How to play Historia Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Get to Know the Rules of Historia Game

Hi there! So you’re interested in learning about the rules of Historia game. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Let me walk you through the basics of this exciting game.

As you may already know, Historia is a board game that takes you on a journey through history. It’s all about exploring different civilizations and making strategic decisions to shape the course of history itself. How cool is that?

When it comes to playing Historia, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll need to gather a group of players. Historia is best enjoyed with 2 to 6 players, so make sure to invite some friends or family members to join you on this epic adventure.

Once you have your group assembled, the game can begin. In Historia, each player takes on the role of a powerful civilization. From ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire, you’ll have the opportunity to lead your people and leave your mark on history.

Throughout the game, you’ll be faced with important decisions. Will you focus on expanding your civilization’s territory, or will you invest in technology and culture? The choice is yours, but remember, every decision has consequences. What path will you choose?

To play Historia, you’ll need to use a combination of strategy, resource management, and diplomacy. You’ll trade with other players, negotiate alliances, and even engage in military conflicts. It’s a game that requires careful planning and a bit of luck.

The ultimate goal of Historia is to score the most victory points. You’ll earn points by completing different objectives, such as building impressive wonders or making significant scientific discoveries. The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner!

Now that you have a basic understanding of the rules, it’s time to gather your friends and start your journey through history. Will you be remembered as a wise and respected leader, or will your empire crumble to dust? The fate of history is in your hands. Good luck!

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • There’s the game board
  • 60 Action cards
  • 18 Leader cards
  • 48 Wonder cards
  • 35 Advisor cards
  • 7 A.I. cards
  • 12 Event cards.
  • And there’s also a turn marker
  • An era marker
  • 6 Development discs
  • 6 turn order tokens
  • 6 point markers,
  • 54 Power cubes
  • 16 territory tiles.
  • 6 player reference sheets.
  • And of course, a Rulebook

Getting Set Up

When you’re ready to start playing, here’s what you’ll need. First, there’s the game board. This is where all the action will take place. Then, you’ll want to gather the cards. There are 60 Action cards, 18 Leader cards, 48 Wonder cards, 35 Advisor cards, and 7 A.I. cards. Don’t forget the 12 Event cards!

You’ll also need some markers to keep track of the game. Grab the turn marker and the era marker. You’ll also want to have 6 Development discs, 6 turn order tokens, 6 point markers, 54 Power cubes, and 16 territory tiles.

Finally, make sure each player has their own reference sheet. This will come in handy as a quick guide to the game. And don’t forget to have the Rulebook on hand for any questions that come up.

Now that everything is set up, let the game begin!

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, put the board in the middle of the table.
  2. Next, flip a coin and put the Theater’s needle on one of the two central spaces. If it’s tails, it represents tragedy, and if it’s heads, it represents comedy. Then, change the backdrop based on the King’s mood.
  3. Now, each player picks a color. They get the corresponding deck of Travel cards, the 8 Caravels, and the 3 Managers.
  4. After that, shuffle the deck of Secret Request cards and place it face-down next to the Theater.
  5. Also, shuffle the deck of Encounter cards and place it face-down near the board.
  6. Then, draw an Encounter card and place it face-up in front of each City space on the board.
  7. Finally, each player takes 3 Ecus. The remaining Ecus will be set aside and become the Treasury.

Let’s Play

A season consists of many game turns. Every turn, we players pick a City as our destination and resolve them one by one. To complete a turn, we place an Encounter card in front of each City. We continue playing in this way until the season ends.

Each turn is divided into three phases:

1. Travel

2. Resolution

3. New Opportunities

Now, let’s talk more about the first phase: Travel.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. Here’s what happens: I pick a Travel card, you pick a Travel card, and we keep them face-down.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s talk about revealing travel cards. It’s a pretty cool process, and I’ll break it down for you.

So, once we’ve all made our choices, it’s time to reveal those travel cards. Picture this – we’re all gathered around, excitement in the air. We’re all curious to see where our adventures will take us!

