How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Playing Monopoly for Millennials


Welcome to Monopoly for Millennials, a game that reflects the unique challenges and aspirations of our generation. In this game, it’s all about experiences, adventures, and making meaningful connections. Let’s dive in and explore the rules and strategies that will help you navigate this exciting journey.


The goal of Monopoly for Millennials is to collect as many Experiences as possible, rather than accumulating the most money. Experiences are represented by Event cards and Location spaces on the board. The player with the most Experiences at the end of the game is the ultimate winner.


To start the game, make sure you have the following components:

– Game board: The game board consists of various Location spaces, which represent places you can explore and collect Experiences.

– Event cards: These cards represent different experiences you can have throughout the game. They are divided into Life and Destination cards.

– Money: In this game, cash is replaced with “Experience Points” (EXP). You will use these points to trade, buy Experiences, and pay rent.

– Tokens: Choose a token to represent your character on the board. Each token represents a different type of Millennial lifestyle.

– Houses and Apartments: These are the properties you can buy to gain Experiences.

– Dice: Use the dice to move your token around the board.


Now, let’s dive into the exciting gameplay of Monopoly for Millennials:

1. Choose a token: Select the token that best represents your Millennial lifestyle. Are you a bike, a camera, or a hashtag? The choice is yours!

2. Decide the starting player: You can decide amongst yourselves who goes first or roll the dice to determine the starting player.

3. Roll the dice: Take turns rolling the dice and moving your token clockwise around the board.

4. Actions based on the space you land on:

– Location spaces: When you land on a Location space, you can choose to buy it and gain the Experience associated with that place. Pay the indicated EXP value and place a House or Apartment on it.

– Event spaces: When you land on an Event space, draw an Event card and follow the instructions.

– Property Tax spaces: If you land on a Property Tax space, pay the specified EXP amount.

5. Buying Experiences:

– Houses and Apartments: If you land on an unowned Location space, you have the option to buy it. Pay the indicated EXP value and add a House or Apartment to the property.

– Trading: You can negotiate and trade properties or Experiences with other players on your turn. Use your Millennials skills to strike a great deal!

6. Collecting Rent:

– If other players land on properties you own, they must pay you rent, indicated by the EXP value on the property card. Use these EXP to buy more Experiences.

7. Winning the game:

– The game ends when all Event cards have been drawn or when all Location spaces have been bought.

– Add up the total value of Experiences you have collected throughout the game. The player with the most Experiences (EXP) wins!


Now that you know the rules and strategies of Monopoly for Millennials, it’s time to gather your friends and embark on a unique gaming experience. Remember, in this game, it’s all about the journey, the connections, and the diverse experiences that make our generation special. Have fun and may the most adventurous Millennial win!

How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Join me on an exciting journey as we explore the board and discover amazing places to eat, shop, and relax. As we travel, we’ll collect Experiences along the way to become the ultimate winner!

The game will come to an end when we’ve uncovered all the Destinations on the board. The player who has gathered the most Experience by then will emerge as the victorious champion!

What makes this game unique

Experience is key!

Money matters less and let’s face it, we have less of it!

Get ready for surprises with chance and community chest cards!

How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Getting Started

Let’s dive into the world of technology and talk about an essential aspect of it – coding languages. There are so many coding languages out there, and it can be overwhelming to figure out which one is right for you. But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through the process!

Research and Exploration

When I first started learning about coding languages, I was amazed by the variety and depth of options available. You may be wondering, where do I even begin? Well, the first step is to do some research and explore different coding languages.

To start, you should consider what you want to achieve with coding. Are you interested in web development, data analysis, or perhaps creating mobile apps? Understanding your goals will help you narrow down the options.

Next, take a look at the coding languages that are commonly used in your area of interest. For example, if you’re interested in web development, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are must-know languages. It’s important to understand what each language is used for and how they work together.

Once you have a list of potential coding languages, dive deeper into each one. Look for online tutorials, courses, or coding bootcamps that can help you get started. You can also join coding communities or forums to ask questions and get advice from experienced coders.

Hands-On Experience

Learning about coding languages is one thing, but the real magic happens when you start coding yourself. An important aspect of the learning process is hands-on experience.

