Rules for Playing the Love Letter Game
Hello, my friend! It seems you’re interested in playing the Love Letter game. Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to guide you through the rules and help you understand how to play. Sounds exciting, right? Let’s dive in!
Now, before we begin, let me give you a little background. Love Letter is a fun and strategic card game that can be played with two to four players. The goal of the game is simple: to deliver your love letter to the princess, who is unfortunately in a precarious position.
To play Love Letter, you’ll need a deck of 16 cards, each with a different character. Each player will start with one card in their hand, and on their turn, they’ll draw a card from the deck and play one. The character on the played card will determine the action you can take.
For example, let’s say you drew the Guard card. This card allows you to guess the character card in another player’s hand. If you guess correctly, that player is out of the round. But be careful, my friend! Your opponents have their own tricks up their sleeves, and they’ll try to eliminate you as well.
Some cards have special abilities, like the Priest card that lets you look at another player’s hand, or the Baron card that allows you to compare hands and eliminate the player with the lower-ranking card. These special abilities add an extra layer of strategy and excitement to the game.
The Love Letter game continues until there is only one player left standing or until the deck of cards runs out. At that point, the player with the highest-ranking card in their hand wins the round and earns a token of affection from the princess.
That’s the basic overview of the Love Letter game, my friend. Now it’s time for you to gather your friends, shuffle the cards, and enter the world of mystery and romance. Have fun, and may your love letter find its way to the princess!
So here’s what you do: I want you to shuffle these 16 cards and create a draw deck. Make sure the cards are all face-down. Then, without peeking, remove the top card from the deck and put it aside – it won’t be used this round.
If you’re playing with a friend, things are a little different. Take three more cards from the deck and place them face-up to the side. These cards won’t be used in this round, so just set them aside.
Now, each player is going to draw one card from the deck. This is your hand, and it’s your secret weapon – no one else gets to see it!
Alright, now for the question of who goes first. It’s simple – whoever went on a date most recently gets the honor (if there’s a tie, the younger player wins). So remember, it’s all about going on a date!
The Goal of the Game
When Queen Marianna was arrested for high treason, it broke her daughter Princess Annette’s heart. In an attempt to bring some joy back into her life, suitors from all over the City-State of Tempest started pursuing her.
You’re one of these suitors, and your goal is to deliver a love letter to the princess. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, so you’ll need the help of intermediaries to get your message to her.
Throughout the game, you’ll have a secret card in your hand. This card represents the person who currently carries your love letter for the princess.
Your mission is to ensure that by the end of the day, the person closest to the princess is the one holding your love letter. This way, it will reach her first!
The Game
In Love Letter, I get to play a game that is set over a few days. Every round represents a day, and at the end of each round, Princess Annette reads one player’s letter. The goal is to write the perfect letter that captures her heart and earns me the victory.
When Princess Annette becomes enchanted by a suitor after reading enough of their letters, that player gets the chance to court her and wins the game.
Taking Turns
When it’s my turn in Love Letter, I start by drawing a card from the deck and adding it to my hand. Then, I must choose one of the two cards in my hand to discard face up in front of me. The discarded card has an effect that I must apply, whether it’s good or bad for me.
All the cards that players discard during the game stay in front of them. By overlapping the cards, it’s clear in which order they were discarded. This helps us keep track of what cards other players might have.
Once you’re done using the card, it’s now the next player’s turn.
Getting Out of the Round
If someone gets knocked out of the round, they have to show everyone the card they had in their hand and discard it (without using its power). They also have to skip their turns until the next round begins.
The Value of Honesty
It’s not nice when someone cheats in a friendly game like this. For example, they might lie about the card they have when you use the Guard, or not discard the Countess when they have the King or Prince. It’s best to avoid playing with dishonest people and keep the game fun and fair for everyone.
After the Round
At the end of a round, there are a few different ways it can come to a close. If there are no more cards left in the deck, then that signifies the end of the round. The royal residence shuts down for the night, and the person closest to the princess delivers a heartfelt letter to her, sealing her evening.
Once the round is over, all players who are still in the game reveal their hands. The player with the highest-ranking person in their hand wins the round. In the event of a tie, the player who discarded the cards with the highest total value will be declared the winner.
There is also another way for a round to end. If all players except for one are out of the running, then the remaining player is declared the winner of the round.
The victor of the round is rewarded with a token of affection. To start a new round, all 16 cards are shuffled together, following the setup rules.
The winner of the previous round has the privilege of going first in the next round. This honor is bestowed upon them because the princess holds them in high regard and speaks kindly of them during breakfast.
Game Over
You win the game by collecting a certain number of tokens, which depends on how many people are playing:
- If there are 2 players, you need to collect 7 tokens.
- If there are 3 players, you need to collect 5 tokens.
- If there are 4 players, you need to collect 4 tokens.