How to play Lockup Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Welcome to the Lockup Game!

Are you ready for an exciting challenge? Well, you have come to the right place! In this game, you will put your problem-solving skills to the test as you navigate through a series of mind-boggling puzzles. But before we dive in, let me walk you through the rules so we can get started.

The Objective:

Your main goal in the Lockup Game is to find your way out of the locked room. To do this, you will need to solve a series of clever puzzles and uncover hidden clues. Your wits and critical thinking abilities will be put to the ultimate test as you work your way towards freedom.

The Rules:

Now, let’s talk about the rules. They are pretty straightforward, so don’t worry. First, you will need to carefully examine your surroundings. Look for any objects, symbols, or anything that seems out of the ordinary. Keep an eye out for hidden compartments, secret codes, or anything that might lead you closer to your escape.

Next, you will need to use your problem-solving skills to decipher the puzzles. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box! Sometimes, the answer might be right in front of you, but disguised as something else. So, be observant and think creatively. Trust me, you’ll need it!

Remember, time is of the essence. You don’t want to be stuck in that room forever! So, try to solve the puzzles as quickly as possible. But don’t rush too much, take your time to carefully analyze the clues and make educated guesses. Stay calm and focused. You got this!

Lastly, if you ever find yourself feeling stuck or overwhelmed, don’t panic! You can always ask for hints. Our game master will be there to guide you and provide helpful nudges in the right direction. Just remember, asking for hints will deduct points from your final score, so use them wisely.


Now that you know the rules, it’s time to jump into the Lockup Game and put your puzzle-solving skills to the test. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure filled with mysteries and challenges. Remember, the key to escaping is to stay focused, think outside the box, and work your way through each puzzle one step at a time. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

  • The game board.
  • 1 game board.
  • 30 crew tokens.
  • 5 holding cells.
  • 5 crew boards.
  • 5 reputation markers.
  • 65 resource cubes.
  • 22 power cubes.
  • 12 suspicion cubes.
  • 34 item cards.
  • 33 goon cards.
  • 28 tome cards.
  • 18 goal cards.
  • 18 trait cards.
  • 5 reference cards.
  • 1 round marker.
  • 1 first player marker.
  • 1 guard board.
  • 22 guard cards.
  • 8 location cards.
  • Instructions.

The Goal of the Game

When it comes to the game called “{GAME_NAME}”, you’ll need a variety of tools and resources to succeed. Just imagine, you’re part of a brave crew, looking to pull off the heist of a lifetime. You’ll have to navigate tricky locations, dodge guards, and outsmart your opponents. The goal? To become the most notorious crew in the city.

To play, you’ll need to take on the role of a crew member. It’s up to you to plan and execute each heist, strategizing your every move. Whether it’s collecting resources, recruiting new crew members, or completing important objectives, every decision you make will have a direct impact on your chances of success.

As you explore the game board, you’ll come across various locations, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. It’s up to you to decide which paths to take and when to take them. Keep in mind that every choice comes with risks and rewards, and each decision could make or break your crew’s reputation.

During your turn, you’ll have the opportunity to take a variety of actions. You can explore new locations, gather resources, or even engage in daring heists. However, be careful not to attract too much attention. If you’re not careful, the guards will catch wind of your activities and attempt to stop you in your tracks.

To succeed, you’ll need to manage your resources wisely. Use your power cubes and resource cubes strategically to overcome obstacles and outwit your opponents. The more skilled and resourceful you become, the greater your chances of reaching your ultimate goal.

Remember, the city is filled with ambitious and cunning crews just like yours. In order to come out on top, you’ll need to stay one step ahead of the competition, think on your feet, and be willing to take calculated risks.

So, if you’re up for an exhilarating challenge and a chance to prove your crew is the best of the best, then gather your team, study the game board, and get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure of skill, strategy, and cunning. The heist of a lifetime awaits, and it’s up to you to make history. Good luck, and may fortune favor the bold!

