How to play Kanagawa Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Rules for Playing Kanagawa

Kanagawa is a fun and challenging game that requires strategy and quick decision-making. In this game, you will embark on a journey to become a master painter in the Japanese tradition. I will guide you through the rules, so you can begin your artistic adventure.


To begin, lay out the Main Board in the center of the playing area. Each player will receive a Studio Board and take the corresponding Master Painter marker. Shuffle the Lesson cards and place them face-down next to the Main Board. Then, draw three Lesson cards and place them face-up on the Lesson card spaces. These cards represent the painting techniques you can learn.


The goal of Kanagawa is to create beautiful paintings by mastering different techniques. On your turn, you have two options: take a Lesson card or create a Painting.

If you choose to take a Lesson card, you can either take one of the face-up cards on the Lesson card spaces or draw the top card from the deck. When you take a Lesson card, place it face-up in front of you on your Studio Board, overlapping any previously taken cards.

When creating a Painting, you have to choose between two options: adding a new Element card to your Painting, or taking a Diploma card and advancing in one of the four painting techniques.

If you choose to add an Element card to your Painting, select one from the face-up cards on the table or draw the top card from the deck. Add the Element card to your Painting, making sure to align it with the other cards so that they fit perfectly. The Element cards represent different parts of your painting, such as the sky, sea, or people.

If you decide to take a Diploma card, check the requirements at the bottom of the card. You must meet these requirements by having specific sets of Element cards in your Painting. If you do, take the Diploma card and place it below your Studio Board. Each Diploma card you collect will give you victory points at the end of the game.

End of the Game

The game ends when either the Lesson card deck or the Element card deck is empty. Players then take one final turn following the regular gameplay rules. Once everyone has completed their final turn, it’s time to score the game.

To score, players will receive victory points according to the Diplomas they collected, the paintings they created, and the harmony they achieved in their painting. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner, becoming a true Master Painter!


Now that you know the rules of Kanagawa, you are ready to unleash your creativity and embark on a journey into the beautiful world of Japanese art. Remember, each decision you make will shape your artistic path, so choose wisely and embrace the challenges that come your way. Enjoy your journey as you strive to become the ultimate Master Painter!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Have you ever wondered how to enhance your Studio and bring your artwork to life? Well, I’ve got some fantastic ideas for you! Let’s talk about improving your Studio and matching your Brushes to the breathtaking Landscapes that ignite your creativity.

Think about it – there’s something truly magical about capturing the essence of nature through your artwork. Whether it’s the vibrant colors of flora, the graceful movements of fauna, or the intricate details of architectural marvels, these elements can all serve as incredible inspiration for your next masterpiece.

And you know what’s really cool? By exploring different subjects like portraits or even different seasons, you can unlock a whole world of possibilities and earn well-deserved Diplomas along the way! How amazing is that?

So, my friend, put your thinking cap on and let yourself be captivated by the wonders of the world around you. By aligning your Brushes with the things that truly resonate with you, you’ll see your Studio flourish like never before.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Want to show off your skills and become a true master? Well, I’ve got just the thing for you. You’ll need to collect as many Harmony symbols as possible to impress the legendary Grand Master Hokusai and come out on top in this game. Sounds exciting, right?

What You’ll Need

Before we jump into the game, let’s get everything set up. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A game board with spaces for the Harmony symbols
  • A deck of Harmony cards
  • A set of colorful player tokens
  • A dice to determine how many spaces you can move

How to Play

Now that we’re all set up, let’s dive into the action. The goal of the game is simple – collect as many Harmony symbols as you can. During your turn, roll the dice to see how many spaces you can move on the game board. Land on a space with a Harmony symbol and you get to add it to your collection. Easy, right? But watch out for the occasional obstacle along the way. They might try to slow you down.

There’s more to the game, though. Some spaces on the board have special actions attached to them. Once you land on one of these spaces, you’ll need to follow the instructions. They can help you move forward or even give you an extra turn. It’s like receiving a boost, so keep an eye out for these spots!

The game continues until all players have reached the end of the board or until a predetermined number of turns have been completed. Once you finish, count up the number of Harmony symbols you collected. The player with the most symbols is declared the winner and earns the title of Grand Master!

So, are you ready to become a legend? Grab your tokens, roll that dice, and let the quest for Harmony symbols begin!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Game On!

Here’s how the game works:

  1. Listen to the Master
  2. Learn or Practice
  3. Discover something new

Step 1: Listen to the Master

I, as the first player with the Grand Master pawn, draw Lesson cards equal to the number of players. These cards go on the first row of the School board. Depending on the spaces, they can be face-up or face-down. It’s a bit mysterious!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: Let’s say we’re playing a game with four players. At the start, we draw four Lesson cards and place them on the first row of the board. The first two cards are placed face-up, the third card is face-down, and the last card is face-up.

2. What do you want to do?

Now it’s time to decide what you want to do. We’ll start with the first player and move clockwise around the table.

Do you want to broaden your knowledge?

