Welcome to the Forbidden Sky
About the Game
I’m here to explain the rules of the exciting game known as Forbidden Sky. Are you ready? Let’s get started!
The goal of the game is to work together to build a working electrical circuit that powers a rocket, allowing your team to escape the perilous Forbidden Sky.
The game includes the following components:
- Game Board
- Tiles
- Player Pawns
- Cards
- Storm Meter
- Electricity Tokens
To start the game, place the game board in the center of the playing area. Shuffle the tiles and create a 4×4 grid by placing them face-down on the board. Place the storm meter and electricity tokens nearby. Each player chooses a pawn and places it on the starting platform.
During each turn, follow these steps:
- Draw a Storm Card and resolve its effects.
- If the storm meter reaches the lightning bolt symbol, the game is lost.
- Moving your pawn, you can go up, down, left, or right on the board.
- Perform the action associated with the tile you land on.
- If you land on an electrical tile, you can connect or disconnect wires.
- Once your turn ends, the next player goes.
Game Over and Winning
The game ends in one of two ways:
- If the storm meter reaches the lightning bolt symbol, all players lose.
- If the rocket is successfully launched, all players win.
In Conclusion
Now that you understand the basics, you’re ready to embark on your Forbidden Sky adventure. Work together, stay alert, and power that rocket to safety!
Imagine this: You’re in a flying machine, descending upon a top-secret power platform that hovers 7,000 feet above the ground. As you approach, a mysterious rocket emerges from the fog, tantalizing you with the promise of unlocking the secrets of the ancient Archean civilization. To launch this rocket, your team must work together to create a functional electrical circuit by connecting capacitors, lightning rods, and a launch pad.
But here’s the catch: the platform is engulfed in a violent storm, where lightning strikes and strong gusts of wind threaten your every move. Can you and your team power up the rocket before being zapped or blown away into oblivion?
The Circuit Components
- There are 15 Storm cards
- You’ll find 14 Equipment cards
- There are 6 Adventurer cards
- We have 2 Blueprint cards
- You’ll need 36 Power Platform tiles
- There are 32 circuit components
- You’ll use 13 meter clips
- There are 6 wooden pawns
- You’ll find 1 Storm meter
- We have 1 Storm meter stand
- You’ll need 1 starting grid
- And finally, we have 1 rocket
Let’s Examine the Tiles
Hey, check out these 36 Power Platform tiles! Take a look at what they look like. Now, let’s mix them up and flip them face down. We’ll stack them up to create the Power Platform draw pile.
Get the Starting Grid Ready
If you’re new to the game, here’s what you need to do. Get the starting grid ready by placing the wind compass arrow in the center hole and snapping the bottom connector to secure it. The starting grid goes in the middle of the playing area. Don’t forget to put a lightning rod in the indicated location. Think of the grid as four separate tiles from now on. Make sure the wind compass is pointing towards the platform, just like in the example below.
Get the Rocket and Circuit Components in Place
Let’s get ready to launch a rocket! Here’s what you’ll need to set up your rocket: a rocket, a launch pad, large and small capacitors, lightning rods, and some wires. It’s important to place them near the starting grid for a successful launch. If it’s your first time playing, don’t forget to remove the tab from the side of the rocket.
Prepare for the Weather
Here’s what you need to do:
First, attach the red clip to the Storm meter. Make sure to place it in the right position based on the number of players. Then, gently push the meter into its stand.
Next, Divide the Cards
Select Your Difficulty Level
To get started, choose the Blueprint card that matches the difficulty level you want to play. Place it face up near the circuit components. If you’re new to cooperative games, select the Novice blueprint. If you have experience with games like Forbidden Island or Forbidden Desert, or if you’re an experienced cooperative game player, start with the Normal blueprint. Keep the other Blueprint cards in the box. Each Blueprint card shows the launch pad outline along with a different number of large capacitors, small capacitors, and lightning rods. Your goal is to wire these components into a working circuit to win the game.
