Morocco Game Rules
Hello there! Are you ready to learn the rules of the exciting game called Morocco? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’ll be your guide as we delve into the ins and outs of this thrilling game.
Morocco is a game that requires strategy and quick thinking. It’s a bit like chess but with a twist. The game is played on a grid, similar to a chessboard, with different colored pieces representing the players. The goal is to capture your opponent’s pieces and claim victory.
Now, let’s talk about the rules of Morocco. The game starts with each player placing their colored pieces on the board. You have two types of pieces: a Sultan and an Army. The Sultan is your most important piece, while the Army pieces are there to protect the Sultan and attack your opponent.
Once the pieces are placed, the game begins. Players take turns moving one piece at a time. The pieces can move vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally. The Sultan can move one space in any direction, while the Army pieces can move up to three spaces in a straight line.
When a piece moves into a space occupied by an opponent’s piece, the opponent’s piece is captured. However, there’s a catch. The Sultan cannot make a capture by itself. It needs the help of its Army. This means that an Army piece must move into the same space as the opponent’s piece to capture it. Once a piece is captured, it is removed from the board and is out of the game.
The game continues until one player captures their opponent’s Sultan. When this happens, the captor is declared the winner and the game is over. If both Sultans are captured on the same turn, the game is a draw.
Morocco is a game that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a bit of luck. It’s a game that can be played by people of all ages and is sure to provide hours of entertainment.
So there you have it, the rules of Morocco! I hope you’re excited to give this game a try. Remember, it’s all about capturing your opponent’s pieces and protecting your own Sultan. Have fun and may the best strategist win!
Welcome to the vibrant world of Morocco, where I get to become a part of ancient families and their traditions. As I step into this enchanting land, I take on the role of a snake charmer, a water seller, a rug merchant, a magician, or a food seller. Together, we represent the rich tapestry of artisans who call this place home. Our stage is the renowned Jemaa el-Fna market square in Marrakech, Morocco – a hub of activity and culture.
Every single day, we embark on a thrilling race. Our aim? To find and secure the best market stalls available. With great excitement, we navigate through the bustling streets, searching high and low for the perfect spot to showcase our crafts and skills. Once we have claimed our stalls, a new challenge awaits us – attracting customers to our little corner of the market. We entice them to come and experience the wonders we have to offer – our merchandise, our curiosities, and the essence of our traditions.
Now, let’s explore the components that make this adventure truly remarkable.
- Game board
- 60 Market Tiles
- Roof with information cubes
- 36 Juice Seller Tokens
- 90 Workers
- Start Player Marker
- Market Die
- 15 Gold Coins
- 12 Empty Stall Tiles
- Instructions
What’s in the Game Box?
Inside the game box, you’ll find everything you need to enjoy Morocco:
- A game board
- 60 Market Tiles
- A roof with information cubes on it
- 36 Juice Seller Tokens
- 90 Workers
- A Start Player Marker
- A Market Die
- 15 Gold Coins
- 12 Empty Stall Tiles
- Clear and easy-to-follow instructions
With these components, you’ll be ready to dive into the exciting world of Morocco!
What’s the Goal of the Game?
In Morocco, the goal is to send your workers to claim the best stalls in the market. To claim a stall, enough workers of the same color need to reach it. Once a stall is claimed, any adjacent Juice Sellers are cleared out.
The game consists of two phases: Market Information and Assign Workers. In the Market Information phase, you’ll use the roof to scout the market and figure out which stalls are the busiest.
When you play Assign Workers, you get to send your workers to different stalls in the market using the information you’ve gathered.
The winner of the game is the player who earns the most victory points by collecting Market Tiles, Juice Seller Tokens, and having the largest Market District!
Getting Started
First, place the game board in the middle of the playing area. Each player chooses a color and takes all the corresponding pieces (2 cousins tokens, 2 tourists, 2 bodyguards, 12 assistants, 12 market tiles, and 1 score marker).
Put all players’ score markers on the “0” position on the score track. Place all players’ bodyguards in the guards’ quarters on the game board.
Now, randomly draw and place face-up juice seller tokens on the matching spaces in the market. Keep the piles of information cubes and gold coins near the game board; this is the supply.
