Welcome to the World of Kingdomino!
If you’re new to the game and looking to learn how to play, you’ve come to the right place. Kingdomino is a fun and strategic board game that is easy to learn but offers a lot of depth. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the game rules step by step, so you can start playing and building your own kingdom in no time.
Before we jump into the rules, let’s set up the game. Grab the Kingdomino game board and tiles. Each player will need a personal kingdom board as well.
Divide the dominos by their backs and shuffle them. Randomly determine the start player for the first round.
Step 1: Draft a Domino
On each turn, four dominos will be available to choose from. The start player selects one and adds it to their kingdom. The remaining dominos are passed to the next player, who then chooses one and adds it to their kingdom. This drafting continues until all dominos have been claimed.
Step 2: Place the Domino
Once everyone has chosen their dominos, it’s time to place them in your kingdom. Each domino consists of two different terrain types, and you must align the matching sides if possible. The only exception is the starting domino, which can be placed anywhere in your kingdom.
Step 3: Scoring
Now it’s time to score your kingdom. Different terrains have different scoring mechanisms, so let’s go through them one by one.
Fields: Count the number of connected fields with crowns. Multiply the number of fields by the number of crowns to get your score.
Forests: Count the number of connected forests. Multiply the number of forests by the number of squares in the largest forest to get your score.
Lakes: Count the number of connected lakes. Multiply the number of lakes by the number of squares in the largest lake to get your score.
Mountains: Count the number of connected mountains. Multiply the number of mountains by the number of squares in the largest mountain to get your score.
Step 4: Determine the Next Start Player
After scoring, the player with the lowest score becomes the start player for the next round. In case of a tie, the player closest to the current start player goes first.
Step 5: Prepare for the Next Round
Remove all the dominos from the previous round and shuffle them. Then, each player should select a new starting domino and place it in their kingdom. The game continues with a new round.
Game End and Final Scoring
After twelve rounds, the game ends, and it’s time for the final scoring. Use the same scoring rules as before, but this time, count any empty spaces in your kingdom as a negative score.
The player with the highest final score wins the game and becomes the ruler of the Kingdomino!
So there you have it—the rules of Kingdomino explained. Now grab your kingdom board, shuffle those dominos, and start building your own majestic kingdom!
Hey there! Are you a Lord looking to expand your Kingdom? Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to help you on your quest to find the perfect lands for your Kingdom. You see, as a Lord, it’s important for you to explore all the different territories available to you. From vast wheat fields to serene lakes and towering mountains, there’s so much to discover.
But, let me give you a heads up. You’re not alone on this journey. There are some other Lords out there who want these lands just as badly as you do. So, it’s important to be cautious and strategic in your search. Make sure to keep an eye out for any competition and be prepared to make your move when the time is right.
Now, before we get started, I have a small note for you. Before your first game, make sure to assemble the 4 small castles. They’ll come in handy as you stake your claim on these new lands.
- 4 starting tiles
- 4 3D castles
- 48 dominoes
- 8 wooden kings in 4 colors
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Your aim is to connect the dominoes to construct your kingdom on a 5×5 grid while earning the highest possible number of prestige points.
Okay, so let’s get started. Here’s what you need to do:
Place the box exactly where it’s shown on the right. And here’s what each player should have:
- If you’re playing a 2-player game, you each need two kings of your color.
- If it’s a 3- or 4-player game, each player gets one king of their color.
Next, you’ll need to grab a starting tile, which is just a square. Each player should place their tile face up in front of them. Once the tile is down, place your castle on it.
Now it’s time to shuffle those dominoes. Mix them up really well, making sure the numbered side is facing up. Once the dominoes are shuffled, you’ll place them randomly in the box insert to create the draw pile for the game. Here’s how it works:
- If there are two players, remove 24 dominoes randomly and set them aside. You’ll be using the remaining 24 for the game.
- If there are three players, remove 12 dominoes randomly. The remaining 36 will be used.
- If there are four players, you’ll use all 48 dominoes.
That’s it! Now you’re all set up and ready to start playing.
