How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Kill The Unicorns Game Rules

Hey there! Welcome to the world of Kill The Unicorns! I’m here to guide you through the game rules, so you’ll be a pro player in no time. Let’s dive right in!

First off, I want to emphasize that Kill The Unicorns is all about, you guessed it, hunting unicorns. But don’t worry, it’s just a fictional game, and no actual unicorns are harmed in the process. Now, let’s get to the exciting part!

The Objective

Your ultimate goal in Kill The Unicorns is to capture as many unicorns as you can. The game has a special deck of unicorn cards, and your job is to use your strategy and wit to catch them all. It’s a thrilling adventure that requires both skill and luck!


The game is played in rounds, and each player gets their turn. On your turn, you’ll draw a card from the deck and then decide whether to keep it or try your luck with another card. It’s all about making the right decision at the right time.

You’ll also encounter special event cards that add twists and turns to the game. These events can help or hinder your progress, so be prepared for anything!


Scoring in Kill The Unicorns is based on the collection of unicorns you manage to capture. Different unicorns have different point values, so choose wisely which ones you want to go after. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins the glory!

Strategy Tips

To excel at Kill The Unicorns, it’s important to think strategically. Here are a few tips to help you on your unicorn-hunting journey:

  1. Observe the game and track which unicorns are being collected by other players.
  2. Pay attention to the event cards and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  3. Consider the point values of the unicorns and aim to collect the highest-scoring ones.
  4. Take calculated risks and sometimes go for the unexpected.
  5. Remember to have fun and enjoy the whimsical world of hunting unicorns!

Well, that’s all you need to know about the game rules of Kill The Unicorns. Now go out there and let the unicorn-hunting adventure begin! May luck be on your side, and may you capture the most majestic unicorns of all!

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

About the Game

Let me tell you about this awesome game called “Unicorn Hunt”! It’s all about capturing unicorns and becoming the richest player. If you like magical creatures and a bit of friendly competition, then you’ll love this game.

So, what’s in the box? Here’s what you’ll find:

  • 20 unicorn cards
  • 4 starting unicorn cards
  • 4 black market cards
  • 4 character power cards
  • 8 hunt cards per player
  • 8 scheme cards per player
  • 1 scoring card
  • 16 black market tokens
  • Instructions

How to Play

The goal of the game is to capture as many unicorns as possible and accumulate gold (victory points). It’s a race to see who can become the richest player by the end of the hunt, which lasts for four days (rounds).

Getting Started

Now, let’s get ready to play! Each player gets to choose a character and takes their corresponding hunt and scheme cards. Make sure to shuffle all your scheme cards and place them in a face-down pile in front of you. Then, take your hunt cards in hand. You’re all set!

Alright, let’s get this magical adventure started! First, give those unicorn cards a good shuffle. Now, place four of those enchanting creatures in a line on the table. Don’t forget to put the black market cards above the unicorns and place some tokens on them.

Next, it’s time to distribute the starting unicorns. Each player gets one, so make sure it’s random! Any leftover starting unicorn cards can go back in the box for now.

Now, here’s where things get interesting. The player who last laid eyes on a real unicorn goes first. If that’s you, well, you might want to consider talking to a psychiatrist pretty soon. The magical world can be quite captivating!

How to Play

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

1. Watch Out for the Trap

Hey there! Let me tell you about a tricky move in this game. We all need to grab 2 scheme cards from our decks. Then, from those 2 cards, we pick one to use and place it face up next to our other scheme cards. The other card goes into a discard pile.

Now, here comes the twist. Take that chosen scheme card and slide it face down underneath any unicorn card you like. Keep an eye on it because it could mess up your plans later on!

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The scheme cards in the game of unicorns, you know, can have more than two cards stacked on top of each other, one above and one below the main unicorn card. So, once a scheme card is placed, you can’t peek at it anymore. It becomes a mystery, and the next player gets to place their scheme card.