If you want to succeed in Lockup, you have to be a smart leader. You get to decide where to send your crew in the prison. When you need extra muscle, send your enforcer. And if you want to keep your activities hidden from the guards, send your lookout.

Every round, the player with the strongest crew at each location gets that location’s reward. You can gain resources, make contraband items, or recruit goons to join you.

But be careful not to arouse too much suspicion from the guards. If they raid the cell block and find out what you’re up to, you’ll miss out on the rewards. The game ends after six rounds, and the player with the most reputation stars wins.

Getting Ready

Step 1: Game Board. First, I’ll need to set up the game board by placing it in the center of the table. Be sure to choose the right side of the board depending on the number of players – the 1-2 player side or the 3-5 player side.

Step 2: Round Marker. Now, take the round marker and put it on the space labeled “1” on the round track.

Step 3: Cube Supplies. Let’s move on to the cube supplies. Put the suspicion cubes on the designated space in the center of the game board. Then, place the power cubes and resource cubes next to the game board, making sure to organize them by type.

Step 4: Item Deck. Grab the deck of item cards and give it a good shuffle. Once shuffled, place the deck face-down in its designated spot on the game board, right next to the CELL BLOCK location.

Step 5: Item Display. Okay, we’re almost there! Take a number of item cards from the deck equal to the number of players plus one. Place these cards face-up in the labeled item spaces next to the item deck.

Note: I want to point out these special spots where you’ll put cards based on how many players there are: 6 Goon Deck. Take the goon cards and shuffle them. Put the deck face down near the game board. Leave some space for a discard pile next to the deck. 7 Active Goons. Draw five goon cards from the deck and put one face up in each of the spots labeled for goons on the game board. These spots are next to the SEWERS, INFIRMARY, SMITHY, COMMISSARY, and CHOW HALL locations. 8 Suspicion Cubes. If an active goon card has one or more suspicion icons, take that number of suspicion cubes from the supply and put them at that goon’s location. 9 Tome Deck. Take the tome cards and shuffle them. Put the deck face down in the marked spot next to the LIBRARY location on the game board.

Let’s Get Started!

First off, we’ll need to set up our crew boards. Choose your preferred color and place your crew board in front of you, making sure the “A” side is facing up. Grab one power cube from the supply and place it on your crew board.

Next, it’s time to gather your crew tokens. Take all six tokens of your chosen color. However, in a 5-player game, remember to put one of your “2” crew tokens back in the box.

Now, let’s prepare the holding cells. Take a holding cell and place your crew tokens on it. Make sure to position the holding cell in a way that allows you to see your crew tokens, while keeping them hidden from your opponents.

Finally, we’ll place our reputation markers. Put your reputation marker on the “10” space of the reputation track.

14 Goal Cards. Now, let’s talk about these goal cards. They’re an essential part of the game. First, separate the goal cards into three stacks: leader, instant, and end game. Give each stack a good shuffle. After that, draw one card from each stack and place them face up near the game board. Don’t forget to put the rest of the goal cards back in the game box for later use. 15 First Player. Now, it’s time to decide who goes first. Give the first player marker to the person who is seen as the biggest troublemaker in the group. They’ll kick off the game and set the tone for what’s to come.

Game Play

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to actually play this game. A game of Lockup is divided into six rounds. Each round has three phases that you have to do in order. Get ready for some serious strategy and fun!

Round Overview

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll be doing in each round. It’s important to follow the order of these phases to keep things fair and square.

  1. Roll Call Phase

This is where you gather your crew and make sure you have all your prisoners in the right places. It’s all about planning and positioning.

  • Lights Out Phase
  • Time to embrace the darkness! In this phase, things get sneaky as you turn the lights off and try to outmaneuver your opponents without getting caught.

  • Patrol Phase
  • Now it’s time to take control and patrol the prison. Keep an eye out for trouble and make sure your rivals can’t cause any mischief on your watch.

    II. Roll Call Phase

    In this phase, you’ll be doing some major prisoner organizing. Get your crew in order and ensure that they’re where they need to be. It’s all about strategic planning and setting yourself up for success. So pay attention and get ready to make some moves. Let’s do this!

