How to play Lost Valley Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Rules of the Lost Valley Game

Hi there, welcome to the Lost Valley Game! I’m here to guide you through the rules so you can dive right into the action. Let’s get started!

1. Setting up the Game

First things first, let’s set up the game board. Gather your fellow players around the table and unfold the game board in the center. Make sure everyone can reach the board comfortably.

Next, we’ll need to distribute the player tokens. Each player picks a token and places it on the starting space. Remember, you can choose any color you like!

Now it’s time to place the resource tokens. Shuffle the resource cards and place them face-down next to the board. Take the top card and place it face-up on each resource space.

2. Gameplay

The goal of the game is to explore the Lost Valley and gather as many resources as possible. On your turn, you can take up to three actions.

One action you can take is to move your token. Roll the dice and move your token along the paths on the board. You can choose any direction you like, but be careful of dangerous spots!

Another action is to gather resources. When you land on a resource space, you can collect the resource shown on the card. Be strategic in choosing which resources to collect!

You can also use your actions to play event cards. Event cards can help you or hinder your opponents, so use them wisely!

3. Winning the Game

The game ends when all the resource cards have been collected. Players then tally up their resource cards and the player with the most points wins!

Keep in mind that the Lost Valley is full of surprises, so always stay alert. The key to victory is making smart choices and using your resources wisely.

Now that you know the rules, it’s time to venture into the Lost Valley! Have fun and may luck be on your side!

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 trading post by the waterfall
  • 44 diamond-shaped landscape tiles
  • 11 triangle-shaped landscape tiles
  • 96 various round landscape markers
  • 90 various square markers
  • 20 wooden timbers
  • 1 die
  • 1 ice block
  • 4 prospectors
  • 4 inventory sheets
  • 4 price and cost lists
  • Instructions

Goal of the Game

We all start at the same little Trading Post. And together, we explore the strange land beyond the towering cliff and powerful waterfall.

When we uncover promising sites, we create canals and mines to search for gold. Everyone can use these construction, tools, and landscapes.

In this game, you can use gold to buy equipment that will help you mine even more gold. The game ends when all the land has been explored or when enough gold has been mined. The player who has the most gold at the end of the game wins.

To set up the game, place the trading post at one edge of the playing area. Separate the river tiles and land tiles and shuffle them. Place each set of tiles face-down next to the dice, ice block, and face-up spring tile.

Put the wares, raw materials, and works face-up on the table. Mix up the round rivergold, mountaingold, animal, and event landscape markers and place them face-down nearby.

Now, let’s talk about a prospector’s inventory.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Gertie’s inventory sheet.

Hey there, I want to talk to you about something cool – a prospector’s inventory sheet. You know, it’s like a list of all the things they have. They carry a backpack and a cart, and they also have space for their gear and a bag to collect gold.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Yo, let’s talk about the backpack, my friend. You know, that thing that every player gets right from the start of the game? Well, it’s got room for six different raw materials. But here’s the thing, timbers, those big boys, take up two spaces. Meanwhile, food and tools, they only take up one space each.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you buy a “cart,” you get 4 extra spaces for raw materials. It’s like having a small storage area to keep your resources.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Ever since the start, we’ve had 6 spots open for our gear. This is where we put all our things and special items.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Stuff (like a cart, horse, boat, rifle, axe, fishing rod, sieve, or crate of dynamite) can be handled by me. It can fit in one or two spaces, and you can use it as much as you want.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Special items like whiskey, dried fish, or a stick of dynamite are unique and occupy only one space in your inventory.

When you cannot fit all your raw materials and/or items in your inventory, you must decide which ones to get rid of at the end of your turn and return them to the supply.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The fancy bag I mentioned earlier can hold a bunch of gold markers. Each of these markers can be worth anywhere between 1 and 4 gold nuggets. Pretty cool, right?

Now, let me tell you about what you get at the beginning of the game. Each player starts off with a handy set of tools, some food, timber, and a couple of whiskeys. That should come in handy later on.

