How to play Memoarrr Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Arrr! How to Play Memoarrr!

Avast ye, matey! Welcome aboard the Memoarrr! The most treasure-filled memory game on the Seven Seas. I be here to teach ye the rules, so listen up and keep yer wits about ye!

Now, I be guessin’ ye be wonderin’ how to play this grand game, so let me enlighten ye. Ye see, Memoarrr! be a game of memory and strategy. The goal be simple – find all the treasure pairs before ye run out o’ time. Arrr, I’m sure ye be up for the challenge!

On the table, ye’ll find a grid of cards faced down. Each card holds a hidden treasure. Yer mission be to turn over two cards at a time and remember where each treasure be hidin’. If ye uncover a matching pair, ye be scorein’ a point. But if ye don’t, don’t ye worry, matey! Ye just have to keep tryin’ until ye find a match.

Now, pay close attention to the time, me matey. Ye see, ye only have a limited amount of sand in yer hourglass. Once the last grain o’ sand falls, yer time be runnin’ out. So, ye best be swift and smart to find all the pairs afore that happens!

Avast! ‘Tis not all, me hearties. There be a twist to this game – ye be collectin’ points by findin’ pairs in a specific order. The value of each treasure be marked on the card, and ye want to uncover them in ascendin’ order. The lower the value, the better chance ye have to win this plunderin’ contest!

Now, I reckon ye be ready to embark on this adventure. Remember to use yer memory, strategy, and speedy reflexes to conquer Memoarrr! Savvy?

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey, where’s my ship? – And just as I slip some coins into my pocket, the ground beneath me starts to rumble. It seems like Captain Goldfish didn’t choose this volcanic island as the hiding spot for his treasures without reason.

Fiery lava spews into the sea, enveloping the entire island in thick clouds of steam. We all scramble, carrying our precious loot. But now the question is, how do we find our way back to the ship?

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Game Components:

  • 25 Location Cards
  • 7 Treasure Cards
  • 3 Volcano Cards
  • 1 Game Layout Card
  • 4 Summary Cards
  • Instructions

Game Objective:

When it’s your turn, you have to uncover a Location Card and see if it connects to the last Location Card that was revealed.

Two cards are considered connected if they show either the same animal or the same landscape. If the cards don’t connect, you’re out for that round. The last player remaining in the round gets a Treasure Card.

Afterwards, all the revealed cards are turned face down and a new round begins. The cards stay in the same position throughout the game. Try to remember their locations to collect more Treasures than the other players.

Game Setup:

Hey there! Let’s get started with the game setup. I’m going to guide you through the process step by step.

First, we need to shuffle the 25 Location Cards. Once shuffled, place them cloud side up in a 5×5 grid, forming the island in the center of the play area. But before that, I want you to choose one Location Card from the center of the island and put it back in the box. Keep it a secret!

Now it’s time to deal with the treasures. Shuffle the 7 Treasure Cards and place them face down as a stack in the center of the island. Neat! Next, randomly put Volcano Cards on top of the stack, but make sure to use one less card than the number of players. This will add some excitement to the game.

Alright, everyone gets 1 Summary Card. Hand each player their card and tell them to place it face up in front of them. If there are any extra Volcano or Summary Cards, just put them back in the box.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess
Take a look at this awesome layout for 4 players! As you can see, one Location Card was returned to the box. Let’s begin the adventure!

Let’s do something sneaky and take a peek at the three cards in the middle of the island. Keep it hush-hush and don’t let your opponents see! Okay, now here’s the catch: we all have to pick a different side of the island. Once we’re done, put the cards back where they were with the cloudy side facing up. Got it? Good!

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you’ve ever experienced a volcanic eruption or an emotional outburst, then you know how it feels to be at the center of attention. And in this game, being the start player means just that.

The Game Begins

When a round starts, the start player gets to choose one Location to reveal. The rest of us continue playing in a clockwise direction until only one player is left without a Volcano in front of them. That lucky player wins the round and gets to claim the topmost Treasure Card.

Once the round is over, all the Volcanoes go back into the stack randomly, on top of the remaining Treasures. The Locations are then turned face down, without moving from their original spots, and a new round begins. The game continues like this until we’ve completed 7 rounds.

Remember: Don’t move any of the Locations on the island during the game. They should stay where they are.