    Alright, let me break it down for you. In this phase, we take turns putting our crew tokens in different parts of the prison. I’ll explain how it works:

    Putting Crew Tokens

    • When it’s your turn, you can put one or more crew tokens in one place.
    • You can’t put crew tokens in a place if you already put some there earlier in this round.
    • There’s no limit to how many crew tokens can be in one place, even if they’re from different players.
    • Oh, and you can’t put crew tokens in the LIBRARY. It’s off-limits.

    In each round, I can secretly place two of my crew tokens face down, keeping their identities hidden from my opponents. The remaining crew tokens must be placed face up for everyone to see.

    However, in a two-player game, I have the option to place up to three crew tokens face down instead of two.

    Now, let’s move on to the passing rule. At the beginning of my turn, if I have no more crew tokens to assign, I must pass. But even if I still have crew tokens left, I can choose to pass if I don’t want to use them.

    Once I pass, I’m out of the phase. This means I can’t participate anymore, and I can’t play tome cards during this phase either.

    Now, we enter the Lights Out Phase.

    When I reach this part of the game, I go through each location one by one, starting with the EXERCISE YARD and ending with the LIBRARY. As I visit each location, I get rewards based on how strong my crew is compared to other players. This is how it works:

    1. Find out how strong your crew is

    I reveal any crew tokens that were face-down at the location, and then I add up the strengths of all my crew tokens there. The strength of one of my enforcers is always the same as the number of power cubes I have. But my lookout’s strength is always zero. Even if I only have my lookout there, I can still get rewards.

    Let’s start by comparing the crews. We want to see which crew is the strongest and rank them accordingly. But here’s the thing – only players with at least one crew token are included in this ranking process.

    Now, what happens if two or more players have the same strength? Well, we break the tie by looking at the seating order. The player who is closest to the current first player, in the clockwise direction, gets a higher strength rank.

    Example: I am playing as the Goblins (blue), and you are playing as the Gnolls (purple).

    Now it’s time to take care of the infirmary.

    I have my enforcer at the location, and I have four power markers on my crew board, showing that my enforcer’s strength is four.

    On the other hand, you have two tokens on the location: one face-up lookout token and another face-down token.

    You reveal your face-down token, which has a strength of four as well, giving you a total strength of four. However, since you have the first player marker, you have higher strength rank.

    2. Get Suspicion

    If there are any suspicion cubes at the location, the player with the most strength gets all of those suspicion cubes, placing them on their crew board.

    But what happens if the player’s lookout is there? They can’t get any suspicion. Instead, the next player in line, who doesn’t have a lookout, will get the suspicion cubes.

    If no one has any crew tokens at the location, or if all players who do have crew tokens also have their lookouts present, then no one gets any suspicion. The suspicion cubes just stay where they are.

    Here’s an example: Remember the previous scenario? There’s a suspicion cube at the INFIRMARY location.

    Isaac is the strongest there, but his lookout is present, so he can’t collect the suspicion cube. Vera is next in line, so she gets it instead.

    Step 3: Get Your Rewards

    When it comes to strength rank, the players with crew tokens at a location get rewards based on their rank. After receiving their reward, everyone returns their crew tokens to the holding cell.

    Remember: If a player’s lookout is the only crew token at a location, that player is considered the strongest.

    If you have a lookout at a location, you can get the reward, but you won’t get a suspicion cube.

    Step 4: Move Stragglers to the Library

    If you didn’t get a reward, your crew tokens are moved to the LIBRARY location – unless the LIBRARY is the location being resolved, in which case you just return your crew tokens to the holding cell.

    Important: You can choose not to receive a reward at a certain location. By doing so, your crew tokens will join the other players who declined rewards and move to the Library.

    This decision doesn’t affect the rewards available to players who are ranked lower in strength.

    III. Patrol Phase

    Note: Skip this phase in the sixth round.

