How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

A Guide to Playing MegaCity: Oceania

Welcome to the exciting world of MegaCity: Oceania, where you have the power to build and shape a futuristic metropolis like never before! In this game, you’ll be taking on the role of an architect, designing awe-inspiring structures and competing against other players to create the most successful city. But before you begin, let’s dive into the game rules and discover the strategies you’ll need to succeed.

Game Setup

To set up the game, you’ll first need to unfold the game board and place it in the center of the playing area. Then, each player should choose an architect card and take the corresponding colored meeples. Place the architect cards face-up in front of each player, within easy reach.

Now it’s time to prepare the construction zone. Shuffle the building deck and deal three face-up building cards next to the game board. These cards represent the available buildings that players can construct during the game. Remember to always keep three building cards visible throughout the game.

Finally, the supply of resources should be organized. Sort the resource tiles by type and place them next to the game board, creating a supply accessible to all players. The resource cubes should be placed in a common pool nearby.


MegaCity: Oceania is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of three phases: the Architect Phase, the Building Phase, and the Scoring Phase.

The Architect Phase

In this phase, players take turns acting as the Architect. The Architect has the power to purchase buildings and resources, as well as construct buildings in their city. The Architect rotates clockwise after each round, ensuring that all players have an equal chance to take on this influential role.

When it’s your turn to be the Architect, you can take two actions from the following options:

  • Acquire a Building Card: Pay the resource cost on a face-up building card to add it to your hand. Replace the card with a new one from the deck.
  • Acquire Resources: Take one or two resource cubes from the common pool and add them to your supply. The cost of each resource is listed on the architect card.
  • Construct Building: Pay the resource cost of a building card from your hand to place it in your city. Buildings must be placed orthogonally adjacent to an existing building or the edge of your city grid.

Remember, the goal is to strategically construct buildings that will maximize your city’s overall height and score you the most points in the end!

The Building Phase

In this phase, all players simultaneously construct one building on their turn. Starting with the current Architect and continuing clockwise, each player selects a building card from their hand and places it on their city grid. The building must be placed orthogonally adjacent to an existing building or the edge of the city grid.

When placing a building, try to stack it on top of other buildings to increase its height and score more points. Be aware, though, that stability is important! Buildings that exceed eight levels in height may collapse, resulting in penalties.

The Scoring Phase

After all players have placed their buildings, it’s time to score! Scoring occurs in two steps:

  1. Calculate Population Score: For each building in your city, count the total number of adjacent buildings orthogonally in all directions. You will earn one point for each adjacent building.
  2. Calculate MegaCity Score: If any of your buildings achieved a height of eight levels or more in this round, you’ll earn bonus points based on the height of your tallest building. Consult the scoring track to determine your MegaCity Score.

After scoring, rotate the Architect card to the next player in clockwise order, and begin the next round.

Game End and Final Scoring

The game continues until all players have completed a certain number of turns, as indicated by the number of players. At this point, the final scoring takes place.

In the final scoring, the players earn additional points based on the height of their tallest building. Additionally, they may receive end-game bonuses based on the architect cards they collected throughout the game.

The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner and the master architect of MegaCity: Oceania!

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In the year 2100, the coastal city of Gold Coast, Australia, became the setting for an extraordinary endeavor: the construction of the world’s first oceanic MegaCity. With overpopulation and rising sea levels becoming urgent global concerns, this venture aimed to address these pressing issues head-on.

Thanks to remarkable technological advances, architects like me were now in high demand as the next generation of builders. Our mission? To create awe-inspiring superstructures on massive floating Platforms.

As we embarked on this groundbreaking project, the competition among us was fierce. Each of us had our sights set on gaining prestige points, which could be achieved by collecting valuable Contracts, Platforms, and sustainable Building Pieces. However, the true test lay in our ability to construct the required buildings in a strategic manner, maximizing our points.

Once completed, our buildings would seamlessly integrate into the MegaCity, fulfilling the terms of the Contracts we had acquired. With each finished Contract, we would earn even more prestigious points. But that wasn’t the only way to excel.

By constructing exceptionally tall buildings, using only one type of building material, and strategically placing monuments in the city’s Parks, we could earn bonus prestige points. These additional points would elevate our status even further, showcasing our exceptional skills as architects.

