How to play HexRoller Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Let’s Learn How to Play HexRoller!

Do you want to learn how to play HexRoller? It’s a fun and challenging game that you can enjoy with your friends. In this guide, I will explain the rules of HexRoller and provide you with some tips to improve your gameplay.

HexRoller is a dice game that involves strategic thinking and decision-making. The goal of the game is to score the most points by filling in hexagons on your score sheet. Each hexagon is divided into smaller sections, and you need to roll the dice to determine the numbers you can input in each section.

Here’s how to play HexRoller:


  • Each player receives a score sheet.
  • Place six dice in the dice cup and give it a good shake.
  • Roll all six dice and place them in the middle of the table.


On your turn, you can choose to perform one of the following actions:

  1. Fill in a hexagon: Choose an empty hexagon on your score sheet and fill in a number from one of the rolled dice. The value of the number must be equal to or less than the number of sections in the hexagon. Once you fill in a number, you cannot change it.
  2. Pass: If you cannot or do not want to fill in a hexagon, you can pass your turn to the next player.
  3. The game continues clockwise with each player taking turns until all hexagons on the score sheets are filled.


    At the end of the game, you will score points based on the numbers you filled in your hexagons:

    • Single hexagon: You score points equal to the value of the filled-in number.
    • Groups of hexagons: If you complete a group of three or more adjacent hexagons of the same number, you score additional points based on the size of the group.
    • Bonus points: You can earn bonus points by filling in specific hexagons or completing certain patterns on your score sheet.

    The player with the highest score wins the game!

    Tips and Strategies

    Here are some tips to help you improve your HexRoller gameplay:

    • Look for opportunities to score bonus points by filling in specific hexagons or completing patterns.
    • Pay attention to what numbers your opponents need and try to block them from getting those numbers.
    • Strategically use your dice rolls to maximize your score and create groups of hexagons.
    • Keep an eye on the remaining empty hexagons and plan your moves accordingly.

    Now you’re ready to play HexRoller! Gather your friends, follow the rules, and see who can score the most points. Have fun and good luck!

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I play this game, I start by taking a paper from the pad. Then, I gather with my friends and together we decide whether we want to play with the front or back of the paper.

    Each side of the paper has a different layout. If we choose to play with the front side, we’ll have seven rounds, but if we choose the back side, we’ll have six rounds.

    Here’s How to Play

    First, one player rolls all 8 dice. Then, we separate the dice into groups based on the matching numbers. (If we’re playing on the back side, we’ll only roll 7 dice).

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Alright, let me break it down for you. Here’s what you need to do:

    First off, pick a number that got rolled. Make sure you write it in hexes based on how many dice showed that number. And don’t worry, you get to pick the number yourself, even if someone else already chose it.

    But hold on, there’s more. The first number you write down has to be connected to another hex that has the same number either written or printed on it.

    From there, things get a little trickier. Every number you write down after the first one has to be connected to the previous hex that you wrote a number in. It’s like a puzzle that grows with each turn.

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let me explain how to play the game. First, if you roll four 3s, you need to write down all four numbers next to an existing 3 on your paper.

    Next, choose a different number that you rolled and write it down in the same way as the first one.

    Finally, write the two numbers you chose in the leftmost empty boxes near the bottom-left corner of your paper. Now, you can start the next round!

    Here are some bonuses:

    Once per round, you can use one of your three bonuses. When you use a bonus, cross it off your paper near the top-left corner. Remember, you can only use each bonus once per game.

    • You can write down a number you chose in one more hex.
    • You can write down a “2” in any empty hex.

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMessHey there! Let me walk you through how to play HexRoller. It’s a dice game that’s all about strategy and quick thinking. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

    Here’s what you need to do:

    1. Take a sheet of paper and draw a grid with 19 hexagons. Make sure there are 7 hexagons on the front side and 6 on the back side.

    2. Roll the three dice and write down the numbers you get. Remember, you need to follow the usual rules for writing numbers.

    3. Look at the numbers you rolled and choose one to write in a hexagon on your grid. You can write the number in any empty hexagon that matches the number’s color.

    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the hexagons on your grid are filled. Pay attention to the colors and numbers you choose, as they will affect your score.

    5. When all the hexagons in the bottom-left corner of your grid are filled, the game is over. If you’re playing on the front side, this happens after seven rounds. If you’re playing on the back side, it happens after six rounds.

    Now, let’s talk about scoring:

    – Each hexagon has a point value based on the number you wrote in it. The higher the number, the more points you’ll earn.

    – On top of that, you’ll score 2 points for each unused bonus. So make sure to pay attention to those too!

    That’s it! You now know how to play HexRoller. I hope you have a blast rolling those dice and strategizing your moves. Have fun and may the highest score win!

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Outer Areas: I want to talk about the outer areas in this game. It’s an important part that you need to consider when playing. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

    So, when it comes to the outer areas, you score points for each one you fill. It doesn’t matter if you wrote the numbers or used the printed numbers – both count. The rule is simple: for each filled area, you get points equal to the most common number in that area. Easy, right?

    But what happens when there’s a tie? Well, in that case, you look at the tied numbers and choose the higher one. It’s a tiebreaker that helps keep the game fair and exciting.

    Now, take a moment to think about the outer areas. They’re like a double-edged sword – a strategic challenge. On one hand, you want to fill as many areas as possible to maximize your points. On the other hand, you need to be careful not to spread yourself too thin and run out of numbers. It’s a delicate balance, my friend.

    So, keep in mind that the outer areas are crucial for your overall score. They can make or break your game. It’s all about understanding the rules, making smart choices, and staying one step ahead of your opponents. Trust me, if you master the outer areas, you’ll be on your way to victory!

    Remember, it’s not just about filling the areas. It’s about thinking strategically and aiming for those high-scoring numbers. Are you up for the challenge? I know you are. Good luck!

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Scoring the Middle Area: To score the middle area, you should follow the same method as scoring the outer area, but with the points doubled.

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let’s Connect and Score: To play the game of Connections, all you need to do is connect pairs of numbers that match. It’s as simple as drawing a line between them. And guess what? You get points for each line you make!

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Straights: To play Straights, you need to score points by adding up the numbers in the two rows located in the bottom-left corner. The goal is to count up from the number “3” and find the highest number you can without skipping any numbers. For example, if the row starts with “3” and goes up to “6”, you would score points for each number in that row (“3”, “4”, “5”, “6”). Remember, you can count the numbers in any order; it doesn’t matter. If a row doesn’t have a “3” in it, you won’t earn any points for that row. So make sure to look for the rows with the highest numbers to maximize your score!

    How to play HexRoller Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let’s take a closer look at how scoring works in this game. On the top row, you’ll see numbers from 1 to 6. Each number corresponds to a different scoring category. For example, if you roll a “3” on your turn, you would write the number “3” in the box under the “3” category. Easy enough, right?

    Now, here’s where things get interesting. On the bottom row, you have a range of numbers from 3 to 7. Instead of writing the exact number you roll, you’ll write the sum of all the numbers you rolled in that range. So, if you roll a “3”, “4”, “5”, and “6”, you would write the number “18” in the box under the “3 – 7” category. It’s like a little math puzzle!

    Once you’ve filled in all the boxes, it’s time to add up your scores. Just add up the numbers in each category and write the total at the bottom. The player with the highest total wins the game!

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