How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Junior Party Alias Game Rules

Hey there! Are you ready to have some fun? In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our lives, it’s easy to forget about the joy that comes from playing classic party games. That’s why I want to introduce you to the Junior Party Alias game.

Now, you might be wondering, what is Junior Party Alias? Well, let me break it down for you. Junior Party Alias is a super exciting and engaging word-guessing game that will have you hooked from the get-go. The goal of the game is simple: you have to explain and describe various words to your teammates, without actually saying the word itself.

But why should you give this game a try? Well, let me tell you. One of the key reasons why Junior Party Alias is so fantastic is that it brings people together. It allows you to have a great time with your friends and family, laughing and bonding over the crazy and hilarious explanations.

Another amazing thing about this game is that it helps you improve your vocabulary and communication skills. By trying to come up with clever descriptions and explanations, you’ll expand your word bank and become a master of expressing ideas in unique and creative ways.

And if you think this game is only for kids, think again! Junior Party Alias is suitable for players of all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned word warrior or just starting out on your word-guessing journey, this game will keep you entertained and challenged.

Now, let’s talk about how to play this awesome game. First, you divide into teams. Each team takes turns having a “guesser” and a “explainer.” The explainer’s job is to describe the word on the card, while the guesser tries to figure out what the word is. The twist is that the explainer cannot say the actual word or use any gestures!

To make things even more interesting, there are different categories of words, such as animals, objects, professions, and actions. This variety adds an extra layer of excitement to the game, keeping you on the edge of your seat and eager to challenge your teammates.

Remember, the key to winning Junior Party Alias is to be quick on your feet and come up with imaginative explanations. The more creative and hilarious your descriptions are, the more fun everyone will have!

So, if you’re looking for a game that will bring joy, laughter, and a healthy dose of competition to your gatherings, then Junior Party Alias is the way to go. It’s a game that will entertain and engage you no matter your age or level of experience.

By following these basic rules and embracing your inner wordsmith, you’re guaranteed to have a blast playing Junior Party Alias. So grab a deck of cards, gather your friends and family, and get ready for an unforgettable game night filled with laughter and excitement. Happy playing!

How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Wanna have some fun? I’ve got a cool game for you to try out. It’s all about reaching the top of the game board before anyone else. Exciting, right?

Getting Started

Before we start, we need to set everything up. You’ll need a game board and some cards with pictures on them. These cards are the key to the game. They’ll help you explain and guess different pictures. Make sure everyone playing has enough space to put down their cards. Got it? Great!

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Each player needs to choose a game piece. You can pick a car, an animal, or any other cool piece. Put your piece at the start of the game board, and you’re all set to go!

How to Play

Alright, here’s how this game works. On your turn, you’ll get a chance to explain a picture to the other players. The picture on your card will show you something cool, like a cat or a spaceship.

Now, it’s time for you to put on your detective hat. You’ll need to describe the picture on your card without saying the word that’s written on it. Yep, that’s the tricky part!

While you’re explaining, the other players have to listen carefully and try to guess what the picture is. They’ll have to use their imagination and think outside the box.

Once the other players make their guesses, it’s time to reveal the picture on the card. If anyone guessed it right, congratulations! You all move your game pieces forward on the game board. But if no one guessed it, don’t worry. You still get a chance to move forward on the board all by yourself. Pretty neat, huh?

Now, it’s the next player’s turn to explain a picture. The game keeps going like this until one lucky person reaches the big top at the end of the game board. And that person, my friend, is the winner!


So there you have it! A super fun game where you get to explain and guess pictures. It’s a great way to test your imagination and have a blast with your friends. Give it a try, and trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s get started! First, place the game board on the table. Make sure to separate the acting cards from the word cards and also place them on the table.

Now, it’s time for each player to choose a game piece and put it on the start space.

Next, assemble the Ferris wheel and place it in the middle of the game board, just like in the picture.

The player who most recently went to the fun fair will go first and start the game.

Now, let’s start playing!

If your game character is on the start space, it’s your turn to explain. But if your game character is already on the game route, follow the instructions below!

How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you find yourself on an acting space when it’s your turn, grab a card from the pile of acting cards.

Your mission now is to pretend to be the character on the card. Act like the character with your movements and sounds, but remember, no words allowed!

How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When my game piece lands on a space like this at the start of my turn, I get to draw a word card from the pile. The exciting part is that I have to keep the word a secret from the other players!

Let me explain how it works! (Check out the explaining and guessing section.)

  • How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMessIf the space is blue and has a picture of a nose, things get silly! I have to hold my nose while I explain the word, and everyone else has to do the same while they try to guess. It’s a hilarious challenge!
  • How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMessIf the space is blue and shows a person jumping, things get even more energetic! I have to jump up and down while explaining, and everyone else has to do the same while guessing. It adds a fun twist to the game!

The fair is always full of surprises, so expect the unexpected while playing!

How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about this cool game board. It’s got all the pictures from the word cards and acting cards. You can hear the player describe the picture or act it out, and then you get to go find it at the fun fair!

When you guess the right word, both the explainer and the guesser can move their game piece one step forward on the board. How cool is that?

How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you land on a turbo space after moving, you’ll need to spin the spinner and then move your game piece forward based on the number you spin!

Guessing and Explaining

There are many different ways to explain and act out the images on the cards!

When you explain the pictures on the cards, you can’t use their actual names. However, you can provide as many clues as you want. Talk about what the thing looks like, how big it is, what it’s used for, how it sounds, what it tastes like, and what color it is.

How to play Junior Party Alias Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you accidentally say the word or find a picture too hard to explain or guess, you can put the card in the discard pile and draw a new one!

If the other players don’t understand what you’re trying to explain or imitate, try a different approach. They can guess as many times as they want.

Put the used cards in separate discard piles (one for word cards, one for acting cards), next to the game board. If you forget whose turn it is next, just look at the word that was last explained or imitated!

Game Over

The game ends when one player reaches the big top at the end of the track. That player wins! If two or more players reach the big top on the same turn, they share the victory!

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