How to play Go Away Monster Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

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Go Away Monster! Game Rules

A game known as “Go Away Monster!” has become quite popular lately. I think you might find it interesting, so let me tell you all about it. In this game, the players take turns grabbing items that they need to complete their picture puzzles. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

The game is designed for children aged 3 and up, which means it’s perfect for you! It will not only provide hours of entertainment but also help you develop important skills, such as shape recognition and fine motor skills.

The game includes a game board and a pile of picture tiles. Each player gets a puzzle board with spaces for different items. The goal of the game is to complete your puzzle by collecting all the items depicted on your board.

So here’s how the game works. On your turn, you reach into a bag without looking and grab a tile, then you feel it with your hands to find out what it is and place it on your board if it matches one of the items you need. Be careful though, because there might be a monster tile in the bag, and if you accidentally pick it, you have to yell “Go Away Monster!” and throw it back into the bag!

The game continues like this until all players have finished their puzzles. The first person to complete their puzzle wins!

Playing “Go Away Monster!” is not only fun but also educational. It teaches you about taking turns, matching, and categorizing objects. Plus, it’s a great way to spend quality time with your friends and family.

So why not give “Go Away Monster!” a try? I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I do!

How to play Go Away Monster Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The game ends when we all finish our bedroom game boards and throw all the monsters into the “monster pit”.

Getting Ready

I’ll give you a bedroom game board. I’ll put the extra boards on the side. In a two-player game, I’ll give you another board if you want. If we don’t use a board, we’ll put aside a bed, a lamp, a picture, and a teddy bear (it doesn’t matter which ones).

Let’s check out the monsters and the puzzle pieces. Pick them up and see how they feel. Some monsters are the same size and shape as the bedroom puzzles.

Next, let’s put all the monsters and puzzle pieces in the monster bag and mix them up.

How to play Go Away Monster Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Play the Game

First of all, it’s time to start the game! I’ll go first, showing you how it’s done. Now, let’s reach into the monster bag and find something special to place in the empty spaces on your bedroom board.

As you put your hand into the bag, take a moment to feel the different objects and figure out which one matches the shape and size you need for your board. Trust your instincts!

If you happen to grab a puzzle piece that fits perfectly on your board, go ahead and place it in the correct spot. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to decorate your room, so feel free to be creative!

But what if you pull out a puzzle piece that you already have? Well, that’s your chance to be a helpful player! Pass it along to someone else who needs it, and spread the joy of completing their own bedroom board.

So, here’s the deal. If you come across a monster, just chuck it into the middle of our special circle. We like to call it the monster pit, but you can call it jail if you prefer. Then, all you have to do is say, “go away monster!” You can also sit on it, hide it in a box, or even chuck it out the door. It’s all up to you! You’re the boss of these silly monsters!

Alright, now let’s get to the fun part. One by one, we’ll take turns around the circle, moving to the left. Each player gets to reach into the bag and pull out an item. Once you have an item in your hand, you can choose to keep it, share it, or toss it away. But remember, once you’ve made your choice, your turn is over. Then, you pass the bag along to the player on your left.

The Game Comes to an End

We keep on playing until all the puzzle pieces and monsters are out of the bag. They either end up on the bedroom boards or in the monster pit. It’s that simple! Now, let’s have some fun and show those monsters who’s boss!

Hey there! Once the game is over, let’s get rid of those pesky monsters once and for all! We can do this by taking them out of the monster pit, putting them back in the monster bag, and storing the bag in our Go Away Monster! box until we want to play again.

A Fun Competition

In the competitive version of the game, the goal is to be the first one to fill up our bedroom board. The set-up and gameplay are just like the cooperative version, but with a few twists.

First, we need to be careful not to pull out any monsters from the bag. We want to grab all the puzzle pieces we need for our board as quickly as possible!

If we accidentally pull out a monster, it will slow us down. So, we need to get really good at telling the difference between the different shapes and sizes of the puzzle pieces.

Second, if we pull out a puzzle piece that we already have, we should put it back in the bag and pass the monster bag to the next player.

When it’s your turn, you have a choice with each item you pull out – keep it, put it back, or toss it. Remember, once you make your decision, your turn is done. The bag then gets passed to the player sitting on your left.

The player who finishes filling her board first is the winner of the game.

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