How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

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Memoir ’44 Game Rules

Hey there, fellow gamers! Let’s dive into the exciting world of Memoir ’44 and explore its game rules together. Strap in, because this is going to be a wild ride!


So, what’s the deal with Memoir ’44? Well, the goal is pretty straightforward. As a player, I aim to outmaneuver and defeat my opponent on the battlefield. Victory comes when I accomplish a certain number of objectives before my adversary does. It’s like a thrilling race where strategy is key!


Now, let’s talk about what comes in the box. In Memoir ’44, you’ll find a game board that represents the battlefield, some really cool miniature figures depicting troops, tanks, and more, and a bunch of terrain tiles, cards, and dice. It’s like having a whole world in the palm of your hand!


When the game begins, I’ll be given a set number of Command cards. These cards are like my secret weapon, as they allow me to dictate my actions on the battlefield. Each turn, I’ll play a card, giving specific orders to my troops. It’s all about making strategic choices and adapting to the ever-changing conditions of war.

Now, let’s not forget about those dice! These little cubes of fate determine the outcome of battles. By rolling the dice, I’ll find out if my attacks hit or miss. There’s always an element of chance involved, so get ready to witness some epic moments of triumph and unforeseen blunders!


Memoir ’44 offers a variety of scenarios to play. Each scenario represents a different historical battle, from the frontlines of World War II. You’ll get to immerse yourself in these iconic conflicts and rewrite history. Are you ready to rewrite the course of World War II? It’s time to make your mark, soldier!


Well, my friend, there you have it – the captivating world of Memoir ’44. It’s a game that combines strategy, luck, and historical immersion into one thrilling experience. So, grab your cards, roll the dice, and let the battles begin! Prepare to be transported to the tumultuous times of World War II, where every decision counts and victory hangs in the balance. Charge!”

How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re looking for an exciting board game, I’ve got just the thing for you! It’s called “Battlefield” and it’s packed with double the action. The game comes with a two-sided board map that features beach landings and countryside battles. Talk about variety!

In addition to the cool map, you’ll find 44 double-sided terrain hex pieces. These pieces add an extra layer of strategy to the game, as you’ll have to navigate different terrains to gain an advantage. And speaking of advantages, there are 10 double-sided Victory Medals up for grabs. Be the first to collect a set number of these medals (usually 4 to 6) and you’ll claim victory!

But wait, there’s more! The game also includes 14 special forces badges that come in handy during intense battles. And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll find 4 double-sided bunker and bridge tiles to add even more excitement to your gameplay.

Now, let’s talk about the troops. You’ll have 42 infantry figures at your command, ready to take on the enemy. And to strengthen your forces, there are 24 armored vehicles and 6 artillery pieces. These powerful units will help you dominate the battlefield. But be careful, there are also 18 man-made obstacles that can trip you up if you’re not careful.

To keep things organized, the game provides you with 3 cardholder sections. These sections will keep your cards neat and tidy, so you can focus on planning your strategies and outsmarting your opponents.

So, what’s the object of the game? It’s simple – be the first to collect a set number of Victory Medals. The exact number will depend on the battle scenario you choose. Once you achieve this goal, you’ll be crowned the champion of the Battlefield!

So, if you’re ready for an action-packed board game that will keep you on your toes, Battlefield is the game for you. Gather your troops, plan your strategies, and let the battles begin!

How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In Memoir ’44, you gain a Victory Medal for every enemy unit you completely take out of the battlefield. You can show each Medal you win by putting the last figure of the unit you eliminated on one of the Medal Stands on the bottom left edge of the board.

In certain situations, you can also earn extra Medals from the board itself. This happens when you capture and hold certain parts of the battlefield or specific objectives.

Now, here are the steps to follow when setting up a game of Memoir ’44. It’s a good idea to go through these steps, especially if you’re playing for the first few times.

