How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Llamas Unleashed Game!

Hey there! I’m so excited to share with you the game called Llamas Unleashed. Let’s dive right in and explore the awesome rules of this incredible game!


Our mission in Llamas Unleashed is to be the first player to collect 7 Llama cards and shout “Llamas Unleashed!” How cool is that?!

Starting the Game

First things first, let’s get started with the Llamas Unleashed game. Shuffle the deck of cards and deal 5 cards to each player. Remember, everyone keeps their cards a secret!

Taking Turns

Now, it’s time to embark on this thrilling journey together. On your turn, follow these steps:

  1. Draw a card from the deck.
  2. Play up to two cards from your hand.
  3. End your turn by discarding any remaining cards from your hand.

Easy, right? Let’s break it down further.

Step 1: Draw a card from the deck

Each turn, you’ll draw a card from the deck. This is where the excitement builds – who knows what card you’ll get next?!

Step 2: Play up to two cards from your hand

Here comes the fun part! You can play up to two cards from your hand on your turn. Each card has a unique effect, and it’s up to you to decide how to use them strategically. Be prepared for surprises, twists, and turns!

Step 3: End your turn by discarding any remaining cards

Time to tidy up your hand and make room for new cards! At the end of your turn, any cards you haven’t played must be discarded. Don’t worry, though – there’s always a chance to draw more awesome cards next time!

Special Card Types

I can’t wait to tell you about the fabulous special card types in Llamas Unleashed!

Action Cards

Action cards have unique powers that can shift the game in your favor. They can help you draw more cards, sabotage opponents, or even protect you from their mischievous moves. Use them wisely to outfox your opponents and gain the upper hand!

Upgrade Cards

Upgrade cards are the key to boosting your llamas’ powers. By playing an upgrade card on a llama card, you can unlock amazing abilities and strengthen your position in the game. It’s time to level up your llamas and watch them soar!

Magic Cards

Magic cards are fantastical and unpredictable. They can unleash a chaos that turns the game upside down. With their help, you’ll surprise your opponents, confuse their strategies, and keep everyone on their toes. Get ready for some magical moments!

Winning the Game

The ultimate goal is to collect 7 Llama cards and joyfully shout “Llamas Unleashed!” Once you achieve this, you are declared the winner. Congratulations!

Now It’s Your Time to Play!

Now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your friends and family, unleash the llamas, and dive into the exciting world of Llamas Unleashed! Have a blast and may the best llama lover win!

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s what you need to do: each player gets a Reference card. If there are any extras, put them away for now.

Next, everyone gets to pick their favorite Baby Animal card. Put the chosen cards in your Field, and any extras go in the Nursery.

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get started! We’re going to shuffle the blue-backed card, including any expansion cards that we want to use, to create our deck. Once the deck is ready, I’ll deal 5 cards to each player.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. The player who spits out the last card is obviously the llama-iest, so they will go first!

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Words

Here are some important words you’ll encounter while playing the game:

Setting Up
Getting Active

Playing the Game

When we play, we take turns in a clockwise direction.

Each turn has four phases.

  • Start of Turn: If any cards in my Field have an effect that says, “If this card is in your Field at the start of your turn,” they activate now. If I move to the Draw phase without activating any optional effects, I can’t activate them later in the turn.
  • Draw Phase: I draw one card from the deck.
  • Action Phase: I play a card from my hand or draw an extra card from the deck.

The Art of Card Game Strategy

I love card games; they’re fascinating and challenging. When I play a card game, I always want to have the upper hand and win. To achieve this, I’ve learned a few important strategies that have helped me become a more successful player.

The End of Turn Phase:

Now, let me tell you about the end of turn phase. It’s a crucial part of the game where you make some important decisions. During this phase, you need to discard cards from your hand until you have fewer than the hand limit. The general rule is to keep your hand at seven cards, but sometimes the rules might specify a different hand limit.

