How to play Mad Gab Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Mad Gab Game!

Are you ready for some mind-bending fun? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Today, I want to talk to you about the rules of the Mad Gab game. This popular game is known for its tricky and sometimes confusing phrases. But don’t worry, I’m here to explain it all to you.

How to Play

The objective of Mad Gab is to decipher a series of words that, when spoken out loud, sound like a well-known phrase or saying. But here’s the catch – these words are presented in a way that they don’t make much sense at first glance.

For example, let’s look at a Mad Gab phrase: “Reef Runt Her Sing.” It may seem like a random assortment of words, but if you say it out loud, you’ll realize it sounds like “Three Blind Mice.” The challenge is to figure out the correct phrase within a given time limit.

There are two teams in the game, and each team takes turns being the “reader” and the “guesser.” The reader has a card with the Mad Gab phrase written on it, and their job is to read it aloud to their team. They can repeat it as many times as they want within a time limit. The guessers must listen carefully and try to decode the phrase.

Guessing the correct phrase is not as easy as it sounds. The words may be rearranged, mispronounced, or even have different meanings. It requires a combination of listening skills, creativity, and a good sense of humor. Once the guessing time is up, the teams switch roles, and the game continues until all the phrases have been played.


In Mad Gab, scoring is based on the number of correct answers. Each team gets one point for every correctly guessed phrase. If a team is stuck and unable to guess, they can pass and move on to the next phrase. However, no points are awarded for passed phrases.

The game can be played for a specific number of rounds or until one team reaches a predetermined score. The team with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.


So, there you have it – the rules of the Mad Gab game. Remember, it’s all about unraveling the hidden phrases and having a good time with your friends and family. Get ready to challenge your brain and let the laughter begin!

Welcome to the exciting world of Mad Gab! In this game, the objective is to be the first team to reach 30 points. How do you earn points, you may ask? Well, points are scored when your team successfully solves a Mad Gab puzzle. What’s a Mad Gab puzzle, you wonder? Let me explain.

Mad Gab puzzles consist of a group of seemingly unrelated words that, when you say them out loud, sound like familiar phrases, names or places. For example, the phrase “Europe Lace Sore Mind” sounds remarkably similar to “Your Place or Mine” once you say it aloud. It’s a bit puzzling, but that’s part of the fun!

So, here’s the deal. Each team has to try and solve three puzzles before the timer runs out. If you manage to solve all three, you can even score some bonus points! But if you can’t solve them all, don’t worry. The opposing team, known as the “Stealing” team, gets a chance to swoop in and solve any puzzles that you couldn’t. They can snatch those points right from under your nose!

Now, let me tell you a little secret – Mad Gab is seriously addictive! Once you start playing, you won’t be able to stop. And guess what? The more you play, the better you’ll get at deciphering those mind-boggling phrases. So, let’s gather your friends, form two teams (don’t worry if they’re not the same size), and let the Mad Gab madness begin!

Setting It Up

To get started with Mad Gab, you need two teams. Don’t worry if the teams don’t have the same number of players; it’s all part of the fun. So, gather your friends, divide them into teams, and get ready for a wild ride!

Hey there! Let me break it down for you. You’ve got this set of cards, right? Well, each card has not just one, but four puzzles on it. Now, here’s the cool part: you get to choose which side of the card you want to play. So, if you’re feeling puzzled, just flip that card over and try a different puzzle!

Now, pay attention to those word bubbles in big type on each puzzle. Those are your clues! They’ll help you figure out the answers. And guess what? The answers are right there on the opposite side of the card, in the upper right-hand corner. How handy is that?

Note: Each card contains four Mad Gab puzzles. You should play through the cards in the following order: puzzle A (blue side), puzzle B (blue side), puzzle A (orange side), puzzle B (orange side).

First, let’s determine which team will be the “Solving” team. This team will be Team 1. The other team will be the “Stealing” team, which is Team 2.


Team 1 needs to choose one player to give the clues, load the card flipper, and coach the puzzler Guesser. To “load the card flipper,” the chosen player should put three cards face down in the flipper, making sure the chosen color faces out of the flipper.


Team 1 also needs to decide whether one or more team members will be guessing and sounding out the puzzles. You can all be silly Mad Gabbers at once or take turns, which we recommend.


In our game, Team 2 selects one player as the Stealer. This person won’t be able to see the puzzle answers and might have a chance to steal them if the solving team can’t solve all three puzzles.

As the Scorekeeper,

Team 2 also chooses one player to be the Scorekeeper. The Scorekeeper begins the Sand Timer and keeps track of any bonus points earned.

