How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Mint Delivery Game Rules


Hey there! Welcome to the world of Mint Delivery. In this game, you’ll take on the role of a delivery driver and experience the thrill of navigating the city streets to deliver valuable goods. It’s an exciting adventure that will test your decision-making skills and strategic thinking.


Your objective in Mint Delivery is to successfully deliver your cargo to the right locations and earn the most points. You’ll need to plan your routes carefully, consider timing and traffic conditions, and make smart choices to maximize your efficiency.


To play Mint Delivery, you’ll need the following components:

– Mint Delivery Game Board: This is the game board that represents the city. It features various locations where you can deliver your cargo.

– Cargo Tiles: These tiles represent the different types of cargo you’ll be delivering. Each tile has a value that indicates its worth.

– Truck Cards: These cards show the different types of trucks you can use for delivery. Each truck has unique abilities and limitations.

– Location Cards: These cards represent the delivery locations in the city. They indicate the type of cargo that needs to be delivered and the points you can earn.

– Player Tokens: These tokens represent your delivery driver and are used to keep track of your progress on the game board.


To set up the game, follow these steps:

1. Place the game board in the center of the play area.

2. Shuffle the cargo tiles and place them face down near the game board.

3. Shuffle the truck cards and place them face down near the game board.

4. Shuffle the location cards and place them face down near the game board.

5. Each player chooses a player token and places it on the starting space of the game board.

6. Deal each player a hand of three truck cards.


Mint Delivery is played over a series of rounds. Each round consists of the following phases:

1. Planning Phase: In this phase, you’ll choose a truck card from your hand and place it face down in front of you. This card will determine your actions for the round.

2. Action Phase: In this phase, players take turns revealing their chosen truck cards and resolving the corresponding actions. Actions may include picking up cargo, delivering cargo, and moving your delivery driver on the game board.

3. Refill Phase: In this phase, new cargo tiles are placed on the game board to replenish the supply.

4. Cleanup Phase: In this phase, you’ll discard any remaining truck cards from your hand and draw back up to three cards.

The game continues until all cargo has been delivered or one player has reached a certain number of points, depending on the number of players.


At the end of the game, players earn points based on the cargo they have delivered. The value of each cargo tile is added to your score. Bonus points may also be earned for meeting certain conditions indicated on the location cards.

The player with the highest score wins the game. In case of a tie, the player with the most valuable cargo tiles wins.


That’s it! Now that you know the rules of Mint Delivery, you’re ready to hit the road and start delivering some minty fresh cargo. Remember to plan your routes wisely, make smart choices, and aim for the highest score. Good luck and enjoy the game!

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 9 Double Sided Map Cards
  • 5 Player Truck / AI Cards
  • 40 Order Cards
  • 13 Ability Cards & 1 Key Card
  • 1 Employee of the Month Card
  • 1 Starting Player Token
  • 5 Wooden Truck Tokens
  • 38 Wooden Mint Tokens
  • 15 Ability Tokens
  • 6 Road Condition Tokens
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

I’m excited to tell you about a game called “Mint Delivery”! In this game, I get to help Mort, the owner of Mort’s Candy Company, by delivering delicious mints to his loyal customers in Mintopia City and the surrounding area.

In Mint Delivery, I get to be a delivery driver for Mort’s factory. My job is to pick up mints and deliver them to customers in the region. The goal is to do the best job and become the Employee of the Month. Exciting, right?

Let’s talk about setting up the game. We start by placing the nine Map cards on the table, map side up, so that everyone can easily see them. This gives us access to all the different locations in the game.

Next, we set up the Mint Supply. This is done by placing all three types of Mint Tokens near the Map. These tokens represent the mints that we’ll be picking up and delivering.

Now it’s time to deal the orders. We shuffle all the order cards and then deal three to each player. Here’s the twist: we can choose to keep any number of the orders dealt to us, as long as the total point value of the kept orders is 6 or less. The catch is that the orders we keep remain secret until we reveal them during setup.

That’s it for the setup. I’m all ready to start delivering mints and hopefully become the Employee of the Month. Let’s do this!

When we begin the game, there are a few important steps to follow. Let me break it down for you:

1. First, we need to shuffle all the Orders that are left with the ones that have been discarded by other players. This will create a face-down deck of Orders. Each town should have 7 Orders.

2. Each player will then choose a Truck Card and a Token that matches the color of their choice. They should place their Truck Token on the Mintopia City action space. And to get started, each player will add four Classic mints to their Truck Card.