If you decide to broaden your knowledge, you can pass your turn and not take any Lesson cards right now. This strategy gives you the advantage of waiting for more Lesson cards to be added to the board. That way, you can potentially choose from a larger selection. However, there’s a risk. Other players might grab the cards you want before it’s your turn again.

Note: If you happen to be the last player still at school at the beginning of this step, you don’t have a choice. You have to put your knowledge into practice. Note: And remember, you always have the option to look at the back of the cards in the draw deck.

If you’re ready to give it a try, here’s what you can do:
  • First, pick a column of Lesson cards from the School.
  • Next, continue your work by either improving your Studio or expanding your Print.
  • Finally, you can earn the corresponding Diploma(s) for your achievements.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMessStep 1: Choose a column of Lesson cards from the School

In order to begin, start by selecting a column in the School that contains Lesson cards. Make sure to take all the Lesson cards present in that column.

Remember, once you’ve taken the Lesson cards, you won’t be able to take any more cards until the next round begins.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: I’m drawn to the second Lesson card, so I make the decision to choose this column. Right now, there’s only one card available in each column. That means I can only take one Lesson card. If I want more cards, I’ll have to practice some patience.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMessKeep Going

Right away, I need to arrange the Lesson cards I took. I can add them to my Studio or my Print in any order I prefer. I have the freedom to divide the cards between my Studio and my Print however I like.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: Each symbol on your Studio enables you to keep one Lesson card from round to round.

When I play the game, I’m given several options on my Studio. Each symbol has its own meaning and function. One thing to keep in mind is that each symbol allows me to hold onto one Lesson card for future rounds of the game. This is an important feature to consider because keeping the right Lesson card can give me an advantage in later rounds.

The symbols on my Studio are like little helpers that contribute to my overall game strategy. They add depth and complexity to the gameplay, making it more interesting and exciting. By understanding the different symbols and their meanings, I can make better decisions during the game.

For example, let’s say I come across a symbol that represents a power-up. This symbol gives me the ability to choose a Lesson card that will boost my performance in the game. By keeping this Lesson card, I can use it strategically at a later time to gain an advantage over my opponents.

Another symbol might represent a special action or event. If I choose to keep a Lesson card with this symbol, I can activate a special ability or trigger an event that can change the course of the game. It’s like having a secret weapon up my sleeve, ready to be unleashed at the perfect moment.

The symbols on my Studio are an important aspect of the game. They provide me with options and choices that can greatly influence my gameplay experience. By selecting the right symbols and holding onto the corresponding Lesson cards, I can elevate my game to a whole new level.

So, when you’re playing the game and you come across these symbols on your Studio, remember their significance. Each symbol allows you to keep one Lesson card from round to round. By strategically choosing which Lesson cards to hold onto, you can enhance your chances of success and achieve victory in the game.

In conclusion, the symbols on your Studio are more than just decorative elements. They serve a purpose and hold great value in the game. Understanding their meanings and utilizing them effectively can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. So, pay attention to the symbols, choose wisely, and dominate the game!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMessMake your Studio better

Want to make your Studio even more amazing? With Kanagawa, you have the freedom to add a Lesson card to your Studio anytime you want. No need to worry about any limits or restrictions. It’s super simple to do. Just flip over a Lesson card, so you can see the Studio section, and place it beneath your Starting tile. If you want to expand your Studio even further, just keep stacking the cards underneath the ones you have already played.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: So here’s what happens. You grab two Lesson cards that you want to put in your Studio. Flip them over and place them under your Starting Tile to make your Studio bigger.

You can put a card in your Studio and right away use its effects (like using the Landscape to play a card on your Print by moving a Brush to it, or using the Arrow to move a Brush..).

When you put a card in your Studio, you need to do the following:

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

First things first, grab a brush from the stash right away. Time is of the essence!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

As soon as you start the game, make sure to grab the small first player pawn, also known as the Assistant.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMessMake Your Print Bigger

To expand your Print and add a new section to your canvas, you need to find the right combinations of Brush and Landscape on the new card.

Achieving optimal placement and movement of your Brushes is crucial for success. Here are some tips:

Place a Brush in your Studio:

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you haven’t placed a Brush in your Studio yet, you can play it on an empty Landscape icon whenever you want during your turn.

There’s no limit to the number of Brushes you can play in your Studio, as long as you have enough empty Landscape icons.

Move a brush:

You can move a Brush from one Landscape icon to an empty icon in your Studio. But each movement requires you to use this symbol game52_.jpg.

You can only use each of these symbols once per round.

And here are two golden rules to remember:

  • Each Landscape icon can only have one Brush.
  • Each Brush can only paint one Landscape per round, either before or after you move it.

When it comes to improving your Studio and moving a Brush in Kanagawa, you have the freedom to choose the order in which you do so.

However, it’s important to note that each Landscape icon in your Studio can only be used once per round.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMessTake the corresponding diploma(s)

As soon as your Print meets the requirements of a Diploma that is still on the table, you have to make a decision. You can either take the Diploma and keep it, or you can leave it and try to do even better!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMessTake a diploma

If you choose to take a Diploma, grab the corresponding tile and place it next to your Print. Just keep in mind that you can only take one Diploma of each color. In other words, once you take a Diploma, you can’t take any more Diplomas in the same category.