Alright folks, here’s the deal. First things first, gather up the same number of dominoes from the draw pile as there are kings in play. So if there are three players, grab three dominoes. If it’s a two or four-player game, grab four. Now, put those dominoes next to the box, numbered side up. Make sure they’re arranged in ascending order, starting with the lowest number closest to the box. Oh, and don’t forget to flip them over to the landscape side.
Now, it’s time to get those kings. Each player takes all the kings and gives them a good shuffle. Then, one by one, they’ll start placing their kings on empty spaces on the line of dominoes. Remember, each tile can only have one king, so choose wisely. If it’s a two-player game, each player will choose two dominoes, one for each of their kings.
Once all the dominoes have been chosen, it’s time to start a fresh line by drawing some new ones, just like we did before. And that’s how the game goes!
How to Play the Game
The first step in playing the game is to determine the order in which players will take their turns. This order is decided based on the positions of the kings on the dominoes line.
When playing the game, I start if my king is on the first domino in the line. Here’s what I do:
– D1: I add the domino I choose to my territory, following the connection rules.
– D2: I pick a new domino from the new line by placing my king on it.
Then, it’s the next player’s turn. They do the same actions if their king is on the second domino. We keep taking turns until the last player has finished their actions.
In a game with two players, each player takes both D1 and D2 actions twice, once for each of their kings.
After that, we form a new line of dominoes and start a new turn.
In a game with three or four players, we play 12 turns. In a game with two players, we play only 6 turns because each player gets to play twice in each turn.
Now, let’s talk about the connection rules.
In this game, I have to create my own kingdom on a 5×5 grid. Each domino consists of two squares.
When it’s my turn to play, I can place a domino in the following ways:
- I can connect it to my starting tile. This starting domino is special because I can connect any landscape to it.
- I can connect it to another domino, but at least one landscape must match (either horizontally or vertically).
If I can’t follow these rules when trying to add a domino to my kingdom, I have to discard it, and I won’t earn any points.
All your dominoes have to fit in a 5×5 grid. If you didn’t plan well and some of the dominoes don’t fit, you’ll have to get rid of them. Unfortunately, you won’t earn any points for those.
The Game Ends
Once the last dominoes are lined up, it’s time for the final round. However, you can only take the D 1 action.
Each player should have a 5×5 grid in front of them, forming their own kingdom. Keep in mind that some kingdoms might be incomplete if you had to discard any dominoes – as explained earlier. Now, it’s time to calculate your prestige points based on your kingdom:
A kingdom consists of different properties. These properties are groups of connected squares that share the same type of landscape. The squares can be connected either horizontally or vertically.
Hey there! Let’s talk about scoring in the game. It’s pretty interesting, I promise!
So, every property you have in your kingdom will give you points. The number of points you get depends on the number of squares in the property and how many crowns are on it. Cool, right?
Remember, you can have multiple properties with the same landscape in your kingdom. But if a property doesn’t have any crowns, it won’t give you any points. Bummer!
Now here’s where it gets exciting. Each player adds up the points from all their properties to get their final score. The player with the highest score wins the game! Talk about a sweet victory!
But hold on, what happens if there’s a tie? Well, then things get really interesting. The player with the most extended property takes the win, even if they don’t have any crowns. They must’ve really built something impressive!
If there’s still a tie after that, the player who has the most crowns will be crowned the winner. But if it’s still a tie (man, these players are evenly matched!), they’ll share the victory. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Additional Rules
Dynasty: Let’s play 3 rounds in a row. Once we finish these rounds, the player with the most points wins the game.
The Middle Kingdom: You earn 10 extra points if your castle is in the center of your kingdom.
Harmony: If you manage to keep your territory complete with no discarded dominoes, you earn an additional 5 points.
The Mighty Duel: This game is for 2 players. After practicing a few times, the true champions battle it out to construct the largest kingdoms. You have to use all the dominoes to build a 7×7 grid. Feel free to use a pen and paper to keep track of your final score.
You can mix and match these different variants based on your preferences.