How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Game Rules

Hey there! Are you excited to learn the rules of the epic game Minecraft: Builders & Biomes? I’m here to walk you through it!

So, what’s the deal with this game? Well, it’s all about exploring, building, and surviving in a world full of possibilities. In Minecraft, you are the master of your own adventure.

In this game, each player takes on the role of a character exploring a blocky world filled with resources. The goal is to collect those resources, build structures, and earn points. The more points you get, the closer you are to victory!

It’s not just about building, though. You also need to be strategic in how you navigate the world. You’ll encounter different biomes, each with their own unique challenges and opportunities. So, make sure to plan your moves wisely and adapt to the changing environment.

To start playing, each player begins with a hand of five building cards, representing the structures they can construct. These cards come in different categories, like farming, mining, or combat. Choose your cards carefully, as they will determine your actions throughout the game.

On your turn, you have two options: exploring or building. If you explore, you can move your character to an adjacent biome, revealing new resources and treasure. Who knows what you’ll find? Maybe a hidden diamond or a rare artifact!

If you choose to build, you can spend resources to construct one of the buildings from your hand. Each building card has a cost, so make sure you have enough resources before you start constructing. And remember, different buildings give you different abilities and advantages, so choose wisely.

As you explore and build, you’ll encounter mobs – hostile creatures that can hinder your progress. Don’t worry, though! You can fight them off with your combat cards or even team up with other players to take them down. After all, teamwork makes the dream work!

The game continues until all the available victory point cards have been claimed or until the building cards run out. At that point, it’s time to tally up your points and see who came out on top. The player with the most points wins!

In Minecraft: Builders & Biomes, the possibilities are endless. You can go on daring adventures, create marvelous structures, and overcome incredible challenges. So, gather your friends, grab your pickaxe, and let the fun begin! Good luck, and may the blocks be ever in your favor!

How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Have you ever played Minecraft: Builders & Biomes? It’s this amazing game where you get to explore the Overworld, mine blocks, and create incredible structures. How cool is that?

Now, let’s talk about what comes in the box. This game has some awesome components that will make your gaming experience even more thrilling. Just wait until you hear about them!

First up, we have the game board. The board is where all the action takes place. It represents the Overworld, and it’s where you’ll be doing all your exploring and building. Trust me, you’re going to love it!

Next, we have the cards. These babies are super important. They represent the blocks you’ll be mining and the mobs you’ll be facing. You’ll need them to make your way through the game and complete your structures. They’re like the keys to your success!

And finally, we have the cubes. These little guys are used to keep track of your progress. They’re like your personal scorekeepers, making sure you know who’s in the lead. Keep an eye on those cubes, because they can change the game!

Now that you know all about the amazing components of Minecraft: Builders & Biomes, it’s time to get building! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and create something truly spectacular? Go on, grab your tools and let’s start crafting!

How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • You will receive 64 resource cubes.
  • There are also 64 building and Monster cards.
  • There are 36 weapon tokens.
  • You will get 4 player boards.
  • There are 4 experience counters.
  • Choose from 4 character skins.
  • There are 4 game piece Bases.
  • 12 overview cards are included.
  • You will also receive 1 resource cube base.
  • 1 support structure is included as well.
  • A Rulebook is provided.

Setting Up

First, shuffle the 64 building and mob tiles and make 16 stacks with 4 tiles each. Arrange them in a 4 by 4 grid, making sure there is enough space for your game pieces to move between them.

Next, take the 16 colorless weapon tokens and shuffle them. Place one face down at the ends of each column and row to create a six by six grid. Leave the corners empty.

First, let’s get the game set up. Grab a spot where everyone can reach and place the block base next to the grid. Then, put the support structure on top of the block base. Now it’s time to fill it up with the blocks. There are 64 in total, made up of 16 wood, 14 sand, 12 stone, 10 obsidian, and 12 emerald. Just toss them in randomly. Give everything a gentle shake and watch as the blocks come together to form a big cube. You’re almost there, just lift up the support structure using the flaps and remove it. Now we’re ready to play!