And then, it happens. One by one, we flip our chosen cards, revealing the destinations we’ve picked. It’s like opening a treasure chest full of possibilities!

Now, why is this revealing moment so important? Well, it’s because it sets the stage for the adventure ahead. We get a glimpse into the journeys we’ll be embarking on, and it’s a thrilling moment of anticipation.

Each revealed travel card holds a world of excitement and discovery. It’s like a key that unlocks a new experience, a new place to explore. And the best part? We all get to share in each other’s excitement as we reveal our chosen cards.

So, my friend, get ready for that moment of reveal. It’s the start of something incredible, a journey waiting to unfold. Let’s dive in and explore together!

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we play the game, each of us will put one of our Caravels in front of the Encounter cards of the City we choose. We’ll also put our Travel card in our own discard pile, face-up. The Caravels are placed in front of the cards so that we can easily see which cities everyone chose.

2. What Happens Next?

Now it’s time to resolve the Cities that were visited by one or more Caravels. We’ll start with the first City and work our way to the last:

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re the only player occupying a City, it’s time to face the consequences one Encounter card at a time. Start with the most recently played card and work your way back.

Each Encounter card has its own unique effect, so pay attention. Here’s what you need to know:

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Bonus: When you get this card, you receive the specified amount of money from the Treasury. After that, you should put the Bonus card on top of the Encounter card discard pile (which is next to the Encounter card deck).

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Acrobat: When it’s my turn, I get to reveal a card from my hand and play it right away!

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Level 1 Actor (Comedians or Tragedians) Experience: When I’m a level 1 actor, I get to take the discarded Travel cards and all of my Caravels and add them to my hand.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Experience level 2 Actor: Woah, did you know that at level two, I get to steal an Ecu from an opponent of my choice? How cool is that? I mean, not only do I get to show off my acting skills, but I also get to boost my own stash of Ecu. So, picture this – I’m in the middle of a performance, and while I’m captivating the audience with my remarkable talent, I also get a chance to slyly snatch an Ecu from someone else. It’s like a secret bonus that keeps the game exciting and unpredictable. And let me tell you, it sure feels good to have that extra boost on my side. Makes me feel like a pro, you know?

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Level 3 Actor Experience: When I reach level 3 as an actor, I get to have one of my managers on the theater set. It doesn’t matter what color the managers are; I still earn as many Ecus from the theater’s treasury as there are managers on the set.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there, acting enthusiast!

I’m excited to share with you some important insights on the fascinating world of acting. So, you may be wondering, what exactly does it take to become a successful actor?

Well, let’s break it down for you!

First and foremost, I want to emphasize that acting is more than just a profession – it’s an art. As a budding actor, you have the power to transport people to different places, evoke emotions, and tell stories that resonate with audiences.

Now, let’s dive into what it means to be a level 4 actor. But before we do that, let me explain the different experience levels for actors.

When it comes to acting, experience levels are often categorized to help industry professionals understand an actor’s skill and expertise. In this case, we’re focusing on level 4 actors.

So, what does being a level 4 actor signify? Well, it means that you have honed your craft and have a solid foundation in acting techniques. You have developed your skills through training, practice, and perhaps even some professional work.

Now, let’s talk about the skills and qualities that set apart a level 4 actor. These actors have a deep understanding of character development, emotional range, and the ability to bring a script to life. They are adept at analyzing scripts, interpreting characters, and delivering compelling performances.

A level 4 actor also has a strong stage presence and can captivate audiences with their presence. They have the ability to immerse themselves in a role and make it their own, creating authentic and believable performances.

Another important aspect of being a level 4 actor is versatility. These actors can take on a variety of roles, from dramatic to comedic, and everything in between. They have the skill to adapt their performance to different genres and styles, showcasing their range as an actor.

As you continue your journey as an actor, it’s essential to keep challenging yourself and seeking out opportunities for growth. Whether it’s through auditions, acting classes, or workshops, always strive to improve and expand your skills.

