How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Mafia de Cuba Game Rules


Hello there! Welcome to the wonderful world of Mafia de Cuba! In this exciting game, it’s all about trust, deception, and finding the missing diamonds. Get ready for an immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat!


In Mafia de Cuba, I am the godfather, and you are my loyal henchmen. My diamonds have gone missing, and it’s your job to find out who has been stealing them. Be careful though, as there are spies among us who are trying to frame innocent henchmen!


To set up the game, I will first select a role card, either “Godfather” or “Spy”. I’ll place all the diamonds in the black velvet bag and pass it around. Each henchman will take turns either taking a diamond or passing the bag. Once everyone has taken their diamonds, the game begins!


During the game, you will have the chance to earn favor points by discovering who the spies are or by correctly guessing who has the most diamonds. You can then use these favor points to open the black velvet bag and steal diamonds from other henchmen.

On your turn, you will choose one of two actions: Take a Role or Steal Diamonds. If you choose to take a role, you can either be henchman, driver, or cleaner. Each role has a special ability that can help you in your quest.

If you choose to steal diamonds, you will open the black velvet bag and secretly take some diamonds. However, be careful! If you get caught by another henchman or the godfather, you will lose favor points.

The game continues with each henchman taking their turn until all the diamonds have been stolen from the bag. At this point, we will all reveal our role cards, and the final score will be tallied.


At the end of the game, we will all determine who has the most diamonds. The henchman with the most diamonds will score 3 points, while the henchman with the second most diamonds will score 1 point.

If any spies are still hidden, they will score 2 points each. The spy with the most diamonds will receive an additional 3 points. Finally, the godfather will score points depending on who has the most diamonds.

The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner!


So, are you ready to step into the world of Mafia de Cuba? Remember, trust no one, and keep your eyes on the diamonds. May the best henchman win!

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: I’m the Godfather, and I hold a precious cigar box filled with diamonds and character tokens. As the game progresses, I pass the box to each player, giving them an opportunity to steal some of the contents. It’s a sneaky move, but that’s the fun of it!

Once everyone has had a chance to snatch something, it’s time for me to step in as the Godfather. I interrogate each player to figure out who the thieves are and to retrieve what belongs to me – the diamonds.

It’s an exciting game of strategy and deception, where I have to carefully watch everyone’s actions and words to catch the culprits. Who will I accuse? Who will confess? It’s a thrilling challenge that keeps everyone on their toes.

So, if you’re up for some intense gameplay and love the thrill of outsmarting your friends, you’ll definitely enjoy this game. Trust me, the Godfather knows best!

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess


Here’s what you’ll find in the box:

  • 15 diamonds (made of genuine plastic)
  • 10 character tokens: 5 Loyal Henchmen, 2 FBI Agents, 2 CIA Agents, 1 Driver, and 1 Cleaner
  • 2 joker tokens (shaped like bottles)
  • 1 game box
  • 1 felt bag
  • Instructions


Let’s get started! The player with the most experience will be the Godfather. They will place the 15 diamonds and the character tokens in the game box as directed. Make sure to keep the jokers in front of the Godfather. Now we’re ready to begin our adventure!

Number of players

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Loyal Henchmen 1 2 3 4 4 4 5
Agents (FBI/CIA) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
Drivers 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
Jokers 1 1 1 2 2

  • The Godfather gets to secretly take 0 to 5 diamonds from the box and stash them in their pocket. So, there could be anywhere from 10 to 15 diamonds left in the box.
  • The felt bag is given to the player sitting on the left of the Godfather.
  • The rest of the contents are removed from the game area.

Let’s Play!

The game has two main parts: the Diamond Theft and the Investigation.

I. Diamond Theft

During the “Diamond Theft” phase, we pass a box around the table in a clockwise direction, starting with the first player. Each player, when they receive the box, must do three things:

  1. Open the box and remember the number of diamonds and the character tokens that are left inside. This information is important for giving accurate testimony or lying convincingly!
  2. Take as many diamonds and character tokens as they want (at least one of each) in a secret manner. They can hide their “take” in their pocket, hand, or bag. But remember, they can’t reveal their “take” until the Godfather asks for it. Taking nothing is not allowed.


There are a few exceptions to the rules of the game that you should keep in mind:

  • The first player has the ability to secretly remove one of the character tokens from the felt bag and keep it hidden in their pocket until the end of the game. They should not remove any diamonds from the bag.
  • If a player ends up with a completely empty box, they are considered a “Street Orchin.” They should pretend as if the box is not empty and continue playing as normal.
  • The last player has the option to not take anything from the bag and instead become a Street Orchin. However, they must still act as if they are taking something.

Note: If at any point during the game a player does not follow the rules and takes more than the permitted quantities, they will be immediately eliminated from the game. An eliminated player cannot speak or participate in the investigation.

II. Investigation

So, I find the box that was stolen in The Godfather game, and now I get to interrogate all the players to find out who took the diamonds. I can ask them questions in any order and they can choose to tell the truth, lie, stay quiet, or even talk without being asked.

Just a heads up, if all the players actually have the stolen diamonds, then I win the game. So, this is a good opportunity for me to figure out who’s involved.

What kind of questions should I ask?
  • When you got the box, did it have any diamonds inside?
  • When you got the box, which character tokens were in it?
  • When you passed the box to someone else, what was still inside?
  • What did you take from the box?

Now, it’s important for me to mix up the questions for each player, so that I can catch them in any lies or contradictions. Let the debates and investigations begin!

