How to play Long Cow Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

The Rules of the Long Cow Game

Welcome to the world of the Long Cow game! If you’re curious about how to play, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll walk you through the rules step by step so you’ll be ready to dive into the fun in no time.

Step 1: Assemble the Long Cow

The Long Cow is not your average bovine friend – it’s made up of a series of cow cards that you’ll put together. Each card depicts a different part of the cow’s body, like the head, body, and tail. Carefully arrange the cards in order, so the cow comes to life before your eyes.

Step 2: Roll the Dice

Now that your Long Cow is ready, it’s time to start the game. Grab a pair of dice and roll them – the numbers you get will determine the length of your cow. Each dice roll corresponds to a certain number of cards that you’ll add to your cow’s body. The more you roll, the longer your cow will become!

Step 3: Name Your Long Cow

Your Long Cow deserves a special name, don’t you think? Take a moment to think of a creative, fun, or silly name that suits your cow’s personality. Once you have a name in mind, write it down on a piece of paper or use your imagination to remember it.

Step 4: Tell a Tale

Now that you have your Long Cow all set up, it’s time for a storytelling adventure! Look at your Long Cow and let your imagination run wild. Think about where your cow lives, what it eats, and the adventures it has. Create a story that brings your cow to life – the more imaginative and exciting, the better!

Step 5: Share Your Story

Congratulations! You’ve created a one-of-a-kind Long Cow and crafted an amazing story to go along with it. Now it’s time to share your creation with others. Gather your friends or family and take turns sharing your stories. Listen to each other’s tales and let your imaginations roam free.

So there you have it – the rules of the Long Cow game. Now it’s your turn to gather your cows, roll the dice, and let your imagination soar. Have fun and enjoy the magical world of the Long Cow!

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s the deal: me and my rancher buddies are all in a friendly competition to see who can raise the biggest and longest cows. It’s like a game, but with actual cows!

What we do is play cards to build our herds. We collect cows of all different breeds, and the longer the cows, the better. We’re talking about some seriously impressively long cows here!

But, it’s not just about growing our herds. Oh no, we also have these attack cards that we use to mess with each other. They can make our opponents’ cows shrink! It’s all part of the game, you know?

Now, here’s where things get really interesting. There are these bonus ribbons up for grabs. We can earn them for things like having the first cow, having the longest cow, and having the biggest herd. Those ribbons can really boost our scores!

So, when all is said and done, the player with the highest score wins the game. It’s all about strategy and planning, my friend. You gotta be smart about which cards you play and when.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I find this whole thing super exciting. If you’re into cows and games and a little friendly competition, I think you’ll love it too. It’s a great way to spend time with your rancher buddies and show off your cow-raising skills. So, what do you say? Let’s get those cows growing!

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess


  • The game includes 90 cards.
  • It also comes with 2 “ribbon” markers.
  • And finally, there is a “mooer” included as well.


  1. To begin, shuffle the deck and deal each player 6 face-down cards. Make sure to look at your cards but keep them secret from your opponents.
  2. After dealing the cards, stack the remaining deck face down in the middle of the playing area. Then, flip the top card to start the discard pile.
  3. Lastly, place the ribbon markers and mooer within easy reach for everyone to access.

Game Play

Let’s start the game with the person who saw a real cow last. The game will continue in a clockwise direction, moving to the left. On your turn, you have two options:

You can either draw two cards from the top of the deck.

Or, you can choose any one “cow” part card (head, middle, or tail) from the discard pile.

Now it’s time to play cards from your hand. You can play as many cards as you want.

If you don’t want to play any cards, simply pass by saying, “Your Mooove!”

Remember: At the end of your turn, you can only have up to 10 cards in your hand. If you have more, you must discard some to reach the limit of 10.

Now let’s take a look at the different types of cards you can use:


The deck includes three main breeds of cows:

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you want to play a cow, simply choose the parts that match from the cards in your hand, and then place them in front of you so everyone can see. These cards will create your very own herd of cows.

Remember, when playing a cow, it’s important to include at least one head card and one tail card. This ensures that your cow is complete and can be recognized as a cow.

Now, let’s talk about wild cards. These special cards can be used to stand in for any part of a cow that you may need. They’re like the chameleons of the cow world, able to adapt and fit in wherever you need them.

You can use as many wild cards as you like in building your cow, and you can even use them to replace all the missing parts if you don’t have the exact cards you need. Just remember, each cow must still have at least one head and one tail card to be considered a cow.

So, get ready to round up your cows and start playing. With these wild cards by your side, you’ll have no trouble creating the perfect herd. Good luck and have fun!

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that wild body parts can be used interchangeably with any breed? That’s right! Whether it’s a head, a tail, or a middle part, you can mix and match them to create your perfect cow.

Here’s how it works: when you first place a cow, you can use a wild card instead of a specific body part. And if you already have a cow on the board, you can still add a wild card to it, as long as you pair it with a food card. How cool is that?