When the game is over, we give out Awards. These Awards help determine who wins, so they’re pretty important. But watch out! If you have any leftover Building Pieces, they’ll actually deduct points from your score. The player with the most prestige points at the end of the game is crowned the victor.

What You Need

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you purchase MegaCity, you’ll receive the following items in the box:

– 1 Rulebook

– 1 Bag

– 150 Building Pieces

– 29 double-sided hexagonal tiles

– 32 Standard Contracts

– 4 Landmark Contracts

– Awards Bar with 4 Specialization Awards

– 4 Diversity Awards

– 1 Tallest Building Award

– 2 Rulers

– 1 Tallest Building Marker

– 32 Player Cubes

– 60 Prestige Tokens

Now, let’s talk about the play area. You’ll have your own designated play area where you’ll construct your buildings. Once they’re finished, you’ll carefully slide them onto Platforms in the growing MegaCity. It’s important to note that the first Platform must be connected to Central Park, and all buildings should be within 3 Platforms of Central Park. These rules ensure that the city grows in a balanced and strategic way. So, get ready to build your own MegaCity and see it flourish!

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Object of the Game

I want to talk about the goal of the game. Have you ever wondered what you’re trying to achieve when you play a game? It’s an interesting question to think about, and it’s something that I think about a lot.

When you pick up a controller or sit down at a board game, you’re entering a world that is designed to challenge you. The game is a puzzle, and it’s up to you to solve it. The object of the game is to win, of course, but it’s also about the journey you take to get there. It’s about the choices you make, the strategies you employ, and the obstacles you overcome.

Winning feels great, but it’s not the only thing that matters. Sometimes, the most memorable moments come from the times when things don’t go according to plan. It’s in these moments that we learn the most about ourselves and what we’re capable of.

So, the object of the game isn’t just about winning; it’s about growth. It’s about becoming a better player, a better thinker, and a better problem solver. It’s about pushing yourself to new limits and discovering what you’re truly capable of.

Next time you play a game, remember that it’s not just about the end result. It’s about the journey and the lessons you learn along the way. So, embrace the challenge, take risks, and enjoy the process. Who knows, you might just surprise yourself.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

To become the most famous architect in our new MegaCity, you’ll need to physically build buildings, complete Contracts, and earn lots of prestige points.

You earn prestige points by completing Contracts and winning Awards. There are also bonuses available. At the end of the game, each Prestige Token and icon on cards and Awards is worth 1 point.

Let’s get set up:

1. Find a big, flat surface to play on.

2. Here’s how to set up the supply area:

– Shuffle the Platforms and put them in a stack.

– Turn over 3 Platforms next to the stack to make a supply.

3. Set aside the 4 Landmark Contract Cards with the white backs for now. We’ll use them later.

Welcome! Let’s get started on setting up the game. What you’ll need to do is follow these simple steps:

1. Mix up all 32 Standard Contract Cards, then deal out a certain number of them face up, depending on the number of players: 12 for a game with 2 players, 14 for 3 players, and 16 for 4 players. Make sure that there are at least 2 cards of each of the four building types. If there aren’t, shuffle the cards again and deal them out. Arrange these cards into four separate piles according to their building types, placing them face up so that everyone can see how many are available. The remaining Standard Contract Cards can be put away since they won’t be used in this game.

2. Take the Awards Bar and place it on the table with the marked side facing up. Then, put the Awards on their designated spaces, along with the Tallest Building Marker and Rulers.

3. Make sure to have the Prestige Tokens nearby, as you will need them throughout the game.

4. Finally, gather all the Building Pieces and put them in the Bag. This will be used during gameplay.

Now that you’ve set up the game, you’re ready to begin the architectural adventure! Have fun building the city of your dreams!

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s get started with the game setup. Place the Central Park tile where everyone can reach it. This tile is the first Platform of MegaCity. Now, we need to determine the starting player. Each player will receive 1 Park tile and a set of 8 Player Cubes in their chosen color.

The game begins with the starting player, who doesn’t have any Building Pieces yet. Moving clockwise, the second player draws 1 random piece from the Bag. The third player draws 2 pieces, and the fourth player draws 3 pieces. These pieces will be used to construct your buildings. After drawing, pass the Bag back to the first player.

And now, we’re ready to start playing!

Playing the Game

The game will progress in clockwise order, with each player taking their turn. Between turns, you’ll have the opportunity to construct your buildings. During your turn, you can take up to 2 standard actions (or 3 if you’re playing with 2 players) from the list below, or you can choose the special deliver action.

