How to play Finca Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

My Rules for Playing Finca

When I play Finca, I have some important rules that I like to follow.

Firstly, I always plan my moves carefully at the start of the game. This is crucial because it sets the tone for the entire game. By analyzing the board and assessing the available resources, I can make strategic decisions that will give me an advantage later on. It’s like laying the foundation of a house – if it’s not strong, the rest of the game might not be either.

Next, I focus on acquiring fruits and loading them onto my donkey. This is a vital part of the game as it allows me to fulfill orders and score points. It’s like gathering all the ingredients needed to bake a delicious cake – without them, the cake would be empty and unfulfilling.

Another important rule is delivering the fruits efficiently. I aim to plan my routes in a way that minimizes travel time and maximizes efficiency. It’s like taking the shortest path to reach my destination – by avoiding unnecessary detours, I can save time and make the most of my actions.

Furthermore, I pay attention to the weather tiles. These tiles can have a significant impact on gameplay and can influence my decisions. By keeping an eye on the weather, I can adapt my strategy accordingly. It’s like checking the weather forecast before going on a picnic – if it’s going to rain, I’ll pack an umbrella and change my plans.

Last but not least, I always stay adaptable. In Finca, things can change quickly, and it’s important to be flexible and adjust my plans as needed. It’s like dancing – sometimes I need to change my steps and improvise to stay in rhythm with the game.

These are my personal rules for playing Finca, and they have helped me become a better player. By following them, I can approach the game with confidence and enjoy every moment. So next time you play Finca, remember my rules and see if they can help you too!

Hey there! Let’s dive into the beautiful world of Finca, a game where I get to be a Mallorcan farmer. My goal is to collect as many tropical fruits, like figs, almonds, olives, oranges, grapes, and lemons, from the island as I can.

Once I have these lovely fruits, I deliver them to the island communities. But here’s the twist – these communities keep changing what they want throughout the game. When I make these deliveries, I earn victory points. Sounds exciting, right? By the end of the game, the player with the highest number of victory points will be crowned the winner!

Setting Up

To start the game, we’ll need to set things up properly. Here’s what we do:

  1. First, we place the game board on the table.
  2. Then, we shuffle the 12 windmill blades and put them face-down. Next, we flip them over and place them on the spaces of the windmill. Now we’re all set to begin the game!

Alright, let’s get started on setting up the game board for La Granja. Here are the steps:

1. First, we need to shuffle the 42 fruit tiles and place them face-down. Then, divide them into 10 stacks of 4 tiles each. Take one stack and place it in each region of the game board. Flip over the top tile of each stack. Put the remaining 2 tiles face-down in the box without peeking.

2. Now, let’s distribute the 10 finca tiles randomly. Each region gets one tile. These tiles will be placed on the community in each region.

3. Depending on the number of players, each player will take a certain number of wooden fincas. For 4 players, they get 6 fincas. For 3 players, they get 5 fincas. And for 2 players, they get 4 fincas.

4. It’s time to sort the 108 fruits by type. After sorting, place them as a general supply next to the game board.

5. Each player should now take the 4 action tiles in their color.

6. Lastly, each player needs to take farmers in their color. The number of farmers depends on the number of players. For 4 players, they get 3 farmers. For 3 players, they get 4 farmers.

That’s it! The game board is all set up and ready for a fun game of La Granja. Enjoy!

First, let’s establish that the game “Finca” can be played by 2 to 4 people. Each player starts with 5 farmers, and there are some additional elements that need to be placed on the game board.

To set up the game, first, we need to place the 4 bonus tiles beside the game board. These tiles have numbers on them: 4, 5, 6, and 7. We stack them with the golden 4 at the bottom, then the 5, the 6, and finally, the 7 on top.

Next, we have the donkey carts which are placed in the middle of the windmill. The number of carts placed depends on the number of players:

– If there are 4 players, we use 8 donkey carts.

– If there are 3 players, we use 6 donkey carts.