Alright, let’s talk about how the game works. We take turns going in a circle, starting with the oldest player. Each turn, you have a few options. You can explore and move around the game board, and then you get to take an action. You can choose to do these in any order you like. And if you’re feeling lazy, you can even skip parts of your turn. I won’t judge.

Oh, and here’s a fun little twist. Once the ice block shows up in the game, you have to do an ice test at the end of each turn. Just to keep things interesting.

So, that’s the gist of it. We’ll get into more details later, but for now, let’s focus on movement and exploration.

First up, we’ve got movement. To put it simply, you just move around the game board. It’s as easy as that.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m out prospecting, I follow the paths along the edges of the tiles, moving from one intersection to another. It’s important to remember that I can’t cross over the tiles themselves. If there’s a river in my way, I have two options: I can either take a boat across or use one of the two fords near the trading post by the waterfall.

Usually, I’m the only prospector at any intersection, but if the intersection is along the river, there’s room for two of us to share. And when it comes to the trading post, there’s no limit to how many of us can gather there.

If I’m on foot, I have a couple of choices for moving around. I can either go one edge length overland, or if I’m along the river, I can go two edge lengths in that direction.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If I were to travel by boat, I would have the ability to move up to three lengths along the river. This would allow me to navigate along edges that cross it as well.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m on horseback as a prospector, I have the freedom to move either overland or along the river. I can go two edge lengths in any direction, exploring the vast territory before me.

Now, it’s important to note that as a prospector, I’m allowed to own both a boat and a horse. However, I’m limited to using only one method of transportation during each movement phase. So, I have to choose between going on foot, using my boat, or riding on horseback.

2. Exploration

Once I reach an intersection that is still partially unexplored, I must halt my movement and begin exploring the land around me. I have up to 4 steps to thoroughly investigate my surroundings and uncover any hidden treasures.

Diamond-shaped River Tiles

If I find myself at a crossroads that’s right next to an unexplored part of the river (How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess) or just one step away from it (How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess), I know I have to check out the river first. I flip over a face-down tile and add it to the river. It has to fit in a way that makes the river longer without changing its course into already explored land. If I can, I’ll put the new tile right next to where I’m standing. But if it doesn’t fit the rules, it goes back to the bottom of the pile and I draw another one to replace it. If I can’t find a tile that fits or I run out of river tiles entirely, then I have to place the spring tile immediately instead.

Special Land Tiles

Triangle-shaped Tiles


If there are any symbols on the tiles I put down, I need to place markers. On green circles, I put green rivergold markers. They go on the riverside with the symbol. On grey circles, I use grey moiintaingold markers. I also place a marker face-down on animal circles. Finally, I put event markers on question mark circles.

B. Taking Action

When it’s my turn, I have the opportunity to take one action as a prospector. I can choose to perform this action before or after I move, but not while I’m in the middle of moving.

1. Collecting Gold

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to searching for gold, there’s a clever trick that prospectors like me use. You see, I can trade in a food marker for a special green rivergold marker. But here’s the catch – I can only do it on a tile that’s right next to water. Luckily, water is always present along the river or at a lake. But if I want to trade on a tundra tile, I first have to connect it to a lake or river using a canal. It’s a neat way to make the most of the resources around us, don’t you think?

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

It’s a curious situation. You see, if I have a sieve, I have the opportunity to select not just one, but two markers of gold from the Green River. It’s like being able to choose double the treasure!

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine you’re a prospector, exploring the vast wildness in search of treasure. As you venture into new territory, you come across a fascinating opportunity. You have the chance to exchange a food “marker” and a timber for a valuable grey mountain gold marker. But there’s a catch – you can only make this exchange on a mountain or spring tile where a mine has been constructed in the past.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of gold prospecting, shall we? I’m here to tell you all about the adventure that awaits you.

1. Claim Your Gold!

Imagine this: you’re a prospector, searching for that precious golden treasure. And guess what? If you happen to have some dynamite in your possession, you’re in luck! Why? Well, let me tell you. When you have dynamite, you’re allowed to take not just one, but two grey mountain gold markers. How awesome is that?

Oh, and by the way, we’ve also got you covered with summary sheets containing all the information you need about the costs of gold. We want to make sure you’re fully equipped for this thrilling journey!