So, here’s what we’re gonna do. First, we gotta assign 5 information cubes, one of each color, to the market rows on the side. Next, we’ll do the same for the market columns along the bottom. Finally, we’ll assign 5 more information cubes to the outer spaces on the rooftop of the game board. Gotta have everything in its place, right?
Now, let’s get that pawn right in the center space on the rooftop. That’s where it belongs. And this is important – we gotta give the start player marker to the person who has most recently traveled to Morocco. They’re gonna kick things off and start the game. If there are only 2 or 3 of us, then the start player gets the market die too. Good to know, right?
How the Game Works
Morocco is a game that is played in multiple rounds. Each round has two main phases:
- Phase One: Scouting the Market
- Phase Two: Assigning Workers
The final round of the game is triggered when there are only five or fewer stalls left in the market.
Phase One: Scouting the Market
During this phase, you will have the opportunity to scout the market from a nearby rooftop. This will give you important information that you can use later on when you send your workers to claim stalls. The first player will go first, and then the turn will proceed clockwise, with each player taking their turn during this phase.
On your turn, you must move the pawn to a different space on the rooftop. You cannot leave the pawn where it currently is. When you move the pawn, you will gain two cubes. You will receive one cube for each cube that is on the spaces adjacent to the pawn.
Hey there!
So here’s the deal: when you put your pawn on a space, all the other players get one cube that’s the same as the one on that space. Easy, right?
Example: I move the green pawn to the outer space with the brown information cube. I gain one green cube and one orange cube. Every other player gains one brown cube.
Rolling the Market Die (2-3 Players Only)
If you’re playing with 3 players, at the start of the round, the first player rolls the market die once. Every player gains one cube of the color indicated on the die. If the “wild” face is rolled, every player gains a cube of their choice.
If you’re playing with 2 players, at the start of the round, each player rolls the market die once. For each roll, every player gains one cube of the color indicated on the die. If the “wild” face is rolled, every player gains a cube of their choice.
2. Get Your Workers Ready
Now it’s time to send out your workers and secure the best stalls in the market. Here’s how this phase works: first, I’ll go, and then it will be your turn. We’ll take turns like this until everyone has had two chances to send out their workers. Keep in mind that each player can only send one worker at a time.
When it’s your turn to send a worker, you can choose any empty space in a stall to place them. Just remember that each stall has only four spots, so choose wisely.
It’s important to note that all workers, even the bodyguards, take up one space in a stall. So, keep that in mind when deciding where to place them.
How to Play a Worker
The type of worker you want to play and which information cubes you’ll need depends on two things: the row and column of the market where the stall is located, and the specific type of worker you want to send out.
Assistants and Bodyguards
When it’s my turn to play, I have to place a worker on the board. If there’s no space available for me to do so, I will have to pass my turn and wait for the next round.
Example: I want to put my cousin in the stall that the Black arrow is pointing to. I need to use one cube of each color in the row and column of that stall, plus one more cube of any color.
Then I can remove a cousin token and put one of my assistants there. I can decide to put my second assistant in either of the spaces shown by the white arrows (next to a different stall).
Let’s start with an example. The green player wants to put one of their helpers in the stall that’s marked. But first, they have to spend one of each corresponding cube from the market row (green) and column (brown) of that stall.
How to Score and Close a Stall
Once you’ve placed your worker, it’s time to check if any stalls are full. A stall becomes full when the number of workers, plus any overflow from neighboring tiles, adds up to four or more. If two stalls become full on the same turn, the stall that reached fullness first will be scored first.
Each helper or tourist counts as one worker. Each bodyguard counts as two workers.
When a stall is full, it’s time to tally up the score. Players will receive rewards according to their relative position in worker count for that stall. We keep track of victory points (VP) by moving score markers along the score track.
- Juice seller tokens – Each token is worth either 2, 3, or 4VP, as indicated on the token itself.
- Largest market area – You will earn 3VP for each market tile in your biggest connected group of claimed stalls.
- Gold coins – Each gold coin is worth 1VP.