When it’s my turn, I can choose to do the same action more than once. However, I can only deliver once during my turn. After that, I pass the Bag to the next player to finish my turn.

Standard Actions

Get a Building Contract

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Step onto the Platform

If you want to make a real impact in today’s digital world, you need to take a platform. But what does that mean exactly? And how can you do it effectively?

Taking a platform is all about finding your voice and making it heard. It’s about carving out a space for yourself in the vast online landscape. By doing so, you can share your ideas, connect with others, and make a difference.

When someone takes a platform, they are essentially creating an online presence. They are putting themselves out there, sharing their thoughts, and engaging with an audience. It’s a way to elevate your message and reach a wider audience than you ever thought possible.

Understanding the Power of Platforms

Platforms are a double-edged sword – they can be a powerful tool for expression, but they can also be overwhelming if not approached with caution. It’s important to remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

One of the key benefits of taking a platform is the ability to connect with others who share your interests and passions. Through platforms, you can find like-minded individuals, build a community, and collaborate on projects that matter to you.

Additionally, platforms are a great way to showcase your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. By consistently sharing valuable content and engaging with your audience, you can position yourself as an authority and gain credibility.

Tips for Taking a Platform

If you’re ready to take a platform and make an impact, here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Find your niche: Determine what makes you unique and focus on that. What do you have to offer that no one else does?
  2. Share your story: People are drawn to authenticity. Share your personal experiences and lessons learned along the way.
  3. Create valuable content: Whether it’s in the form of blog posts, videos, or podcasts, make sure your content provides value to your audience.
  4. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage discussion. Building a community is all about engagement.
  5. Stay consistent: Building a platform takes time and effort. Stay committed and show up consistently for your audience.

By following these tips and taking a platform, you can make a real difference in your field and connect with others who share your passions. So what are you waiting for? Step onto the platform and let your voice be heard!

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Get the Right Materials for Construction

When it comes to building something, you must choose the right materials. These materials can make or break your project. You want a material that is durable, easy to work with, and long-lasting. But with so many options available, how do you choose the right one?

First, consider what you’re building and where it will be located. Are you constructing a house, a shed, or a bridge? Each project requires different materials that can withstand different environmental conditions. For example, if you’re building a house in a hot and humid area, you’ll need materials that can withstand moisture and high temperatures.

Next, think about your budget. Some materials are more expensive than others, so it’s important to choose something that fits within your financial constraints. However, keep in mind that cheaper materials might not be as durable or long-lasting, which could result in additional costs down the line.

Another factor to consider is ease of use. Some materials require specialized tools or skills to work with, while others can be easily handled by anyone. If you’re a DIY enthusiast, you might prefer materials that are beginner-friendly and don’t require extensive knowledge or experience.

Furthermore, think about the appearance you want to achieve. Some materials come in a variety of colors and styles, allowing you to personalize your project and make it aesthetically pleasing. Consider how the material will look in its environment and how it will complement the overall design.

Lastly, don’t forget about sustainability. In today’s world, it’s crucial to choose materials that are environmentally friendly and minimize your carbon footprint. Look for materials that are recyclable, renewable, or made from sustainable sources.

By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision and select the right materials for your construction project. Remember, the materials you choose will impact the longevity, functionality, and aesthetics of your creation. So, take your time, do your research, and get the right building pieces!

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Revamp Your Online Presence

If you’re seeking to enhance your online presence, there’s a powerful tool you should consider utilizing – Rezone. This innovative platform is designed to help you establish a strong and distinctive online identity.

Rezone offers a unique approach to website creation, offering a wide range of customizable website templates to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to launch an e-commerce store or a blogger aiming to share your passion with the world, Rezone has got you covered.

The user-friendly interface makes it easy for you to design a website that truly reflects your personality and style. You don’t need to be a tech expert or a professional designer to create a stunning website that engages your audience. Rezone’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor empowers you to customize every aspect of your site, from color schemes and font styles to layout and multimedia elements.

Furthermore, Rezone provides comprehensive support and assistance to ensure that your website is both functional and visually appealing. The platform offers a variety of helpful features, such as search engine optimization (SEO) tools, responsive design, and reliable hosting. With Rezone, you can rest assured that your website will deliver an optimal user experience across different devices.