    During this phase, we need to complete several steps to prepare for the next round. There’s also a chance of a raid taking place.

    1. Check Resource Limits

    If any player has too many resources, they have to return some to the supply until they are within the storage limit.

    When you use the “A” sides of the crew boards, you can hold up to five resources. These are indicated by the resource slots on the crew board. However, you have the power to increase your storage capacity by creating certain items.

    2. Refresh the Item Display

    If there are empty spaces for cards in the item display, you need to replenish them. Take new cards from the top of the item deck and fill the empty spaces. The number of cards in the display should always be equal to the number of players plus one. Just remember, some item spaces are only used when playing with specific numbers of players.

    3. Move Goon Cards Ahead

    If there is a goon card at the CHOW HALL location, you must remove it from the game board and place it in the goon discard pile.

    Alright, let’s see what I have to do next. First, I need to deal with the goon cards. I’ll start by discarding them. I’ll put them face up in the discard pile. Then, I’ll move the remaining goon cards clockwise, as far as they can go. I want to make sure the highest numbered goon spaces are filled with the remaining cards. Lastly, I’ll draw new cards from the top of the goon deck to fill any empty goon spaces. This should freshen things up a bit.

    Next on the list is adding suspicion cubes. I need to pay attention to the goon cards that have suspicion icons on them. For each location occupied by a goon card with suspicion icons, I’ll place a number of suspicion cubes equal to the number of icons. If I don’t have enough cubes left, it means a raid is coming. But don’t worry, after the raid I’ll continue adding suspicion cubes as usual.

    Now let’s talk about the rewards each location offers. Depending on the strength of your crew, you can collect different rewards at each of the eight locations. Keep in mind that some reward tiers are only available for 1-2 players on the side of the game board. Whatever rewards you collect, remember that you can use them right away. No need to wait!

    In the “Exercise Yard,” something exciting happens. Whoever has the most strength gets a power cube and becomes the first player. If they already have the first player marker, they keep it. The person with the second most strength also gets a power cube.

    Now, let’s talk about the “Sewers.” Look at the picture to get an idea of what it looks like. In this location, the person with the most strength gets three scrap cubes, except in a two-player game where they only get two scrap cubes. The player with the second most strength gets two scrap cubes, but this rule only applies in games with four or more players. Finally, everyone else at the Sewers with at least one crew token gets one scrap cube, starting from the strongest player and going down the list.



    Hey there! When we play the game, something cool happens at the INFIRMARY. Here’s what I discovered:

    • If you have the most strength, you get three potion cubes. But if there are only two players, you’ll just get two cubes.
    • Now, if you have the least strength, don’t worry, because you still get one potion cube. That’s pretty cool, huh?

    Now here’s something important to remember: If you’re the only one with crew tokens at the INFIRMARY, you’ll only get the reward for having the most strength and not the one for having the least strength. Just so you know!

    Let me give you an example, it might help you understand better. Imagine we have four players: Vera, Stan, Isaac, and Claire. And all of them have crew tokens at the INFIRMARY. Vera has six strength, while Stan, Isaac, and Claire have four strength each.

    So, what happens? Well, Vera is the strongest, so she gets three potion cubes. Nice! Now, Stan has the first player marker, so he’s the second strongest, and he gets some strength too. Then, it goes in a clockwise order, so Isaac is in third place and Claire is last in terms of strength. But hey, they still get some rewards, even if it’s not as much as Vera. How cool is that?

    When it comes to strength, Claire is known for being the weakest. This means that she only receives one potion cube as a reward. Unfortunately, Isaac and Stan don’t get any rewards at all. In fact, their crew tokens are moved to the LIBRARY location. It’s important to understand that strength has its advantages and disadvantages. While being strong can win you rewards, it can also lead to consequences like not receiving any rewards. In this case, it’s a double-edged sword for Claire, Isaac, and Stan. Overall, the meaning of this outcome is that strength doesn’t always guarantee success.


    • If you have the most strength, you get two iron cubes.
    • If you have the second most strength, you get one iron cube.


