How to play Monumental Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Explore the Monumental Game Rules!

Hi there! Are you excited to learn about the game rules of Monumental? Well, you’re in the right place! Today, I’ll walk you through the important rules and strategies you need to know to enjoy this exciting game to the fullest. After reading this, you’ll be ready to dive right in!

Goal of the Game

So, what’s the aim of Monumental? It’s quite simple, really. Your goal is to build the most grand and awe-inspiring civilization the world has ever seen! You’ll take charge of a civilization, develop it, and make it thrive. The player with the most successful civilization at the end of the game emerges as the winner!

Starting the Game

Before we get to the nitty-gritty of the game, let’s go over how to set things up. Firstly, you’ll receive a civilization tableau and a deck of cards, representing different buildings, wonders, and leaders. Each player also receives some starting resources. Shuffle the deck and create a draw pile, while revealing a few cards to form the market.

Taking Turns

Now, let’s talk about how the game progresses. Monumental is a turn-based game, meaning players take turns performing a series of actions. On your turn, you have three main actions you can take:

  1. Play a Card: You can play a card from the market or your hand and add it to your tableau. This card represents a building, wonder, or leader that will contribute to the growth of your civilization.
  2. Activate a Card: By spending the required resources, you can activate a card in your tableau. This allows you to use its special abilities, which can bolster your civilization or hinder your opponents.
  3. Regenerate: Lastly, you can choose to regenerate cards in your tableau. This means you’ll discard previously played cards and draw new ones from the market or your deck. It’s a great way to refresh your options and adapt your strategy as the game progresses.

It’s important to plan your actions carefully and make strategic choices to gain an advantage over your opponents. Remember, every action matters!

Winning the Game

The game continues until a specific end condition is met. This can be either when a certain number of wonders have been built or when a certain number of rounds have been played. Once the game ends, it’s time to tally up the victory points.

Victory points are earned by various means, such as building wonders, activating card abilities, and fulfilling specific conditions. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner and the ultimate master of the Monumental civilization!

Time to Dive In!

Now that you have a good understanding of the Monumental game rules, it’s time to gather your friends and start building your own civilization. Remember to strategize, adapt to changing circumstances, and make the most out of your cards. Have fun and may the best civilization builder win!

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 105 cards to represent different civilizations
  • 54 cards for development
  • 30 Basic Building cards
  • 20 Automa cards
  • 24 Hero & Monster cards
  • 80 Tiles
  • 20 Wonder tokens
  • 50 Exploration tokens
  • 25 Production tokens
  • 20 Market tokens
  • 50 Gold tokens
  • 20 Culture tokens
  • 12 Barbarian/Monster tokens
  • 39 Resource counters
  • 5 Wonder Construction counters
  • 94 Classic Edition Tokens
  • 12 Monsters tokens
  • 150 Deluxe Edition Figures

What is the goal of the game?

In Monumental, you and others will lead different civilizations. How you guide your civilization and what you choose to do will determine how history remembers you.

Do you dare to emerge victorious as a warmonger, a trailblazer of culture and science, or an architect of a magnificent city with incredible Wonders? The challenge is before you!

Your objective is to advance your civilization by constructing new buildings and wonders within your city, expanding your scientific knowledge and cultural development, and harnessing your military might to conquer uncharted territories. The spoils shall go to the one who amasses the greatest number of points.

Now, let’s get set up for the game.

To begin, assemble the map according to the designated layout for the number of players provided in the SCENARIO BOOK. Alternatively, you can create your own unique layout. Place the Barbarians and Free Town tokens face down, making sure the numbers are concealed.

First things first! Let’s get started by setting up the game. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Choose a set of five tokens with the same City name for each Market. Pick a certain number of these tokens that matches the number of Players. The remaining tokens can be put back in the box. Arrange them as a face-down stack on the board according to the suggested setup.

2. Put one Production token on each tile, except for Capital tiles, Water tiles, and tiles with a market.

3. Keep the unused Barbarian, Free Town, Market, and Production tokens in the box. You won’t be needing them during the game.

4. Place all the Gold and Culture tokens beside the play area. These tokens will serve as a common stock.

5. Put all the Resource counters (Production, Military, Science) and Wonder Construction counters next to the play area. These will also be part of the common stock.

That’s it for the setup! Now, let’s move on to the Development Cards.

I’ll show you how to set up the Development cards. First, let’s sort them by era – I, II, and III. Once they’re sorted, give each era deck a good shuffle.