The Adventurers Arrive
We’ll now distribute the 6 Adventurer cards. Each player will receive 1 card randomly. Take a moment to read the special powers written on the front of your card. This will allow your teammates to understand your strengths. Remember, you may need to rely on everyone’s abilities in order to succeed. The front of your card also displays your adventurer’s health meter and rope meter. Take 2 clips and place one on the top mark of your health meter and the other on the top mark of your rope meter. These clips will be moved down as you lose health or your rope wears out. Grab a pawn that matches the color of your Adventurer card and place it on the “landing pad” tile of the starting grid. Any extra Adventurer cards, pawns, and clips should be put back into the box. Lastly, each player will receive a tile from the Power Platform draw pile. Keep these tiles face up in front of you.
Playing the Game
Let’s talk about how to play the game. The rules are simple. You and your friends will each take turns drawing a card. On the card, there will be a word or phrase and you have to come up with a definition for it. But here’s the twist – the definition you come up with has to be completely made up! You can be funny, creative, or just plain ridiculous.
Imagination is Key
When playing this game, it’s important to let your imagination run wild. Think outside the box and come up with the most outrageous definitions you can think of. Don’t worry about being right or wrong – there are no right answers in this game! It’s all about having fun and making each other laugh.
Time to Guess
After everyone has come up with their made-up definitions, it’s time to guess which one is the real definition. Each player will take a turn reading out the definitions, and the rest of the group will have to decide which one they think is the correct definition. It’s a game of deception and trickery, as you try to convince others that your definition is the real deal.
Keep Score
Finally, keep track of who guesses correctly and who fooled everyone with their made-up definition. You can assign points for correct guesses and for fooling others, or just play for fun without keeping score. The choice is yours! The most important thing is to enjoy the game and have a good time with your friends.
So, now that you know the basics of how to play the game, gather your friends, grab a deck of cards, and let the laughter begin! Get ready for a fun-filled, laughter-inducing experience that will keep you entertained for hours.
When it comes to traveling by air, the person who went last gets to go first, and the game continues in a clockwise direction. Each player takes their turn, following a set of steps:
- Take up to 4 actions.
- Draw and resolve Storm cards equal to the Storm Intensity.
Let’s take a closer look at each of these turns. It’s important to note that the back of each Adventurer card provides a quick reference guide.
1. Take Up to 4 Actions
During your turn, you have the option to take up to 4 actions. You can choose to take 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 actions, and the order doesn’t matter.
Your teammates can offer advice on which actions to take. You can choose from the following actions: Move, Scout, Explore, and Wire.
When you play this game, you have the ability to move your pawn to a tile next to you. You can do this by using 1 action point to move up, down, left, or right, but not diagonally. It’s important to note that the tiles you move to must be connected on the surface of the platform, so you can’t move through the sky. However, there is a special way to move even more quickly – you can move between teleporter tiles using 1 action point. This allows you to travel across the platform in a flash.
Hey there! Let me show you how to be a Scout. It’s a pretty cool job! So, here’s what you do: grab a tile from the Power Platform draw pile and put it in front of you, face up. You can have up to 3 tiles in your hand, but if you already have 3 tiles, you can’t be a Scout right now.
Let’s Explore
Here’s how you can go about it: Place a tile on the Power Platform next to the tile you’re currently on. You can rotate the tile in any direction you like, as long as the printed copper wires on the new tile connect to the wires on your current tile. Just make sure not to connect a side with only sky to an adjacent tile. And remember, the new tile should also align perfectly with the adjacent tile.
If you find a place where you die contains a symbol of a lightning rod, you should quickly put a lightning rod part on that spot.
If you find a place where you’ve made a complete circle with the same color, you should quickly put the corresponding circuit part on top of it:
When it comes to building something, you might think that you can only place a certain number of components. But did you know that you can actually place more than the required amount? Yes, it’s true!
Let me explain. You see, each blueprint has a specific number of components that are needed to complete it. But here’s the thing – you can still place a component even if you’ve already placed the required number of components.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Once you’ve used up all the components of a certain type, you can’t place any more of that type. So let’s say you’ve placed all 3 large capacitors. That means you can’t place another large capacitor, even if you have another green circle.
Hey there! Let me break it down for you. When it comes to the symbols on the tiles, make sure you pay attention to the borders. You’ll notice that all the circles that make up the different parts of a component have copper wires printed around them.
