Money Bags Game Rules
Hey there! Ready to learn about the rules of the Money Bags game? I’m here to help you out! So let’s get started.
The objective of the Money Bags game is to collect as many money bags as possible and save up your coins.
Here’s what you need to set up the game:
- A game board
- 4 player markers
- 12 money bags (3 pennies, 3 nickels, 3 dimes, and 3 quarters)
- A spinner
Now that you have everything ready, let’s dive into the rules!
The Game
The game is played in turns. On your turn, spin the spinner to see what you get. The spinner has different sections, each representing a coin: penny, nickel, dime, or quarter.
Once you spin the spinner, look at the coin that it lands on. Take one money bag that matches the coin you spun. For example, if you spin a dime, grab one dime money bag.
But here’s the catch! Some money bags have a number written on them. This number represents the number of coins you need to collect to win that money bag. For example, if a money bag has a number 5 on it, you need to collect 5 coins of the same kind (like 5 nickels) to win that bag.
If you spin a coin and you already have enough coins of that kind to win a money bag, unfortunately, you don’t get a money bag for that turn.
During the game, you can also land on a “Robber” section on the spinner. If this happens, you lose one money bag from your collection. Be careful!
Winning the Game
The game continues until all the money bags are collected. The player with the most money bags at the end is the winner!
Now that you know the rules, go ahead and have a blast playing the Money Bags game. Good luck!
Win the game by having the most money when it’s over.
Getting Ready
Put one of each coin (410 in total) on the “Money Bags” at the top of the board. That’s the pot.
Choose a game marker and put it on “Start”.
How to Play the Game
Let me tell you how to play this awesome game! First, we need to decide who goes first. To do that, we’ll roll the die and see who gets the highest number.
Once we know who’s going first, that player will roll the die and move their game piece the number of spaces that they rolled. But wait, there’s more! Each space on the board has a number that represents how much money the player will “earn” for that turn.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting. The player will spin the arrow on the board. Depending on where it lands, the player will be allowed to use certain coins to make up the amount they earned. For example, if the spinner says “no quarters,” the player can use any coins except quarters.
After figuring out which coins they can use, the player will take the exact amount of money they earned from the bank and place it in front of them. It’s their hard-earned cash!
The Special “Money Bags” Space
Now, here’s a twist. If a player spins the spinner and it lands on “Money Bags,” things get interesting. Instead of keeping the money they earned, they have to put it in the “Money Bags” pot on the board. It’s like a community money jar!
Special Spaces on the Board
When I land on a $ space, I get to take all the coins from the “Money Bags” pot. After I take the coins, I need to put another 410 coins from the bank into the pot.
Bank Exchange Space
If I land on a blue Bank Exchange space, I can trade coins of lesser value for a coin(s) of greater value or a dollar bill from the bank. For example, I could trade 2 dimes and 1 nickel for 1 quarter.
When I make an exchange, I also get to take 100 “interest” from the bank. But if I can’t make an exchange, I don’t get any “interest” and it becomes the next player’s turn.
Remember: if the bank doesn’t have enough of a certain coin, everyone needs to make an exchange by giving back the coins that are needed. No “interest” is earned during this exchange.
End of the Game
When someone reaches the finish space, the game is over. At that point, they become the winner and get to take the “Money Bags” pot, adding it to the amount of money they’ve earned throughout the game.
After that, it’s time for everyone to count their money. The player with the most money is declared the winner!