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

2. Get Ready for the Chase!

If you want to capture a unicorn, you’ll need to participate in a hunt and use your special Hunt cards. Each hunt is focused on a specific unicorn, and there are four hunts in total. We resolve these hunts one by one, starting with the unicorn deck and ending at the Black Market.

Here’s how it works: the first player begins by placing 1, 2, or 3 of their Hunt cards facedown in front of them. Then, going clockwise, each player must also place the same number of Hunt cards in front of them to join in on the hunt.

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

These Hunt cards show how determined I am to catch those vile yet magnificent creatures: the higher my score, the greater my chances of capturing a unicorn. So, let’s talk about these notes:

Note 1: I have the option to skip the hunt altogether and pass. If I choose to do so, I won’t play any Hunt card. And if I don’t have enough Hunt cards, I have no choice but to pass.

Note 2: If I pass on a unicorn, I’ll never be able to catch it. So, it’s best to make a move if I want a chance at capturing one.

Note 3: If I decide to pass as the first player, I’ll have to give up the First Player token to the player sitting on my left. Just something to keep in mind!

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

3. Absolutely Perhaps

Alright, let’s get things rolling! After we’ve all had a chance to play or pass, it’s time to unveil the hunt cards we’ve chosen. The player who has the highest total value of hunt cards is crowned the champion of this particular hunt.

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: If there is a tie between two players, the player with the second-highest bid wins the unicorn. If all players are tied, the unicorn escapes, and both the unicorn and scheme card are discarded.

Next, the winner gets to choose which scheme card is revealed. If they have a choice between one or two cards, they can only reveal one card for each unicorn card. The effect of the scheme card is applied immediately.

Remember: The winning player can change depending on the scheme card. The player who wins the hunt takes the Unicorn and the associated scheme card and places them in front of themselves.

At the end of the hunt, the hunt cards that were played are discarded face-up in front of each player. If the first player won the hunt, they remain the first player. Otherwise, the winner of the hunt becomes the new First Player.

Then, the players move on to hunting the next unicorn in line.

4. The Underground Marketplace

After all the Unicorns have been captured, the game round concludes. Beginning with the initial player, everyone gets the chance to engage in the secretive world of the Gnomes’ Underground Marketplace by making a single purchase.

Each item available for sale is assigned a specific price tag. In order to obtain the desired item, you must pay the cost indicated on the card using any Hunt cards remaining in your possession – your remaining resources to haggle and negotiate with the cunning gnomes.

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, let’s get started! When we begin the game, each player has the opportunity to make a purchase. And here’s the cool part – you can only make one purchase! So, choose wisely. Once you’ve made your decision, you attach the token you’ve acquired to one of your unicorn cards. Just remember, the Pate card is the exception to this rule.

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! I’m the $2 Unicorn Butcher: If you have a Unicorn card and its scheme card, you can ditch them and grab yourself a tasty Pate.

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me introduce you to the amazing $3 Fake Horn. It’s a unicorn accessory that adds +2 points to your unicorn’s worth. How cool is that?

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

$3 Cotton Candy: Hey there! How about adding a splash of color to your unicorn? With just three bucks, you can change its hue and make it more vibrant than ever!

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! �� Let’s talk about some cool features in the game. This fairy dust called “$6 Fairy Dust” is pretty amazing. When you use it, you can change the color of a unicorn and increase its worth by 2 points. How cool is that? ��✨

Now, when everyone’s done shopping, it’s time to get ready for the next day! As you enter the next round of the game, new unicorn cards are placed on the table. Each player gets one unicorn card. So get excited and collect those unicorns! ����

Let’s Score!

Here’s the exciting part. At the end of the fourth round, it’s time to sell your captured unicorns to the Gnomes! But what happens next? Well, that’s a secret known only to the Gnomes. ��

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about how you can score some points in the game of Unicorns. It’s actually quite simple once you know the rules. So, here’s what you need to do:

First, take a look at the Unicorns cards and count the points. You can find the number of coins in the top-left corner of each card. Keep track of those points.

Next, check if you’ve collected any Scheme cards or Black Market tokens. These might give you bonuses or penalties. Make sure to factor those in too.