Understanding the Cards:

Ah, the cards! They’re the heart and soul of any card game. Each card has its own value and purpose, and understanding them is key to winning. When you look at a card, think about how it can benefit you and affect the game. Some cards might give you specific advantages, while others can disrupt your opponents’ strategies. It’s all about finding the right balance and making the most of the cards you have.

Remember, when interpreting the meaning of a card, consider its context within the game. A single card can have different implications based on the situation. So, be flexible and adaptable in your approach.

If you’re new to card games, don’t worry! By following these strategies and practicing, you’ll become a skilled player in no time. So grab a deck of cards, shuffle them well, and let the games begin!

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that there are 5 types of cards in the game? Let me break it down for you:

  • How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMessInstant cards can be played at any time when another player plays a card. You can even play an Instant card in response to a card you already played this turn. It’s like a chain reaction! And there’s no limit to how many Instant cards you can play in a single turn.
  • How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMessUpgrade cards are pretty cool. They give you positive effects. You can play an Upgrade card in anyone’s Field, but it only affects your Field (unless it says otherwise). So, choose wisely where to play it!

Here are the three different types of cards you’ll encounter in the game.

1. How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMessDowngrade cards have negative effects. You can play a Downgrade card in anyone’s Field. When played in your own Field, it only affects your cards (unless stated otherwise).

2. How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMessMagic cards have one-time effects. When you play a Magic card, it takes immediate effect and is then discarded.

3. How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMessAnimal cards can be played in anyone’s Field. There are three sub-types of Animal cards.

Let me introduce you to the different types of Animal cards that you’ll encounter in the game. We have Baby Animal cards, Basic Animal cards, and Magical Animal cards.

First up, we have Baby Animal cards. These are animals that come into play directly from the Nursery. They don’t go into your deck, hand, or discard pile. They’re just born and ready to join the action.

Next, we have Basic Animal cards. These are animals without any special effects. They may not do anything fancy, but they hold a special place in your heart. Sometimes simplicity is key.

Lastly, we have Magical Animal cards. These are animals with incredible effects. Some of them have triggered effects that activate when certain conditions are met. Others have continuous effects that always apply as long as they’re in play. These animals can really spice up the game.

So keep an eye out for these different types of Animal cards as you play. Each one brings something different to the table. Have fun!

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Herd Bonus

There are four different versions of each type of Animal card:

  • Llama cards
  • Alpaca cards
  • Goat cards
  • Ram cards

If you have three or more Animal cards of the same type in your Field at the start of your turn, you can use the Herd Bonus! Each variation of Animal card has its own Herd Bonus effect, which you can find on the back of the Reference card. The effects of other cards do not cancel out the Herd Bonus effects, unless stated otherwise.

The Details

Action Phase

During your Action phase, you can choose to do one of the following options (unless stated otherwise):

  • Play an Upgrade card
  • Play a Downgrade card
  • Play a Magic card
  • Play an Animal card

Stables and Effects

When you have animal cards, upgrade cards, or downgrade cards in your hand, they don’t do anything. Their effects only come into play when you put them in your Field.

Effects that are Triggered and Continuous

Some effects only happen when certain conditions are met. You can always tell if an effect is triggered by the words “if” or “when” that come before it.

There are triggered effects that you have to follow, like “If this card is in your Field at the beginning of your turn, DISCARD a card”. And then there are optional ones, like “If this card is in your Field at the beginning of your turn, you can choose to STEAL an Animal card”.

Any effect on an upgrade card, downgrade card, or animal card that doesn’t say it’s triggered is a continuous effect. A continuous effect keeps working as long as the card is in your Field (unless something else is said about it).

Targeting Other Players

When it comes to players, cards have their own special words that they use.

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • Any player is any person who is playing, including you.
  • Any other player is any person who is playing, but not you.
  • Each player means every person who is playing, including you.
  • Each other player means every person who is playing, but not you.
  • Any number of players means as many people as you choose to play, but not you.

Order of Resolution: the Effect Chain

Sometimes, when one card’s effect is activated, it causes the effect of another card to happen. When this occurs, each effect is like a piece in a chain. First, you need to resolve the effect of the first piece before you move on to the next piece in the chain. Every piece in the chain must be resolved before the game can continue.