Imagine this: You’re playing a card on your Print and it has the third Tree. Now you face a decision. Do you take the first “Tree” Diploma or do you leave it? Well, in this scenario, I would choose to take the “Tree” Diploma and place it next to my Print.

Why? Because taking this Diploma is a smart move. It gives you 3 points at the end of the game, boosting your chances of winning. But here’s the catch – by taking this Diploma, you can’t grab the two other Diplomas in the same category.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMessLeaving a diploma

Now, let’s talk about leaving a Diploma. By leaving it, you open up an opportunity to go for a more challenging Diploma in the same category. However, the trade-off is that you can no longer claim the one you left behind.

Example: Let’s say you go back to the previous example and decide to ditch the first “Tree” Diploma.

Now you can play a fourth, or even a fifth, Tree on your Print to snag one of the remaining two “Tree” Diplomas that offer even more How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess. But keep in mind, you can’t choose the first “Tree” Diploma anymore.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once you’ve plopped a Lesson card on your Print or Studio, it’s stuck there. No more moving it around.

3. Fresh Lessons

If there are still players in school, the first player draws as many Lesson cards as there are players still at the School.

Add those cards to the board, on the second row, stacked up neatly below the remaining cards, following the “face-up” or “face-down” directives.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: Let’s say you and Kevin are playing a game with four players. You both want to expand your knowledge, but Elizabeth and Lucy have different plans. They each decide to choose a Lesson card and use it immediately.

Now, it’s time for the first player to draw two Lesson cards and place them in the second row of the board, right below the remaining cards.

Once the Lesson cards are on the board, players who are still in school move on to Step 2 and continue with the round as explained earlier.

If you decide to broaden your knowledge even further, you can add Lesson cards to the third row of the board. Just make sure to follow the same placement rules and start from Step 2 again.

When all three rows on the board are full, players who are still in school have to take all the Lesson cards in a column. It’s time to put that knowledge into practice!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

For example: Let’s revisit the previous scenario. I decide to expand my knowledge even further, while Kevin opts to leave school with a stack of Lesson cards.

As the first player, I draw a Lesson card and place it in the third row below the remaining cards. When it’s my turn again, I must collect all the Lesson cards in this column.

Once all players have taken their Lesson cards, the round comes to a close. The player with the Assistant pawn assumes control of the Grand Master pawn and becomes the first player in the next round.

At this point, a new round commences, and we go back to Step 1, “Follow the teachings of the Master.”

It’s important to note that when you add the final Lesson card from the deck to the School board, it triggers the end of the game. This means all players in School must, in turn, select all the Lesson cards in a column.

Have you ever experienced a situation where there aren’t enough Lesson cards for all the players in school? Well, when this happens, it can cause some imbalances in the game. The columns that don’t have enough Lesson cards end up with fewer cards than usual, which can make a big difference in gameplay. It’s worth mentioning that being the first player in this situation gives you a significant advantage.

Now, let’s talk about the end of the game. Once all the columns have been filled with Lesson cards, the game comes to a close. At this point, each player needs to calculate their score by adding up the points on their collected Lesson cards. The player with the highest score emerges as the winner!

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, let’s talk about how the game ends. It’s actually quite simple. There are two ways that the game can come to an end.

The first way is when one player has used up all of their tokens. Each player starts with a certain number of tokens, and they can use these tokens to make moves in the game. But if a player uses up all of their tokens, they can no longer make any moves. And that means the game is over for them.

The second way the game can end is if one player manages to complete a certain objective. This objective could be something like connecting four of their own tokens in a row or capturing a certain number of their opponent’s tokens. Once a player completes this objective, the game is over and they are declared the winner.

So, those are the two ways that the game can end. Either one player runs out of tokens, or one player completes a specific objective. It’s a simple concept, but it adds an extra layer of strategy to the game. Because not only do you have to focus on making your own moves, but you also have to keep an eye on your opponent and try to prevent them from completing their objective.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Well, the deck is all used up. The game comes to a close when every student has taken their Lesson cards and put them into action at school.

Now, before we tally up the points, you’ve got to take your Storm tokens and use them cleverly to change the original Season into the Season of your choosing. It’s a strategic move you need to make.

Alright, let’s get to the final scoring. Here’s what you’ll need to add (or subtract if the symbol is crossed out):

  • First, place 1 How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess on each Lesson card in your Print, including the Starting tile How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess
  • Next, put 1 How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess on each Lesson card in your longest sequence of identical Seasons How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m going to show you how to play the card game Kanagawa. Pay attention to the images on the Lesson cards, Print cards, and Studio cards. Keep an eye out for the image on the Diploma tiles you collected. The player with the Grand Master pawn gets two points.

How to play Kanagawa Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to winning in this game, it’s all about the Harmony points. The player who has the highest number of Harmony points is declared the winner. But, what happens if there is a tie? Well, in that case, the tied players actually share the victory.

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