– If there are 2 players, we use 4 donkey carts.

These donkey carts are important in the game as they play a role in transportation.

Now that we know how to set up the game, we can start playing “Finca” and embark on a fun and strategic farming adventure!

Let’s dive right into the game! First things first, we need to choose who will go first. I start by putting one of my farmers on any windmill blade and taking one fruit from the supply that matches the fruit on that blade.

Now it’s your turn! We take turns clockwise, so you place one of your farmers on a windmill blade of your choice and take a fruit that matches the illustration on that blade.

Oh, and here’s a cool twist: multiple farmers can be placed on the same windmill blade. Just something to keep in mind!

The introduction phase ends when we’ve all placed our farmers and received a fruit for each one. We’ll keep the fruits we take visible on the table next to us throughout the entire game.

Example: So, let’s say I’m playing a game called “Fruit Farmers” with my friends. We each have a little farmer character that we move around a windmill. The windmill has different blades, and each blade has a picture of a fruit on it.

First, I, as the red player, place my farmer on a blade with a lemon and take a lemon from the supply, putting it in my play area. Then, it’s Yellow’s turn. Yellow places their farmer on a blade with a fig and takes a fig, putting it in their play area. Blue goes next and puts their farmer next to my farmer on the lemon blade and takes a lemon, putting it in their play area.

How to Play

Now that you understand how the game starts, let’s talk about how to actually play the game. The person who starts the game takes the first turn, and then we take turns in a clockwise order until the game is over. On your turn, you have three options to choose from:

1. Move Your Farmer

When I play this game, I get to choose one of my farmers who is standing on a windmill blade. To move my farmer, I have to go in a clockwise direction. But before I make my move, I need to count how many farmers are on the blade where my farmer is standing, including mine and my opponent’s.

Once I know how many farmers there are, I move my farmer that exact number of spaces. So, if there’s only one farmer on the blade, my farmer moves just one space to the next blade. If there’s one other farmer sharing the blade, my farmer will move two spaces. And if there are three or more farmers on the blade, I move my farmer that same number of spaces.

After I move my farmer, I look at the blade where I ended up and count how many farmers are there, including mine and my opponent’s. Based on that number, I take the same number of fruits from the supply and put them in my play area. The type of fruit I take is shown on the blade where I finished my move.

So here’s how it works. Let’s say I’m the Green player and I want to move my farmer. I start by picking a windmill blade with oranges. Since there are already 3 farmers on that blade, I have to move my farmer 3 spaces clockwise.

After my move, I end up on a windmill blade with almonds. Now there are 3 farmers on that blade. I take 3 almonds from the supply and my turn is over.


Now, here’s an important rule. If the supply doesn’t have enough fruits of the kind I’m supposed to take (there should be 18 of each kind), then all players, including me, have to return all the fruits of that kind back to the supply. After that, I can take the number of fruits I’m allowed from the supply.

Example: So, Green grabs 3 almonds from the almond pile. Oh no! There are only 2 almonds left! Panic ensues, and all the players, including Green, return their almonds to the pile, making it a whopping 18 almonds. Crisis averted! Now, Green can take his 3 almonds from the pile and carry on with his almond-collecting mission. Phew!

I should also mention that when a player moves their farmer past one of the two lines that divide the windmill (like in the example below), they get to snatch a donkey cart from the center of the windmill and add it to their collection. Score!


Imagine this: I am the Blue farmer, standing alone on a windmill blade with almonds. I decide to move 1 space forward in a clockwise direction to the blade with figs, crossing the dividing line as I go.

As I make my move, I collect 2 figs from the supply and grab 1 donkey cart from the center of the windmill, placing all 3 in my play area.


But here’s the catch: If there are no more donkey carts left in the center of the windmill, everyone, including me, has to return any donkey carts we have back to the center. Then, I can only take the donkey cart that I’m allowed to have.