Have you ever noticed how sometimes multiple things happen at the same time? Well, it’s kind of like that in a card game. There are times when multiple effects can happen all at once, especially at the beginning of your turn.

When this happens, we call it an effect chain. It’s like a link that connects all of these effects together. And here’s the thing – you have to choose the targets for these effects before the chain resolves. That means you can’t wait until later to decide who or what the effects will affect.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. If one of these effects triggers another effect on another card, then we add another link to the chain. It’s like the effects are multiplying and making the chain longer.

But here’s a rule you need to remember: you can’t choose the same target twice in the same link. That means if you already picked a card as a target, you can’t pick it again in the same chain. And if you don’t have enough cards to target, you can only trigger as many effects as you have options for targets.

There’s something else you need to know. Some effects are mandatory, which means you have to choose a target for them. Other effects are optional, which means you can choose whether or not to target something. But here’s the catch – you have to choose targets for mandatory effects before you choose targets for optional effects.

Finally, here’s the most important part. No player can win the game until the effect chain has been completely resolved. So, even if you think you’re about to win, you have to wait until all the effects have finished before you can claim victory.

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Dealing with Card Effects that Have Multiple Actions

When a card effect requires you to perform multiple actions, these actions are sometimes separated by words like “and,” “then,” or “If you do.” It’s important to follow the order of the actions listed on the card when resolving these effects.

  • If a card says “and,” you have to perform both actions.
  • If a card says “then,” you can only perform the second action if you successfully perform the first action.
  • If a card says “If you do,” you should only perform the second action if you choose to perform the first action.

Actions That Are Impossible

If you have a card that’s asking you to do something impossible, you can’t play it. Sometimes, though, a card on your Field or a card played by someone else might make you do something impossible. If that happens, just ignore it. Some things that you can’t do include:

  • Getting rid of a card when you don’t have any cards in your hand
  • Sacrificing a card when you don’t have any cards in your Field
  • Sacrificing a card that can’t be sacrificed

Playing vs. Bringing Directly to Your Field

“Playing” means taking a card from your hand and doing something with it during your Action phase. It can also mean playing an Instant card at any time.

If you “bring a card directly into your Field,” you don’t “play” that card. Basically, any card that you bring directly into your Field can’t be stopped by an Instant card.

Now let’s talk about immunity. Some cards have a special ability that makes them immune to certain things. These things can affect a card directly or indirectly. When an effect targets a card individually or as part of a group, it’s a direct effect. On the other hand, if a player has to target a card or perform an action that affects a card, it’s called an indirect effect. If a card says “this card cannot be affected,” it means it’s immune to both direct and indirect effects.

Moving on to “pull vs. choose.” When you “pull” a card, you have to pick it randomly. But when you “choose” a card, you can take a look at your options and pick whichever card you want.

Finally, let’s talk about searching for cards.

How to play Llamas Unleashed Official Rules UltraFoodMess

There are some card effects that let you look for a specific card in the deck or discard pile. When a card like that enters your field, you can choose to search the deck for a Downgrade card and add it to your hand.

Remember, once you find the card you’re looking for, you have to show it to everyone else before adding it to your hand.

The Game Ends

The first person who has the right number of Animals in their Field is the winner. Each Animal card counts as 1 Animal, unless there’s a special rule saying otherwise.

If a player reaches the required number of Animals while there is still an effect chain happening, they can’t win until all the links in that effect chain have finished resolving.

  • 2-5 Players: You need 7 Animals to win.
  • 6-8 Players: You need 6 Animals to win.

If we run out of cards before any of us gets enough Animals, then the one who has the most in their Field wins the game.

But what happens if two or more people tie for the most Animals? Well, we have a tiebreaker. Each player with a tie counts up the letters in the names of all their Animal cards. The one with the most letters wins the game!

Now, what if there’s another tie? Uh-oh, that’s not good. If multiple players are tied for the most Animals and the most letters, then we all lose. So let’s try not to let that happen!

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