Now it’s time to pick your color. You can choose from red, blue, yellow, or green. Each color has its own player board and game materials. Your game materials include a game piece base, an experience counter, and five weapon tokens. The weapon tokens consist of one stone sword, one wooden sword, and three poisonous potatoes.

  • Place your experience counter on space 0 of the experience point track that runs along the edge of your player board.
  • Shuffle your 5 weapon tokens and put them in a face-down pile.

I’m going to show you how to set up the game. It’s really easy, so don’t worry. First, choose a character for yourself. You can pick a skin that you like and put it on the game piece base. This will be your character in the game. Make sure to place it in the center of the card grid.

By the way, did you know that you can customize your characters? If you want, you can paint the blank skins or even put your own stickers on them. It’s a fun way to make your character unique!

Next, take the overview cards and place one set between players 1 and 2, and the other set between players 3 and 4. These cards are important for understanding the turn actions and scoring in the game.

And that’s it! You’re all set up and ready to play. Have fun!

How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to Play the Game

Hey there, it’s time to learn how to play Minecraft! I’ll walk you through the basics so you can start having fun right away!

Starting the Game

The first step is deciding who goes first. We’ll choose the player who found a diamond most recently. And if we’re not sure, the youngest player gets to go first. Sound fair? Great!

Your Turn

When it’s your turn, you get to do two things. The important thing to remember is that you can’t do the same action twice. Be creative and mix it up a bit! Once you’ve taken your turn, we’ll move on to the next player on the left.

Scoring Points

The game has three scoring rounds. At the end of each round, we’ll count up our experience points. The player with the most points after the third round wins the game. So make sure to keep track of those points!


Collecting Blocks

Now, let’s talk about collecting blocks. This is an important action in the game. You get to take two blocks from the big cube. But there’s a catch! You can only take blocks that have at least three sides exposed.

Don’t worry too much about the rules – just keep in mind that you can pick any block from any layer and any side of the big cube. Once you’ve chosen your blocks, add them to your personal supply next to your player board. Easy, right?

    The green emerald blocks are special blocks that you can use in place of other blocks when you’re building something (look below!). You can also rotate the block base to see the big cube from different angles and find the blocks you need for your structures.

    Now, let’s explore the Overworld! First, you need to move your character. You can move zero, one, or two spaces. Remember, the spaces are the points where the grid of card stacks and weapon tokens intersect. Don’t put your character on a card or token, though!

    After you’ve moved, it’s time to reveal the top cards from the four corner stacks around your position. If some of the cards are already face up, you should leave them that way.

    Oh, and one more thing! It’s possible for multiple characters to be on the same crossing. So don’t worry if you see someone else on the same spot as you.

    During the game, you might run out of card stacks or collect weapon tokens. But don’t worry, you still keep moving your character along the path, even if the stacks are empty.

    Now let’s talk about building structures. To build one, you need to be next to the corresponding building card on the grid. In the bottom right corner of the card, you’ll see the blocks you need to use.

    But remember, you can only build a structure if you have the necessary materials. Take the blocks from your personal supply and return them to the game box.

    If you have a green emerald block, you’re in luck! It can be used to replace any other block. Once you have everything you need, take the building card from the grid and place it on any space on your player board.

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you’re building structures, some of them require a lot of blocks. You can identify these structures by the icon in the top right corner of the card. As soon as you build one of these structures, you’ll earn experience points. Move your experience counter along the experience point track accordingly.

      Remember, buildings can be constructed in any biome, which is an environment type. So, for example, you can place a forest building on a non-forest space if you prefer.

    Time to Take on a Mob

    Not every card in the grid represents a building. Some of them are dangerous mobs, which are basically monsters. If your character is next to a revealed mob card, you have the option to try and defeat it.

    To fight a mob, you need to shuffle your face-down pile of weapon tokens and then reveal three tokens. Count the number of hearts on the revealed tokens and compare the total to the number of hearts on the mob card. Poisonous potatoes don’t have any hearts and they count as blanks in this fight.