But Rezone is not just about creating a beautiful website – it also offers valuable insights and analytics to help you understand your audience. With built-in analytics tools, you can track your website’s performance, analyze visitor behavior, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your online presence.

So, if you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level, Rezone is the platform for you. Its user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and powerful features make it the ideal choice for individuals or businesses looking to establish a strong and distinctive online identity. With Rezone, you can confidently showcase your brand and engage your audience like never before.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Refreshing Platforms

When you want to bring new life to your platforms, there’s a simple trick that can make a big difference. It’s called refreshing. By following a few easy steps, you can elevate your platforms and regenerate customer response.

First, take a moment to analyze the current state of your platforms. Consider their design, functionality, and overall appeal. Ask yourself: Is my website visually engaging? Does it provide a seamless user experience? Am I effectively communicating my message to my audience?

Once you’ve evaluated the existing platforms, it’s time to make some improvements. Start by updating the design elements. A fresh coat of paint can go a long way in making your platforms visually appealing. Consider using vibrant colors and eye-catching graphics to captivate your audience. Don’t forget to optimize your platforms for mobile devices, as more and more people are accessing content on their smartphones and tablets.

Next, focus on enhancing the functionality of your platforms. Make sure everything is working smoothly and efficiently. Double-check that all links and buttons are active and lead to the correct destinations. Streamline the navigation menu to make it easy for your visitors to find what they’re looking for. And don’t forget to integrate social media sharing buttons, so that your content can be easily shared and spread across various platforms.

Finally, take some time to evaluate the effectiveness of your message. Is it clear and concise? Does it resonate with your target audience? Consider refining your branding and messaging to ensure that it speaks directly to your customers’ needs and desires. Incorporate compelling copywriting and persuasive calls-to-action to encourage users to take the desired actions.

By refreshing your platforms, you can breathe new life into your online presence and attract more customers. So, don’t be afraid to make the necessary changes and improvements. Remember, a little refresh goes a long way in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Revamp Your Building Contracts

Hey there! Have you ever found yourself scratching your head over complex building contracts? I know I have! But don’t worry, because I’ve got some tips to help you make sense of it all.

First things first, let’s talk about the importance of reorganizing those contracts. You see, building contracts can be quite overwhelming with all their legal jargon and technical language. It’s like trying to navigate a maze without a map! But fear not, my friend. By reorganizing your contracts, you can make them much easier to understand.

So, how can you achieve this? Well, one way is to break down the contract into smaller sections. Think of it as dividing a big pizza into individual slices. Each slice focuses on a specific aspect, making it much more digestible. By doing this, you can also easily locate the information you need without having to search for it endlessly.

Another important aspect is using simpler language. Contracts are often filled with complicated words and phrases that can leave your head spinning. But guess what? You have the power to change that! By using plain and straightforward language, you can ensure that both parties involved fully understand what they’re agreeing to. It’s like turning a foreign language into plain English!

Now, let me tell you about the significance of clear headings and subheadings. Just like a roadmap, these headings act as signposts that guide you through the contract. They provide a clear structure and help you find your way around. So, let’s say you’re looking for information about payment terms. Instead of aimlessly flipping through pages, you can simply refer to the “Payment Terms” section. It’s like having a GPS for your contract!

Lastly, don’t forget to include a table of contents. This useful tool acts as an index, listing all the sections and their corresponding page numbers. It’s like having a friendly librarian who can quickly direct you to the right information. With a table of contents, finding what you need becomes a breeze!

So, to sum it up, reorganizing building contracts is a game-changer. It allows you to navigate the complexities with ease, understand the terms clearly, and find information quickly. By following these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to becoming a contract connoisseur in no time. Happy organizing!

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Special Action: Deliver

I have an important message for you. It’s time to talk about delivery. Yes, that’s right, the process of getting something from one place to another. Delivery is a simple concept, but it can be a bit complicated at times.

Let’s start with the basics. When you order something online, for example, you expect it to be delivered to your doorstep. But have you ever wondered how that actually happens? Well, first, you need to choose the right delivery option. There are different choices available, depending on how quickly you want your item and where it’s coming from.

Once you’ve selected the right option, the magic begins. Your item is carefully packaged and prepared for shipment. It’s then picked up by a delivery driver who brings it to a sorting facility. At the sorting facility, your item is sorted and put on the right truck or plane to be taken to its destination.