The Sand Timer is divided into three sections labeled as 3, 2, or 1 bonus points. The amount of time it takes for the Guesser to solve the Mad Gab puzzles determines the number of bonus points earned. Remember, you need to solve all three puzzles to earn bonus points!

So, when playing with four people, the setup should be like this:

Meet the Solving Team

Player 1: I’m The Coach – my role is to load the puzzles, flip through their pages, give guidance, and finally judge whether they have been successfully solved.

Player 2: And I’m The Guesser! My job is to listen carefully, sound out the puzzles, and make educated guesses to find the correct answers.

Team 2 – The Pickpockets

Player 1: The Pickpocket – He/she listens carefully and observes the puzzles as they are read by the opponent, and has the chance to steal.

Player 2: The Record Keeper – This player is responsible for timing the game and awarding any bonus points.

Get Ready, Set, Let’s Play Mad Gab!

How to Play

Okay, so we’ve got the cards loaded into the flipper and we know whose turn it is. Now, it’s time to start playing!

The person on the Solving team who is the Coach flips up the flipper so that it’s facing the Guesser(s). The Coach can see the answer to the puzzle at the top right corner of the card.

The Guesser then starts saying the clues out loud. Don’t worry, Coach, it’s okay to laugh out loud because you know what the Guesser is trying to say, but the Guesser doesn’t!

As soon as the card flipper is flipped, the Scorekeeper on the Stealing Team turns over the Sand Timer.

The Solving team has to solve all three puzzles and score points before the Sand Timer runs out. The faster you talk, the more points you get! Each Mad Gab Puzzle is worth 1 point.


Guess what?! The Coach has a pretty cool job – they get to coach the Guesser and help them figure out the puzzle. It’s a bit tricky though, because the Coach can’t actually see the puzzle clue. They have to give hints and clues on how to say the words in a certain way to get the answer.

So, here’s what the Coach can do: they can tell the Guesser to emphasize certain syllables, or to say the puzzle faster or slower. For example, the Coach might say, “Blend the first and second word together!” But here’s the catch – the Coach can’t give any hints about what the topic or answer of the puzzle is. They can’t say something like, “It’s an actor.”

But the most important job of the Coach is to keep the Guesser talking! They want the Guesser to keep saying the Mad Gab puzzles out loud, so they can hear the answer. And once a puzzle is solved, the Coach takes the card from the flipper and shows the next one. It’s all about keeping the game going and having fun!


If a puzzle is too hard for me or if I’m tired of trying to figure it out, I can choose to pass it. My coach will take the passed card out of the pile and set it aside, face-down.

Once I pass a puzzle, I can’t go back to it, even if there’s still time left. And remember, I can only earn bonus points if I solve all three puzzles on my turn.

We keep playing like this until the sand runs out in the timer, or until I’ve solved or passed all three puzzles. After all three puzzles have been solved or passed, the scorekeeper marks where the sand is in the timer.


If I haven’t guessed all three puzzles by the time the timer stops, the other team gets a chance to steal!

Now it’s my turn as the Stealer from Team 2 to try and swipe those puzzles that have been handed off or are in plain view on the flipper. I can’t peek at the card that was passed, though. I’ll have to rely on my memory to steal it.

I’ve got around 10 seconds to make my move, so no dilly-dallying for me!


  • Every Mad Gab Puzzle is worth one point.
  • You score one point for each Mad Gab puzzle you solve and pull from the flipper once time runs out.
  • The opposing team scores 1 point for each puzzle solved by the Stealer that you miss.
  • If you pass on a puzzle or don’t solve all three, you don’t get any bonus points.
  • If you solve all three puzzles, you might get a BONUS! Check where the sand is in the Sand Timer and award points accordingly. If the sand is still in the section with a 3, add 3 extra bonus points to your score. Keep going for the sections indicating 2 and 1 point(s).
  • The Scorekeeper keeps track of the score for one or both teams.

It’s a Crazy, Crazy, Crazy Game

So here’s how it works – we take turns, with each team choosing a different Coach and Stealer on each turn. Our goal is to reach a total of 30 points to win the game. Pretty simple, right?

In case we end up with a tie, don’t worry. We’ll just have one player from each team sit out. These players will then choose the final puzzle and load the card into the flipper. Once loaded, the flipper is tilted up to face both teams.

The team that manages to solve the puzzle first is declared the winner! I can’t wait to see who comes out on top.

End of the Game

Here’s the deal – the team that reaches 30 points first is the winner. It’s that simple and straightforward!

Oh, and by the way, if you’re feeling daring and want a longer and more challenging game, you can aim for 40 or even 50 point games. But if you prefer a more relaxed and easier game, you can always reduce the points needed to win. It’s all up to you. Go ahead and make the game just the way you like it!

Two and Three-Player Game

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