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let me walk you through an important concept in the game. So, here’s what happens when you encounter a mob and reveal the hearts on your player board:

    • If you have as many hearts as the mob card, you defeat it! Remove the mob card from the grid and gain the experience points printed next to it. Sweet!
    • If you have fewer hearts, things don’t go so well. The mob stays put.

    Alright, now that the fight is over, remember to shuffle your revealed weapon tokens back into your pile. You can keep them for future battles, so that’s pretty neat! Oh, and don’t forget to place the defeated mobs face-down next to your player board.

    Now, let’s talk about the different types of mobs you might encounter:

    • How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMessThis special card with a mob symbol on it allows you to do an extra action during your turn. Here’s what you do: first, carry out your two regular actions. Then, if you want, you can return any number of these mob cards from your personal stash to the game box. For each card you return, you get to do another action of your choice this turn. And the best part is, you can even repeat an action that you’ve already done earlier in the same turn.
    • How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMessThese cards with the icons are special and are saved until the end of the game. They’ll give you more experience points for spaces on your player board that have the same characteristics. For instance, the card with these icons will give you 2 experience points for each forest on your board. You can get more details about scoring in the section called “Scoring” below.

    Get Your Hands on a Weapon

    In order to get a weapon, you just need to be next to it. Once you find one, add it to your collection of weapon tokens by shuffling it in.

    Remember: You can take a peek at your weapon tokens whenever you want, like when you want to know if you can defeat a bad guy. Just make sure to give them a good shuffle afterwards.

    Special Abilities of Weapons:

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Bow: When I’m in a fight and I show a bow, I can show another weapon token right away. If I have more than one bow, I might get to reveal 4, 5, or even 6 tokens during the fight!

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Golden Hoe: When you’re in a battle and you uncover a golden hoe, you get an instant boost of 2 experience points.

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Stone pickaxe: When I’m in a fight and I reveal a stone pickaxe, I can right away collect 1 block from the big cube. But I still have to follow the rules for “collecting blocks” like in step 1.

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    TNT: When you’re in a fight and you reveal your weapons, you might come across a TNT token. If you decide to use it, you can detonate the TNT and count the 5 hearts on it. But remember, once you detonate it, the TNT is gone for good. If you choose not to detonate it, just ignore the hearts and you get to keep the TNT.


    When does the scoring happen?

    1. The first scoring round, called “Biomes,” takes place when any player fully digs through the first layer of blocks in the big cube. It doesn’t matter if they haven’t collected any blocks from deeper layers. After the player takes the last block from the first layer, they continue with their turn as usual. Only then does the scoring begin.
    2. The second scoring round, known as “Materials,” happens when any player completely mines the second layer of blocks in the big cube.

    When you play the game, there are three scoring rounds that occur at different points. The first scoring round, called Type A, happens when you completely mine all the blocks from the first layer of the big cube. Once that’s done, the game moves on to the second scoring round.

    In the second scoring round, known as Type B, you need to finish mining all the blocks from the second layer of the cube. Only then will the game proceed to the third and final round.

    The third scoring round, called Type C, takes place when you clear out the third layer of blocks from the big cube. When this happens, the game will come to an end, even if there are still blocks remaining in the bottom layer of the cube.

    During these scoring rounds, you have the option to use any mob cards that give you extra actions. You can use them in the same turn in which you triggered a scoring round. Keep in mind that scoring only begins after you have completed all of your actions and ended your turn.

    It’s also possible to deplete multiple layers in a single turn by collecting multiple blocks. For example, you can reveal the stone pickaxe during a mob fight or trade in a mob card for an extra action. If this happens, all triggered scoring rounds will happen one after the other in the usual order (Type A, Type B, Type C).

    Now, let’s talk about how scoring works.

    When it’s my turn, I get to go first. I can choose one of the four characteristics shown on the scoring card to earn experience points in that category. Pretty cool, right?

    1. For the first round, we’re looking at Biomes. I have to pick just one: forest, desert, mountains, or snowy tundra. Then, I can find the biggest group of connected spaces on my player board that match the chosen characteristic. For each space in that group, I earn the number of experience points listed on the scoring card.
    2. Important things to remember: diagonal spaces don’t count as connected, and for the first round, I can also count any biomes printed on my player board.