Let’s dive into the colorful world of a game called “Windmill Adventures.” In this imaginative game, players embark on exciting quests, making strategic moves and delivering fruits to different communities. Are you ready to join me on this thrilling adventure? Great! Let’s get started!

A Challenging Twist: Imagine a situation where a player named Blue decides to take a donkey cart, but unfortunately crosses the dividing line of the windmill. Sadly, there are no more donkey carts available in the center of the windmill. As a result, all players, including Blue, must return their donkey carts to the center of the windmill so that everyone has a fair chance. After that, Blue can take 1 donkey cart from the center and place it in her play area. It’s a rare occurrence, but if a farmer crosses both dividing lines, indicating that more than 6 farmers are on the windmill blade, the player can take 2 donkey carts!

The Thrill of Delivering Fruit:

Now, let’s talk about the next exciting twist in the game – delivering fruits! As the farmers move along the windmill blades, players have the fantastic opportunity to collect tasty fruits and donkey carts. How cool is that?!

Once you have your donkey carts, it’s time to embark on your fruit delivery missions. Each community in the game has specific fruit preferences, and these preferences are represented by face-up fruit tiles. Remember, every community wants different fruits, so pay close attention!

When you see this symbol on fruit tiles, it means you can use any kind of fruit to meet the requirements of the tile. You just need to provide the number of fruits that are shown.

Here are some examples of fruit tiles that show how many of each fruit the community is looking for:

When it’s my turn, I can bring fruits to different communities. But there’s a limit: I can only deliver up to 6 fruits in one turn. To start delivering, I have to bring one of my donkey carts back to the windmill’s center.

After that, I put the exact number of fruits that each community needs on the fruit tiles. I can’t give more or less than what they asked for. Remember, I can only deliver a maximum of 6 fruits at a time.

Once you’ve given me all the fruits I asked for, put them back in the supply and take the tiles they were on. Put those tiles face-up in your play area. After that, flip over the top tile on each stack that you took a tile from. As the game goes on, these stacks will get smaller and smaller, but not all at the same speed. Some stacks will run out before others.

Example: I’m going to return one of my donkey carts back to the center of the windmill and deliver the following 6 fruits: 1 fig to Arta, 1 olive to Villafranca, and 4 lemons to Son Severa. First, I’ll put the fruits on the fruit tiles in those communities. Then, I’ll move the 6 fruits into my supply from those communities and take the 3 fruit tiles from the tops of the stacks in those communities. Finally, I’ll flip over the top tile in each of those stacks.

When I take the last fruit tile from a community, a Finca tile for that community is immediately given to me. To figure out who gets the Finca tile, I count how many fruits of that kind I have on the fruit tiles I’ve collected in my play area.

When it comes to fruit, the player with the most of a particular kind on their fruit tiles gets the Finca tile. If there’s a tie among two or more players, the tile goes back to the box and no one gets it.

Let’s say the Finca tile shows figs. Everyone counts how many figs they have. Once the tile is either assigned or returned, the player puts a wooden finca on the community to show that they’ve taken the tile.


When I’m playing the game of Arta, it’s always a race to grab the last fruit and claim the Finca tile right away. And let me tell you, counting oranges has never been more exciting! Each player takes a look at the fruit tiles in their play area and tallies up the number of oranges they have. It’s a close call, with Green having 4 oranges, Yellow with 1, and Red with a whopping 6.

With Red taking the lead in the orange count, they proudly snatch up the Arta Finca tile and place it face-up in their play area. But that’s not all! After securing the Finca tile, Red gets to add a wooden finca to the community.

Now, let’s talk about the tiles with not one, but two types of fruit. Oh yes, things just got even juicier! Take the tiles with figs and almonds, for example. When it’s time to assign one of these special tiles, all the players must count up the total number of figs and almonds on their fruit tiles. The one with the highest combined count gets to claim the tile. It’s a tough decision, but someone’s got to be the master of figs and almonds!

