of the word and then drag your cursor over the adjacent letters to form the word. Once you release the mouse button, the word will be submitted.
4. Scoring
Each letter in a word has a point value. The longer the word, the more points you earn. You can see the point values for each letter under the grid. The total score for a word is calculated by adding the point values of all the letters in the word.
5. Word Validity
Not all words are valid. In Mumbo Jumbo, only words that can be found in a standard English dictionary are accepted. Proper nouns, abbreviations, and acronyms are not allowed.
6. Time Limit
You have a limited amount of time to form words. The timer is displayed at the top of the screen. If you run out of time, the game will end.
Now you’re ready to play!
I hope you have a great time challenging your word skills with Mumbo Jumbo. Remember, the more words you find, the higher your score will be. Good luck!
Alright, let’s get started! We’re going to stack all the chips into one big pile in the middle. It’s important for everyone to practice spinning the Spin Timer to get the hang of it. When the Spin Timer stops completely, that means time is up!
Now, let’s divide into teams. We can have two or more teams, up to four teams total. We’ll pick one team to go first, and then we’ll take turns going clockwise.
Let’s Play the Game!
First, we’ll need to roll both dice. Then, we’ll count from the top of the stack and take that many chips all at once. Make sure to check the face of the bottom chip you took – it’s important!
Now, it’s time to announce the category. Look at the ring around the edge of the chip to find out which category you’ll be answering questions from.
Okay, here’s the fun part. Silently read the question on the chip that matches the color rolled on the Color Die. You have to get your teammates to answer that question, but the method you use to communicate depends on the category you got. There are five categories to choose from:
Motor Mouth
Big Question
7 Words
In this game called “7 Words,” I’m going to explain how to play. Are you ready? Great! So, the goal of the game is to guess a secret word by using seven clues. I will give you these clues one at a time, and you need to guess the word based on the clues I give you. It’s like solving a puzzle!
Now, here’s something interesting – each clue I give you will have only one word in it. That’s right, just one word! You might think it’s easy, but it can actually be quite challenging. You see, the clues might be tricky, and you’ll have to really think hard to come up with the right answer.
Once I give you all seven clues, you can take a guess at the secret word. But be careful, you only get one guess! So make sure you think it through before giving me your answer. If you get it right, congratulations! You’ve solved the puzzle and won the game. But if you get it wrong, don’t worry, you can always try again.
Hum Along
Now let’s move on to another fun game called “Hum Along.” This game is all about listening and guessing the titles of songs. Are you excited? I know I am!
Here’s how it works: I’m going to hum a melody, and your job is to guess the title of the song I’m humming. Sounds fun, right? Well, it gets a little challenging too, because I won’t be singing any lyrics – just humming the tune!
You might be wondering, how can I guess the title of a song without the lyrics? Well, that’s part of the challenge! Some melodies are so catchy that you can recognize them even without the words. It’s like a musical puzzle that you have to solve with your ears.
To make it even more challenging, I will be using a spin timer. I will hum the melody for a short amount of time, and then you will have to guess the title before the timer runs out. It’s a race against time to see if you can figure it out quickly!
Are you ready to give it a try? Great! Let’s play “Hum Along” and see how well you can guess the titles of songs just by listening to the melodies. Good luck!
If you can get your teammates to guess the answer before the Spin Timer stops, you get to keep all the chips you took and it becomes the next team’s turn. But if you can’t get them to guess correctly, the team on the right has a chance to steal the answer and collect the points. In the Big Question category, the team stealing points must come up with original answers and can’t use any answers already given.
If both teams fail to get the answer right, you have to put the chips you took back at the bottom of the central stack, and it becomes the next team’s turn. Only one team can steal an answer per turn. The game is over when all the chips from the central stack are taken.
Now, let’s talk about scoring. Each team adds up the points at the bottom of all the chips they have collected.
The Grand Finale
Guess what? The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! It’s time to announce the victor! Will it be you? Or perhaps someone else? Let’s find out!
Now, pay close attention because this is how it works. The team that gathers the highest number of points emerges as the triumphant champion. Imagine the excitement of tasting victory, the thrill of accomplishing something extraordinary!
But what if there’s a tie? Don’t worry, my friend, we have a solution for that too. In the rare event where two teams find themselves with equal points, we have a tie-breaker. The illustrious title goes to the team with the most individual chips.
Picture the tension in the air as the final chips are counted. Hearts racing, adrenaline pumping, all eyes fixed on the outcome. This is the climax of the game, the ultimate moment of triumph. Are you ready to seize it?