    I’m going to rewrite this text, focusing on simplifying the language and making it more engaging for a 5th-grade reading level. The goal is to maintain the original meaning while infusing it with a distinct voice. Here’s my version:

    • If I have the most strength, I get to choose one resource cube.
    • If I have the second most strength, I can trade one of my resource cubes for a different one from the supply.
    • After that, everyone else who has at least one crew token can trade two of their resource cubes for one from the supply.

    Chow Hall


    • If I have the most strength, I can either spend one resource cube to recruit a goon -OR- spend four resource cubes to recruit two goons.
    • The second strongest player can either recruit a goon by using one resource cube or recruit two goons by using five resource cubes.
    • The other players, in order of strength, who have at least one crew token at this location can each recruit a goon by using two resource cubes.


    Cell Block

    At this place, you and other players can create new objects or keep objects for later use, based on how powerful you are compared to each other.


    • When we’re playing the game, the person with the most strength gets to draw two cards from the tome deck. They get to pick one card to keep and then they put the other card back at the bottom of the deck, facing downwards.
    • If you have the second most strength, you can draw one card from the tome deck.
    • And even if you have the third most strength, you still get to draw one card from the tome deck.

    The Raids

    When a raid starts, we all take a look at the number of suspicion cubes we have on our crew boards to figure out who’s in trouble with the guards and will lose reputation.

    If you have the most suspicion cubes, you’re in big trouble. You immediately lose eight reputation stars. Ouch! But hey, don’t worry, it’s just a game, and you can’t go below zero on the reputation track.

    Now, if there’s more than one player with the most suspicion cubes, they all suffer a bit. Each tied player loses four reputation stars. So make sure you’re not the only one attracting attention!

    But what if two or more players tie for the second most suspicion cubes? Well, they don’t get off scot-free either. Each tied player loses two reputation stars. It’s not as bad as losing eight, but still, it stings a little.

    Exception: In a two-player game, if you have the most suspicion cubes, you lose six reputation stars instead of eight. The other player does not lose reputation stars for having the second most cubes. If both players have the same number of suspicion cubes, neither player loses any reputation stars.

    After subtracting reputation stars, all suspicion cubes are returned to the supply from all players and locations.

    Claiming Goals

    There are three types of goals: leader goals, instant goals, and end game goals. Each game has one goal card of each type. If you meet the requirement of a goal card at any time during the game, you can claim it right away.

    Leader Goal Cards

    When playing the game, we have leader goals that we can claim. These goals can change hands throughout the game.

    If I want to claim a leader goal, I have to take that goal card and put it in my play area. The leader goal cards will be scored at the end of the game.

    In order to claim a leader goal, I need to have the most valuables or goons of a certain type. I also have to meet the minimum requirement listed on the card. If I meet these conditions and claim a leader goal, someone else can still take it if they surpass me. However, if they tie with me, I’ll keep the card.

    It’s important to note that at the end of the game, the player who has the leader goal card will score eight reputation stars (or six reputation stars in a two-player game).

    Instant Goal Cards

    I want to talk to you about instant goals in a game. Instant goals are these special goals that you can claim as you play. They’re like quick wins that can give you a boost during the game. So, how does it work? Well, each instant goal can only be claimed by one player. Once you meet the requirement for an instant goal, you can claim it by taking the goal card and putting it in your play area. And here’s the best part – you score the instant goal immediately!

    Now, remember, you have to be the first player to meet the requirement in order to claim the instant goal. Once someone claims it, nobody else can take it. It’s like a race to see who can achieve the goal first. So, if you see an instant goal that you think you can accomplish, go for it and claim it before someone else does!

    End Game Goal Cards

    Now, let’s talk about end game goals. These goals are a little bit different. Unlike instant goals, you can only score end game goals during the final scoring. So, you have to wait until the end of the game to see if you’ve achieved these goals. They’re like the big challenges that you have to work towards throughout the entire game.