Remember, the path to becoming a successful actor is a journey, and each experience along the way contributes to your growth. So, embrace the process, stay dedicated, and never stop exploring your passion for acting.

If you keep working hard, refining your craft, and staying true to yourself, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an exceptional level 4 actor. So, go out there and shine on the stage or screen!

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Level 5 Actor Experience: When I pay an Ecu to the Treasury, it has a significant impact. However, if I don’t have enough money, I can’t pay and the Actor is discarded without any effect.

During the resolution phase, I get to temporarily hold onto any Actor cards that I haven’t been forced to discard.

Once I have resolved all the cards in the City, I have the option to discard one of the Actors I have in my hand. I send that Actor to Court to influence the King. The movement of the Theater needle depends on the experience and nature of the Actor, whether they are a Comedian or Tragedian.

Lastly, I place the remaining Actors from my hand in front of me, with their faces visible. These Actors join my troupe, which must always be displayed face-up.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: I got a level 3 Tragedian and a level 2 Comedian. I decided to keep the Tragedian and placed him in front of me. I discarded the Comedian and moved the needle 2 spaces towards the yellow.

The Emotions of the King

Right at the front of the Theater, the needle’s position on the red or yellow shows what kind of play the King prefers – a tragedy or a comedy.

Events, that I’ll explain later, will shift the needle. For instance, a Tragedian (the red one) can push it towards the red by an amount equal to his experience. When the needle goes from red to yellow or vice versa, the King’s emotions change.

And whenever that happens, the Theater’s backdrop changes too! Each time the King’s emotions change, the backdrop of the Theater transforms, and all the Managers go back to their respective players.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If me and some other players choose the same City, we’ll discard all the Encounter cards for that City. But don’t worry, we still get some benefits from it. The Acrobats and Bonuses are discarded and don’t do anything. But the Actors have a special effect. They can change the King’s mood, depending on whether they are a Comedian or a Tragedian. These poor folks couldn’t find a place in a troupe, so they went straight to the Court!

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: Let’s say we have 2 Tragedians with level 2 and 3 experience, and a Comedian with level 4 experience going to the Court. In this case, the needle is moved one space (5 – 4 = 1) towards red.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Mysterious Requests

Someone from the Court secretly approaches me, the leader of our troupe. They reach out with a proposition, offering a handful of Ecus as a reward.

Whenever a group of us finds ourselves in the same City, we each receive a mysterious Secret Request. These requests are held in secrecy, hidden from prying eyes. We have the chance to reveal one at the conclusion of every season, earning extra Ecus if we accomplish the assigned objectives.

If I happen to accumulate more than 3 Secret Requests, I must make a difficult decision and discard one of my choosing. Should the Secret Request deck become empty, we gather discarded cards and reshuffle to create a new deck, ready for new adventures.

Once I’ve sorted out what the cards do in a City, I can take my Caravel (which was in front of the City) and move it onto the board, right on that City. This way, I can easily see what my options are without having to keep checking my discarded Travel cards.

If I only have one Travel card in my hand, I get back all of my cards and Caravels.

Meet the Acrobats

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once per season, you can use these cards. When you decide to use one of your Acrobats, you should follow the instructions on the card. The instructions will tell you when you can play the card and what its effect will be.

After you use the card, you need to turn it over. This shows that you have already used it for this season. You won’t be able to play it again until the next season.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Remarkable Chameleon

The Chameleon is quite the acrobat. When it’s time to tally up the score at the end of a season, this card takes on the role of either a Comedian or a Tragedian, but only at Experience level 1.

3. Fresh Opportunities

Should the deck of Encounter cards run dry, that signals the end of the season.

But if that’s not the case, things get interesting. A new Encounter card is drawn and placed in front of each City, starting from the first all the way to the last. While the cards already in play remain visible, players are permitted to have a look at what’s inside the card stacks. Just keep in mind, the order of the cards cannot be altered.

However, if there aren’t enough cards to give each City one, fear not! The turn continues as normal, using the available cards, and then the season quietly comes to an end.