1. Choose a battle from the scenarios provided in the booklet.

2. Put the board in the middle of the table so that you can see the right side (countryside or beach landing).

3. Add the Terrain hexes that are required for the battle, as mentioned in the scenario.

I’m gonna break down the steps for setting up the game “Bunkers and Bridges” for you. First, you gotta add any fixed or removable obstacles that are needed. This could be stuff like walls or trees that can affect the gameplay. Then, you place the figures on the board. Each unit has its own position on the battle map that you gotta match up. It’s usually easiest to start by dropping one figure per hex and then filling in the rest as needed. The number of figures in a unit depends on what kind of unit it is. Artillery units have 2 figures, armor units have 3, and infantry units have 4. Lastly, you add the special unit badges and victory medals. These go on individual units or specific objectives on the map, depending on the scenario’s rules. For the Pegasus Bridge scenario, you gotta put an Allied victory medal on each bridge.

  • When setting up the game, it’s important to place the corresponding terrain summary cards for the scenario on the board. This includes cards for Wood, Towns & Villages, and Rivers (specifically for Pegasus Bridge). Additionally, don’t forget to include the Obstacle and Units summary cards for in-game reference.
  • You should also assemble the cardholder segments and place them on the edges of the board map. While not necessary, these holders are especially useful when playing with multiple players on one side or in a classroom setting. They allow players to easily point to and examine different options.
  • Alright, let’s get started! First, choose which side you want to play as and sit in front of the board accordingly. To make things fair, we recommend playing in a match format. This means that each player will take turns playing both sides in back-to-back battles. This way, any historical advantages are balanced out. The winner of the match is the player who scores the most Victory Medals after both battles.
  • Next, thoroughly shuffle the deck of Command cards and deal them out according to the scenario’s briefing notes. Keep your cards secret from your opponent by placing them in your cardholder.
  • Place the rest of the deck face down next to the battlefield, where both players can easily reach it.
  • Each side should take four Battle dice.
  • To begin playing the game, the starting player, as stated in the scenario’s briefing notes, takes their turn.
  • Watch the Tutorial Video

    Check out the Game Board

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Battles are fought on a 13×9 hexagonal game board. The board is split into three sections by two red dotted lines, creating a left flank, center, and right flank for each player.

    When a dotted line cuts through a hex, that hex is considered part of both the flank and center section.

    To give orders to your army units for movement, battle, or special commands, you need command cards. There are two types of command cards:

    1. Section cards

    2. Tactic cards

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Section cards are like blueprints for ordering movements and battles in specific sections of the battlefield. They tell me where I can move my units and how many units I can order.

    Tactic cards

    Game Turn

    I get to go first if my name is in the briefing notes. After that, we take turns back and forth until one of us earns the number of Victory Medals described in the scenario’s victory conditions.

    Play a Command Card

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When it’s my turn, I get to do something really cool. I get to play a Command card from my hand. I place the card face up in front of me and read it out loud to everyone. These Command cards are special because they let me tell my units what to do. I can make them move or battle or both! The card I play will show me which part of the battlefield I can give orders to and how many units I can order.

    Give Orders

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Once I play a command card, I need to let you know which unit or units I want to give orders to. It’s important to note that only the units that receive orders can move, fight, or take special actions later on in the turn. Units that are on a hex with a red dotted line running through it can be ordered from either section. But remember, I can only give one order to each unit. If the Command card allows me to issue more orders in a specific section of the battlefield than I have units, those additional orders go to waste.

    Now, Let’s Move Our Units

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    Hey there! Let me break it down for you. When we’re talking about movements in the battlefield, they happen one at a time, step by step, in whatever order you want. But here’s the thing: a unit can only move once per turn. Plus, just because a unit is ordered doesn’t mean it has to move. We gotta finish moving one unit before we move onto the next. And before we even think about the battle, we gotta complete all the unit movements first, ya know?

    Now, when it comes to moving units, they can go from one section of the battlefield to another. But we can’t have two units hanging out in the same hex – that’s a no-no. And, here’s the kicker: you can’t move onto or through a hex that’s already occupied by friendly or enemy units. We can’t be crashing into each other now, can we?

    Oh, and let’s not forget that you can’t separate individual figures from a unit. They gotta stick together and move as a group. If a unit gets reduced in size because of casualties, sorry, but it can’t join forces with other units. Gotta stay on your own.

    Now, keep in mind that some terrain features can mess with our movement plans. They might prevent a unit from moving its full distance or even mess with their ability to battle. We gotta be careful with that.