3. Now it’s time to reveal some Orders. We need to reveal two Orders from each of the Order decks. And don’t forget, each player should also reveal any Orders that they have decided to keep.

4. Ah, here’s an important rule. If any player has too many Orders and they add up to more than 6 points in total, they need to return the Order with the lowest point value back to the game box. They can only keep Orders that are worth 6 points or less.

5. Finally, we determine the starting player. The player with the freshest breath gets to go first. They’re the one who will start the game and kick things off.

Once everything is set up, the play area should look something like this:


| |

| Orders |

| |


| Mintopia City |

| |


| Truck Cards and Tokens |


Now that we’re all set up, it’s time to start playing!

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess


Get Your Card Now

Having a card can be really useful. It’s like having a special item that gives you access to all sorts of benefits and perks. It’s like having a secret key that unlocks a whole world of possibilities. With a card, you can do things that you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. It’s pretty amazing, if you think about it.

So, what exactly can you do with a card? Well, the possibilities are endless. You can use it to shop at your favorite stores and earn rewards. You can use it to access exclusive events and experiences. You can use it to get discounts on all sorts of things. You can even use it to show off a little, if that’s your thing.

But getting a card isn’t always easy. There are so many options out there, and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. That’s where we come in. We’re here to help you find the perfect card for your needs. We’ll walk you through the process, step by step, and make it as simple as possible.

So, how do you get started? It’s easy. Just fill out the form below, and we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll match you with the best card options based on your preferences and needs. We’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. And we’ll be there to answer any questions you might have along the way.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your card now and start enjoying all the benefits and perks that come with it. You won’t regret it.

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Map Card

Hello there! I’m here to talk to you about something really cool – the Map Card! So, have you ever been curious about a specific place or wanted to find your way around a new city? Well, the Map Card is here to help you out!

Picture this – you’re planning a trip to a city you’ve never been to before. You want to explore all the amazing sights, taste the local cuisine, and experience the vibrant culture. But wait, how will you know where to go and how to get there?

That’s where the Map Card comes in. With this handy tool, you can easily access maps of any location you desire. Whether it’s a famous landmark, a cozy cafĂ©, or even just your hotel, the Map Card has got you covered.

Now, let me show you how it works. All you have to do is insert the Map Card into your device. Yes, it’s really that simple! Once you’ve done that, you can start exploring.

The Map Card gives you a bird’s-eye view of the area you’re interested in. It shows you streets, buildings, and even points of interest. You can zoom in and out, and move around the map to get a clearer picture of your surroundings.

But wait, there’s more! The Map Card also allows you to search for specific places. Let’s say you’re craving some delicious pizza – just type it into the search bar, and voila! The Map Card will show you all the pizza places nearby, complete with directions on how to get there.

It’s like having a personal tour guide in your pocket! With the Map Card, you can navigate unfamiliar streets with ease and discover hidden gems you might have otherwise missed.

So, whether you’re planning a trip to a new city or just exploring your own neighborhood, the Map Card is your go-to companion. Say goodbye to getting lost and hello to adventure!

Remember, the next time you’re in need of directions or feeling a bit lost, just pop in the Map Card and let it be your guide. Happy exploring!

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Ability Card

Hey there! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Ability Cards? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Ability Cards in a way that’s easy to understand.

First things first, let’s talk about what an Ability Card actually is. An Ability Card is a special type of card that adds a unique power or ability to a character or object in a game. These cards can be really game-changing and can give you a serious advantage over your opponents.

When it comes to choosing the right Ability Card for you, it’s important to take into account your play style and the type of character or object you’re using. Different Ability Cards have different effects, so it’s crucial to think about how they will benefit you and your strategy. Some cards may boost your strength, others may give you special powers or even heal you. The possibilities are endless!

But wait, there’s more to it! Ability Cards also have different levels of power. Some cards are common and provide a small boost, while others are rare and offer a much more significant advantage. It’s up to you to decide what level of power you’re comfortable with and what fits best with your gaming style.

Understanding how to use Ability Cards effectively is key to mastering any game. By equipping the right cards and utilizing their unique abilities, you’ll be able to take your gameplay to the next level. Not only will you be able to surprise your opponents with your strategic moves, but you’ll also have a blast exploring all the possibilities that these cards bring to the table.