Now, here’s something important to keep in mind. You can place a tile in such a way that a component part connects with a plain wire on another tile. This is how you connect the wires together. But here’s the catch – the component won’t be complete just yet.
The Symbols on the Tiles
Lightning Rod (6 Tiles)
So, when you put a tile with the lightning rod symbol on the power platform, something cool happens. You get a lightning rod component right then and there.
Now, pay attention because this is where it gets really interesting. Every time a Lightning Strikes! card is drawn from the Storm deck, those lightning rods are in for a surprise. They get hit by lightning! But here’s the catch – if any players are on tiles that are connected to a lightning rod through wires (both real and printed), they get a jolt too.
Teleporter (7 Tiles)
I’m going to tell you about something really cool that you can do in a game. It’s called teleporting, and it lets you move from one place to another instantly. All you have to do is step on a special tile called a teleporter, and you’ll be whisked away to a different part of the game world.
Special Equipment (12 Places)
Hey there! When you come across a tile with a gear symbol on it at (place), you’ve stumbled upon a cool piece of gear for your team. It can really come in handy during the game! Just grab the top card from the Equipment deck, flip it over, and give it a read. Hang onto that card until you’re ready to use it.
Remember: Only the player who has an Equipment card can use it. But hey, if you’re feeling generous, you can pass it off to another player on your tile for free. Most equipment can be used whenever you like (check the card for specifics), but they can’t undo any effects of Storm cards once those sneaky things are drawn. And don’t worry about having too many Equipment cards in your hand – there’s no limit!
Wind Shelter (3 Tiles)
Wind Shelters are designed to keep you safe when there are strong winds. If your pawn is on a tile with a Wind Shelter symbol, you won’t be affected if a High Winds card is drawn. Remember, if your pawn gets blown to a tile with this symbol during the Storm phase, you’ll be protected from future high winds as long as you stay there.
Faraday Cage (4 Tiles)
Did you know that Faraday Cages can keep you safe from electricity? If your pawn is on a tile with this symbol, you won’t be jolted when lightning strikes. That means you won’t lose any health. Even if your pawn is blown onto a tile with this symbol during the Storm phase, you’ll still be protected from future lightning strikes as long as you stay on it.
Wire It Up!
If you want to connect two circuit components on your tile, you can add a physical wire. Just make sure the wire reaches both components. It can be a short or long wire, as long as it spans the distance. But be careful, if the wire can’t stay connected to both components, you can’t add it there.
You also have the option to remove a wire from a circuit component on your tile. Simply perform this action and the wire will go back to the supply.
- Remember, each component can have up to two wires connected to it.
- First, you need to make sure that each side of the launch pad is touched by a wire.
- Ensure that each wire connects cleanly to the metal part of the component.
- If a component is not necessary to complete your blueprint, you don’t have to wire it.
How to Create the Circuit
To launch the rocket, you must connect the launch pad to a circuit using the components specified on your blueprint card.
The blueprint indicates the minimum number of each component required, but you can use more if you want. The components should be connected in a true series circuit, forming a loop that starts with a wire attached to one side of the launch pad and ends with a wire attached to the opposite side of the launch pad.
Hey there! Listen up—it’s about to get exciting! When we finally connect that very last wire, we’re going to launch that rocket into the sky. But, here’s the deal: we can’t leave any adventurers behind. So, before you place that last wire, make sure that every single pawn is on one of those four tiles that’s got the launch pad. If we don’t do that, we’ll lose the game, and nobody wants that, right?
Sharing Equipment
Did you know that in addition to everything else, when you and your fellow players are on the same tile, you can give each other equipment cards for free? It’s a great way to help each other out and strategize together. Just remember, you can’t share tiles, ropes, or health! Now, let’s move on to the next step.
2. Drawing Storm Cards
Once you’ve completed the necessary tasks, it’s time to step into the shoes of a lightning storm!
Start by drawing cards from the Storm draw pile, equal to the Storm Intensity level shown on the Storm meter. Take one card at a time and resolve its effects, then place it face up in the discard pile.
Remember: Throughout the game, you can check the discard pile whenever you want.