Now, let’s talk about Unicorn color collections. If you have 2 Unicorns of the same color, you get 2 extra points. If you manage to collect 3 Unicorns of the same color, you get a bigger bonus of 5 points. And it keeps getting better – 4 Unicorns of the same color will give you 8 points, and a whopping 12 points for 5 Unicorns!

But hey, if you have more than 5 Unicorns of the same color, you’ll have to start a new collection. Oh, and here’s a fun twist – you can also create a “Rainbow” collection. Just remember, the cards you use for the Rainbow can’t be reused for another collection.

So, that’s it! Count your points from the Unicorns, add the bonuses or penalties from Scheme cards and Black Market tokens, and tally up the extra points from your Unicorn color collections. Voila! You’ve got your final score. Good luck!

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • You will score 8 points for each unicorn card of every color in your rainbow.
  • If you have two unicorn cards of every color in your double rainbow, you win the game immediately.

How the Game Ends

After completing 4 rounds, the game concludes and the player with the most wealth emerges victoriously.

Extra Information

The Wonderful World of Unicorns: Unicorns, those majestic creatures of myth and legend, have captured the imaginations of people throughout history. These magical beings can bring delight and wonder to our lives, but they also come with their own set of rules and quirks. Let’s dive into the enchanting world of unicorns and explore some of the fascinating aspects that make them so captivating.

A Splash of Color: While unicorns are often depicted as pure and radiant white creatures, did you know that in the world of black market objects, you have the power to give them any color you desire? That’s right, the legendary unicorns are neutral and eagerly await your creative touch to bring them to life.

Harnessing Character Powers: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to possess extraordinary abilities? Well, with unicorns, you have the chance to experience just that! Each day, you have the option to tap into the mystical powers of your character. It’s like having a secret weapon in your pocket, ready to be unleashed when the time is right. Just remember, you can only use your character’s power once a day, so choose wisely!

A Diverse Unicorn Family: Not all unicorns are created equal. While some might argue that only “proper” unicorns can truly be counted, we believe that even the non-traditional unicorns deserve recognition. In this magical realm, unicorns come in many forms, and each one is just as special as the next. So, whether they possess a fancy horn or not, all of these enchanting creatures count as regular unicorn cards.

The Trojan Unicorn: Brace yourself for a twist in the game! Picture this scenario: you’re engaged in a lively hunt, eagerly seeking victory, when suddenly, a Trojan Unicorn appears. This mischievous card allows for an unlikely exchange, even if one player has nothing of value to offer. But here’s the catch – if the owner of this card emerges victorious in the hunt and decides to reveal the Trojan Unicorn, well, nothing happens. It’s a moment of surprise and suspense, adding an element of unpredictability to the game.

The Power of the Smelly Unicorn: Ah, the mysterious Smelly Unicorn. This unicorn stands apart from its counterparts, as its point value can be negative. Yes, you read that right! While most unicorns bring joy and reward, the Smelly Unicorn can be a double-edged sword, potentially impacting your score in an unexpected way. It’s a reminder that even in this magical world, surprises and challenges await at every turn.

Exploring the Realm: Variants

Expertise Unleashed

If you’re an experienced player who’s already played lots of games and knows all the cards by heart, then this one’s for you. You love counting cards and have become a pro at it. Impressive!

When you play this version, you’ll need to discard your Hunt and Scheme cards facedown. Make sure no one can peek into your discard pile. It’s your secret stash!

Getting Started

How to play Kill The Unicorns Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! If you’re a young player or someone who just wants to have a fast-paced game without getting bogged down by rules, I’ve got some advice for you.

Here’s the deal – you can totally play without using those scheme cards and character powers. But there’s a catch! Depending on how you set things up, you might not be able to pick all the characters.

  • If you want to play without scheme cards and character powers, go ahead and use all the characters. You’ve got free rein!
  • If you decide to skip the scheme cards, you can use all the characters except for the Princess and the Shaman. They’re off-limits for this setup.

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