But what happens if something goes wrong? Delivery isn’t always smooth sailing. Sometimes, your item can get lost or damaged along the way. That’s where customer service comes in. When you reach out to the company, they will work to resolve the issue and make sure you receive your item as quickly as possible.

Delivery is a fascinating process, but it’s not without its challenges. Factors like weather conditions and traffic can sometimes cause delays. But companies are constantly working to improve their delivery systems and provide the best possible experience for their customers.

So, the next time you’re waiting for a package to arrive, remember the journey it took to get to you. From the moment you click “order” to the moment it’s placed in your hands, there are a lot of moving parts that make it all happen. It’s a complex dance, but one that is constantly evolving and improving.

In conclusion, delivery is more than just a simple task. It’s a puzzle with many pieces that need to come together for success. Understanding the process can give you a greater appreciation for the hard work that goes into getting your items to you. So next time you receive a package, take a moment to think about the fascinating journey it took to get to you.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, folks! Gather round, because I’ve got an important announcement to make. I’m about to deliver a mighty building, and I need everyone to put a hold on their own construction projects for a moment.

Now, let’s break it down step by step. First things first, I’ll need to grab a trusty ruler and show you all that this building is no joke – it’s tall enough! We’ll also need to make sure it’s got the right number of Building Pieces and meets all the fancy architectural requirements. Feel free to double-check by comparing it to the Contract Card.

Once we’ve confirmed that everything checks out, it’s time to deliver this bad boy. We’ll carefully slide the Platform, along with the building, into position. Picture this: we physically move it across the table and connect it to the mighty MegaCity. Boom!

But here’s the catch – if the building happens to tumble down during the delivery, well, tough luck. I’ll have to snatch back all my Building Pieces and the Platform. It’s game over for me, and I’ll have to try my luck again in the future.

Now, the first Platform we plop down needs to touch Central Park. Makes sense, right? And any additional Platforms we add gotta be touching at least one other tile. Oh, and here’s a fun fact – all Platforms must be within three tiles of Central Park. Now that’s what I call a bustling city!

Once we successfully deliver the building, it’s time for a little celebration. I’ll flip the Contract Card face down to show that we’ve completed it and, of course, we’ll score some sweet prestige points for our hard work.

Now, at this point, I’ve got a few options. I can either slap a park down, plop a fancy monument onto the scene, create a central park monument, or simply call it a day and end my turn. The choice is mine!

Find the Perfect Spot for a Park

Let’s talk about the perfect spot for a park. It’s not always easy to find the right location, but it’s worth the effort. A park is a valuable addition to any community, and choosing the right place can make all the difference. So, where do you start?

First, you need to consider the size of the land available. Parks come in all shapes and sizes, from small neighborhood playgrounds to large recreational areas. Think about how many people will be using the park and what activities they’ll be doing. Are you looking for a place to play sports, walk your dog, or have a picnic? The size of the park should reflect the needs and desires of the community.

Next, think about accessibility. A park should be easy to reach for everyone. Consider the surrounding neighborhood and if there are already sidewalks or bike paths nearby. Can people easily walk or bike to the park? It’s important to make sure the park is accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

Another important factor to consider is the natural environment. A park should complement its surroundings and enhance the beauty of the area. Look for a site with trees and greenery, as well as any natural features like rivers or lakes. These elements can add to the enjoyment of the park and provide opportunities for wildlife spotting.

Safety is always a top priority when choosing a park location. Make sure the area is well-lit and easily visible from nearby roads and buildings. It’s also a good idea to have clear sightlines within the park, so people can feel safe and secure while using the space. Consider adding security measures like cameras or emergency call boxes to further enhance safety.

Finally, involve the community in the decision-making process. Ask for input and feedback from residents, local businesses, and community organizations. They may have valuable insights and ideas that can help you choose the perfect spot for a park.

Finding the right location for a park is no easy task, but by considering factors such as size, accessibility, natural environment, safety, and community input, you can ensure that your park becomes a beloved gathering spot for all. So go ahead, start exploring and find the perfect place to create a beautiful park for your community!

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing the game, you start with a Park, and you can add it to your city by using a DELIVER action. Connect the Park to the Platform tile that you just added.

Just remember that you can’t place a Park tile right next to another Park. The Central Park tile, which is your starting tile, already counts as a Park, so you can’t place another Park tile next to it.