Playing the game becomes much more fun and exciting when you take on the role of the Godfather and really act the part.

As the Godfather, when I suspect someone is a Thief, I have to accuse them by saying, “empty your pockets!” It’s the only way to make them reveal what they’ve stolen right away.

If the person I accuse has stolen any diamonds, those diamonds are placed in front of me, the Godfather.

The Thief gets eliminated from the game and can’t participate anymore! I, as the Godfather, keep investigating until I’ve recovered all of my stolen diamonds.

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If I haven’t stolen any diamonds, then the Godfather must have made a mistake! I guess I can consider it an apology when the Godfather gives me a Joker. It’s a relief to know that I won’t be eliminated, and the investigation will keep going.

But what if the Godfather doesn’t have any Jokers left to give during an unjust accusation? Well, in that case, the Godfather himself is eliminated, and the investigation comes to an abrupt end. That’s a bit harsh, but I suppose it’s only fair.

Now, if the player who’s been accused happens to be an FBI or CIA Agent, then the investigation stops right there, and the Agent wins the game. I guess it makes sense, since the Agents are supposed to be incorruptible. No Jokers for them!

But what happens if someone makes an error?

Well, if a player messes up while trying to help themselves, they’re automatically eliminated, no matter what. And if their mistake gets revealed when they’re accused, then the Godfather doesn’t even give them a Joker. The investigation just keeps going as usual.

Now, let’s talk about the characters:

The Godfather:

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’ve given up a lot to be the boss of this gang. And I don’t plan on giving up that position anytime soon!

I win if I can find all of the stolen diamonds. I settle arguments, make sure everyone gets a chance to speak, and expect my men to show me respect!

Note: As the Godfather, I can only accuse the thieves. If I accuse wrong, I’ll lose my jokers and risk getting kicked out.

The cunning thief

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Okay, here’s the deal. Some members of the family might not be trustworthy, but let me tell you, stealing from the Godfather himself is a whole new level of risky business. And by risky, I mean you’re pretty much asking for trouble. Pon Alessandro, that guy doesn’t mess around when it comes to justice.

So, let me break it down for you. If someone manages to get rid of the Godfather, the Thief who has the most diamonds in their possession becomes the big winner. But here’s the catch, if there’s a tie between the Thieves, they’ll have to share the victory. No easy way out of that one, I’m afraid.

The Trusty Henchmen

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re a loyal henchman, your goal is to support the Godfather and ensure a decent income for yourself. You have a chance to win if you help the Godfather recover all the stolen diamonds.

Your job is to convince the Godfather that you’re trustworthy and assist in finding the culprits responsible for the theft.

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The FBI Agent – The CIA Agent

Being an undercover agent can be quite a game. You blend in with the family, quietly observing their every move. You wait, patient and alert, for the right moment to reveal yourself to your fellow agents and bring it all to an end.

Here’s the catch: if the Godfather points a finger at you, your cover is blown. It’s game over. But if there are two agents in the mix, things get interesting. The accused agent must fend for themselves and come out on top alone.

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Driver

I have an important responsibility as a driver – to ensure the safety and well-being of my passengers. It’s not always easy, as I can’t always predict what they have in mind or what they might do. But I do my best to protect them.

Here’s an interesting twist – my victory as a driver depends on the success of the player sitting to my right. It’s like a team effort where we all play a part in each other’s success.

The Street Urchin

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m just a kid trying to make it on the streets. They call me the Street Urchin. My job? To baffle the authorities and take the blame for the Thieves’ actions.

If the Thieves succeed, then I win too. We’re in this together, after all. But that means I have to play my part, even if it means getting falsely accused.

Remember: I become a Street Urchin if I end up with nothing or if I’m the last player left and choose to take nothing.

But let me introduce you to someone else – The Cleaner.

How to play Mafia de Cuba Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me introduce you to a character called the Cleaner. They’re quite an interesting one, doing all the dirty work for the family and being quite trigger-happy.

Here’s the setup: when you play with the Cleaner, they replace a Loyal Henchman token. It’s recommended that you avoid using the Cleaner in the first few games, just to mix things up a bit.

The Cleaner essentially acts like a Loyal Henchman, but they have a cool “special” ability. You see, when the Godfather says “empty your pockets!” to someone, the Cleaner can jump in and shout “POW!” before the accused reveals what they’ve got. Now, here’s where things get interesting – if the accused happens to be an Agent, the Cleaner wins the game all on their own!

If the accused turns out not to be an Agent, then both the Cleaner and their victim are eliminated. If the accused is a Thief, the Godfather retrieves the stolen diamonds. And if the accused is just a regular character, well, the Godfather doesn’t give them a Joker.

End of the Game

If I, the Godfather, manage to recover all of my stolen diamonds, I will generously share the victory with my loyal Henchmen. However, if I happen to accuse an FBI or CIA Agent, the Agent will actually win the game all by themselves.

But what happens if I, the mighty Godfather, am eliminated? Well, in that case, the remaining Thieves will reveal their spoils. The Thief who has managed to steal the most diamonds will emerge victorious, along with all of the cunning Street Urchins.

There’s also a chance for the Driver to win. How? Simple! The clever Driver just needs to be seated next to one of the winners.

So, what happens after the game ends and the winners have their moment of triumph? Well, they get to choose a new Godfather, who will then lead the investigation in a brand new game.

Let’s Mix It Up

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