So, if you’re ready to take your gaming experience up a notch, why not give Ability Cards a try? You won’t be disappointed! Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just starting out, these cards are sure to add a whole new layer of excitement and strategy to your gameplay.

With all these amazing factors in mind, it’s time for you to start your own adventure with Ability Cards. So go ahead, dive in, and unleash the power within. Happy gaming!

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Primary Actions

When it’s my turn, I can do up to two things from the list below. I can choose the order in which I do them, and I can repeat the same action if I want.

Where my truck is on the map determines what actions I have access to. As long as I’m on an Action Space, I can do any of the actions available for that part of the map.

Remember, fulfilling orders doesn’t count towards the limit of two actions per turn; it’s a free action.


I can move my truck to any space connected by a road to where it is currently.

Fulfill Order (Free Action)

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m playing, I can finish any of the incomplete orders that are face up in front of me. To do this, I need to be in the right town and have the right type and amount of mints in my truck.

After completing an order, I turn it face down to show that it’s done. I also return the mints I used back to the supply. The points I’ll get and the mints I used are now a secret, but everyone can see how many orders I’ve completed.

Here’s something to keep in mind: In a 2-player game, when I complete an order, I also have to remove one available order from any neighboring town. Then, I add a Classic mint and a new order just like another player took the order I removed.

Load/unload Truck

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m playing the game, I can put mints in my truck based on the number shown on the Map card of my current location. However, I can’t put more mints in my truck than its maximum capacity allows.

In Mintopia City, I can load up to four Classic mints in my truck. If I’m at a warehouse space, I can load up to two Classic mints. Alternatively, I can choose to unload some or all of the mints from my truck and put them back in the supply.

Place an Order

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If I’m in a town and it’s my turn, I can choose one of the available Orders and put it in front of me. I’ll also add a Classic Mint Token to the Order that I didn’t take, and then reveal a new Order from that town’s Order Deck.

If the Order I chose already had Mint Tokens on it, I can load as many of them into my truck as I want, for free. Of course, I’ll need enough space in my truck to fit them. Keep in mind that I can only have up to three Active Orders at a time.

Upgrade Mints

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that as an active player, you have the option to swap some of your Classic mints for either Sugar Free or Cinnamon mints? It’s pretty neat! To do this, simply return the required amount of Classic mints from your truck to the mint supply, and then take the mint you desire from the supply and put it in your truck. Voila!

If you’re looking to upgrade your Classic mints, you’re in luck! At any Warehouse or in Mintopia City, you can trade in two Classic mints to get a shiny new Sugar Free mint. And if you’re in Mintopia City, you can trade in three Classic mints for a delightful Cinnamon mint. Yum!

Player Abilities

Variant 1 introduces a way for players to level up their actions and specialize in different ways. It’s pretty cool, if you ask me!

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Before dealing out order cards during setup, grab the ability Key Card and place it near the Map. This will come in handy!

First, let’s randomly pick 3 Ability Cards and place them face up on the Key Card. This way, everyone can see them. The rest of the Ability Cards can go back in the tin since they won’t be used in this game.

Next, place the Ability Key Tokens near the abilities you selected.

Now, we can continue setting up the game following the normal rules.

During your turn, you have the option to use one of your actions to acquire an available Ability. Once you acquire a new Ability, you can start using it right away, as long as you have enough actions remaining. If it’s a persistent or free action ability, you can use it without spending any actions.

When I want to acquire an ability in the game, I need to have enough unallocated complete orders. These orders are important because they help me gain abilities and earn points. I can allocate my orders to acquire an ability, but once I do, I can’t use them again to get another ability.

To make it easier for me to keep track of my allocated orders, I take an Ability Key Token and place it on top of the completed orders that I’m using to acquire the ability. This shows that those orders are now allocated and that I have access to the chosen ability.

Just because I acquired an ability doesn’t mean it’s gone for good. Other players can also acquire the same ability on their turns. It’s all about strategizing and making the right moves!

Watch Out for Road Conditions!

When it comes to Variant 2, it brings an interesting twist to the game by introducing road conditions. These conditions have the power to change the layout of the map, adding a new layer of excitement and unpredictability.

Here’s what you need to do during setup:

  • First, it’s important to decide as a group how many road condition tokens you would like to use in this game. You have the flexibility to choose between one and four tokens. If you’re finding it hard to make a decision, I suggest going with three road conditions.
  • Next, go through the order deck and select one Order from each of the four towns. These Orders will play a crucial role in your game.
  • Now, it’s time to introduce a dash of randomness. Randomly select a road condition token and place it on the map. This token will shape the game in unexpected ways.
  • Finally, mix the four order cards representing each town and pick one at random. This will determine the starting point of your adventure.