Now, let’s talk about placing a Monument in your city.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you put a building next to an empty park (not Central Park), you can increase the cultural value of the city by adding a sculpture monument. Take one of your building pieces and put it in the park next to the building.

When the game ends, each building surrounding this cultural park will score a Prestige Token. Only one monument is allowed in each park.

To add a monument to Central Park, public buildings have a special status in the city. If you deliver the first public building, you can use a building piece from your play area as a monument in Central Park.

You will then immediately receive a Prestige Token.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

At the end of the game, every building around Central Park will earn a Prestige Token if it has a monument. When a new Public building arrives, the person who built it can exchange the current monument for a new one. They will receive a bonus Prestige Token for doing so. If you don’t have any spare building pieces or choose not to replace the monument, you won’t get the bonus Prestige Token. The Public building doesn’t have to be next to Central Park to place a monument there. Just remember, you can only add a monument to Central Park after a Public building is delivered.

Now, let’s talk about bonus Prestige Tokens.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you use the DELIVER action to add a building to the city, you have three ways to earn bonus Prestige Tokens.

  • If your building becomes the tallest in the city, you earn a bonus Prestige Token. Use the Ruler to confirm. Place the Tallest Building Marker on the tile and take 1 Prestige Token. The first building you add will automatically be the tallest.
  • If your building is made entirely of one material – Black Steel, Grey Concrete, or Clear Glass – you earn 1 Prestige Token.
  • If you add a monument to Central Park, you earn 1 Prestige Token.

Building in Megacity

While playing, you should construct buildings on the Platforms that meet the requirements of your Contract Cards.

MegaCity has four types of buildings.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re working on the Platform, it’s important to make sure that the building type matches what’s on the Contract Card. You should also pay attention to the colors and icons and make sure they are correct.

Understanding Contract Cards

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that as a player, you can check out Contract Cards in the supply area anytime you want? Just make sure to put them back in the same order when you’re done.

Now, here’s something interesting: most Contract Cards specify exactly how many pieces you need to use. But keep an eye out for the ones with a + symbol! These ones let you use more pieces than what’s stated.

When it comes to building height, all Contract Cards have a minimum requirement. To measure the height of your buildings, use the Rulers provided. Just measure from the base of the building. It’s important to keep in mind that we’re talking about massive megastructures here! Each millimeter represents a single floor, and the height measurement tells you the minimum number of floors your building needs.

Oh, and here’s another thing: Contract Cards also come with special architectural requirements. You need to meet these requirements before the building can be delivered to the MegaCity. If your building doesn’t tick all the boxes, it can’t be delivered.


In MegaCity, every building needs power, water, and waste disposal. To provide these essential resources, there are three circular Utility Ports on each tile. It’s crucial to construct your buildings on these Utility Ports. You don’t have to cover the circles completely, but you must ensure that at least one piece is touching all three Utility Ports.

You cannot place a Building Piece directly on the hexagonal Vent, unless an architectural requirement states otherwise. However, you can have a Building Piece above the Vent, held up by other pieces.

The color of the Vent indicates the type of building you can build on the other side.

The Design of Buildings

When constructing buildings in MegaCity, you can position the Building Pieces horizontally or vertically, or even lean them against other pieces. If a building accidentally falls during construction, there is no penalty.

When it comes to building structures, it’s important to make sure that all the pieces are properly connected. Each piece should touch at least one other piece to ensure stability. Additionally, the entire structure should fit within the boundaries of the platform.

Once the building is finished, you’ll need to mark your contribution. You can do this by placing one of your own player cubes somewhere on the structure. This cube doesn’t count towards the number of pieces used, but it can increase the height of the building.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Building a MegaCity: Tips and Tricks

Hey there, aspiring architects! Today, I want to share some important notes about building a MegaCity. So, listen up and get ready to construct an incredible metropolis!

First things first: remember that you can’t beat physics! If you’re puzzled as to why your skyscrapers keep crashing down, take a moment to think about your building techniques. It’s crucial to have solid supporting structures and make sure your pieces are firmly connected.

Stability is key! A single piece standing on its own is more prone to toppling than two or three pieces working together. So, when stacking your buildings, aim for harmony and unity.

Starting off, don’t set your ambitions sky-high! Remember, the goal is to deliver the Platform into the growing MegaCity and earn those points. Gradually build your way up to grandeur.