Now, let’s make the Development deck by stacking these three piles face-down. The Modern cards go on the bottom, followed by the Medieval cards in the middle, and the Classical cards on top.

But don’t forget to place the Era Separation cards on top of each corresponding era’s cards. These Separation cards will be discarded when they’re revealed, so no need to shuffle them in.

Now, let’s put the Development deck beside the play area. We’re almost done with the setup, but there’s one more thing to mention.

In addition to the regular Wonders, there are also three alternative Wonders for each era. You can switch out any regular Wonder with a matching era’s alternative Wonder when you’re assembling the Development card stacks.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you want to play a longer game, you can add the Renaissance Era. To include this era, you’ll need to shuffle the 12 Renaissance Era development cards on their own. Then, place the Renaissance Era separation card on top of the face-down stack, and insert it between the Era II and Era III cards.

The game also offers two additional modules: Heroes and Monsters. These modules can be played separately or together to bring more variety to the game. However, we recommend not using them during your first few plays to keep things simple.

Basic Building Cards

To organize the Basic building cards, sort them by type – Workshops, Laboratories, and Archery Ranges. Place each type in a separate pile and arrange them face up in a row above the Development deck.

City Set Up

If you’re looking to play a really cool game, you have the option to choose one of five awesome civilizations: the Chinese, Danish, Egyptian, Greek, or Japanese. Each civilization comes with a special deck of cards that are the same for all civilizations, but also some unique cards that make them stand out.

Let me tell you a bit about these amazing cards:

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, you’re on the hunt for a civilization to explore, huh? Well, let me give you a hand with that! Just take a look at the options below and see which one catches your eye:

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • I’ve got 15 Civilization cards
  • There are 5 Cultural Policy cards
  • I also have 1 Warlord card
  • For my troops, there are 10 Units: 1 Warlord and 9 Soldiers
  • Furthermore, I have 2 Explorers
  • I also have 2 Outposts
  • If I’m playing the Deluxe edition, there are 14 colored bases of the same color

To get started, return any civilizations you won’t use back to the box. Next, shuffle my 15 Civilization cards. Now, I’ll deal out a grid of 9 cards: 3 rows of 3. This grid represents my City.

To do the dealing, I’ll start at the top left corner and move to the bottom right corner, going from left to right and top to bottom.

One thing to note: if a Knowledge card comes up, I’ll immediately deal a second card on top of it. This second card will go right on top of the first one, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure the effect of the Knowledge card is still visible.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s get started by setting up your game of Civilization. First, take the remaining Civilization cards and place them face down beside your City – this will be your City deck. Make sure to leave some space next to your City deck for a discard pile.

Next, take your Warlord card and place it face up beside your City. Take the Cultural Policy cards and place them face down beside your City – this will be your Culture deck. You can look at the cards in your Culture deck at any time.

Now, let’s get you some Gold. Take 2 Gold and put them in a supply next to your City.

The player who has most recently visited another country will be the Starting player. They also get to keep the Era Separation card I.

Starting from the last player in the turn order and going counterclockwise, each player will choose a capital tile.

Now, place your Warlord, Soldiers, and Explorers on your Capital tile. Your Outposts will go in a supply next to your Capital tile.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In order to play the game, you’ll need a complete setup. This includes your City, Deck, Gold, Warlord, Cultural Policies, and Units on the Capital Tile.

Development Track

Start by drawing the top 6 cards from the Development deck. Place them face up next to the deck to form the Development Display.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess
Starting Development Track

Create Your Own Map

You have the option to create your own map using the tiles provided in the game box.

Here are the instructions:

  1. Take 1 Free Town for each player and randomly place them on the map, excluding the Capital and Water tiles.
  2. Randomly place 1 Barbarian token (with the number showing) face up on each tile, excluding Water tiles and Capital tiles.

When playing the game, there are certain rules you need to keep in mind for a fair and balanced experience. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. The Barbarian tiles surrounding each Capital tile should have the same value for all players. The values can be either 1 or 2.

2. At the start of the game, randomly place one market per player on the board. Each market should have a stack of tokens equal to the number of players. For example, in a 3-player game, you’ll have 3 Market tokens with 3 tokens on each.

3. Put one Production token on each tile, excluding Water tiles and tiles with a market.

Now let’s move on to the gameplay itself:

The starting player goes first, and then the turns continue in a clockwise direction.