    But don’t worry, because even though you can’t score end game goals until the end, they can still make a big difference in your final score. So, be sure to keep them in mind as you play and strategize. You might just come out on top with those end game goals!

    So, there are some special goals in the game that only a few people can achieve. To get one of these goals, you need to have the most or second-most of a specific type of thing when the game ends.

    If you have the most of that thing, you get eight reputation stars. If you have the second-most, you get four reputation stars. But here’s the tricky part: if two or more players tie for the most, they each get four reputation stars, and nobody gets any for the second-most.

    If two or more players tie for the second-most, they each get two reputation stars.

    However: In a game with only two players, the one with the most of that thing gets six reputation stars instead of eight.

    The other player doesn’t get any reputation stars for having the second-most. And if both players tie for the most, nobody gets any reputation stars.

    When it comes to end game goals, some of them offer a way for all players to score extra reputation stars. These goals have a scoring condition that benefits everyone.

    Crafting Items

    You can create items at the CELL BLOCK location. To craft an item, you can choose an item card from the item display or a card that you have reserved before. Once you have chosen a card, you need to spend resources that are equal to the card’s resource cost. Place the card face up in your play area. When you do this, you earn reputation stars equal to the item’s reputation value and activate any special effects that the item has.

    Reserving Items

    When you want to reserve an item in the game, all you have to do is spend a resource cube. After that, you can choose any item card from the item display and keep it in your play area. Don’t worry about having too many reserved items because there’s no limit! You can check your reserved items whenever you want.

    Icons with Special Effects

    Keep an eye out for certain item cards and goon cards that have special effects when you recruit or craft them:

    Get a Resource: I get a resource cube from the supply and put it on my crew board.

    When I “get a resource,” it means that I receive one type of item, like scrap, potion, iron, or gold. This item comes from a supply that is available to everyone playing the game. Once I get the resource cube, I place it on my crew board. This board helps me keep track of the resources I have collected throughout the game. It’s like a little storage area just for me. By getting resources, I can use them later on to help me in different ways.

    Get Rid of Suspicion: You can remove one suspicion cube from your crew board and put it back into the supply.

    Let’s Talk About Suspicion: You can give your suspicion to another player by moving one cube from your crew board to their crew board. It’s a way to make them look suspicious instead of you.

    Get More Power: When you collect a power cube, you’ll receive one from the supply and put it on your crew board.

    Get a Card: You get to pick a card from the deck of magic spells.


    Get More Storage Space: I can increase my resource storage limit by one! This means I can keep an additional resource on my crew board when we check the resource limit during each round’s Patrol Phase.


    The exchange resource: You can swap one resource cube on your crew board for a different resource cube from the supply.

    When you’re playing a game, sometimes you might find that having a certain resource would be more beneficial. Well, the good news is that you have the option to exchange one resource for another.

    On your crew board, you’ll see the different resources that you have. These resources could be anything from food to materials to energy. If you want to trade one of these resources for a different one, you can do that!

    All you have to do is choose the resource cube that you want to trade and pick a new one from the supply. You can swap any resource cube for another one that you think would be more useful to you in the game.

    This exchange resource is really handy because it allows you to adapt your strategy as the game progresses. If you find that you need more food to feed your crew, you can exchange a resource cube of a different type for a food cube. Or maybe you need more energy to power your spaceship, so you can swap a material cube for an energy cube.

    Remember, you can only make one exchange at a time. But this ability gives you the flexibility to make strategic decisions and adjust your resources according to your needs. It’s like having an extra tool in your toolbox to help you navigate the challenges of the game.

    So, the next time you’re playing a game and you’re in need of a different resource, don’t worry! You have the power to make an exchange and get the resource you need. Keep an eye on your crew board and take advantage of this valuable resource exchange option.

    Happy gaming!


    Let’s talk about choosing tomes in the game. When it’s my turn, I get to draw two cards from the tome deck. I then have to make a decision—I can pick one card to keep, and put the other card at the bottom of the tome deck, face down. This is an important choice because the cards in the tome deck can be really valuable.