Let’s begin by flipping the Starting Player Token in the air, just like tossing a coin. Pay close attention to the direction that the arrow is pointing. Starting from the town you chose in the previous step, place the road condition token on the space connected to that town, following the direction indicated by the Starting Player Token.

Repeat these steps until you have placed all the road condition tokens you decided on earlier.

After that, you can proceed with the rest of the setup following the normal rules.

Lastly, here’s an image to help you visualize the process:

[Road Closed Image]

Remember, road conditions can have a big impact on your game, so choose wisely when placing the tokens. Now you’re ready to start playing!

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re trying to get somewhere, but all of a sudden, you hit a roadblock? I’m sure you have. Well, imagine if that roadblock was a game token, and you couldn’t pass through it. That’s what happens when you encounter the “Traffic Jam” token. It puts a stop to your progress, blocking your travel route. It’s like a closed door, preventing you from reaching your destination.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is this “Traffic Jam” token? Let me explain. It’s a special object in a game that players can’t enter or pass through. It’s like a barrier that appears out of nowhere, catching you off guard. This token has the power to completely disrupt your plans and change the course of the game.

Imagine you’re playing a board game, and you’re on the verge of victory. You just need to get to the finish line, and you’ll be the winner. But then, you come across a space with the “Traffic Jam” token. Your heart sinks as you realize you can’t proceed. You’re stuck, frustrated, and desperate for a way out. It’s a moment of utter disappointment.

You see, the “Traffic Jam” token is a game mechanic designed to add challenge and unpredictability. It’s that unexpected twist that keeps players on their toes and makes the game more exciting. It’s like a curveball that forces you to come up with a new strategy, to think outside the box and find a way around the obstacle.

But why would game designers include such a frustrating element in their games? Well, it’s all part of the game’s balance. Just like in life, games have their ups and downs. The “Traffic Jam” token creates those downs, those moments of difficulty and frustration. It’s what makes the victories so sweet, knowing that you overcame all the obstacles along the way.

So, next time you come across a “Traffic Jam” token in a game, don’t give up. Embrace the challenge, and use it as an opportunity to test your skills. Who knows, you might discover a new strategy or find a hidden path to victory. Remember, in the game of life, as well as in games, it’s not always about the destination, but rather the journey and the obstacles we overcome along the way.

Traffic Jam

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you land on this spot, your turn is over right away.

The Toll Booth

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m here to guide you on an important rule in the game. Before you can step on the space where this special token is, you have to give up one mint from your truck. It doesn’t matter which type of mint you choose to let go. Remember, you can’t move on until you’ve made this sacrifice. Let’s keep going and learn more about this rule.


How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: you’re playing a game and you land on a special space. But wait, there’s a twist! When you land on this space, you have to move one more space in the same direction. It’s like a surprise that keeps you on your toes.

Ready for Action

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I land on the space with this special token, I can immediately load one Classic mint into my truck.

The Tunnel

End of the Game

The game will end after the player to my right (the one with the Starting Player Token) finishes their turn, if either of the following conditions are met. This ensures that we all have the same number of turns to accomplish as much work as possible.

  • If any two towns have no Orders available in their Order Supply.
  • If all four towns have no cards left in their Order Deck.


How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

After you finish playing the game, it’s time to calculate your score. Each player should add up the points they earned from completing Orders.

How to play Mint Delivery Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal: if I score the most points, I get to be the Employee of the Month and win the game! How awesome is that? Oh, and don’t forget to give me my certificate of achievement, it’s kind of a big deal.

But what happens if there’s a tie? Well, no worries! If two or more players end up with the same number of points, the player who completed the most Orders comes out on top.

If there’s still a tie, then it’s all about the Mints. The player with the highest total value of Mints loaded in their truck wins. Classic Mints give you 1 point, Sugar Free Mints are worth 2, and Cinnamon Mints really pack a punch with 3 points. Still tied? Can you believe it? Well, in that case, we turn to age. The player whose age is closest to 42 takes the crown!

Advanced Variants

Now, if we’ve all played a few rounds or we’re a group of hardcore gamers, we might want to switch things up a bit. Keep it fresh, you know?

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