On your turn, you have four phases to complete. Follow this order:

1. Activate City:

– Before anything else, activate your City by flipping its activated side face up.

2. Take Actions:

– In this phase, you can take various actions to build your empire and expand your influence. Use the available actions wisely to achieve your goals.

3. Replenish City:

– After taking your desired actions, replenish your City by drawing tiles from the bag and placing them face down in your City tray.

4. Replenish Display:

– Finally, replenish the display by refilling any empty spaces with new tiles from the bag, making sure there are always five tiles available for selection.

Remember to play strategically and make the most out of each of your turns. Good luck on your quest for dominance!

Hey there! When you start playing with your City, you get to pick a whole row and a whole column of cards to use during your turn. It’s important to let the other players know which cards you’re activating, so go ahead and declare them. And here’s a cool twist: you need to rotate each activated card by 45 degrees.

Now, here’s an interesting trick. If you activate a card that’s connected to a Knowledge card, you get to activate both the Knowledge card and the card that was dealt on top of it. Pretty nifty, huh?

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you activate a City by activating a line and column, a Knowledge Card is activated along with the building it’s connected to. This means that you immediately receive the resources displayed in the top right corner of each activated card.

You can use the effects of activated cards during Phase 2 of your turn, which is the “Take Actions” phase.

Basic Resources

There are three main resources in the game: Production, Science, and Military.

Production is used to construct Buildings and Wonders. You can obtain Production through cards, Production tokens on the map, Market tokens, and Free Town tokens.

Science is essential for acquiring new Knowledge cards. You can gain Science through cards, Market tokens, and Free Town tokens.

Military is what you need to move Units and Explorers around in the game. You can get Military through cards, Market tokens, and Free Town tokens.

During your turn, when you get Production, Science, and Military resources, take the corresponding counters from the common stock and put them in a special supply next to your City.

You have to use the Production, Science, and Military resources you get right away. You can’t save them for later turns, and any that you don’t use are gone. At the end of your turn, the Resource counters go back in the common stock.

If you get Production or Market tokens from the board, put them in your special supply. You can use them during your turn or save them for later.

More Resources

When it comes to playing the game, there are a couple of important resources you should know about: Culture and Gold.

Culture is a special resource that you can use to acquire Cultural Policies. It’s pretty valuable!

Gold is another resource that’s quite useful. You can use it instead of basic resources like Production, Science, or Military. But remember, you can’t use Gold in place of Culture.

Whenever you gain some Gold or Culture, take the corresponding tokens from the stockpile and add them to your personal stash. You can use these resources whenever you want, whether it’s on the current turn or a future one.

2. Time to Take Action!

Now, here’s where it gets exciting. You have a range of actions you can take, and you can choose the order and combination that suits you. Just make sure you have enough resources!

It’s important to note that unless a card specifically says otherwise, you can only use its effect once during the turn you activate it. Keep that in mind!

If you happen to gain the effect of your Warlord as well as a Barbarian or Free City token at the same time, you get to decide which order to resolve their effects. Pretty cool, right?

Hey there! When playing this game, there are a bunch of actions you can take. Let me walk you through them:

You can look through your own pile of discarded cards, but not someone else’s.

The following actions can be done:

  • You can acquire a development card or a basic building.
  • You can complete a wonder.
  • You can develop a cultural policy.
  • You can conquer a province.
  • You can make a military maneuver.
  • You can construct an outpost.
  • You can play explorers.
  • You can use the effect of an activated card in your city or an active cultural policy.
  • You can make scientific progress.

Remember: If you want, you can use gold instead of a basic resource like production, science, or military, but you can’t use it instead of culture.

Keep in mind: At the end of your turn, make sure to put any unused basic resource counters back into the common stock.

Acquire Development Card or Basic Building

To make your City better, you have a few options. You can get new Building, Knowledge, or Wonder cards. These cards can be found in the Development display or the stockpile of Basic Building cards. The price to get a card is displayed in the bottom left corner.

Here’s an example of what a Building Card looks like:

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Building Card.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me explain to you how acquiring a Building card works, and why it’s important in the game.

So, when you get a Building card (either a Basic Building or a Building from the Development display), you need to pay the Production cost listed on the card. Once you’ve paid the cost, you can take the card and put it on the top of your deck, face-down. Simple, right?