    So, what’s the deal with each type of unit? Well, an Infantry unit that’s ordered can either move up to 1 hex and battle or move up to 2 hexes without battling. Armor units, on the other hand, can move up to 3 hexes and still battle. And Artillery units can either move 1 hex or battle.

    Got it? It’s all about moving our units strategically, one by one, and taking into account the battlefield and the other units. Now it’s time to take control of the situation and show ’em what we’re made of!

    The Battle Begins

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMessWhen it’s time to engage in a battle, each unit goes one at a time, in any order that you decide. Remember, you have to finish resolving one unit’s battle before moving on to the next. Don’t worry, though, because a unit that is already ordered doesn’t have to fight if you don’t want it to. Keep in mind that a unit can only battle once in a turn. Oh, and one more thing! A unit can’t divide its Battle dice between different enemy targets. So, when it comes to attacking, focus your firepower on a single enemy unit!

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMessWhen you attack an enemy unit right beside you, it’s called a “Close Assault”. You’re up close and personal, ready to clash with the enemy. But if you’re attacking an enemy unit that’s more than 1 hex away, you’re “Firing” at it. You’re keeping your distance while still trying to weaken the enemy. Now, here’s the catch: if your unit is next to an enemy unit, you don’t have a choice. You have to engage in Close Assault and can’t focus your firepower on a distant enemy unit instead. It’s all about being up close and personal!

    Time to Pick a Card

    How to Fight

    1. First, I need to choose which unit I want to attack with and decide who its target will be.
      • To start, I need to make sure that my target is within battle range or close enough to touch.
      • If I’m using infantry or armor units, I also have to check if my target is within line of sight.
    2. Next, I have to figure out how many Battle dice I need to roll.
      • The number of dice depends on the type of unit I’m using and how far away my target is.
    3. If there’s any difficult terrain in the area, I might need to reduce the number of Battle dice I roll.
      • This could make my attack a little less powerful, so I need to take that into consideration.
    4. Now it’s time to roll the Battle dice and see what happens.
      • I’ll find out the results of my attack based on the numbers I roll.

    How Far Can I Shoot?

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I have an Infantry unit, I can choose any nearby enemy to battle. If the enemy is adjacent to my unit, I roll 3 dice to determine the outcome of the close assault. If the enemy is 2 hexes away, I roll 2 dice. And if the enemy is 3 hexes away, I roll 1 die.

    To figure out how many dice I need to roll, I start by placing my finger on the first hex that is next to my unit. Then, I move my finger one hex at a time towards the target, saying the numbers “3”, “2”, and “1” as I reach each new hex. The last number I say when my finger reaches the target tells me how many dice I should roll.

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I have an ordered Armor unit on the battlefield, I can attack any enemy target unit that is within 3 hexes from me. The best part is that I always get to roll 3 dice during combat. How cool is that?

    Now, let’s talk about ordered Artillery units. They have a longer range compared to Armor units. I can attack any enemy target unit that is within 6 hexes from my Artillery unit. However, during combat, my Artillery unit rolls a different number of dice depending on the situation. It goes like this: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1. That’s the order in which I roll the dice.

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Understanding Line of Sight: Unlocking a World of Possibilities

    Greetings! Today, I want to talk to you about an incredible concept known as “Line of Sight.” You may have heard the term before, but do you truly understand what it means?

    Imagine this: You’re standing on top of a mountain, looking out over a vast landscape. As far as your eyes can see, there is nothing obstructing your view. This unobstructed view is what we call “Line of Sight.”

    Line of Sight is more than just a clear view; it’s a concept that architects, engineers, and many other professionals utilize to enhance their work. It allows them to consider how objects or structures will be seen from different angles and positions.

    When someone mentions Line of Sight, they are referring to the path that light takes when traveling from an object to your eyes. It’s interesting to think about how our vision works, right? Light bounces off objects, enters our eyes, and gets processed by our brain, allowing us to see the world around us.

    Understanding Line of Sight is crucial when it comes to designing buildings, landscapes, or even video games. As a designer, you need to consider how people will experience your creation from various viewpoints.