Start by practicing small coding exercises or challenges. This will help you understand the syntax and structure of the language. You can find coding challenges on websites like HackerRank or LeetCode.

As you gain more confidence, start working on your own coding projects. This could be a simple website, a data analysis script, or even a mobile app. By building projects, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the coding language and improve your problem-solving skills.

Continuous Learning

In the world of coding, learning is a never-ending process. Technologies and coding languages are constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends.

Make it a habit to read tech blogs, follow coding influencers on social media, and participate in coding conferences or meetups. Networking with other coders can open doors to exciting opportunities and help you stay up to date with industry trends.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to explore new coding languages or frameworks. The more versatile you are in different languages, the more opportunities you’ll have in your coding career.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a coding language may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be an exciting journey. Take your time to research, explore, and gain hands-on experience. Remember, learning to code is a continuous process, so embrace the challenge and enjoy the ride!

How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, you need to choose someone to be the Banker. This role comes with a big responsibility, so it’s quite a job! The Banker is in charge of all the money in the game. But don’t worry, the Banker can also play the game, as long as they keep their own money separate from the Bank. To start the game, the Banker gives each player M100. The remaining money is stored in the box, acting as the Bank.

How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s get started with setting up the game! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. First, make sure to shuffle the Community Chest cards. After shuffling, place them facedown on the game board.
  2. Next, it’s time to shuffle the Chance cards. Once shuffled, also place them facedown on the game board.
  3. Don’t forget to place the Destination cards next to their matching board spaces. If there’s not enough room, you can keep them as a stack and assign someone to take care of them.
  4. Lastly, put the experience chips on the board facedown where all players can easily reach them.

And that’s it! You’re all set up and ready to play!

How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • First, I choose a token and put it on the GO space.
  • Next, I place the dice next to the gameboard.
  • Playing the Game

    My goal is to collect as much Experience as possible by discovering Destinations or picking up Experience Chips. The game continues until all Destinations have been discovered. The player with the most Experience at the end wins!

    The player with the most student loan debt goes first, and then the game continues clockwise.

    1. I roll both dice.
    2. I move my token clockwise a number of spaces equal to the number rolled.
    3. Where did I land? I follow the rules of that board space.
      • If I roll a double, I get to roll the dice again and take another turn.
      • Be careful! If I roll a double three times in a row, I immediately Go To Jail!

    I must not complete my third turn.

    Alright, let me break it down for you. Pay attention because this is all you need to know, and then you can get started. When you land on a space, you’ll need to look it up for more information. So, keep your eyes peeled and let’s go!

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Spaces on the Board

    Let’s talk about the different spaces you’ll encounter on the board. When you play certain board games, you may have noticed that the board is divided into different sections. These sections, known as spaces, have specific purposes and can greatly affect your gameplay experience.

    One type of space you’ll encounter is the starting space. This space is where each player begins their journey on the board. It’s the starting point for everyone, and it’s where the game begins. From this space, you’ll roll the dice or draw cards to determine your next move.

    Next, we have the main spaces. These are the spaces that make up the majority of the board. On these spaces, you’ll find various actions or challenges that you need to complete. It could be something like answering a trivia question, solving a puzzle, or making a decision. These spaces are the heart of the game, and they determine your progress and success.

    Another type of space is the special space. These spaces are scattered throughout the board and are usually marked with unique symbols or designs. When you land on a special space, something out of the ordinary happens. It could be a chance to earn extra points, gain an advantage over other players, or face a difficult challenge. Special spaces add an element of surprise and unpredictability to the game.

    Lastly, we have the goal space. This is the final space on the board, and reaching it is the ultimate objective of the game. When you land on the goal space, you’ve successfully completed the game. It’s the moment of triumph and satisfaction after all the ups and downs of the gameplay. The goal space marks the end of the journey and determines the winner.

    So, as you can see, the spaces on the board serve different purposes and contribute to the overall experience of the game. Whether it’s the starting space, the main spaces, the special spaces, or the goal space, each one has its role in shaping the gameplay. Pay attention to these spaces as you play and make the most of each one to achieve victory. The board awaits, so let the game begin!

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    A. Destination

    The Magic of Unexplored Places

    When I arrive at a destination that no one has ever been to, I have two choices: I can either explore it or pass it by.