Now, here’s the thing: you can only get a Basic Building card if there are still cards of that type available in the stock. That means you need to keep an eye on what’s left in order to make the right decisions.

Knowledge Card

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you get a Knowledge card from the Development display, pay the Science cost shown on the card. After that, take the card and put it face-down on top of your deck.

Wonder Card

Finish a Wonder

You can finish a Wonder that you have already started building by paying the cost in the rightmost circle at the bottom of the card.

You can acquire and finish a Wonder in the same turn.

When you finish a Wonder, you immediately get the completion bonus shown on the card (taking resources if necessary). Put the Wonder card on top of your deck. Return the Construction token to the general supply.

After that, take the corresponding Wonder token and put it on a province you control, including your Capital tile. You can only have one Wonder per Province/Capital. Wonders increase the defense value of the Province by 2.

If you can’t place the Wonder token because you’ve already built a Wonder in your Capital and all of your Provinces, then you can’t complete a Wonder.

Create a Cultural Policy

Creating a Cultural Policy unlocks new abilities and actions for you.

To create a Cultural Policy, you need to choose a card from your Culture deck and pay Culture tokens from your personal supply. The cost of Culture tokens increases as you create more policies. The first Cultural Policy costs 1 Culture, the second costs 2 Culture, and so on.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you create a Cultural Policy, you need to place the chosen card facing up next to your city. Right away, you get the special effect mentioned at the bottom of the card.

Cultural Policy cards give you an ongoing effect that lasts until you create a new Policy.

When you create a new policy, put the new Cultural Policy card on top of the previous one, but only show the bonus from the previous card.

When you create a new Cultural Policy, you also get the bonuses from all the previously created Policy cards, right away.

Conquer Province

At the start of the game, you have 10 Units on your Capital tile. These include 1 Warlord and 9 Soldiers. Note that the Explorers don’t count as Units.

To conquer a neighboring Province in this game, I can send my troops to attack it. I need to have enough Military resources to pay for the attack. Each Military resource lets me move one Unit into the targeted Province.

When I attack a Province, I must commit enough Units to match its defense value. The defense value varies depending on the type of province.

The Units I send to attack can come from any of my Provinces, including my Capital. The only requirement is that they can reach the attacked Province by moving through Provinces I already control.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing a game, like the one I’m in, I need to think strategically about my moves. Let’s say I’m the red player from Japan, and I want to conquer the white province belonging to Greece. In order to succeed, I need to use three Military Units. This is because the defense value of the Greek province is three, which is determined by its terrain value of one and the fact that there are already two units stationed there.

Now, let’s talk about a rule that might come into play. If some of my Units are in a Province tile that is isolated from the rest of the territories I control – basically, if it’s cut off from them by a Province owned by another player – those units can only be used to conquer Provinces that are right next to them or connected through other Provinces I control.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

As a player, I’m faced with a strategic decision in the game. I have units from two different provinces, and I want to invade a province belonging to another player. This province happens to be located right in the middle of the game board, making it a crucial target.

Here’s an important rule to keep in mind: I can use the same units for multiple attacks during my turn. However, I do need to pay 1 Military resource for each unit that I use in an attack. This cost is necessary to maintain the balance and fairness of the game.

There’s another strategic consideration that I need to be mindful of: I can never move my units in a way that leaves a province that I control (except for my Capital Tile) without any of my units or outposts. This rule ensures that I don’t leave any of my territories vulnerable and helps maintain a strong foothold on the game board.

It’s also important for me to remember that I’m not allowed to attack water tiles or another player’s Capital Tile. These are off-limits, as they carry a special significance in the game. I have to focus on the land-based territories and plan my attacks accordingly.

Now, let’s talk about conquering a Barbarian Province. This can be a bit more challenging.

A Barbarian Province has a defense value that is calculated based on two factors. The first factor is the terrain value of the province itself. The second factor is the value of the Barbarian token that is placed on the province. These two values combined determine the strength of the province’s defense.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this province full of Barbarians, the total defense value is 3. The terrain value is 1, and the Barbarian Token value subtracts 2 from that. It’s a bit confusing, but let me break it down for you:

For example, let’s say there’s a Barbarian token with a defense value of 2 on a Province with a terrain value of 1. To conquer this province, you’d need to use 3 Military resources.

When you conquer a Province with a Barbarian token, here’s what happens:

  • You move into the attacked province with a number of Units equal to the total defense value of the Province.
  • You take the Barbarian token and immediately choose one of the two benefits shown on the back of the token. Keep this token face up beside your City.