Consider the environment! If you’re playing on an unsteady table or surface, it’s wise to keep your cityscape on the lower side to maintain stability. Adapt to the conditions and make the most out of your surroundings.

Patience, my friends, is the virtue of building! MegaCity is not a game to be rushed. Allow everyone ample time to bring their architectural visions to life.

While players should continue building during other players’ turns, it’s vital to respect each other’s creative process. If someone needs a few extra moments to put the finishing touches on their masterpiece, let them have those seconds. This is especially crucial during the final rounds of the game.

Falling Buildings

When a building falls while I’m delivering something, I have to take back all the pieces and my Platform tile. I can’t continue my turn and have to try rebuilding and delivering on another turn.

If a building falls after it has already been added to the city, we have to stop playing right away. We have to remove any Building Pieces that are directly touching the table and put them back in the box because they fell into the ocean.

If there are any Building Pieces still on Platforms, we have to be very careful when taking them off and put them back in the Bag. If we think that removing a piece could cause more damage, we can leave it in the city. Any completed Contract Cards stay completed.

If the tallest building falls, we move the Tallest Building Marker to the tile of the new tallest building. But don’t worry, you won’t earn a Prestige Token if your building falls.

What if We Run Out of Building Pieces?

Building Pieces rarely run out, but it could happen. If there are no more pieces left when you want to take some from the Bag, we enter the final turns of the game.

Each player takes one more turn, ending with the player who couldn’t take a Building Piece. During these final phases, you can’t take Building Pieces anymore, but you can still take Contract Cards and Platforms.

Once we’re done with the final turns, it’s time to choose: recycle or deliver. Score your points as usual.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Game Ends

Once a player takes the last Standard Contract Card, the game is reaching its conclusion. At this point, we put the 4 Landmark Contract Cards in the supply area, facing up. These cards are now available to be taken, but only if you don’t have any Standard Contracts in your play area. Oh, and just a small note: you can only undertake one Landmark Contract at a time.

Now, when the final Standard Contract has been completed, we all get one more full turn to make our moves. After all players are finished, we reach a critical moment where we have to make a final decision: Recycle or Deliver.

If you choose to recycle, you return all the extra Building Pieces you have in your player area back to the Bag. And as a reward for your recycling efforts, you get a single Prestige Token, no matter how many pieces you’ve returned. It’s a neat deal!

To successfully complete a Landmark Contract, you need to be able to build and deliver your final building. This is your one and only chance to do so. If, while constructing or adding to the city, your building collapses, you lose your turn and must take back all of your pieces. This will result in a loss of points during the final scoring.

When all players have made their decision to either recycle or deliver, the game comes to an end.

Scoring is done as follows:

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Check out each park, including Central Park, to see if it has any monuments. If you have a building next to a park that has a monument, you can collect 1 Prestige Token for each building. And if your building is next to multiple parks with monuments, you can score even more tokens. After that, it’s time to hand out awards. One of the awards is the Specialization Award.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The player with the highest prestige value in each of the four building types will receive this special recognition. To find out who wins, add up the prestige point icons on the back of your completed Contract Cards. Each Award is worth two prestige points, but if there’s a tie, no one gets an Award.

A Diversity Award

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you’ve managed to construct one building of each type, congratulations! You’re eligible for a special recognition known as the Tallest Building Award. This prestigious honor is worth a remarkable 3 prestige points, rewarding your impressive architectural skills and strategic prowess.

How to play MegaCity Oceania Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In the game, the player with the tallest building in the city at the end receives the prestigious Tallest Building Award. This award is worth 3 prestige points, which can greatly impact your final score.

To determine your final score in the game, you’ll need to consider a few factors:

  • Add up the total number of prestige points you’ve earned from completing Contracts. Each completed Contract has a prestige point icon on the back, representing the number of points it’s worth.
  • Add 1 point for each Prestige Token you’ve acquired throughout the game. These tokens can provide a nice bonus to your score.
  • Take into account any bonus prestige points you may have received from Awards. These awards can elevate your score even further.
  • On the other hand, you’ll need to subtract 1 prestige point for every 3 Building Pieces that are still remaining in your player area. This ensures that players don’t hoard unused pieces and encourages strategic building.

Ultimately, the player with the highest number of prestige points is declared the winner. However, in the event of a tie, the player with the tallest building takes home the victory. So, don’t forget to aim high and construct that impressive skyline!

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