So, there you have it. Arta is a game where counting oranges and competing for Finca tiles is the name of the game. But don’t forget, it’s not just about oranges – figs and almonds can play a role too. So grab your fruit tiles, count those fruits, and may the best finca owner win!

In the game of Finca, there are 10 tiles that depict a fruit symbol. When it’s time to assign one of these tiles, all the players add up the values on their fruit tiles that they have collected in their play areas. Whoever has the highest total on their fruit tiles gets to claim the Finca tile. However, if two or more players have the same highest total, then no player gets the Finca tile and it goes back into the box.

When I assign a Finca tile, I place a wooden finca on the community. This helps me keep track of which communities can no longer receive any more fruits.

In addition, once I place the last wooden finca, it tells me that the game is over.

3). Let’s Use an Action Tile

I have 4 action tiles at my disposal. During my turn, I can use one of them, but I can only use each tile once throughout the game. Once I’m done using a tile, I simply return it to the box.

Here are the different ways I can use my action tiles:

Extra move on the windmill: So here’s the deal: after I move one of my farmers and pick up some delicious fruits, I have another awesome option. I can move one of my farmers again, either the same one or a different one, right onto that windmill. And guess what? I get to collect even more fruits, just like in a regular move. Pretty cool, huh? This means that in one turn, I could end up with more than just one donkey cart. Talk about a fruitful day on the farm!

Whoosh of wind: Ah, the gust of wind! It’s like a playful breeze, picking me up like a feather and carrying me to any blade of the windmill I desire. With a mischievous grin, I place one of my farmers on that chosen blade and prepare for the loot. The wind grants me the authority to take a handful of delicious fruits. But alas, there is a catch – no matter how far I move my farmer, no donkey cart will come my way. It’s just me and the wind, you see.

Big donkey cart: With this special donkey cart, you can deliver up to 10 fruits in one go. It’s a different kind of cart than the regular one.


What Happens When You Don’t Deliver Enough Fruit? Well, the game allows you to deliver 1 fruit less than the required amount. This means that instead of delivering the full set of 7 fruits, you can get away with delivering only 6. But here’s the catch – you can’t just take a fruit tile with only one fruit and deliver none of that kind.

Remember: in a single turn, you can only use 1 action tile!

The Exciting World of Bonus Tiles

Now, let’s talk about the cherry on top – the bonus tiles! The first player to collect 6 fruit tiles with values 1 to 6 gets an immediate reward – the coveted bonus tile with a value of 7. And it gets even better – the next player in line gets the tile with a value of 6, and so on until all 4 bonus tiles are taken. But wait, there’s more! If a player manages to collect a second set of six tiles, valued 1 to 6, they can snag a second bonus tile as well. Talk about an extra sweet deal!

End of the Game

When the last wooden finca is placed on the board, the game comes to an end. It’s my turn to finish, and then it’s time to count the victory points. The player who has the highest number of victory points wins!

Let’s go through how victory points are counted:

  • I add up the values on the fruit tiles I’ve collected.
  • Each Finca tile I have is worth 5 points.
  • For every unused action tile, I get 2 points.
  • I also factor in the value of any bonus tiles I have.

If I tie with another player for the most victory points, the tiebreaker is the number of fruits in my play area. The player with the most fruits wins!

If there’s still a tie after that, well, we all get to celebrate our shared victory!

Special case: When you and your friends are playing the game, there is one special rule to keep in mind. If you happen to place the very last wooden finca on the board, your turn is over right then and there. This means that you won’t be able to do anything else afterwards, like assigning more Fincatiles. Even though there are no more wooden fincas for you to place, your turn still comes to an end with that final move. Just something to remember!

Now, let’s talk about what happens when the game is nearing its conclusion. At the end of your turn, the game is officially over. So make sure you make the most of your moves and make them count. Because once it’s your turn to end the game, that’s it! Time’s up and we find out who the winner is. So give it your all and play strategically, because that last move could make all the difference. Good luck!

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