Now, let’s talk about conquering a Free Town Province.

The defense value of a Free Town Province is the same as the terrain value of the Province. But there’s more! You also have to pay the resources shown on the Free Town token. So keep that in mind when planning your conquer strategy.

Example: Let’s say there’s a Free Town token with Science value 2 on a Province with a terrain value of 1. To conquer it, you need to spend 1 Military and 2 Science.

When you successfully conquer a Province that has a Free Town token, here’s what happens:

  • You send a number of Units into the attacked province, equal to the terrain value of that Province.
  • You pay the required resources.
  • You take the Free Town token and immediately choose one of the two benefits shown on the back of the token. Keep this token face up beside your City.

Conquering an Opponent’s Province

If you want to conquer a Province that’s controlled by another player, here’s what you need to do:

The cost in Military resources is determined by adding up the terrain value of the Province and the total defense value of all Units and Structures in that Province.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: Imagine you’re in a Province with hills and valleys, like a terrain value of 2. You’ve got 3 Soldiers and a Warlord by your side, ready for action. In total, your defense value is 7 (2+1+1+1+2).

Now, let’s talk about conquering an opponent’s Province:

  • You need to move into the attacked Province with a number of Units equal to its total defense value.
  • Here’s the catch – your opponent will have to send all their Units back to their Capital tile. Any Outposts they have in the conquered tile also go back to their supply.

Moving your Warlord

When you go out to conquer a Province, you can choose to take your Warlord along with you as one of the required units. The advantage? Well, each turn, your Warlord card gives you a special boost – adding 2 to the defense value of the Province. Talk about having some serious backup!

Military Maneuver

I can move my Units in a game called Military Maneuver. It’s all about the capacity to move as many Units as possible in the Provinces that I already control.

If I want to move a Unit, I need to spend ONE Military resource. With that, I can move ONE Soldier or Warlord from one Province to another Province, as long as I control both of them. It’s also important that the Provinces are connected to each other through Provinces that I control.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that as a player, you have the ability to spend 1 Military to move one unit from the left province to the right province? Pretty cool, huh? The best part is that you can only do this if you control both provinces. It’s like having the power to teleport your units!

Building an Outpost

Now, let’s talk about something even more exciting – constructing an Outpost. You can do this for free whenever you want during your turn. All you need to do is have 3 or more Units (Soldiers or Warlord) on a Province. Once you meet this requirement, you can return 3 Units from the Province to your Capital tile and place one of your Outposts onto the Province. Just make sure to pay attention to a few rules:

  • You can only have one Outpost per Province. Yep, just one.
  • You can only have a total of 2 Outposts at any given time. That’s the limit.
  • Once you build an Outpost, it’s there for good. You can’t move it around like a game piece.

By constructing an Outpost, you’ll increase the defense value of the Province by a whopping 3 points! Talk about fortifying your territory!

Important: Keep in mind that if another player conquers a province you control that has an Outpost, the Outpost is returned to your personal supply. So, protect those Outposts!

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s what happens when you replace 3 units with an Outpost: the units go back to your supply.

Let’s talk about Explorers.

Explorers are pretty handy when it comes to collecting resources from the map.

If you want to move one of your Explorers to an adjacent Province, you just need to pay one military resource. It doesn’t matter who controls the Province. And the best part is, your Explorer can move multiple times in a single turn! Of course, each time you move, you’ll have to pay another military resource.

Now, let’s talk about what your Explorers can do each turn.

  • If your Explorer is in a Province with a Market, you can take the Market tokens. Take a look at them and pick one to keep. Put it face up in your personal supply. The other tokens go back face down to the Province. Just remember, you can only have ONE Token from EACH Market in the whole game.

Sometimes in the game, I get to take a Production token from the Province I’m exploring and keep it for myself. It’s like finding a treasure! I can either use the token right away or save it for later, but I have to be careful because if I don’t use any Basic resources I gain when using the token on the same turn, I lose them. So it’s important to plan ahead and make the most of my resources.

After I use a Market token, I place it face down so I remember that I’ve already taken tokens from that market. It’s a way to keep track of things and stay organized.

It’s worth mentioning that Explorers are not Units, so they can’t conquer or control a Province. They have a different role in the game, but they can still have a big impact.