So, whenever it’s your turn, you have to show one location that hasn’t been revealed yet. And then you have to see if it’s connected to the last location that was revealed.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    So, here’s the deal. When you’re exploring a new Location, you have to pay attention to the animal or the landscape you see. If it matches what you saw in the last Location, then you’ve made a connection. That means you’re doing great, and it’s time to end your turn.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, get this. Lucas just spilled the beans about a super cool Location that has penguins and is all about the ocean. How rad is that? Now it’s Bianca’s turn to dish out some secrets, and she drops a bombshell – she found a Location with penguins too, but this one is all about the jungle. Whoa, talk about a twist! But get this, even though the animals are different, the Locations are still connected. Crazy, right? Bianca could have also stumbled upon a Location with an octopus and the ocean, and it would have connected with Lucas’s penguin + ocean discovery. It’s like these landscapes have secret paths that lead from one to another.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If the Locations do not match, that is, if the animal and landscape do not go together, you have failed. You can end the round by selecting the top Volcano card from the pile.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me tell you a fascinating story about Amanda and Marcel and their exciting game of revealing locations. Amanda started things off by uncovering a penguin in the ocean. It was a fantastic discovery! But then Marcel took his turn and revealed an octopus in the jungle. Uh-oh! He made a mistake because the animal and the landscape didn’t match the previous location.

Here’s the thing: You always compare the current location with the most recently discovered one, no matter if it was a successful connection or not. It’s all about keeping things flowing and making sure the pieces fit together.

Now, sometimes, you might find yourself in a tricky situation. You know that there are no more locations that match, but you still have to reveal one. Don’t worry, it’s all part of the game! Use your strategic skills to plan ahead and avoid getting stuck in this predicament.

But wait, there’s more!

Now, let’s talk about some special cases we need to consider. These are the exceptions to the rule:

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The first round of the game has a special rule. In this round, the player who goes first cannot show anyone the three middle Locations on the sides of the island that they saw. It’s a secret that only they know.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Exception 2: In a round of the game, the start player’s first turn is always successful because there is no Location to connect to.

What Happens Next

When it’s your turn, you can take your move. But if you have a Volcano in front of you, you’ll have to sit this one out. Don’t worry, though, because other players can still take their turns. In fact, they can have more than one turn in a round. However, if someone has a Volcano in front of them, they won’t be able to play for the rest of the round.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Now it’s my turn to play, but wait, there’s a Volcano in front of me. I guess I’ll have to sit this one out and let Lucas take his turn.

The Round is Over

If there aren’t any more Volcanoes available when it’s my turn, the round ends right then and there. All except one player will now have a Volcano in front of them.

The player who doesn’t have a Volcano gets to grab the top Treasure from the stack and, without peeking, places it face down in front.

If this is the seventh and final Treasure, that means the game is over. If not, get ready for the next round.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! It’s time to dive into the exciting world of Volcano! But before we get started, let me explain a few things. So, here’s the deal: everyone, except for Bianca, has a Volcano in front of them. Now, here’s what’s interesting – Bianca gets to take the top Treasure from the stack at the beginning of her turn. Pretty neat, huh? Okay, now let’s move on!

When a round ends, you need to turn all of the revealed Locations face down so that the clouds are visible. Easy peasy, right? Let’s keep the game fair and square – you should never change the position of any Locations on the island during the game. It’s all about playing by the rules!

Birds and Volcanoes

Now, let’s find out who will be the new star player! All players with a Volcano have to put them back on top of the stack in random order. The player who had the Volcano with the most birds will become the new start player and kick off the new round by revealing 1 Location. Exciting, right?

For example, Amanda just returned the Volcano with 7 birds back to the stack. She’s going to be the new start player and will begin the new round. Go Amanda!

End of the Game

So here’s the deal: after 7 rounds, the game is over. That’s when the last Treasure gets claimed. And let me tell you, it gets real exciting at the end. Now, check out the Treasures you’ve collected and count up all the rubies you’ve got. The player with the most rubies is the big winner!

But what happens if there’s a tie? Well, then things get really interesting. The player who’s tied with the most rubies needs to have the most Treasure Cards to break the tie. And if there’s still a tie after that, don’t worry, we’ve got a solution. It all comes down to the Treasure with the most rubies. Whoever has that wins!

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I have 2 treasures, and each of them has 2 rubies. Lucas, on the other hand, only has 1 treasure, but it has 4 rubies.

Now, let’s talk about Amanda. She has 2 treasures with 1 ruby each, and 1 treasure with 2 rubies. Marcel, on the other hand, only has 1 treasure, but it has 3 rubies.

Out of all of us, Amanda is the winner. She has collected just as many rubies as Bianca and Lucas, but she has more treasure cards in her possession.

The Ordered Stack

If you’re not a fan of luck dictating the game, here’s a tip: instead of shuffling the stack of treasures randomly at the beginning of the game, you can sort them out.

Start by putting the treasure card with 4 rubies at the bottom. Then, place the card with 3 rubies above it. After that, stack the three cards with 2 rubies, and finally, put the two cards with 1 ruby on the very top.

And don’t forget, you need to place the volcano cards, which is one less than the number of players, on the top of the stack, in a random order, just like always.

How to play Memoarrr Official Rules UltraFoodMess

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