    Let me give you an example: Have you ever been to a sports stadium? The architects who designed it had to think about how the spectators would see the game. They had to make sure that everyone in the stadium had a clear view of the field, without any obstructions getting in the way.

    Line of Sight is also important in video games. Game developers create virtual worlds, and they want you to feel immersed in the game. To achieve this, they design levels and landscapes with Line of Sight in mind. They carefully craft the environment to give you the best possible view and make the game more enjoyable.

    Now, you might be wondering, why is Line of Sight so important? Well, consider this: If you’re a driver, you need to have a clear Line of Sight to navigate the road safely. If there’s an obstacle blocking your view, it becomes dangerous. In construction, Line of Sight is crucial for workers to see potential hazards and ensure everyone’s safety.

    To sum it all up, Line of Sight is a fascinating concept that plays a significant role in our lives, whether we realize it or not. It allows us to understand how we see the world and influences the design of buildings, landscapes, and even video games. So next time you’re looking out onto a stunning vista, remember to appreciate the beauty of Line of Sight!

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    In order to engage in battle, an Infantry or Armor unit must have the ability to “see” the enemy unit it wishes to target. This is what we refer to as “line of sight”. However, an Artillery unit doesn’t need line of sight in order to attack an enemy unit.

    Let’s imagine a line that is drawn from the center of the hex where the battling unit is located, to the center of the hex where the enemy target is. If this imaginary line encounters any obstructions, such as units or certain types of terrain features, then the line of sight is considered blocked.

    It’s important to note that the terrain in the target hex does not block the line of sight. The line of sight is only blocked if there are obstructions along both sides of the line segment, as it runs along the edges of one or multiple hexes that contain obstructions.

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Terrain Reductions

    Let’s talk about terrain and obstacles. You can find a detailed description of each type in the Terrain and Obstacles section. You can also refer to the summary cards for a quick overview. Keep in mind that certain terrains can reduce the number of Battle dice you roll during an attack. So don’t forget to subtract that reduction from your total!

    Resolve Battle

    When it’s time to resolve the battle, hits are taken care of first, followed by retreats.

    As the attacker, you get 1 hit for each dice symbol that matches the type of unit you’re targeting. And don’t forget – each Grenade rolled also counts as 1 hit!

    For every hit you score, one figure is removed from the enemy unit. And when you eliminate the last piece in their unit, proudly place it on one of the empty Medal Stands on your side of the battlefield.

    It’s worth noting that if you roll more hits than there are figures in the defending unit, the extra hits don’t do anything. It’s a tough break, but that’s how it goes.

    When it comes to retreating with my unit, I get to decide where it goes. Here are the rules I follow:

    • I always retreat towards my side of the board.
    • Terrain doesn’t affect my retreat moves. So, I can go through forests or villages without stopping. But I can’t move through impassable terrain.
    • I can’t retreat onto or through a hex that already has another unit, whether it’s a friend or a foe.
    • If my unit can’t retreat, goes off the battlefield limits, or would end up in a sea hex, I have to remove one figure from my unit for each retreat move that couldn’t be completed.
    • Some obstacles let me ignore the first flag rolled against my unit.

    Taking Ground

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    When I’m in Close Assault combat and I defeat the enemy unit or make it retreat, I have the option to Take Ground and move into the empty hex.

    Unfortunately, Artillery units can’t take ground. They still have to follow the rules for moving through terrain and restrictions on battles.

    Now, if I’m an Armor unit and I eliminate the enemy unit or make it retreat in Close Assault combat, I can take the ground and engage in an exciting Armor Overrun combat. I get to move into the vacant hex and claim my victory!

    The Thrill of Armor Overrun Combat

    How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess How to play Memoir 44 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I successfully launch a Close Assault Combat, I can move my Armor unit into the empty hex and then attack again. If I happen to move into a hex that’s next to an enemy unit, I have to engage in another Close Assault Combat. But if I’m not next to any enemy units, I can take a shot at a distant target.

    I have the option to Take Ground again after a successful Overrun Combat. However, my Armor unit can only perform one Overrun Combat per turn. I need to finish all my Battles, including Close Assault and Overrun Combats, before my next unit can take its turn to battle.

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