    Do I want to uncover its secrets? I pay the price shown on the board and take the destination card.

    Do I want to leave it unexplored? I can do that too. My turn ends without any need for auctions.

    Collecting Color Sets!

    Whenever I gather all the destination cards of a specific color, I am rewarded with even more experience points at the end of the game! The value of each set is indicated on the card.

    Explored and Unexplored Destinations

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    So, here’s the deal. When you stumble upon a place that someone else has already been to, you gotta pay up. Look at the Destination card and pay the Visit cost shown on it. Easy enough, right? Oh, and here’s the fun part. You and the other player each get an Experience Chip from the pile. Cool, huh?

    Now, let’s talk about these Experience Chips. Keep ’em a secret though! At the end of the game, we’ll count them up. Some chips give you points, while others take away points – just like life, not all experiences are mind-blowing, I guess.

    Here’s the bummer. If you’re broke and can’t afford the visit, sorry buddy, nothing happens. No Experience Chips for you or anyone else. Sad face.

    B. Action Spaces


    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! When you land on or pass the GO space, you get to collect M20 from the Bank. Cool, huh?

    Now, let’s talk about Chance and Community Chest. These cards can really mix things up!

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you’re playing the game, the first thing you should do is take the top card from the deck that matches the color on the space you’ve landed on. This card is going to tell you what action you need to take next. Once you’ve done what the card says, put it back at the bottom of the deck.

    Some of the cards have special instructions that allow you to keep them until you’re ready to use them. When you decide to use one of these cards, just make sure you’re good and ready. After you’ve used it, put it back at the bottom of the deck it belongs to.

    Don’t Forget About Free Parking!

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Can you believe it? It’s totally FREE! Yes, you heard that right. You don’t even have to lift a finger. Just relax and do absolutely nothing. Sounds like a dream, right?

    Let’s Talk About Bike Share

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    You have the freedom to travel to any space on the board, but it comes at a price. If you want to move to any space before the next Bike Share, you’ll need to pay M10. And if you pass any Bike Share spaces along the way, you’ll have to pay an additional M10 for each one.

    However, if you happen to pass GO while using Bike Share, you won’t receive your usual M20 reward.

    Let’s say you’re currently here and you want to move to the Tarot Shop. In that case, the total cost would be M20. This includes the initial M10 fee and an additional M10 for passing one Bike Share space.

    Just Visiting

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! No need to stress. If you find yourself in this spot, just go ahead and place your token in the Just Visiting area.

    Oh no! You’ve been caught!

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    You are in a tough spot. Your token is now on the In Jail space, and your turn is over. Unfortunately, this means you won’t be able to collect M20 for passing GO. But don’t worry, there’s still a chance to make some money! You can collect money from other players who land on your Destinations. However, you won’t be able to collect any Experience Chips while you’re stuck in prison. So, it’s a bit of a bummer, but at least you’re not completely out of the game!

    So, how can I escape from jail?

    How to play Monopoly for Millennials Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let me break it down for you:

    1. If you want to get out of Jail, you can choose to pay M15 at the start of your next turn. After that, you can roll the dice and move like you normally would.
    2. If you happen to have a Get Out of Jail Free card, lucky you! You can use it at the start of your next turn. If you don’t have one, you can always buy it from another player. Once you use the card, put it at the bottom of the deck it came from. Then, roll the dice and move.
    3. If you roll a double on your next turn, hooray! You’re free! Use that roll to move, and your turn is done. You have three turns to try for a double. If you don’t roll a double by your third turn in Jail, you have to pay M15 and move with your last roll.

    No matter how you manage to get out of Jail, you get rewarded with 1 Experience Chip. Well done on surviving! If the game ends and you’re still In Jail, don’t worry, you still get 1 Experience Chip.

    Deals and Trades

    Hey there! Did you know that you have the power to buy, sell, or swap Destinations with other players? It’s true!

    When it comes to trading, you can exchange Destinations for cash and/or other Destinations. The amount is determined by the players involved in the deal.

    Now, there’s one thing you need to keep in mind. You can never buy, trade, or sell Experience Chips. They’re off the table.

    Need a little help?