    When I first started playing this game, I was really curious about how to accumulate experience points. Fortunately, I found out that there are different ways to earn them. For instance, you have the option to choose a single-space group. This means that if you select a snowy tundra space on your player board, you will gain 6 experience points. Another way to earn experience is by using building cards. These cards have icons on their left margin that indicate their characteristics. The top icon represents the biome, which is scored as A. The middle icon shows the material, which is scored as B. And finally, the bottom icon indicates the card type, which is scored as C. By keeping these factors in mind, you will be able to make strategic decisions and maximize your experience points. So, go ahead and explore different options to boost your score!

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let’s take a look at an example: So, when it’s my turn to score, I decide to choose the desert biome because it’s the biggest one on my player board. It actually consists of 4 spaces.

    Here’s something interesting about the desert on my board: the one in the top right corner is kind of separate from the other desert spaces. It’s not considered part of the continuous group.

    For each of the spaces in my desert biome, I get 4 experience points. That’s the number we see on the scoring card. So, when we do the math, I end up with a total of 4 spaces multiplied by 4 points, which gives me 16 experience points in total. Pretty cool, right?

    Now, it’s time to add those experience points to my existing total on the experience point track of my player board. I do this by moving my experience counter forward by the same number of spaces as the points I earned. This way, I keep track of how many experience points I have.

    Alright, now that I’ve finished calculating my points, it’s the next player’s turn to score a biome of their choice. And we keep going like this until everyone has had the chance to score. Once all players are done, we can put the scoring card back in the box. And for the next scoring session, we’ll need the next scoring card, which is the B: Materials card.

    Once you finish scoring, it’s time for the next player to take their turn. The player sitting beside the person who triggered the scoring gets to go next.

    Remember: When it’s time to score, don’t worry about removing any structures you’ve built or the blocks in your supply. You can keep them all! Just start thinking about your strategy for the next scoring round and build your structures accordingly!

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Scoring round B example: Let’s say I choose wood because the wooden structures make up the biggest group on my player board. This group has 5 spaces. For every space, I earn 3 experience points, as it says on the scoring card. So if I multiply 5 by 3, I get a total of 15 experience points.

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let’s talk about what happened in the third scoring round. It went by so quickly, I didn’t even get a chance to build more structures! But hey, that’s okay. I still have some pretty big groups going on. I’ve got two dwellings and two animal houses.

    Now, here’s the thing. When it comes to scoring, the animal houses are worth more points than the dwellings. Pretty neat, right? So, I’m going to choose the animal houses as my group for this round. That means I get 2 times 5, which equals 10 experience points. Not too shabby!

    The Game Ends

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! So, let’s talk about how scoring works in this game. After we finish the third scoring round, it’s time to give each mob in your collection some icons.

    These icons will determine how many experience points you gain for each space on your player board that matches that icon. It’s important to note that, unlike scoring rounds A, B, and C, the mob cards count all spaces with that particular characteristic. And guess what? The spaces don’t even have to be connected!

    Once everyone has finished scoring their mobs, we’ll compare our experience points. The player with the most experience points is the winner. But hey, what if there’s a tie? Well, in that case, we’ll check who has the most blocks in their supply. And if there’s still a tie, all the tied players come out as winners!

    Just to give you an example, let’s say during the game you defeated 4 mobs. Here they are:

    • How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMessFor each forest you have, you earn 2 experience points. Got 2 forests? That’s 4 points!
    • How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMessYour 1 obsidian structure gives you 3 experience points.
    • How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMessEach animal house you build gives you 3 experience points. Build 2 and you get 6 points!
    • How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMessIf you don’t have a sand structure, you won’t earn any experience points for it.

    At the end of the game, you’ll have a total of 13 extra experience points. That’s 4 points for forests, 3 points for the obsidian structure, and 6 points for the animal houses. Great job!

    How to play Minecraft Builders Biomes Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    A Special Version for Beginners

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