Electric Shocks
Hey there! I’ve got some exciting news for you. In the Storm deck, there are 6 Lightning Strikes cards. Now, when you happen to draw one of these cards, something pretty amazing happens: all the lightning rods on the playing field get struck by lightning at once! And guess what? Each player standing on a lightning rod tile gets a shocking jolt of electricity! Ouch! Be careful, because this means you’ll lose 1 health point.
But wait, there’s more! The electricity doesn’t just stop at the lightning rods. It actually follows the wires on the game board, as well as any extra wires that players have added. It’s like a wild electrical current looking for a path to travel. So, if there’s a connection between a tile and a lightning rod, anyone standing on that tile will also get zapped and lose 1 health point. It’s a real electrifying experience!
(I’ll just slide the health meter on my Adventurer card down to the mark below). If the clip goes to the symbol, that means my character has gotten too many jolts and we all lose the game.
Just so you know: You only lose 1 health point for each Lightning Strikes! card, no matter what.
When Lightning Strikes! card is drawn, it’s a shock for me, the Navigator (yellow pawn). I lose 1 health because I’m standing on a tile that’s got a lightning rod. Oh, and the Medic (orange) loses 1 health too because she’s on a tile connected to a lightning rod with a copper wire. Ouch!
But hey, the Surveyor (green) doesn’t have to worry about losing health. Lucky them! They’re standing on a tile with a Faraday Cage, which keeps them safe from the lightning. And the Electrician (white) isn’t so lucky. They lose 1 health because they’re standing on a launch pad tile that’s connected to the lightning rod. Watch out for those sparks!
Now, the Knotsmith (blue) is in a good spot. They don’t lose any health because their tile is not connected to the lightning rod by either type of wire. It’s like a wire highway passing right over their head. How cool is that?
Winds Change
These 2 cards do some serious wind directing. When you draw one, just turn the arrow on the wind compass 90 degrees. It’s up to you whether you want to go clockwise or counter-clockwise. Let’s see which way the winds blow!
How High Winds Affect Us
Whenever there’s a strong gust of wind outside, I can’t help but feel a mixture of awe and fear. It’s fascinating to see how such a natural force can have such a profound impact on our lives. Wind is an invisible power that can make trees sway, lift kites high in the sky, and even knock down buildings. But have you ever wondered why high winds occur and how they affect us? Let’s explore the answers to these questions together.
First of all, wind is caused by the movement of air. You see, the Earth’s atmosphere is like a giant invisible ocean of air that surrounds us. When different parts of the Earth heat up at different rates, they create areas of high and low pressure. These pressure differences cause the air to move, and that’s how wind is born. So, when you feel the wind blowing against your face, you’re actually feeling the air molecules rushing past you.
High winds can have both positive and negative effects on us. On the positive side, wind is a great source of renewable energy. Wind turbines use the power of the wind to generate electricity. This clean and sustainable energy source helps reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which are harmful to the environment. So the next time you see wind turbines standing tall on the horizon, remember that they’re working hard to generate electricity for homes and cities.
On the downside, high winds can also be dangerous and damaging. Severe winds, such as those in a hurricane or tornado, can cause destruction and even loss of life. Trees can be uprooted, roofs can be torn off buildings, and power lines can be knocked down. That’s why it’s important to take precautions and stay indoors during a storm with high winds.
In conclusion, high winds are a powerful force of nature that can both amaze and intimidate us. They have the ability to generate clean energy and propel kites into the sky, but they can also wreak havoc and cause destruction. So, the next time you feel the wind blowing, take a moment to appreciate its magnificence and be grateful for the safety and comfort of your home.
There are these 4 cards that make the adventurers move one tile in the direction of the arrow on the wind compass. If there’s no tile in that direction, the adventurer’s rope gets worn by 1 point instead. You can lower the rope clip on the adventurer card to the next lowest tick mark.
Hey, you know when I’m playing this game, it’s like I’m an adventurer exploring new lands. So, if I want to move my character in a certain direction, I have to pay attention to some important things. First, I need to look for tiles in that direction. But here’s the tricky part, just because there’s a tile there doesn’t mean I can move to it. You see, sometimes the platform is not attached to the tile and it’s only connected by clouds. In that case, I can’t move and my adventurer’s rope loses a point. Bummer, right?