When it’s my turn to play during the last part of the second season, I might end up in a City that’s completely empty. If that happens, I won’t get any Encounter cards, but I will get to draw a Secret Request card instead.

{“A player, forced, go, empty City, situation, gain, Encounter cards, draw, Secret Request card”}.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Season’s End

When the time comes for the Munificent festival, all the troupes gather at the Court. It’s an exciting event where we get to perform in front of King Leonus XIV.

Tallying the Coins

  • You and your fellow actors will each receive 1 Ecu for every actor in your troupe that matches the King’s desired mood. For example, if the King wants a comedy, each player will earn 1 Ecu per comedian. But be careful! The Chameleon is not considered an Actor, so you won’t receive any Ecus for them.

In the game, there are rewards for players who manage to please the King with their performances. If the difference in experience between the Tragedians and Comedians of a player matches the King’s mood, that player will earn 3 Ecus for season 1 or 5 Ecus for season 2. Additionally, the player (or players) who present the best show will have their reward doubled. This means that the show with the greatest difference in experience between Tragedians and Comedians will earn the highest reward.

After performing, each player gets to play a Secret Request card of their choice. During the first season, the card used remains face-up in front of the player and can earn them more Ecus during the totaling at the end of the second season. The second Secret Request card can be played then and its rewards will be added to those of the first card.

For example, Valere, who has 3 Comedians, will gain 3 Ecus. Adding these rewards adds another layer of strategy and excitement to the game.

  • I have 3 comedians and they have a total value of 8. I also own 2 tragedians with a total value of 3. So, there’s a difference of 5 towards comedy. Luckily, the King is pleased with my show! On the other hand, Hippolyte has 4 comedians worth a total of 6 and 3 tragedians worth a total of 5. The difference towards comedy is only 1. But good news, the King is pleased with his show as well. Valere, however, has the biggest gap between comedy and tragedy, so his show is regarded as the better one. Consequently, Hippolyte gains 3 Ecus, and Valere gains 6 Ecus since his show not only pleases the King but is also the best one.
  • Valere decided to play the Secret Request, the Favored, which gives him a nice reward of 4 Ecus.

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Preparing for Season Two

I get rid of all my Actors and keep my Acrobats in front of me, along with any unplayed Secret Requests. I also keep my played Secret Request face-up.

  • I straighten my Acrobats, making them ready to be used again.
  • However, the Travel cards I used during the season are not returned. The Caravels stay where they are on the board.
  • I discard all the Encounter cards in front of the Cities.
  • The discarded Encounter cards become the new draw deck. I place one Encounter card in front of each City, starting from the first one.
  • I flip a coin to determine the starting position of the needle at the Theater.

End of the Game

The game comes to an end after the second season.

So, here’s the deal. The whole point of this game is to have the most Ecus by the end. Whoever has the most Ecus wins. But hey, if there’s a tie, no worries! The victory is shared. It’s all about that competitive spirit, right?

How to play Historia Official Rules UltraFoodMess

A Variant for 2 Players: Alliance at Play

  • When setting up the game, we each grab 8 Travel cards, 8 Caravels, and 3 Managers in a different color. These extra Managers, called the “allied Troupe,” bring in new challenges and unpredictability to the game.
  • Before we begin, let’s shuffle the Travel cards of our allied Troupe and create a separate draw deck just for them. Keep this deck face-down.
  • During the Travel phase of each turn, we draw the top card from our allied Troupe’s deck and secretly take a peek at it. This knowledge is ours alone. Afterward, we proceed to choose the destination for our main troupe as usual. Once both of us have made our choices, we reveal both Travel cards (our own and that of our allied Troupe) and position the Caravels on the board accordingly.
  • When playing the game, I won’t be able to use Encounter cards or Secret Requests if I have allied Troupes. Those cards will just be discarded without having any impact during the resolution phase.
  • If, by some chance, two allied troupes end up in the same City, their cards will also be discarded, and the King’s mood will change accordingly.
  • Just like me, allied Troupes will get their Travel cards replenished when they only have one left. It’s like getting a fresh deck of cards.

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