2. Embark on an Unforgettable Experience

Now, picture this: you’re in the midst of an incredible event, filled with excitement and wonder. That’s exactly what awaits you in the world of gold prospecting.

Here’s the deal: experiencing this adventure for yourself is an absolute game-changer. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in a world where every step holds the potential for discovery. The thrill of finding that gleaming gold nugget is unmatched, and it’s something you simply have to experience firsthand.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on this opportunity to embark on a captivating journey. Take a leap of faith and uncover the treasures that await you on the gold-filled mountains!

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you’re a prospector like me, you know that sometimes you can use two raw materials to snatch an event marker from a nearby tile. It’s like uncovering a hidden treasure! Sometimes you’ll stumble upon a triangular tile, and that’s when the real fun begins. I get to sneak a peek at all the markers on that tile and choose the one that catches my eye the most. It’s a thrilling decision, let me tell you! I never know what surprise awaits me. So, if you’re up for an adventure, grab your materials and start exploring those tiles. Who knows what you’ll uncover!

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I first discovered gold, I was amazed by its captivating beauty and timeless allure. Alluring power is completely possessed by it, tempting people from all walks of life to reach out and touch its shimmering surface. You, too, may find yourself captivated by its magic. As I carefully place the gold face-down onto the soft cloth of the gold bag, a surge of excitement courses through me. I wonder, what secrets and stories does this piece of treasure hold?

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s the deal – when you want to add some cool stuff to your gear area, you can simply pop that new item right in. It’s pretty straightforward, really.

Let me walk you through it. You just need to find what you’re looking for and drop it in your gear area. Then, you can use it whenever you want. Easy peasy, right?

Now, keep in mind that not everything that glitters is gold. Some items might seem awesome but might not work for you. That’s why it’s important to be selective and think about what you really need.

One thing I want you to remember is that choosing the right gear can be a bit tricky. I totally get it. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. So, let me give you some tips to make sure you pick the perfect fit for you.

First off, you need to really understand what you’re looking for. You want an item that truly brings out the best in you, right? So, think about what qualities are important to you and what makes you feel amazing. That way, you’ll have a better chance of finding the gear that’s just right.

Additionally, it’s always a good idea to check out reviews and see what other people are saying. Sometimes, the hype around an item is real, and sometimes, well, it’s just hype. So, be a smart shopper and do your research.

Now, let’s talk about price. I know, it’s not the funnest part of shopping, but we gotta keep it real. Make sure to set a budget and stick to it. Getting the latest and greatest gear is awesome, but it’s not worth going broke over. Trust me, there’s always something great out there for every budget.

Finally, when it comes to adding new gear to your collection, always remember that quality matters. You want gear that’s gonna last, right? That’s why it’s important to look for items that are made with care and built to withstand whatever you throw at them.

Well, that’s about it. If you follow these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect gear for you. So, happy hunting and may you find the gear of your dreams!

Wares are added to the gear area and used as usual.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play this game, you’ll find special items that are placed face-down on a gear space. These special items can only be used one time before being thrown away. There are different types of special items that you might come across:

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to dried fish, did you know that you can trade it in for four food markers?

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hi there, let me tell you about Dynamite! It’s a fantastic tool that can help me when I’m looking for gold. With Dynamite, I can easily mine two grey mountain gold markers at the same time. It’s like hitting the jackpot!

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Whiskey gives you the option to do something extra during your turn. You can only use one whiskey per turn.

3. Try Fishing

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re out looking for fish, there are a few different options you can consider. One way to catch fish is by using a fishing rod or a fish trap. These tools can help you hook a fish in the river or in lakes. You can also keep an eye out for special tiles that are marked with a fish symbol. These tiles don’t require any equipment – all you need to do is catch the fish!

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I think about the fishing rod, fish trap, and fish symbol, their effects combine to give me the opportunity to catch up to three fish in just one turn. Pretty cool, right? And the best part is, for each fish I catch, I get to put a food marker into my backpack.