These wild body parts don’t belong to any specific breed. For instance, you could have a cow with a wild head, a Holstein middle, another wild middle, and a Holstein tail. Together, they would form a Holstein cow. It’s like mixing and matching to create something unique!


How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that calf cards are super valuable in the game of cows? They’re worth 1 point each, and basically count as 1 whole cow. But here’s the catch – you can’t play a calf card until you’ve already played at least 1 adult cow.

What About Cross-breeds?

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that there are special cards that let you mix different types of cattle in the game? It’s pretty cool! One of these cards is called Cow Love, and it allows you to cross-breed two types of cows. Then there’s the Mad Scientist and Franken-Cow cards, which are even more amazing because they let you cross-breed up to three types of cows! But here’s the interesting part: wild cards don’t count as other breeds. You have to discard the cross-breed card when you play the cow, though. That’s something to keep in mind.


How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you have a food card (like hay, water, or corn), you can use it to boost your cow’s growth. Just discard the food card and then play a middle cow card from your hand that matches its breed. You can also use a wild middle card instead.

But that’s not all! There are also attack cards you can use in the game. These cards allow you to do special actions that can affect your opponent or give you an advantage.

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

During my turn, I can play attack cards to target my opponents’ herds. These cards have different effects – some attack a whole cow, some only remove the middle of a cow, and others target individual calves. The specifics are written on each card, so you can easily understand what it does. After using an attack card, I place it in the discard pile, along with any cow parts it targeted.

Now, let’s talk about defense cards…

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that there are cards specifically designed to protect you in a game? They’re called defense cards. These cards can be really handy when someone tries to attack you. But here’s the catch: most defense cards are played instantly, out of turn. However, there are two special defense cards called the Branding Iron and Barn cards that work a little differently. You can play these cards in advance to protect your cows, rather than during an attack.

Each defense card has its own unique abilities and effects. Be sure to check the details of each card to understand how it can help you. If you successfully defend yourself using a defense card, you’ll need to place that card, along with any attack card, in the discard pile.

Special Cards

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Playing the game involves using certain cards to perform special actions, such as stealing cards from another player or taking an extra turn. Each card has its own unique effect, so be sure to read the instructions on each one. Remember to discard the card after you have used it. Keep in mind that defense cards are not effective against special cards.

In addition to the regular gameplay, players can earn bonus ribbons throughout the game. These ribbons can be awarded or taken away depending on certain conditions.

One of the ribbons is called “First Cow Played.” This ribbon is given to the player who plays a cow card for the first time during the game. It’s a special recognition and can be a source of pride for the lucky recipient.

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Guess what? I’ve got some exciting news for you! There’s a special award up for grabs in the game, and it’s called the Cow Completer. How cool is that? It’s actually worth 1 point at the end of the game, and you’ll be the lucky winner if you’re the first player to play a complete cow.

But here’s the thing: once you’ve won the Cow Completer, no one can take it away from you. It’s yours to keep! Oh, and don’t worry about calves stealing your thunder. Since they can’t be played before a cow, they aren’t eligible for this award. Only completed cows count, so make sure you’re strategic!

Now, let’s talk about the Biggest Herd award.

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Cow Champion award is given to the player who has the most cows in play. To be eligible for this award, you must have at least 3 cows, including calves. At the end of the game, this bonus will earn you 2 points.

In the case of a tie, the player who reached the highest cow count first will hold the ribbon until someone surpasses their number.

Leading in Cow Count

How to play Long Cow Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Guess what? I’ve got some exciting news for you! There’s this awesome award in the game that goes to the player who manages to have the longest cow at any time during the game. But here’s the catch, your cow needs to have at least 5 cards. And guess what? This award is worth a whopping 3 points at the end of the game!

But what if there’s a tie? Well, in that case, the person who reached that crazy length cow first gets to hold the special “mooer” title. And they keep that title until someone manages to have an even longer cow, or their cow gets shorter because of an attack!

Let’s Talk About the End of the Game

So, how does the game end? It’s simple, really. The game ends when every last card has been drawn from the draw deck. But don’t worry, even though the game is ending, everyone else still gets one final turn to play any remaining cards they have in their hands. Nice, right?

Now here’s the interesting part – tallying the cards! You get points for the cards in front of you in the following way:

  • For every cow part card you’ve played, whether it’s the head, middle, or tail card (including wilds), you earn 1 point for each of them. So keep building that cow!
  • Each calf card you have is also worth 1 point. Cute little calves!

But wait, there’s more! You can also add in some cool bonuses to boost your score:

  • Did you know that the person who played the first cow card gets an extra point? That’s right, being the pioneer of cow-playing has its perks!
  • If you manage to have the biggest herd of cows, you score an impressive 2 extra points. Now that’s something to brag about!
  • And finally, if your cow is the longest of them all, you get to add a whopping 3 extra points to your total. Long cow, big points!

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