    Hey, we’ve all been there. If you can’t afford to pay the fee for a Chance or Community Chest card, don’t panic. Just pay as much as you can and then sell some of your own Destinations back to the Bank or to other players. You’ll sell them for their face value or for a price that you agree upon. Once you’ve covered part of your debt, go ahead and pay the remaining amount.

    But what if you’re completely broke and have no Destinations left to sell? Well, in that case, don’t worry about it. Sometimes life deals us a tough hand, and you’ve had enough already!

    That’s a wrap!

    The game comes to an end once all of the Destinations have been discovered. So keep your eyes on the board and enjoy the journey!

    Hey there! Let’s talk about winning the game of Experience. So, how do we determine the winner? Simple – the player with the most Experience takes the crown! If, by any chance, we run out of Experience Chips on the board before all the Destinations have been discovered, that also signals the end of the game. You know what that means? It means you’ve experienced it all – what an incredible life you’ve had!

    Now, let me break down the steps to calculate your score:

    1. First things first, flip over your Experience Chips! You’ll find that some chips give you points, while others take away points. Life isn’t always about epic moments, you know? Add up the points of all your chips to get your total.
    2. Next, count up the Experience on your Destination cards. Remember, if you have a complete set of Destinations, they are worth more points! Add the Experience points from your Destinations to the points from your chips to get your final score.

    If there happens to be a tie between players, there’s still hope. The player with the most money left in their pocket takes the win!

    Let me give you an example to make things clearer:

    • Tarot Shop: 2 Experience points
    • 3-Day Music Festival: 7 Experience points (when part of a set)
    • Week-Long Meditation Retreat: 7 Experience points (when part of a set)

    Experience Chips:

    Hello there! So, I wanted to tell you all about the cool experience chips I have. They’re like a little treat you can use to level up in life. It’s pretty awesome, if you ask me.

    Now, let me break it down for you. Each chip comes with a specific amount of experience points (XP) that you can earn. Once you’ve collected enough chips and accumulated a certain number of XP, you’ll achieve a new level. And trust me, leveling up feels great!

    Here’s a quick rundown of the chips I’ve got:

    • Classic Chip: 5 XP
    • Mega Chip: 10 XP
    • Super Chip: 20 XP

    See? It’s all about collecting those XP and climbing the ranks. The more chips you have, the faster you’ll level up. It’s like a little game within the game of life.

    But hey, that’s not all! There are also other editions of this chip game you can explore. Take a look at some of these:

    Other Chip Editions:

    • Anti-Chip: Shake things up and challenge the status quo.
    • City Chip: Build your own virtual city with these special chips.
    • Cheaters Chip: Play with a twist and bend the rules a bit.
    • Deadpool Chip: Join forces with the anti-hero himself in this unique edition.
    • Deal Chip: Trade and negotiate your way to victory.
    • Fortnite Chip: Enter the world of Fortnite with these cool chips.
    • Frozen II Chip: Embark on an icy adventure with Elsa and friends.
    • Game of Thrones Chip: Claim your dominion and conquer the realms with these themed chips.
    • Friends Chip: Relive your favorite moments from the iconic TV show.
    • Gamer Chip: Level up your gaming skills with these chips.
    • Junior Chip: The perfect edition for younger players.
    • Junior Electronic Banking Chip: Introduce your kids to the world of banking with these electronic chips.
    • Junior Party Chip: A fun edition for parties and gatherings.
    • Ms. Chip: Celebrate women empowerment with this special edition.
    • Marvel Avengers Chip: Assemble your team of superheroes for an epic adventure.
    • Longest Game Ever Chip: Test your endurance with this extended edition.
    • Original Chip: The classic edition that started it all.
    • Peppa Pig Chip: Join Peppa and her friends on exciting adventures.
    • Socialism Chip: Explore the concept of socialism in this unique edition.
    • Stranger Things Chip: Enter the Upside Down with this thrilling edition.
    • The Mega Chip: Experience the game like never before with bigger everything.
    • The Simpsons Chip: Enter the world of Springfield with these themed chips.
    • Speed Chip: Race against the clock in this fast-paced edition.
    • Revolution Chip: Revolutionize your gameplay with this edition.
    • Star Wars Chip: Join the Force and embark on a galactic adventure.

    There you have it! The world of experience chips is vast and exciting. So, collect those chips, earn those XP, and level up in the game of life!

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