4. Hunt an Animal

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re looking for animals while prospecting, it’s important to remember that you can hunt animals that are located on the tiles next to you. Hunting is done in the following way:

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s how it goes: you roll the die while your opponent rolls for the animal. Now, if you manage to roll a higher number than your opponent, then guess what? That animal is a goner! We take its marker off the board, and you get rewarded with some food markers. The number of food markers you get depends on the type of animal you’ve slain, ranging from 1 to 4.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you have a rifle, you’ll get a +3 bonus when rolling the dice as a prospector.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I go on a hunting trip, there’s one place I always visit – the bear cave. It’s an incredible spot where I can find a new animal marker each time I successfully hunt. It’s like a hidden treasure that keeps surprising me with each visit.

5. Chopping Down a Tree

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: You stumble upon a luscious forest, teeming with life and beauty. The trees stand tall and proud, their branches reaching for the sky. But lurking within this picturesque scene lies a decision that may change the fate of that forest forever.

Now, picture yourself as a prospector, equipped with tools and a hunger for resources. You approach a towering tree, knowing that you can take one timber from the abundant supply. But what are the consequences of your actions?

As an individual, the choice to cut down a tree may seem insignificant. After all, what harm could one fallen tree cause? But when we zoom out and look at the bigger picture, the impact of each small decision becomes clear.

Forests are not just collections of trees – they are complex ecosystems. Each tree plays a crucial role in supporting the balance of life within its surroundings. They provide essential habitats for numerous species, from birds to insects to mammals. By removing just one tree, you disrupt this delicate harmony.

Furthermore, trees play a vital role in our planet’s overall well-being. They act as champions of the environment, soaking up harmful greenhouse gases and releasing oxygen into the air we breathe. Without these guardians, our world would face dire consequences.

So, in pondering whether to take that one timber from the supply, it’s crucial to consider the big picture. Each tree holds far more significance than meets the eye. The choice to preserve and protect these natural wonders is one that affects us all, shaping the future of our planet.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If I have an axe or I’m at a sawmill, then I grab two timbers. But if I have both an axe and I’m at a sawmill, then I grab three timbers.

6. Create Structures

I can construct different types of structures at an intersection or a nearby tile. These structures can be used by any prospector, no matter who built them:

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s talk about building a fish trap at a river or lake intersection. It’s a neat way to catch fish, and it only requires one tool.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal: when you want to construct a sawmill at a forest intersection, it’s going to cost you one tool. But here’s the thing – you can only build one work at each intersection.

It might seem like a simple decision, but let me tell you, it’s not as easy as it sounds. There are a bunch of things you need to consider before making your move.

First off, you have to think about the resources you have available. I mean, you don’t want to waste your tools if you don’t have enough to spare. So, make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row before you start building.

Another thing to keep in mind is the location of the intersection. Think about it: is it in a convenient spot? Will it be easy to access and transport the goods? These are all important factors that you need to take into account.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s the deal – if you wanna bring water to a tundra or forest tile, you’ll need to build a canal, which costs one timber. This timber is gonna be placed right along the edge that separates those two tiles. Just one thing – you can’t build canals on mountain tiles. Bummer, I know!

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you want to build a mine on a mountain tile, you will need to gather the necessary resources. This includes 1 tool, 1 food, and 1 timber. Once you have these items, you can proceed with the construction of the mine.

7. Acquiring Goods

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you visit a trading post as a prospector, you have the opportunity to buy various items that are available for purchase. The number of items you can buy depends on how much money you have. If you have enough gold nuggets, you can buy as many items as you want. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the trading post can only sell items that are currently in stock.

How to play Lost Valley Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If an item’s price includes an “X” component, you have options for payment: a nugget, a raw material, or a ware.

The game provides summary sheets with the costs of wares and buildings.

Exploring the Ice

Once the ice block is in play, roll the die at the end of your turn. If you roll a 5 or 6, the ice block moves one river tile downstream towards the water.

End of the Game

The game ends immediately if:

  • The ice block reaches the waterfall at the trading post.
  • A prospector with at least 10 gold markers arrives at the trading post by the waterfall and announces the end of the game.

The winner is the player with the most gold nuggets in their gold bag when the game ends.

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