Now, let me tell you about this thing called a clip. It’s like a little gadget on the rope. If the clip reaches this special symbol, it’s game over for me. You know why? Because that means my rope has snapped and I fall 7,000 feet. Ouch! And not only me, but everyone playing the game loses. So, as you can see, it’s really important to pay attention to where you’re moving and keep an eye on that rope. Trust me, you don’t want it to snap!
I gotta say, this game is a real adventure. It keeps me on my toes, always looking out for those attached tiles and avoiding those pesky clouds. But hey, that’s what makes it fun, right? So, if you’re into thrilling games like me, you’ll love this one. Just be careful not to let your rope snap, and you’ll be good to go!
Hey there! Let me explain what happens when a High Winds card is drawn in the game.
So, when this card is drawn, we need to check the compass to determine the direction of the wind. In this case, the wind is pointing upwards.
Now, let’s see how each character is affected by the wind:
- The Electrician, represented by the white pawn, loses 1 point of rope because there’s no tile above her to move to.
- The Medic, represented by the orange pawn, moves up 1 tile to the tile with the white pawn. However, since there is no rope loss involved, she is safe.
- The Surveyor, the green pawn, does not move and loses 1 point of rope because he cannot cross the cloud gap between tiles.
- The Navigator, the yellow pawn, also doesn’t move and loses 1 point of rope because the tile above her is not connected by a platform.
- The Knotsmith, the blue pawn, is lucky because he is on a tile with a Wind Shelter, so he doesn’t lose any rope.
Now, as the storm intensifies…
Hey there! Did you know that there are three Storm Intensifies cards in the Storm deck? Pretty cool, right? Whenever you happen to draw one of these cards, you just need to move the clip on the Storm meter up by one tick mark. Simple as that!
Hey there! Let me explain to you how the Storm meter works. The numbers on the meter indicate the Storm Intensity. This tells you how many cards you need to draw on the next player’s turn. When the clip on the Storm meter reaches its maximum point, it means the storm has become super intense, and everyone gets blown off the platform. Sadly, that also means the game is lost.
Now, here’s where things get interesting. There’s a special card called “Storm Intensifies” in the deck. When you draw this card, it has an extra effect. You not only have to shuffle all the cards in the Storm deck but also stop drawing any more cards for that turn. To do this, you combine the cards from the draw pile and the discard pile to create a new Storm draw pile. It’s like starting fresh!
End of the Game
Let’s go to the Launch Pad! After connecting all the necessary parts in the circuit (except for one final wire that we’ll use to take off), we need to place the rocket on the launch pad.
Then, we should all head to one of the four tiles that have the launch pad. (We don’t have to be on the same tile).
For the final step, one of us needs to add the last wire (either during their turn or by using the Remote Fuser) to complete the circuit and launch the rocket for a victorious win!
Losing The Game
We can lose the game in four different ways:
- Electrocuted: If the clip on anyone’s health meter reaches
- Fall: If the clip on anyone’s rope meter reaches
- No Energy: If we run out of energy tiles.
- Strike: If the Lightning Strikes track reaches the X mark.
Unpredictable Storms and High-Flying Adventures
Hey there! I’m here to tell you all about Forbidden Sky, a thrilling game packed with perilous excitement. In this game, you and your friends embark on a daring expedition to a mysterious floating platform high above the clouds.
The Objective: Power and Safety
Your main goal is to connect circuits to power the rocket and ensure a safe return to solid ground. However, there are a couple of things you need to watch out for:
- Swept Away: If the storm meter reaches its maximum level, you’ll get swept away by the fierce winds!
- Abandoned: Make sure everyone is on a launch pad tile before the rocket takes off, or you’ll be left behind!
Choose Your Challenge
Once you conquer the novice game, you can take on even greater tests of skill. Try out the normal, elite, or legendary difficulty settings to push your limits. Each setting comes with its own unique challenges and obstacles, making for an exhilarating experience every time you play.
Don’t forget to mix things up by playing with different combinations of adventurers. Their unique abilities can make all the difference in triumphing over the treacherous skies.