How to play Krazy WORDZ Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Krazy WORDZ Game Rules

Hey there! Ready to dive into the exciting world of Krazy WORDZ? I’m here to walk you through the game rules, so you’ll be ready to start having a blast in no time!

Here’s how the game works:


The goal of Krazy WORDZ is to create the most creative and accurate definitions for made-up words. The player who comes up with the most convincing fake definition wins the round!

Game Setup

To get started, gather your fellow word enthusiasts and divide into teams. Each team will need a pencil and notepad to write down their definitions. The game also requires a deck of Krazy WORDZ cards, so make sure you have those handy!


Alright, let the fun begin! To kick off the game, one player from each team becomes the “Word Judge” for the first round. The Word Judge selects a Krazy WORDZ card and reads the word aloud to the other players. The catch is, the word is completely made up!

Now, it’s time for the real brain work. Each team has a set amount of time to come up with a definition for the word. The catch is, you have to make your definition sound convincing, even though you have no idea what the word actually means!

Once the time is up, the Word Judge collects all the definitions and reads them out loud. The teams take turns guessing which definition is the correct one. The Word Judge then reveals the actual definition, and the team with the closest guess earns a point!


Keep track of the points as you go, and rotate the Word Judge role after each round. The team with the most points at the end of the game is crowned the Krazy WORDZ champions!

Tips and Tricks

Now that you know the basics, I’ll share some insider tips to help you dominate at Krazy WORDZ! First, think outside the box when creating your definition. Get creative and let your imagination run wild!

Secondly, don’t be afraid to use humor. Adding a funny twist to your definition can make it more memorable and increase your chances of fooling the other teams.

Finally, pay attention to the clues hidden within the card’s artwork. Sometimes, the key to a convincing definition can be found in the details!

Alright, you’re now an expert in the world of Krazy WORDZ! Gather your friends, let your imagination soar, and get ready for an unforgettable gaming experience. Have a blast and may the most creative team win!

How to play Krazy WORDZ Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that you can make the game even more exciting by adding your own topics? Yup, just grab one of the blank task cards, write down your topic, shuffle it with the others, and you’re good to go!

So, what’s the goal?

Ever heard of GARBUNA? No? That’s the whole point! It could be anything – a weird animal from Australia, a candy bar you’ve never heard of, or even a made-up disease! It’s this mystery that makes this word creation game so much fun. The challenge is to come up with the wackiest words and guess what your friends have come up with too!

The player with the most points at the end of six rounds becomes the ultimate winner. Exciting, right?

Getting started

Before we jump into the fun, each player gets some cool items in their chosen color:

  • 6 to 8 guess cards (more on that later);
  • 1 word board.

I’m going to show you how to play the game Krazy Wordz! It’s super fun and easy to learn. Let’s get started!

First, lay out the number cards in the center of the table. The number of cards you lay out depends on how many players you have:

– If you have 3-5 players, use number cards 1 to 6. Each player will have guess cards numbered 1 to 6.

– If you have 6 players, use number cards 1 to 7. Each player gets guess cards numbered 1 to 7.

– If you have 7 players, use number cards 1 to 8. Each player will have guess cards numbered 1 to 8.

Next, shuffle the Task Cards and place them face down in a pile in the center of the table. Make sure all the 64 letter tokens are spread out face down and within easy reach of all players.

Finally, put the scoring chips next to the letter tokens. And that’s it! You’re ready to start playing Krazy Wordz.

Remember, the goal of the game is to come up with the craziest and most creative words using the random letters and clues given on the Task Cards. It’s a game that will test your imagination and make you laugh!

So gather your friends, follow these simple instructions, and get ready for an exciting and hilarious game of Krazy Wordz. Let the fun begin!

How to play Krazy WORDZ Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Game Play

Let’s talk about how the game is played. There are 6 rounds in total, and each round has 11 steps. It’s important to choose a starting player before we begin. One way to do this is by looking at the number of vowels in each player’s first and last names. The person with the most vowels can be the starting player.

Once the starting player is chosen, the next player clockwise around the table becomes the starting player for the next round.

Now, let’s go through the steps for each round:

  1. The starting player shuffles all the letter tokens. Then, each player (including the starting player) takes a task card from the face-down pile. Remember, you can only see your own task card!
  2. Each player takes 9 letter tokens from the supply. There are 6 consonants (with a dark back side) and 3 vowels (with a light back side). Place these 9 letters face up next to your word board.
  3. Now comes the fun part! Each player needs to create a word that doesn’t actually exist, but still fits the topic on their task card.

Example: Hey there! Let’s talk about something super cool – Science Fiction Characters. I’m going to give you two names: ABEVAN and PRINSS L. You can choose one of them, but you can’t pick SOLO or LUKE, okay?

Pay attention! Don’t read aloud or give any clues until the last step, otherwise you might give everything away!