Another cool thing I can do in the game is use the effect of a card in my city or activate a cultural policy. This adds another layer of strategy and decision-making. It’s all about making the best choices to build and develop my civilization.

I love the excitement of exploring new territories and discovering new possibilities. It’s an adventure every time I play!

Some cards have effects that are always active or take place whenever another effect occurs (as detailed in the card’s text). These effects are constantly present and are considered active if you have activated the card in your City this turn or if it is your current Cultural Policy card.

You can choose one card in your City that you activated this turn or your current Cultural Policy and use its effect. Each card can only be used once during your turn unless otherwise stated.

For example: Warrior Culture (a Danish Policy) says ‘Spend 2 Military to gain 1 Culture. Gold cannot be used.’ If this policy is your current Cultural Policy, you can use its effect once during your turn, at any time.

Using an effect is always optional.

Scientific Progress

If you pay 2 SCIENCE, you can draw and use the top card of your deck. Once you resolve all of its effects, you’ll need to discard the card.

3. Replenish City

Add New Cards

Once you’ve finished your actions, gather all the cards you activated in your City and put them in your discard pile.

To fill any empty spaces in your City, deal new cards from your City deck. Remember to deal them one by one, starting from the left and going from top to bottom.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you discard the activated cards, you just need to draw new cards from your deck and add them to your City. Remember to place the new cards from left to right and top to bottom.

If you happen to draw a Knowledge card, you should immediately draw another card and place it on top of the Knowledge card. This way, you can still see the effect of the Knowledge card.

In case you draw multiple Knowledge cards for the same spot, you have to choose one to keep and discard the others.

How to Shuffle Your Discard Pile

If your deck is empty and you need to draw or deal a card, simply shuffle your discard pile and use it as your new deck. Place the shuffled pile face down.

If you don’t have any cards in your discard pile, you can simply leave any empty spaces in your City grid. Sometimes, this means that a Knowledge card won’t have a Building or Wonder card attached to it. But don’t worry, the Knowledge card will still stay in your City and you can activate it on its own.

In the rare situation where you only have Knowledge cards in your discard pile, you don’t need to shuffle them. Just leave any empty spaces in your City grid.

4. Replenish Display

If you got at least one card from the development display during your turn, the remaining cards will shift to the right to fill the gap. Then, new cards will be dealt from the deck until there are 6 cards in total, regardless of which Era it is.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When the Development Track is almost empty, I start by moving all the remaining cards to the right. Then, I draw new cards to replace the ones that were moved (but I can only have up to 6 cards).

If I didn’t get any cards from the development display, I have to take the card that is farthest from the Development deck and put it in a discard pile. After that, I shift the rest of the cards to the right, away from the deck, and deal one new card to fill the gap on the left.

Remember: I can only replenish the cards at the end of my Turn. I shouldn’t fill the gap during my Turn.

How to play Monumental Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I play this game, I notice that the rightmost card gets discarded, and the other cards shift to the right. It’s interesting how a new card is drawn to replace the one that was discarded.

Now, let’s talk about the end of the game. It happens when the last card from the Development deck is placed in the Development Display at the end of someone’s turn. Once that happens, play continues until the player to the right of the starting player completes their turn. After that, all players take one more turn. This way, everyone has played the same number of turns.

But wait, there’s an exception! If the end of the game is triggered during the turn of the player to the right of the start player, then each player just gets one final turn.

Now, here’s an important part. Each player gets points based on their achievements. A knowledge card is worth one point, and a wonder card is worth two points. So, make sure to keep track of those points to see who comes out on top!

In the game of Civilization, there are various ways to earn points and determine the winner. It all comes down to your achievements in different categories.

First, let’s talk about Knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the better. Each Knowledge card you have is worth 1 point. Keep in mind that archived cards and the starting Knowledge cards don’t count towards your score.

Next, provinces play a crucial role in your success. The more provinces you control, the more points you earn. For each province you have under your control, you get 1 point.

Moving on to cultural policies. They have their own value too. For every cultural policy you develop, you earn 2 points.

Dominance is another category that can boost your score. The player with the highest achievement in each of the following categories earns 3 points: knowledge, provinces, wonders, and cultural policies. If there is a tie between two or more players in any category, all tied players receive 3 points.

Now, for the most important part. The player with the most points wins the game. So, make sure to strategize and aim for maximum achievements in all the categories.

Do you think you have what it takes to come out on top? It’s time to dive into the world of Civilization and prove your dominance!

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