    Now, let’s move on to recruiting goons. To recruit goons, I have to go to the CHOW HALL location. But I can only recruit goon cards that are face-up on the game board. Those are the ones that are available.

    There are different types of goons. Some goons are worth a certain number of reputation stars, which is their printed value. Other goons have unique ways to score reputation stars. When I recruit a goon, I might also get some valuables or benefit from a special effect that I can only use once.

    Remember, the goon cards need to be face-up in the goon spaces on the game board for me to recruit them. The image below shows what these spaces look like:


    Lastly, let’s talk about bandits. Bandits are a specific type of goon in the game.

    Bandits are so important when it comes to the game’s final score. They’re worth a whopping three reputation stars! But here’s the thing, before you recruit a Bandit, something interesting happens during the Patrol Phase. Not only do you add suspicion cubes, but you also add a resource cube of the specified type to the Bandit’s location. Now, during the next Lights Out Phase, something even cooler happens. The player with the most strength at that location gets to collect the resource cube, along with all their other rewards. It’s like a bonus prize!


    Hey there! Let’s talk about Cultists and the fascinating way they can boost your reputation in the game. Cultists, you see, are like little stars that can make a big impact on your score. The more items you have, the more reputation stars each Cultist is worth. It’s like a magical equation!


    When you have more valuable items in your possession, the demons you acquire become even more valuable in terms of reputation. At the conclusion of the game, each Demon you possess will earn you two reputation stars for each valuable item you have. Let’s say you finish the game with one Demon and eight valuable cards in your play area. This means you would score a total of 16 reputation stars (2 x 8 = 16).


    Did you know that Dwarves are pretty important when it comes to reputation stars? The more Dwarves you have, the more stars you’ll earn in the game. At the end of the game, you can score different amounts of reputation stars depending on how many Dwarves you have. Let me break it down for you: with 1 Dwarf, you get 1 star; with 2 Dwarves, you get 3 stars; with 3 Dwarves, you get 7 stars; with 4 Dwarves, you get 12 stars; with 5 Dwarves, you get 18 stars; with 6 Dwarves, you get 25 stars; and if you have 7 or more Dwarves, you’ll get a whopping 30 stars! So, if you manage to end the game with four Dwarves, you’ll earn yourself a solid 12 reputation stars. Not too shabby, right?


    Did you know that the more power cubes you have, the more valuable Hobgoblins become? It’s true! At the end of the game, each of your Hobgoblins is worth one reputation star for every power cube you have. Let me give you an example to illustrate this.


    Ratmen are a group of creatures that hold different values based on how many of them a player has. At the end of the game, the more Ratmen a player has, the more reputation stars they will score. The scoring is as follows: -3, 1, 6, 13, or 25 reputation stars for having 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+ Ratmen respectively. So, if a player only has one Ratman at the end of the game, they will lose three reputation stars.

    Now let’s talk about Flayers. The game comes to an end after six rounds. When this happens, there is one final raid called the “End of the Game” raid. This raid always takes place, regardless of how many suspicion cubes are left in the supply. After the final raid, it’s time for final scoring.

    During final scoring, there are a couple of things to consider. First, the player who has the leader goal card at the end of the game will score eight reputation stars. In a two-player game, this player will only score six reputation stars.

    That wraps up the important details about Ratmen and the end of the game scoring.

    End Game Goal: Let’s figure out which player or players get reputation stars for the end game goal card. Check out CLAIMING GOALS on page 13 for more details. Goons: Each player earns reputation stars for the goons they have recruited. Resources: You’ll earn one reputation star for each scrap cube, potion cube, and iron cube you have left. Plus, you’ll earn two reputation stars for each gold cube left in your possession. Tome Cards: Every unplayed tome card in your hand is worth one reputation star. First Player Marker: If you’re holding the first player marker, you score two reputation stars.

    The player with the most reputation stars wins! In case of a tie, the player with the most item cards wins. If there’s still a tie, the players who tied share the victory.

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