How to play Krazy WORDZ Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s what you need to do to play the game:

  1. First, place any unused letters back into the supply, face down, in the center of the table.
  2. Next, hand your task card (still face down) to the starting player. They will receive all the cards.

The starting player adds one or more face down cards from the pile. Here’s what to add, based on the number of players:

For 3 to 5 players: Add any number of cards to make it a total of 6 task cards.

  • For 6 or 7 players: add one card to make it 7 or 8 cards, respectively.

  • How to play Krazy WORDZ Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The game starts with me shuffling the task cards and placing them on the number cards in the center of the table. The numbers stay visible so everyone knows which topics are in play.

    Now it’s time for each player to slide their guess card halfway beneath their word board, face down. For example, if my topic is on number card 5, I slide my guess card with the number 5 beneath my word board.

    Next, we all try to match the topics to each other’s word creations. Once I’ve made my decisions, I place my guess card in front of the player’s word board that I think matches the topic.

    Example: So, here’s the deal: Sandra says a word, “NOMMEL,” and you have to figure out what topic it belongs to. In this case, it’s “something to inflate,” which is on number card 7. Take your guess card with the number 7 and place it face down in front of Sandra’s word board.

    No need to worry about taking turns with your guess cards. Just keep placing them until everyone has put down their guesses.

    Listen up: When you’re done placing your guess cards in front of each player, there might be some leftovers. That’s because the starting player drew extra task cards from the pile. If you have any of those, just put them face down next to your own word board.

    • Now it’s time to share your own word. Say it out loud, exactly how you want it to sound. Remember, this is the only time you’re allowed to do that!
    • After that, flip over the guess cards in front of your word board, one by one. Feel free to comment on the words as you go.

    Finally, let’s uncover your guess card, the one you slid halfway under your word board. And voila! The riddle is solved! Now, it’s time to tally up the points:

    • If you guessed correctly on your own, you earn 10 points.

    • If someone else guessed correctly using your clue card, you both earn 5 points.

    • If someone else guessed correctly using your guess card, they earn 5 points.

    • If you guessed correctly using someone else’s clue or guess card, you earn 3 points.

    • If someone else guessed correctly using your clue or guess card but you didn’t guess correctly yourself, you earn 1 point.

    Now, let’s see who came out on top!

    How to play Krazy WORDZ Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When we play the Word Creation game, I, as the creator, earn 1 point for every correct guess made by the other players. And each player who guesses correctly also earns 1 point. We can take points from the supply in the center of the table. And here’s a neat trick: I don’t have to reveal the current number of points to the other players. To ensure there are always enough smaller chips in the supply, we can trade smaller chips for bigger ones.

    Let me give you an example: I place my topic card on number 2 on the board. Now, Cornelia, Sandra, and John place their guess cards on number 2 as well, right in front of my word board. But the other players don’t make a guess. In this case, I get 3 points from the supply and each of them gets 1 point.

    The Game’s End

    The game comes to an end after 6 rounds. The player with the most points is declared the winner. If there’s a tie, we can have multiple winners.

    Word Creation 101

      When it comes to creating a word, there are certain things to keep in mind. It’s important to choose the right combination of letters to create a word that is unique and not already in the English language. There are a few rules to follow:

      • To create your word, you can use any number of letters from your personal supply. This means you can use just one letter, a few letters, or all nine letters.
      • However, you cannot use words that already exist in the English language. This includes words that imitate, abbreviate, or translate part of your chosen topic.

      Let’s look at some examples to better understand these rules:

      Example 1: Imagine your topic is “scary movie title”. You want to create a word using the letters from this topic. However, you can’t use words like “MUVY” or “SKARY” because they imitate or abbreviate the topic. Instead, you can use words like “SKREEM”, “GRMLIN”, “SKREACH”, or “SHIVR”. These words are unique and do not already exist in the English language.

      Example 2: Now let’s think about a different topic, like “TV game show”. Again, you want to create a word using the letters from this topic. In this case, you can’t use words like “DV”, “TIFI”, or “GEM SHAW” because they sound too similar to “TV” or “game show”. However, you can use words like “MLLYON”, “JOPDY”, “W O F”, or “PRC RGT”. These words are original and not already part of the English language.

      By following these rules and getting creative with your word creation, you can come up with a unique combination of letters that represents your chosen topic.

      How to play Krazy WORDZ Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    • Hey there! Welcome to “Krazy Wordz”! This game is all about letting your creativity run wild and having a ton of fun. Sure, winning is nice, but the most important thing is to let your imagination soar!
    • Now, here’s a really important tip: keep your word a secret. Don’t give any hints about it, not even when it’s time to score. Trust me, it’ll make the game way more exciting!
    • Oh, and one more thing. When you’re placing your guess cards, don’t give away any clues. Avoid saying stuff like, “Hmm, does this word sound like a goddess or a monster?” You don’t want to make it too easy for the other players!

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