Heading: The Importance of Choosing the Right Stall in the Game
I want to share with you the significance of selecting the right stall in the game. It’s crucial to make wise decisions when it comes to your market tile. Let’s dive in and explore the rewards and benefits you can gain from choosing the best stall.
First Place: A Top Spot
Coming in first place is an exhilarating achievement. By securing this position, you earn 5VP (victory points) and get to place your market tile in a prime location. This guarantees visibility and a higher chance of attracting customers. It’s like having a front-row seat to the excitement of the market!
Tied for First Place: A Shared Triumph
In the event of a tie for first place, all tied players will receive an equal share of 5VP. Additionally, the player currently taking their turn will have the opportunity to place an empty stall tile. While you might not have the advantage of choosing the exact location, luck could still smile upon you as you observe the market buzz from your new spot.
Second Place: A Well-Earned Reward
Securing the second spot is no small feat. As the runner-up, you will be rewarded with 2VP, one gold coin, and a bodyguard. The gold coin allows you to invest in your stall, improving its appearance and attracting more customers. And having a bodyguard ensures the safety of your business, giving you peace of mind.
Tied for Second Place: Sharing the Glory
If there happens to be a tie for second place, all tied players will receive 1VP, one gold coin, or a bodyguard. You have the flexibility to decide which of these rewards best suits your strategy. Just remember to choose wisely – each option carries its own benefits and consequences.
Third Place: A Place on the Podium
Even if you don’t secure the top spots, third place is still a respectable achievement. You will be rewarded with 1VP and given the choice between one gold coin or a bodyguard. This allows you to continue growing your business and puts you on the path to success.
In conclusion, when it comes to choosing your stall in the game, it’s essential to consider the rewards and benefits that each position offers. Understanding the potential outcomes and weighing your options will help you make an informed decision. By following this approach, you’ll increase your chances of success and stand out in the bustling market. Best of luck!
Get Juice Seller Tokens
Once a stall is scored, I collect any juice seller tokens next to my workers and place them face down in my player area.
Put Down Market Tile
When we finish our work at the stall, we all remove our workers. The assistants go back to the players, the bodyguards go back to the guards’ quarters, and the tourists move somewhere else.
If I have the most workers, I get to put one of my market tiles on the stall, which means it’s closed. But if there’s a tie for the most workers, I have to put an empty tile on the stall.
![]() Market Tiles |
Then, I have to choose a stall next to the closed one to overflow into. To do that, I turn my market tile so the arrow points to the place I want to move to. But I can’t choose a stall that’s already closed, unless there are no open stalls next to it.
Moving Tourists: When a stall closes and there is a tourist in it, I’ll move the tourist to an open stall nearby. Look for the overflow arrow on the market tile to find the adjacent open stall.
Then, I’ll replace the tourist with one of my assistants and take them out of the game. If there are multiple tourists that need to move, I’ll do it in clockwise order starting from me.
Gold Coins
Using Gold Coins
During my turn in the Assign Workers phase, I can spend my gold coins whenever I want. There’s no limit to how many gold coins I can spend in one turn.
By spending a gold coin, I can switch the positions of any two information cubes in the market rows or any two
Let’s talk about the information cubes and how they work in the market. When playing, you’ll see these cubes assigned to the columns. But remember, you can’t move a cube from a row to a column, or vice versa.
At the end of the game, any Gold Coins that you haven’t used are valuable – they’re worth 1 Victory Point each. There is a limit though, you can never have more than 3 gold coins at any given time.
End of Round
Once every player has taken two turns during the Worker Assignment phase, the round comes to a close. The start player marker is then passed in a clockwise direction. You should return the pawn back to the center space on the rooftop.
When it comes to information cubes, you are only allowed to keep one for the next round. Any additional cubes you have acquired must be given back to the supply.
The Game Ends
When there are only five or fewer open stalls left in the market, it’s time for the final round to begin. Once the current round is finished, the game comes to an end.
However, if the very last stall is closed, the game ends right after that, without going through another round.
During the final scoring phase, you will calculate your points based on the following:
The player with the highest total points will be the winner! In case of a tie, the player who has claimed the most stalls will take the victory. If there is still a tie, all tied players will share the victory.